Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

you really need a new catch phrase. this limits your potential by repeating the same thing over and over. be creative. we'd at least appreciate that.

Whiny Little Bitchsplaining now. Stop being a whiny little bitch and I won't call you a whiny little bitch. It's really that simple. You are being a whiny little bitch about other whiny little bitches who worship a God that apparently won't forgive them for baking a cake. WTF kind of person would worship a God like that? A whiny little bitch, that's who.

and yes, if i have to bake a gaycake you have to make a dress for a trump. even if donald but you gotta do it.

No you don't. Being married to Donald Trump isn't a protected status.

it's that *divide* you refuse to see *your* side is putting there. and by *your* side i simply mean fucking idiots.

You're just trying to justify bigotry because you're a whiny little bitch who has to make yourself feel better at the expense of others. Whiny little bitch move, there.

You're a fucking idiot. I'm putting you on "ignore". Good bye dumbass.
i take it you're talking to derpman.

yep. :)

and i'm now a bigot cause we disagree. point proven. cat turds on the curb after a thunderstorm have more to offer humanity than he does.

There's no need to engage with raving lunatics. They have nothing to offer.
kinda like driving by an accident. sometimes you look just to look away.

This community attracts its fair share of mentally ill people. Sometimes, I don't know whether to laugh at or pity them, seriously.
neither is being gay.

Well, you're wrong there because it actually is. SCOTUS' decision on the gay marriage said that it's protected by the 14th Amendment, which would mean sexual orientation is a protected status, just like race and gender.

But again, if God supposedly forgives you of your sins if you ask, why not then just bake the cake and ask for forgiveness after? Isn't that the point of your religion?
No it's called trying to look smart via volume.

Too many words for you, eh? Thing is, you guys can't really argue my posts because you don't know the facts yourselves. Or your belief system is warped in such a way that you simply refuse to accept things when they're written down for you. I get it.

Your wall's O'Text are nowhere near thoughtful, often starting with some semblance of a point then meandering off due to your incomplete understanding of the topic at hand, or your willful doublethink via progressive dogma.

So, you never make an argument about any of these allegations, despite me asking you pointedly to defend them. You seem to favor the vague and general over detail and thoroughness. You don't have a very fine attention to detail. That shows in your posts. As for the allegations, it seems like an attempt to gaslight and/or dismiss the thoughts you aren't able to reconcile because your belief system prevents you from doing so. It's really sad.

You say God forgives, yet God apparently doesn't forgive baking cakes. Who would worship a deity like that? Whiny little bitches, that's who.

I put you at a 50% chance of being a JoeB sock.

It's sad that you have to imagine I'm someone else in order for you to be OK with your flawed argument and dogmatic belief system.
Why can't the lesbians just spend 15 minutes finding another willing baker?

Doesn't matter. Why can't the baker just ask God for forgiveness? Isn't that the point of your religion? You're telling me your God doesn't forgive baking cakes? Who fucking worships a God like that? Whiny little bitches, that's who.
No it's called trying to look smart via volume.

Too many words for you, eh? Thing is, you guys can't really argue my posts because you don't know the facts yourselves. Or your belief system is warped in such a way that you simply refuse to accept things when they're written down for you. I get it.

Your wall's O'Text are nowhere near thoughtful, often starting with some semblance of a point then meandering off due to your incomplete understanding of the topic at hand, or your willful doublethink via progressive dogma.

So, you never make an argument about any of these allegations, despite me asking you pointedly to defend them. You seem to favor the vague and general over detail and thoroughness. You don't have a very fine attention to detail. That shows in your posts. As for the allegations, it seems like an attempt to gaslight and/or dismiss the thoughts you aren't able to reconcile because your belief system prevents you from doing so. It's really sad.

You say God forgives, yet God apparently doesn't forgive baking cakes. Who would worship a deity like that? Whiny little bitches, that's who.

I put you at a 50% chance of being a JoeB sock.

It's sad that you have to imagine I'm someone else in order for you to be OK with your flawed argument and dogmatic belief system.

I post my views, you post drivel that goes on and on and on.

More non-response responses.

The other 50% being you are a lame JoeB wanna-be, which is probably worse.
Why can't the lesbians just spend 15 minutes finding another willing baker?

