Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

It is likely that the bakers did not share your view on the RIght of others to demand they bake a cake.

What view are we talking about here? The "view" that baking a cake for a gay wedding is somehow a violation of your religious liberty. But nowhere do you say how that is religious liberty. You just say it is because you know it's a bullshit reason. And furthermore, I thought the whole point of religion was that God forgives you. But now you're here saying God doesn't forgive you for baking a cake. So why would you worship a deity that doesn't forgive, let alone forgive for doing something so insignificant to that God? Square that circle, please.

Thus, that is not "knowingly".

Yes, it absolutely is. These people knowingly violated the civil rights of others because their God apparently doesn't forgive them for baking a cake.

Fucking stupid.

You spend a lot of words making it clear that you don't like Christianity.

I got it. You don't need to tell me any more.

Beyond that, it is likely that the bakers did not share your view that not baking a cake was a big rights violation.

THus, your standard of "knowingly" violating rights is not met.

So, you excuse for your desire to throw your political enemies in jail is debunked.

Political enemies? Huh? What are you talking about? My enemy are those who think religion supersedes civil rights. Your fucking God won't even forgive you for baking a cake, so why the fuck do you worship him, then?????? I thought your God was supposed to forgive everything. Isn't that why Jesus died? Apparently, what you say about your God -and your faith in that God- is all bullshit since apparently that God of yours will throw down a lightning bolt from his magic cloud at you for baking a cake.

Fucking stupid. None of you clowns have dared to even address that point. Probably because you can see that sweater unraveling from a mile away.[/QUOTE]

Your views on religion are irrelevant to the... well to anything.

And yes, your political enemies.

I'm not going to list all the ideological reasons that what you claimed in moronic, because you know that what you said is moronic.

Those who identify as Conservative were among those saying "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville and are the same ones saying that opposition to fascism only makes fascism worse...which is what the same people said to those who opposed fascists 80 years ago. Did we defeat fascism by doing nothing? No. We killed millions of fascists...why shouldn't we do the same today?[/QUOTE]

So, looking at that portion of your post, nothing in there addresses the fact that not only are their vast ideological differences between mainstream Right in America, and Nazi,

but also does not address my accusation that you are well aware that what you claim is bullshit.

Sure, that is why you are spending page after page telling marty what he said about Obama's birth certificate, because you are sooooo ready to debate real issues.

I quoted that asshole's post from 2010 directly. He said that Obama had to provide "sufficient proof" in the form of a birth certificate and when he did, the issue was settled. But the issue was not settled because of the very fact that he needed "sufficient proof" in the first fucking place. So no, that human stain doesn't get to skate away when the passive-aggressive intent was crystal clear in his post.[/QUOTE]

Marty says the issues is settled and you are spending pages telling him that it is not.

Very heavy issues you are discussing.

I post my views, you post drivel that goes on and on and on.
More non-response responses.
The other 50% being you are a lame JoeB wanna-be, which is probably worse.

I responded directly to your posts, even quoting each instance specifically. You're the one who refuses to have an honest debate about this. You won't even answer the question of God's forgiveness for baking a cake. God forgives and Jesus died for your sins, except when it comes to baking cakes. Apparently that's where God draws the line when it comes to forgiveness. Murder, rape, theft, child molestation, covering up child molestation, slavery, genocide are apparently all things God forgives...but not baking a cake. Nope. That's a bridge too far for the magic cloud fairy. LOL. Ridiculous.
It does matter. the easiest solution is for the couple to find another baker.

Ah but it does since it runs in direct conflict with the belief that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. If that was the case, then the bakers could simply ask for God's forgiveness, but you're here telling me that God won't forgive that (even though God forgave all the priests who molested children and the institution that covered it all up) it's OK. LOL!

LOL! Dismantling religion has never been easier!
They use street violence in coordination with local authorities and law enforcement to silence political opposition.

Now that's fucking funny.

Antifa coordinates with police departments to silence (?) opposition. I thought antifa hated police? That's what you all say. Now you're saying they coordinate with police? How do they do that, exactly? Can you give me an example? I doubt it.

