Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!

Anyone who self-identifies on the right at this point is a Nazi. Plain and simple. There is no other way around it. No other explanation that makes any sense. Anyone -and I mean anyone- who subscribes to what is now the platform of the Republican Party and Conservative Movement is a fascist and thus, a Nazi.

If you don't like that, tough shit. Stop adhering to broken, bankrupt, and boring ideology, and you won't be called a Nazi anymore. It's really that fucking simple. And I mean how goddamned hard is it to admit you're wrong. LOL. Like it's so fucking hard.

You all are a bunch of whiny little bitches.

You are 100% wrong, and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

And you are deluded idiot.
everyone on the right is a nazi? i missed that little nugget cause i ignore him and have to go dig when i see an interesting convo. :)

i guess everyone on the left is the anti-fa then.

love how he "divides" people up. if he acts this way in real life, he'll get his ass handed to him one day. karma does amazing things. :)

it's been a while since I've done a good fisking on someone. This moron makes it easy.
yea, but think about it - it's likely how he "gets off" and i no wanna be a part of that mess. :)

Sometimes stupidity has to be countered, not matter how annoying it can be.
Anyone who self-identifies on the right at this point is a Nazi. Plain and simple. There is no other way around it. No other explanation that makes any sense. Anyone -and I mean anyone- who subscribes to what is now the platform of the Republican Party and Conservative Movement is a fascist and thus, a Nazi.

If you don't like that, tough shit. Stop adhering to broken, bankrupt, and boring ideology, and you won't be called a Nazi anymore. It's really that fucking simple. And I mean how goddamned hard is it to admit you're wrong. LOL. Like it's so fucking hard.

You all are a bunch of whiny little bitches.

You are 100% wrong, and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

And you are deluded idiot.
everyone on the right is a nazi? i missed that little nugget cause i ignore him and have to go dig when i see an interesting convo. :)

i guess everyone on the left is the anti-fa then.

love how he "divides" people up. if he acts this way in real life, he'll get his ass handed to him one day. karma does amazing things. :)

it's been a while since I've done a good fisking on someone. This moron makes it easy.
yea, but think about it - it's likely how he "gets off" and i no wanna be a part of that mess. :)

Sometimes stupidity has to be countered, not matter how annoying it can be.
i used to feel that way. 2 things happened.
i was stupider for doing it.
they didn't change.

i'll banter back and forth when bored but i don't have an illusion it's going to change who they are any more than their nonsense will change who i am.
You are 100% wrong, and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

And you are deluded idiot.
everyone on the right is a nazi? i missed that little nugget cause i ignore him and have to go dig when i see an interesting convo. :)

i guess everyone on the left is the anti-fa then.

love how he "divides" people up. if he acts this way in real life, he'll get his ass handed to him one day. karma does amazing things. :)

it's been a while since I've done a good fisking on someone. This moron makes it easy.
yea, but think about it - it's likely how he "gets off" and i no wanna be a part of that mess. :)

Sometimes stupidity has to be countered, not matter how annoying it can be.
i used to feel that way. 2 things happened.
i was stupider for doing it.
they didn't change.

i'll banter back and forth when bored but i don't have an illusion it's going to change who they are any more than their nonsense will change who i am.

Eh, it's an outlet for me to release some steam, nothing more. Plus I think he may be a JoeB sock, or if not he's the same flavor of asshole.
Mussolini argued that Jews were in Italy since Roman times, and some of his biggest supporters were Jews, for example Jew Etorre Ovazza.

But you just saiud a post ago that he "probably" thought that way, so I'm a bit confused as to how you can definitively say something now when you were admitting to just speculating before. Probably because you're full of shit. Even Hitler had Sonderkomandos.

Furthermore, Mussolini argued with Hitler, that there were no pure, nor superior races.

No, he didn't. In fact, quite the opposite. Italy's occupation of Ethiopia and parts of Northern and Central Africa were justified as Italy's birthright from Rome, and the "lesser races" were to be cleansed or subjugated.

Like I said before, you people make shit up as you go.
I'm an American of Polish heritage.

Go back to Poland.

IBut, It does seem like you're prejudiced against Russians, huh?