Doesn't matter. Why can't the baker just ask God for forgiveness? Isn't that the point of your religion? You're telling me your God doesn't forgive baking cakes? Who fucking worships a God like that? Whiny little bitches, that's who.

It does matter. the easiest solution is for the couple to find another baker.
Religion is naturally inspired by a deity of some sort, be it a force of nature, a single deity or a pantheon. Or it can be inspired by some addled guy (Scientology).

No, the deity comes from the "inspiration" of not being able to answer questions. The ignorance comes first, then the deity comes to explain the ignorance away. That's why religion never made sense to me. It's just a way for lazy, immoral, or ignorant people to explain the things they cannot or will not.

It's more arrogance to say with 100% certainty there is no god or deity force when there is no way to prove it.

Exactly, so you put your faith into something you don't even know is real. I put my faith in science. You put yours in imagination, then try to equate the two. What a crock of shit.

I'd rather deal with people of faith than asshole atheists because at least the people of faith believe in something bigger than themselves. All the hard core atheists I have dealt with in real life and on this board have been massive narrcisistic pricks.

It's no surprise that an ignorant moron would only want to deal with other ignorant morons because the minute they don't, they feel victimized for being intellectually lazy and/or ignorant.

A football coach can still be awesome and never have played football. And guidance on sex is only one of the things given.

It seems to be the most predominant thing.

Again, It's not me I fight for, its others who I may even disagree with.

As I've said countless times, and that you keep ignoring for some reason, is that I don't care if you feel the need to adhere to faith. Just keep it in the privacy of your home and in churches where it belongs. I don't subscribe to your flawed belief system, so why should the law?[/QUOTE]
ou are 100% wrong

LOL! Amazing that a bigot would live in denial. What a world!

and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Not everyone but me is a Nazi, just those who subscribe to bankrupt right-wing ideology or those who enable it. Want to stop being called a Nazi, stop believing in Nazi shit. It's really that simple. Thing is, once you pull at one of those threads, the whole fucking sweater unravels.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

I don't believe you've studied anything, and I think you are pretending you have so you can lend your flawed argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have.

And you are deluded idiot.

I'm not the one who believes in a magic loud fairy and that cloud fairy then explains away the things you cannot. That's you.
Not everyone but me is a Nazi, just those who subscribe to bankrupt right-wing ideology or those who enable it. Want to stop being called a Nazi, stop believing in Nazi shit. It's really that simple. Thing is, once you pull at one of those threads, the whole fucking sweater unravels....

You seemed to just equate all right wing ideology as nazi.

Would you like to clarify that?
Religion is naturally inspired by a deity of some sort, be it a force of nature, a single deity or a pantheon. Or it can be inspired by some addled guy (Scientology).

No, the deity comes from the "inspiration" of not being able to answer questions. The ignorance comes first, then the deity comes to explain the ignorance away. That's why religion never made sense to me. It's just a way for lazy, immoral, or ignorant people to explain the things they cannot or will not.

It's more arrogance to say with 100% certainty there is no god or deity force when there is no way to prove it.

Exactly, so you put your faith into something you don't even know is real. I put my faith in science. You put yours in imagination, then try to equate the two. What a crock of shit.

I'd rather deal with people of faith than asshole atheists because at least the people of faith believe in something bigger than themselves. All the hard core atheists I have dealt with in real life and on this board have been massive narrcisistic pricks.

It's no surprise that an ignorant moron would only want to deal with other ignorant morons because the minute they don't, they feel victimized for being intellectually lazy and/or ignorant.

A football coach can still be awesome and never have played football. And guidance on sex is only one of the things given.

It seems to be the most predominant thing.

Again, It's not me I fight for, its others who I may even disagree with.

As I've said countless times, and that you keep ignoring for some reason, is that I don't care if you feel the need to adhere to faith. Just keep it in the privacy of your home and in churches where it belongs. I don't subscribe to your flawed belief system, so why should the law?

it figures you are the type of person that attacks what you don't understand. It's part of your narcissism.

"Science". No what you do is use science as a crutch for your political views, and only when it suits your muddled understanding of said science.