One question; how is opposition (the fascists) silenced? Because we all saw that video of the cop standing by when that MAGA red hat Conservative pulled his gun on those protesters in Charlottesville.

Time and time again, local Democrats elected officials or administrators, order police to stand down and let antifa attack people whom they wish to attack.

This was done at Charlottesville for example.

This has been extensively discussed on this site. It is not credible that this is the first time you have heard this.

You and yours are the modern day brown shirts.
it figures you are the type of person that attacks what you don't understand. It's part of your narcissism.

There is nothing more narcissistic than thinking you talk to God. Except for maybe thinking you are God. Thing is, I understand religion all too well. For me, it keeps boiling down to that question you haven't been able to answer:

If God forgives and Jesus died for you sins, why doesn't God forgive baking a cake? Isn't that the whole fucking point of this bullshit belief system?

"Science". No what you do is use science as a crutch for your political views, and only when it suits your muddled understanding of said science.

Science explains the things religion cannot; which means everything. As we've progressed scientifically, we've discovered that the things you troglodytes used to credit to "God's will" are in fact explained with science. Because science is fact and religion is fantasy.

See, you are a narcissistic prick, thanks for proving my point

Stop being a whiny little bitch. A narcissist would be someone with the arrogance to think an omnipotent being will take time out of its busy schedule to listen to you talk to yourself.

Free exercise doesn't mean it gets locked inside. Deal with it you whiny little snowflake.

Sure it does. Why would a God who supposedly forgives everything, whose "son" died for your sins, not forgive you for baking a cake? Stop being a whiny little bitch as you twist yourself into a pretzel to defend bigotry as "religious liberty" while pretending the big, huge, massive thing that religion relies upon (God's forgiveness) isn't even there when it comes to baking cakes.

What kind of God wouldn't forgive you for baking a cake, yet forgives the Catholic Church for institutionalized sexual assault of children?

Fuck you and fuck your religion.
You spend a lot of words making it clear that you don't like Christianity.

So this is more whiny little bitch-ism. If you at all paid attention to any of my posts, you'd know that I think all religions are equally stupid and idiotic, and crafting your belief system around them is stupidity and ignorance. I think anyone who believes in God is a fucking idiot. However, I'm not telling you to stop believing in God. All I'm telling you is that your beliefs have no place in our society and rule of law, so don't pretend they do. I don't subscribe to your shitty belief system, so why should the law? So if you're going to whine about me singling out Christianity, it's because you're the shitheels making Christianity the issue. If it was Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, I'd be saying the exact same fucking thing. I don't accept your shitty religion, and since we live in a society, I shouldn't be subject to your bullshit religious laws.

Beyond that, it is likely that the bakers did not share your view that not baking a cake was a big rights violation.


You're the ones lamenting the poor bigots who said their rights are somehow infringed upon by baking cakes. Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about baking cakes...this is entirely an invention of bigots who hate gay people. If their God can forgive the Catholic Church for covering up decades -maybe even centuries - of child molestation, I think God can forgive some baker for baking a cake, right?

THus, your standard of "knowingly" violating rights is not met.

Ignorance of the law is not a defense of discrimination. In fact, that makes it worse to pretend you don't know the law, because that means you are following Sharia.

Your views on religion are irrelevant to the... well to anything.

It's not my view of religion, it's yours and the bigots' we are discussing. They say (and you defend them) that their God -who forgives child molesters and those who protect child molesters- won't forgive them for baking a cake. So this isn't about religion anymore...this is about bigotry and those who are using religion to justify it. But that rhetoric runs right into a brick wall because the very fabric of religion is that God forgives. So if they're saying baking a cake is against their religion, they're also saying that their God -who is supposed to forgive and whose son died for our sins- doesn't in fact forgive. And if that God doesn't forgive, why the fuck would you worship him?!?!?!?!?!

All I want is just a simple, honest answer to that question. I know I'll never get one from you people. It's like your brain shuts down and doesn't let your eyes see that text, does it? That's why none of you have been able to answer it. It's the Achilles' Heel of "religious freedom" arguments. Even now, we see you avoiding that at all costs...because I think you even recognize that it pretty much undermines faith in general. And LAWDY we can't have that, can we? So you just pretend you never read it, huh? Isn't that what you're doing? Be honest. Apparently God isn't as forgiving as you all would have us believe. After all, if God is going to send me to hell for baking a cake, yet forgives the Catholic Church for covering up institutionalized child rape, I'd be pretty petrified of confronting my dogmatic beliefs too! So I get why you avoid it.