Russians worked with Donald Trump to undermine our democracy and hack our voting systems. Fuck Russia. Russia also employed hundreds of Eastern European (including Polish) trolls to spread fake news all over social media. Much like what you're doing right now. Until you prove otherwise, we must work from the assumption that anyone who is regurgitating right-wing rhetoric on message boards is a Russian or works for Russia.
Trump supporters...


And? Nazis should be punched, kicked, assaulted, and killed. So what are those pictures supposed to prove? Antifa wouldn't exist without fascism. So how are you not perpetrating a problem you are complaining about? IN other words, mental masturbation.

Which group looks more like Nazis? Grow up Derp and join humanity. You are not a good American and we could certainly do with less of you. We will make America great again with you or without you.

The group throwing seig heils, waving Nazi flags, and wearing Trump clothing.
For nearly the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the Ku Klux Klan was heavily aligned with the Democrats.

And then the Civil Rights Act happened, and Conservatives left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party. Which is why the South is Republican today.

We all know this, yet you prefer to exercise sophism, why?

In fact, in its original incarnation, it was at least as much anti-Republican as it was anti-black.

Unfortunately for you, history did not end in 1964. After Civil Rights, Conservatives left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party. Which is why the states of the Confederacy are Conservative Republican states today.
. . . unless you don't like "pride parades," and you prefer to see Muslims and immigrants in internment camps? Because that is the road your logic will eventually take us down if you throw reasoned debate out the window in favor of emotion and violence. Remember, it was the supposed actions of the Communists that led to the Enabling Acts. So, yeah, your Popper's philosophy was used to great affect by the same Nazi's you seem to hate. Remember that, sauce for the goose if we go down that road. . . .

Yeaaaaahhhhhhhh...thing is Nazis don't give a shit about rational arguments because they're, you know, Nazis. That's why you punch and kill them. That's why you don't even allow them the "freedom" to express their Nazism. Because Nazism and fascism are incitement. And incitement isn't protected by the First Amendment. So it's perfectly justifiable and legal to assault (and even kill ) Nazis because Nazism is inherently incitement and threatening, and you're acting in self-defense of that. Which is why the guy who punched the Nazi in this video:


Faces no charges for doing so.
‘ESPN on Tuesday issued a statement disavowing host Jemele Hill’s tweets calling President Donald Trump “a white supremacist,” “a bigot” and “unqualified and unfit to be president.”’

ESPN disavows Jemele Hill's tweets calling Donald Trump a 'white supremacist'

Trump is in fact a bigot – and although ‘qualified’ per the Constitution, Trump is indeed unfit to be president.

If Trump is a bigot, then you're a pedophile. How's that, k*nt?
you really need a new catch phrase. this limits your potential by repeating the same thing over and over. be creative. we'd at least appreciate that.

Whiny Little Bitchsplaining now. Stop being a whiny little bitch and I won't call you a whiny little bitch. It's really that simple. You are being a whiny little bitch about other whiny little bitches who worship a God that apparently won't forgive them for baking a cake. WTF kind of person would worship a God like that? A whiny little bitch, that's who.

and yes, if i have to bake a gaycake you have to make a dress for a trump. even if donald but you gotta do it.

No you don't. Being married to Donald Trump isn't a protected status.

it's that *divide* you refuse to see *your* side is putting there. and by *your* side i simply mean fucking idiots.

You're just trying to justify bigotry because you're a whiny little bitch who has to make yourself feel better at the expense of others. Whiny little bitch move, there.
. . . unless you don't like "pride parades," and you prefer to see Muslims and immigrants in internment camps? Because that is the road your logic will eventually take us down if you throw reasoned debate out the window in favor of emotion and violence. Remember, it was the supposed actions of the Communists that led to the Enabling Acts. So, yeah, your Popper's philosophy was used to great affect by the same Nazi's you seem to hate. Remember that, sauce for the goose if we go down that road. . . .

Yeaaaaahhhhhhhh...thing is Nazis don't give a shit about rational arguments because they're, you know, Nazis. That's why you punch and kill them. That's why you don't even allow them the "freedom" to express their Nazism. Because Nazism and fascism are incitement. And incitement isn't protected by the First Amendment. So it's perfectly justifiable and legal to assault (and even kill ) Nazis because Nazism is inherently incitement and threatening, and you're acting in self-defense of that. Which is why the guy who punched the Nazi in this video:


Faces no charges for doing so.