See, you are a narcissistic prick, thanks for proving my point

Because again, it's the only thing you look for.

Free exercise doesn't mean it gets locked inside. Deal with it you whiny little snowflake.
Prove I have ever believed in any birther shit.

I just fucking did by quoting one of your posts. The very fact that you require "proof" of citizenship means you are a birther. Whether or not you say you accept it now, doesn't change the fact that you didn't before. So by calling you out on your bullshit, I've exposed that and made you feel bad about yourself. So you pretend it's a "legal issue". Really? How so? You obviously had the inherent belief he wasn't a citizen if you had to get sufficient proof like a birth certificate. So you say you're not a birther, and you might now be now, but you certainly were before if you demanded "sufficient" proof.

You piece of shit.

The sufficient proof was provided early on. I was discussing the legal aspect of the argument. A president has to be born in the US, there were some ambiguities early on, and those were corrected.

There weren't ambiguities. The only ambiguities that existed were in your mind, placed there by the racists you listen to, and your own inherent bigotry and hatred. Hence the reason you were (and may still be) a birther.

The fact that the natural birth is a requirement is not up for argument. Once the document was found the issue was over.

The argument is that you didn't think he was, and you thought that because you were told to think that by other right-wing racists, and/or by your own inherent racism and bigotry. You expect me to believe that you came to the conclusion all on your own that Obama wasn't "sufficiently" proving his citizenship? Fuck you.
ou are 100% wrong

LOL! Amazing that a bigot would live in denial. What a world!

and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Not everyone but me is a Nazi, just those who subscribe to bankrupt right-wing ideology or those who enable it. Want to stop being called a Nazi, stop believing in Nazi shit. It's really that simple. Thing is, once you pull at one of those threads, the whole fucking sweater unravels.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

I don't believe you've studied anything, and I think you are pretending you have so you can lend your flawed argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have.

And you are deluded idiot.

I'm not the one who believes in a magic loud fairy and that cloud fairy then explains away the things you cannot. That's you.

Again with the "can't see the other view because I'm a narcissistic prick."

Again, conservatives and libertarians are not Nazi's. You are more like a Nazi than any of them.

Ignorance must be bliss for you.

No you believe you are actually winning this argument, which is far more delusional.
Prove I have ever believed in any birther shit.

I just fucking did by quoting one of your posts. The very fact that you require "proof" of citizenship means you are a birther. Whether or not you say you accept it now, doesn't change the fact that you didn't before. So by calling you out on your bullshit, I've exposed that and made you feel bad about yourself. So you pretend it's a "legal issue". Really? How so? You obviously had the inherent belief he wasn't a citizen if you had to get sufficient proof like a birth certificate. So you say you're not a birther, and you might now be now, but you certainly were before if you demanded "sufficient" proof.

You piece of shit.

The sufficient proof was provided early on. I was discussing the legal aspect of the argument. A president has to be born in the US, there were some ambiguities early on, and those were corrected.

There weren't ambiguities. The only ambiguities that existed were in your mind, placed there by the racists you listen to, and your own inherent bigotry and hatred. Hence the reason you were (and may still be) a birther.

The fact that the natural birth is a requirement is not up for argument. Once the document was found the issue was over.

The argument is that you didn't think he was, and you thought that because you were told to think that by other right-wing racists, and/or by your own inherent racism and bigotry. You expect me to believe that you came to the conclusion all on your own that Obama wasn't "sufficiently" proving his citizenship? Fuck you.

I said no such thing, i was talking ABOUT the argument, not agreeing with it. If that's the best you can find then you just proved my point for me. but keep digging.

Someone brought up the question, and it was answered.

I never gave the idea much thought, it's just as dumb as everyone going nanners over Trumps Tax returns.
everyone on the right is a nazi?

At this point, yes.

i missed that little nugget cause i ignore him and have to go dig when i see an interesting convo. :)

What better way to prove you're not an ignoramus than by ignoring people? LOL.

i guess everyone on the left is the anti-fa then.

Being anti-fascist should be your default position. And the very fact that you think only those on the left are anti-fascist means you are fascist. So you've divided the political spectrum thusly. I don't think everyone who is anti-fascist is "left", but the fascists are uniformly on the right.

love how he "divides" people up. if he acts this way in real life, he'll get his ass handed to him one day. karma does amazing things. :)

Again with the "can't see the other view because I'm a narcissistic prick."