So, looking at that portion of your post, nothing in there addresses the fact that not only are their vast ideological differences between mainstream Right in America, and Nazi,

Really? So what are the differences, then? Because I didn't see it in Charlottesville, where you had MAGA red hats screaming "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil". You're gonna try to tell me there's a difference between the Nazi who is overtly bigoted and you, who is covertly bigoted? All that means is that you're more cowardly of a Nazi than those who marched in Charlottesville. But you're still a piece of shit. Just a cowardly piece of shit.

Marty says the issues is settled and you are spending pages telling him that it is not.

The fact that it was anj issue in the first place that had to be "settled" according to his standards of sufficient proves that it's not a settled issue. The fact that your little minds went there in the first place to devise a set of standards that were sufficient for you proves you were (and probably still are) birthers and racists. None of you demanded we see Trump's BC, so why did you demand Obama's? Simple; you couldn't handle the fact that a black man was elected to clean up after 8 years of your failed Conservative policies. So, once again, it's all about you and your fucking egos.

Get. Over. Yourself.
Time and time again, local Democrats elected officials or administrators, order police to stand down and let antifa attack people whom they wish to attack.


TThis was done at Charlottesville for example.

The Charlottesville police stood by the night of the march when the Conservatives surrounded counter protesters with tiki torches and assaulted them. Oh, and one of you guys drive his car through a crowd of people, killing 1. Where were the police there?

This has been extensively discussed on this site. It is not credible that this is the first time you have heard this.

Conservatives lie. Can't trust 'em. They lie about everything, from wearing breadbags on their feet, to trickle-down and WMDs.

You and yours are the modern day brown shirts.

Anti-fascism wouldn't exist without fascism.
Time and time again, local Democrats elected officials or administrators, order police to stand down and let antifa attack people whom they wish to attack.


TThis was done at Charlottesville for example.

The Charlottesville police stood by the night of the march when the Conservatives surrounded counter protesters with tiki torches and assaulted them. Oh, and one of you guys drive his car through a crowd of people, killing 1. Where were the police there?

This has been extensively discussed on this site. It is not credible that this is the first time you have heard this.

Conservatives lie. Can't trust 'em. They lie about everything, from wearing breadbags on their feet, to trickle-down and WMDs.

You and yours are the modern day brown shirts.

Anti-fascism wouldn't exist without fascism.
BLM wants to kill white people ...they even stated it
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
It's clear you either didn't read my post, didn't understand it, or do not know your history.

I don't care about the lengths you have to go to justify your bigotry. I really, really don't.

If you and your types keep carrying on the way your are, the national government will take your actions as an excuse to declare martial law, then you will see what real fascism looks like as they round up all Muslims and immigrants and put them in camps. If, at that point, Trump were thrown out of office and Pence is in charge, you can kiss good-bye all gay pride parade permits as well, COUNT ON THAT.

We already are in real fascism and we see it every day when the police kill minorities, round them up on "drug offenses" (after pumping those drugs into the those communities to begin with) and concentrate them in prisons (from which those same legislators profit) while also removing their rights to vote. So explain how that's not fascist, please.

And also, if you're saying that the current Conservative government would seek to use an incident in order to justify more fascism, then you're already admitting they're fascists. What do you think the Reichstag Fire was all about? Seriously, you say I need to learn history yet you don't even realize the stupid, contradictory shit you're saying. What a poser.

Do you even know what Dominionists are?This is all I meant about triggering an "Enabling act" like situation with your reasoning.

These people don't need an enabling act in order to justify fascism. For one, we already live in a fascist state and for two, they can just manufacture a crisis all on their own, like the Nazis did when they set the Reichstag ablaze 75 years ago. So if antifa doesn't give them a reason, they'll just create one on their own. Just like their predecessors did in 1930's Germany. That's why we can't even let them get that far, and why we should exterminate Nazis today the same way we exterminated them 80 years ago.