Someone could walk down any predominantly black neighborhood wearing a MAGA hat and expect the same treatment which you no doubt would wholeheartedly support.
you really need a new catch phrase. this limits your potential by repeating the same thing over and over. be creative. we'd at least appreciate that.

Whiny Little Bitchsplaining now. Stop being a whiny little bitch and I won't call you a whiny little bitch. It's really that simple. You are being a whiny little bitch about other whiny little bitches who worship a God that apparently won't forgive them for baking a cake. WTF kind of person would worship a God like that? A whiny little bitch, that's who.

and yes, if i have to bake a gaycake you have to make a dress for a trump. even if donald but you gotta do it.

No you don't. Being married to Donald Trump isn't a protected status.

it's that *divide* you refuse to see *your* side is putting there. and by *your* side i simply mean fucking idiots.

You're just trying to justify bigotry because you're a whiny little bitch who has to make yourself feel better at the expense of others. Whiny little bitch move, there.

You're a fucking idiot. I'm putting you on "ignore". Good bye dumbass.
you really need a new catch phrase. this limits your potential by repeating the same thing over and over. be creative. we'd at least appreciate that.

Whiny Little Bitchsplaining now. Stop being a whiny little bitch and I won't call you a whiny little bitch. It's really that simple. You are being a whiny little bitch about other whiny little bitches who worship a God that apparently won't forgive them for baking a cake. WTF kind of person would worship a God like that? A whiny little bitch, that's who.

and yes, if i have to bake a gaycake you have to make a dress for a trump. even if donald but you gotta do it.

No you don't. Being married to Donald Trump isn't a protected status.

it's that *divide* you refuse to see *your* side is putting there. and by *your* side i simply mean fucking idiots.

You're just trying to justify bigotry because you're a whiny little bitch who has to make yourself feel better at the expense of others. Whiny little bitch move, there.

You're a fucking idiot. I'm putting you on "ignore". Good bye dumbass.
i take it you're talking to derpman.

yep. :)

and i'm now a bigot cause we disagree. point proven. cat turds on the curb after a thunderstorm have more to offer humanity than he does.
you really need a new catch phrase. this limits your potential by repeating the same thing over and over. be creative. we'd at least appreciate that.

Whiny Little Bitchsplaining now. Stop being a whiny little bitch and I won't call you a whiny little bitch. It's really that simple. You are being a whiny little bitch about other whiny little bitches who worship a God that apparently won't forgive them for baking a cake. WTF kind of person would worship a God like that? A whiny little bitch, that's who.

and yes, if i have to bake a gaycake you have to make a dress for a trump. even if donald but you gotta do it.

No you don't. Being married to Donald Trump isn't a protected status.

neither is being gay.

the rights we all share, we all share them. to pick and choose - well that's where the divide come from. at this point, no more unignore for you. you can be a scholob-sucker w/o me.
Because this is not a society of forced lemmings who have to be as you want them to be. .

What a whiny little bitch!

Who is forcing you to be anything and what is anyone forcing you to be? You want to have license to discriminate against gay people because your shitty religion commands it. Well, fuck your shitty, whiny little bitch religion. If your whiny little bitch God cannot forgive your whiny little bitch ass for baking a cake, then maybe you made the wrong choice in deciding to have faith because your whiny little bitch God sounds like a whiny little bitch to me. Who would worship a diety that wouldn't forgive you for baking a cake? Isn't the entire point of your shitty religion that God forgives you no matter what, and that Jesus died so you cna continue being a sinner? Now you're saying God doesn't forgive, even things as trivial as baking a cake. Your faith sounds like a pile of shit to me; abrogating responsibility for your shitty actions. How childish. How typically Conservative.

If there is no actual harm done a person's views are none of your fucking business and none of the governments. and Butthurt is not harm.

Discrimination is harm. You're the butthurt whiny little bitches who say your God won't forgive you for baking a cake.

Think about that; your God won't forgive you for baking a cake. Yet you worship him? How fucking stupid is that shit?