What other view? The view that fascists and Nazis are good? Because that's the only other view out there. You're the one refusing to reconcile your own views, namely that you worship a God that is supposed to forgive and that Jeesus died for your sins, etc. Yet for some reason that same God doesn't forgive people for baking cakes. Fucking stupid.

Again, conservatives and libertarians are not Nazi's. You are more like a Nazi than any of them.

You saying you're not a Nazi doesn't automatically make it so. In fact, the more you pretend to not be a Nazi, the more inclined I am to believe you are one. Conservatives are most definitely Nazis, as they were marching in Charlottesville saying "Blood and Soil" and "Jews will not replace us". Libertarians are what Conservatives who are too chickenshit to say they're Conservatives pretend to be.

The reality is that "Libertarians" are like house cats; convinced of their own independence yet entirely dependent on others to survive.

Ignorance must be bliss for you.

You're the folks who proudly proclaim when they put people on "ignore". Well, from where do you think ignorance comes? You can't spell ignorance without ignore.

INo you believe you are actually winning this argument, which is far more delusional.

I don't believe I'm winning the argument because I already won it. Way back when I pointed out that your silly God is supposed to forgive, yet doesn't forgive baking cakes for some reason...
Again with the "can't see the other view because I'm a narcissistic prick."

What other view? The view that fascists and Nazis are good? Because that's the only other view out there. You're the one refusing to reconcile your own views, namely that you worship a God that is supposed to forgive and that Jeesus died for your sins, etc. Yet for some reason that same God doesn't forgive people for baking cakes. Fucking stupid.

Again, conservatives and libertarians are not Nazi's. You are more like a Nazi than any of them.

You saying you're not a Nazi doesn't automatically make it so. In fact, the more you pretend to not be a Nazi, the more inclined I am to believe you are one. Conservatives are most definitely Nazis, as they were marching in Charlottesville saying "Blood and Soil" and "Jews will not replace us". Libertarians are what Conservatives who are too chickenshit to say they're Conservatives pretend to be.

The reality is that "Libertarians" are like house cats; convinced of their own independence yet entirely dependent on others to survive.

Ignorance must be bliss for you.

You're the folks who proudly proclaim when they put people on "ignore". Well, from where do you think ignorance comes? You can't spell ignorance without ignore.

INo you believe you are actually winning this argument, which is far more delusional.

I don't believe I'm winning the argument because I already won it. Way back when I pointed out that your silly God is supposed to forgive, yet doesn't forgive baking cakes for some reason...

Again, I'm a lapsed Catholic at best. the Issue I have is government forcing people to abandon free exercise because some more "oppressed" person is feeling butt hurt.
Make them put a sign outside their location, and of course they can't deny point of sale services (actual PA's), but fining them 149k is crazy. You crazy.

Those were not conservatives and libertarians in Charlottseville, they were actual white power nitwits.

And you also go with the "small government = no government" fallacy.

My ignore list is either empty or has maybe one person on it, so again a baseless accusation from you.

Keep thinking that if it gets you out of bed in the morning, poseur.
I said no such thing, i was talking ABOUT the argument, not agreeing with it..

That is not what you said. You said it was an issue until he produced his birth certificate. Just curious, why didn't you demand Trump release his birth certificate. Oh right, Trump's white. That's why.

If that's the best you can find then you just proved my point for me. but keep digging.

So this is more of that denial I was talking about earlier. By saying it was on Obama to "sufficiently" prove he was born in the country, according to your personal standard, you are saying you doubted his citizenship. You can pretend all you want that it was otherwise, but I linked to your post and quoted specifically because you tried to passively say Obama wasn't a citizen until he provided you, personally, with sufficient proof.

My quesiton is; where were all the calls for Trump's birth certificate from those who thought it was a "legal issue"? Trump never provided his birth certificate and you never made it a "legal issue" because Trump is white and you're a racist.

Someone brought up the question, and it was answered.