This is what the Deep State is pushing for, and you are helping them right along. I suggest you look into how elites program and manage the Hegelian Dialectic. You are being mentally programmed by the MSM and social networking sites which are run by private and state Intel. Wake the F up man.

LOL! Fuck you, you Nazi piece of shit. So we aren't supposed to take action against fascists because then the fascists will use that as an excuse to continue being fascists. Fucking idiot. Do you listen to yourself?

This is how your political identification is for your view points, when it comes to your so-called "paradox of tolerance." IOW, get the fuck over yourself before you are the cause of having our open society closed down. You are the ones they refer to as useful idiots, thanks for that.

Open society!? Huh? You realize fascists don't believe in an open society, right? They believe in an authoritarian society. That's why they're fascists. So if we aren't to punch and kill Nazis, what are we supposed to do?


Of course the current government is fascist, but then, so was the last one, and the one before that, and the one before that, and I didn't see anyone doing anything about it or giving a damn. The very nature of the ACA IS fascist, by definition. Why do you think the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, (who was very conservative) ruled with the insurance industry on it's constitutionality? The very definition of fascism is corporations ruling hand in glove with government to usurp your rights. Do you know who is more fascist than Donald Trump? Yeah, that's right, Hillary Clinton. You should have seen some of the shit she said to the international banking cartel behind closed doors.

So I have used reason and logic with you, you have seen my analysis, and now you know that I am right.

Thus, you have called me a fascist. You don't like my analysis, because it defuses your political agenda, I have called it out for exactly what it is, an excuse for you to be violent with and kill all of your perceived enemies, no matter what they actually say or believe. Which means, in effect, you believe if you had a chance, everyone that you disagreed with on this board you would love to kill. That, in the end, makes you, the fascist.

That is a recipe for repeating the conditions of the Spanish Civil War. IMO, that is insanity. Americans are better than that.

The truth is, it is the MSM, the establishment, the corportacracy, and the ruling elites that are the trouble, no one on this board or out in the heartland of America are your enemy. In fact, very few Americans really give that much of a damn about anything you are saying. I think if you knew the real truth about what is really going on, you would find that Trump is probably better to solve and combat everything you have been going on about, than Hillary ever would have been.
The question was actually also brought up about McCain because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. a review of law saw it was considered american soil, and thus he was eligible.

No one demanded to see McCain's birth certificate. Only Obama. Why? You keep avoiding that question and the reason is pretty obvious.

As for the rest, its just liking the sound of your own voice in your head as you type. There is a level of class in brevity that escapes you.

You're mistaken. I am writing these posts for you. This is me being nice. This is me being thorough and detail-oriented. Part of the reaosn why you suck so much is that you don't pay attention to detail, you don't drill down into the fundamentals. You have only a superficial understanding of things; that understanding seems to derive itself from what you glean on random message boards by (possibly) Russian trolls who we know come to places like this message board to spew their propaganda. We know they already do that...the question is; why are you falling for it? The answer is obvious; you're an idiot.

Trump was born in NYC, and there was never a question over it. Someone raised it about Obama and it was answered.

Obama was born in Hawaii, so why was there a question about him? Because he is black and you're a racist. It's the only answer that makes sense. "someone" didn't raise it about Obama, you shitgobblers did. My question is why did you shitsippers raise it? I think the answer is obvious; you're racist pieces of shit.
It is likely that the bakers did not share your view on the RIght of others to demand they bake a cake.

It's not about baking the cake, it's about following the rule of law. Conservatives think they are above the law or that the law only applies when they deem it necessary, after first accounting for weirdo religious views. These bigots not baking a cake on religious grounds makes little sense for a variety of reasons, but three in particular:

1. Nowhere does the Bible mention baking cakes for weddings.

2. The entire point of their religion is that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. So I don't see how they can't ask for forgiveness for making a cake they think their magic cloud fairy doesn't want them to bake.

3. Since their God apparently forgives the Catholic Church -and other religious institutions- for covering up decades (probably centuries) of institutionalized rape, it is hard to accept that same God won't forgive some baker for baking a cake.