Nice try. We can look at the thread and understand that according to you, it was a "legal issue" until he provided his birth certificate, meaning you didn't think he was a citizen and you put the honus on him to prove he was. The reason you did that is simply because you're a racist piece of shit. There is no other explanation, particularly in the absence of calls from the same people for Trump's BC.

So eat shit, you lying sack of pus.

I never gave the idea much thought, it's just as dumb as everyone going nanners over Trumps Tax returns.

Clearly you did since you maintained in that post from 2010 that you said he had to provide "sufficient" (your words) proof. So it was your standard you were applying to him, which means you didn't think he was a citizen. Nice try. I'm not stupid like your fellow right-wing Nazis. I see through this shit.
I said no such thing, i was talking ABOUT the argument, not agreeing with it..

That is not what you said. You said it was an issue until he produced his birth certificate. Just curious, why didn't you demand Trump release his birth certificate. Oh right, Trump's white. That's why.

If that's the best you can find then you just proved my point for me. but keep digging.

So this is more of that denial I was talking about earlier. By saying it was on Obama to "sufficiently" prove he was born in the country, according to your personal standard, you are saying you doubted his citizenship. You can pretend all you want that it was otherwise, but I linked to your post and quoted specifically because you tried to passively say Obama wasn't a citizen until he provided you, personally, with sufficient proof.

My quesiton is; where were all the calls for Trump's birth certificate from those who thought it was a "legal issue"? Trump never provided his birth certificate and you never made it a "legal issue" because Trump is white and you're a racist.

Someone brought up the question, and it was answered.

Nice try. We can look at the thread and understand that according to you, it was a "legal issue" until he provided his birth certificate, meaning you didn't think he was a citizen and you put the honus on him to prove he was. The reason you did that is simply because you're a racist piece of shit. There is no other explanation, particularly in the absence of calls from the same people for Trump's BC.

So eat shit, you lying sack of pus.

I never gave the idea much thought, it's just as dumb as everyone going nanners over Trumps Tax returns.

Clearly you did since you maintained in that post from 2010 that you said he had to provide "sufficient" (your words) proof. So it was your standard you were applying to him, which means you didn't think he was a citizen. Nice try. I'm not stupid like your fellow right-wing Nazis. I see through this shit.

There was never a question of his birth outside the US. Someone raised it with Obama, and his birth certificate was produced. End of Story.

Birth certificate provided, end of story.

Again, no question raised about his birth.

No lie by me, you are reading into something that isn't there.

Again, I'm a lapsed Catholic at best. the Issue I have is government forcing people to abandon free exercise because some more "oppressed" person is feeling butt hurt..

Free exercise of what? What the fuck are you talking about? Because religious liberty ends where civil rights begin. You just want to be able to justify your own bigotry and the bigotry of theirs because you're a piece of shit. Yes, it is that cut and dry. Get over yourself.

Make them put a sign outside their location, and of course they can't deny point of sale services (actual PA's), but fining them 149k is crazy. You crazy.

The fine was too small and should have included jail time since those people knowingly and deliberately violated the civil rights of others. Fuck those people. That penalty is all on them for subscribing to idiotic religious beliefs to justify bigotry.

And by the way, I thought their God "forgives"...apparently forgiveness doesn't extend to baking cakes, I guess...just another stupid religious argument flushed down the drain.

Those were not conservatives and libertarians in Charlottseville, they were actual white power nitwits.

LOL! Right, like how Bush was a Conservative until he fucked everything up, and then he wasn't. Don't fucking bullshit me. Those Nazis marching were wearing the same red hats you clowns wear. You're the same people. Difference is those guys had the courage to actually express their bigotry whereas you're too cowardly to do so.

And you also go with the "small government = no government" fallacy.

Small government is something Conservatives like to say in order to fool people into thinking they have principles. But "small government" goes right out the window; when a hurricane hits, when it comes to what a woman can do with her own body, when it comes to who people love and have sex with, when it comes to drugs, when it comes to legislating morality. Then Conservatives are all about "big government" and their principles are tossed aside. In case you're wondering, my argument is that you have no integrity and you just say things to make yourself look better. Whiny little bitch move, there.

My ignore list is either empty or has maybe one person on it, so again a baseless accusation from you.

Of course, I was speaking generally and in response to the poster who said they ignore my posts.

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