So this isn't about my view, this is about your shitty, self-contradicting religious views that don't seem to take those self-contradictions into account, particularly when it comes to justifying bigotry.

So, you excuse for your desire to throw your political enemies in jail is debunked.

You break the law, you pay the price. Don't want to pay the price? Don't break the law. It's that simple. If your God can't forgive you for baking a cake, why the fuck do you worship God in the first place!?!?!?!?!?!?

That's the eternal question that will never be answered by any of you asshats. Because that's the thread that you can pull at that unravels the entire business of "faith".

I'm not going to list all the ideological reasons that what you claimed in moronic, because you know that what you said is moronic.

There are no ideological differences between Nazis and the rest of the right-wing. None. Zip. Nada. Zilch. The only differences that do exist is that the Nazis are overt about their love for Nazis, whereas you all are so shady you have to twist yourself in pretzel logic to justify your own bigotry, most egregiously by hiding behind the skirt of religion. Pathetic.

Conservatives never have and never will accept responsibility for anything because their parents did a shit job raising them.

Sure, that is why you are spending page after page telling marty what he said about Obama's birth certificate, because you are sooooo ready to debate real issues.

I posted exactly what he said...just because he lacks the courage to stand on his principles has no favorable bearing on my opinion of him and what he believes.
BLM wants to kill white people ...they even stated it

BLM isn't a centralized organization or an organized religion. BLM is merely the belief that police disproportionately kill black people, and that needs to stop. You deny that happens. That's all BLM stands for. So you are trying to pretend BLM -which is a belief system just like your shitty religion- is an organization, but it's not. We know Richard Spencer is the head of your Nazi groups and such...who's the head of BLM? Oh, no one? Gee, how could that be the case when I have right-wing asshats saying it's a group or something? Oh, that's because right-wing Nazis don't know what the fuck they're saying.

You have a compulsion to turn them into a centralized organization so you can feel better about defending the Nazis with whom you share the same ideological beliefs. So once again, it's all about you and your fucking ego.

Get. Over. Yourself.
‘ESPN on Tuesday issued a statement disavowing host Jemele Hill’s tweets calling President Donald Trump “a white supremacist,” “a bigot” and “unqualified and unfit to be president.”’

ESPN disavows Jemele Hill's tweets calling Donald Trump a 'white supremacist'

Trump is in fact a bigot – and although ‘qualified’ per the Constitution, Trump is indeed unfit to be president.

The title of this thread should be "C_Clayton_Jones May Not have Down's, but he is in Fact a Retard".

You're not talking about any social and cultural ramifications. All you're doing is working in service of your shitty ego. What were the cultural and social ramifications of not confronting and exterminating Nazis? WWII and the Holocaust.

Of course the current government is fascist, but then, so was the last one

How so?

and the one before that, and the one before that, and I didn't see anyone doing anything about it or giving a damn.

You're the ones who oppose public campaign financing which would remove money from politics and out of our government, REMEMBER??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

So again, this is another instance of a problem you caused that you complain about for no good reason than to feed your shitty ego.

The very nature of the ACA IS fascist, by definition.

No, it's not. Requiring people to buy health insurance isn't fascism...and they don't have to buy insurance if they don't want to. They just pay a fine. So you fail again. I know, I know, it's not surprising.

Why do you think the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, (who was very conservative) ruled with the insurance industry on it's constitutionality? The very definition of fascism is corporations ruling hand in glove with government to usurp your rights. Do you know who is more fascist than Donald Trump? Yeah, that's right, Hillary Clinton. You should have seen some of the shit she said to the international banking cartel behind closed doors.

Nope. Hillary is not more fascist than Trump. Trump is literally using his office to profit at the expense of taxpayers directly. That is fascism, not this imagined stretch you feel you have to make so you don't have to feel like shit for supporting and defending fascism. Pathetic. Get over yourself. Your ego isn't important.

So I have used reason and logic with you, you have seen my analysis, and now you know that I am right.

No, you haven't used any of those things. The reason is because it is literally impossible for someone like you to approach something with logic and reason because your entire belief system hinges on fantasy and faith, whether it's the faith in God or the faith that the wealthy will "trickle down" prosperity on everyone else if we cut their taxes, it's all faith nonetheless. Those who use faith as their guiding principle are the antithesis to logic and reason.

Thus, you have called me a fascist. You don't like my analysis, because it defuses your political agenda order to analyze something you have to first separate out that which is faith from that which is fact. You don't do that in anything you do. Hence, your post is masturbatory bullshit and boring. Oh, so fucking boring. Like, claw-my-eyes-out-I'd-rather-watch-Fast and Furious 8 level of boring. When someone says "using your logic" that's code for "I'm about to make a false argument using sophistry in order to avoid culpability for my shitty belief system".

That is a recipe for repeating the conditions of the Spanish Civil War. IMO, that is insanity. Americans are better than that.

That's where you're wrong. If this election taught us anything it's that Americans aren't good people. Americans are lazy.

he truth is, it is the MSM, the establishment, the corportacracy, and the ruling elites that are the trouble, no one on this board or out in the heartland of America are your enemy. In fact, very few Americans really give that much of a damn about anything you are saying. I think if you knew the real truth about what is really going on, you would find that Trump is probably better to solve and combat everything you have been going on about, than Hillary ever would have been.

The minute you use faith to justify bigotry, you become my enemy.

You're not talking about any social and cultural ramifications. All you're doing is working in service of your shitty ego. What were the cultural and social ramifications of not confronting and exterminating Nazis? WWII and the Holocaust.

Of course the current government is fascist, but then, so was the last one

How so?

and the one before that, and the one before that, and I didn't see anyone doing anything about it or giving a damn.

You're the ones who oppose public campaign financing which would remove money from politics and out of our government, REMEMBER??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

So again, this is another instance of a problem you caused that you complain about for no good reason than to feed your shitty ego.

The very nature of the ACA IS fascist, by definition.

No, it's not. Requiring people to buy health insurance isn't fascism...and they don't have to buy insurance if they don't want to. They just pay a fine. So you fail again. I know, I know, it's not surprising.

Why do you think the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, (who was very conservative) ruled with the insurance industry on it's constitutionality? The very definition of fascism is corporations ruling hand in glove with government to usurp your rights. Do you know who is more fascist than Donald Trump? Yeah, that's right, Hillary Clinton. You should have seen some of the shit she said to the international banking cartel behind closed doors.

Nope. Hillary is not more fascist than Trump. Trump is literally using his office to profit at the expense of taxpayers directly. That is fascism, not this imagined stretch you feel you have to make so you don't have to feel like shit for supporting and defending fascism. Pathetic. Get over yourself. Your ego isn't important.

So I have used reason and logic with you, you have seen my analysis, and now you know that I am right.

No, you haven't used any of those things. The reason is because it is literally impossible for someone like you to approach something with logic and reason because your entire belief system hinges on fantasy and faith, whether it's the faith in God or the faith that the wealthy will "trickle down" prosperity on everyone else if we cut their taxes, it's all faith nonetheless. Those who use faith as their guiding principle are the antithesis to logic and reason.

Thus, you have called me a fascist. You don't like my analysis, because it defuses your political agenda order to analyze something you have to first separate out that which is faith from that which is fact. You don't do that in anything you do. Hence, your post is masturbatory bullshit and boring. Oh, so fucking boring. Like, claw-my-eyes-out-I'd-rather-watch-Fast and Furious 8 level of boring. When someone says "using your logic" that's code for "I'm about to make a false argument using sophistry in order to avoid culpability for my shitty belief system".

That is a recipe for repeating the conditions of the Spanish Civil War. IMO, that is insanity. Americans are better than that.

That's where you're wrong. If this election taught us anything it's that Americans aren't good people. Americans are lazy.

he truth is, it is the MSM, the establishment, the corportacracy, and the ruling elites that are the trouble, no one on this board or out in the heartland of America are your enemy. In fact, very few Americans really give that much of a damn about anything you are saying. I think if you knew the real truth about what is really going on, you would find that Trump is probably better to solve and combat everything you have been going on about, than Hillary ever would have been.

The minute you use faith to justify bigotry, you become my enemy.


Yer funny.

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