The union of States is how this country was founded, and how the constitution was set up. if you want to change that use the amendment process. And I am talking about federalism, i.e. the division of power between levels of government, that has been ignored the past 80 years or so, much to the detriment of the country.

More bullshit that avoids the obvious issues like globalization, fast travel, and information. TO THIS DAY, not one single Conservative has been able to make an articulate case that state borders are somehow detrimental to commerce. In fact, you whiny little bitches argued the exact opposite of that position before, whether you realize it or not. I think you throw those terms around, loosely, to give the impression that you're smart or thoughtful. You're not. Sorry to burst your bubble. In fact, you're the opposite. And a lot of that stems from your flawed belief system where a diety is supposed to forgive you, yet cannot forgive baking a cake.

Fucking idiots.

Civil rights involves the government and its interaction with people, not people interacting with people.

Wrong. Read the 1964 Civil Rights Act. If you provide a public accommodation (i.e. any business) you cannot discriminate.

What you are talking about isn't civil rights, its the opposite. in fact you violate the civil rights of religious people in these cases, but since you are an anti-religious asshole, you are ok with it. hell you probably whip out your dick and jerk off to it.

Religious people are whiny little bitches who want to justify their inherent immorality, ignorance, and hatred through faith. If your God cannot forgive you for baking a cake, then it's not a God worth worshipping at all...particularly after you bleat and preen and whine like little bitches that God/Jesus forgives, and since they forgive, you can do basically whatever the fuck you want.

So childish. No wonder you learn about God the same time you learn about Santa and the Easter Bunny.
. . . unless you don't like "pride parades," and you prefer to see Muslims and immigrants in internment camps? Because that is the road your logic will eventually take us down if you throw reasoned debate out the window in favor of emotion and violence. Remember, it was the supposed actions of the Communists that led to the Enabling Acts. So, yeah, your Popper's philosophy was used to great affect by the same Nazi's you seem to hate. Remember that, sauce for the goose if we go down that road. . . .

Yeaaaaahhhhhhhh...thing is Nazis don't give a shit about rational arguments because they're, you know, Nazis. That's why you punch and kill them. That's why you don't even allow them the "freedom" to express their Nazism. Because Nazism and fascism are incitement. And incitement isn't protected by the First Amendment. So it's perfectly justifiable and legal to assault (and even kill ) Nazis because Nazism is inherently incitement and threatening, and you're acting in self-defense of that. Which is why the guy who punched the Nazi in this video:


Faces no charges for doing so.

It's clear you either didn't read my post, didn't understand it, or do not know your history.

If you and your types keep carrying on the way your are, the national government will take your actions as an excuse to declare martial law, then you will see what real fascism looks like as they round up all Muslims and immigrants and put them in camps. If, at that point, Trump were thrown out of office and Pence is in charge, you can kiss good-bye all gay pride parade permits as well, COUNT ON THAT.

Do you even know what Dominionists are?

This is all I meant about triggering an "Enabling act" like situation with your reasoning. This is what the Deep State is pushing for, and you are helping them right along. I suggest you look into how elites program and manage the Hegelian Dialectic. You are being mentally programmed by the MSM and social networking sites which are run by private and state Intel. Wake the F up man.

This is how your political identification is for your view points, when it comes to your so-called "paradox of tolerance." IOW, get the fuck over yourself before you are the cause of having our open society closed down. You are the ones they refer to as useful idiots, thanks for that.

Because this is not a society of forced lemmings who have to be as you want them to be. .

What a whiny little bitch!

Who is forcing you to be anything and what is anyone forcing you to be? You want to have license to discriminate against gay people because your shitty religion commands it. Well, fuck your shitty, whiny little bitch religion. If your whiny little bitch God cannot forgive your whiny little bitch ass for baking a cake, then maybe you made the wrong choice in deciding to have faith because your whiny little bitch God sounds like a whiny little bitch to me. Who would worship a diety that wouldn't forgive you for baking a cake? Isn't the entire point of your shitty religion that God forgives you no matter what, and that Jesus died so you cna continue being a sinner? Now you're saying God doesn't forgive, even things as trivial as baking a cake. Your faith sounds like a pile of shit to me; abrogating responsibility for your shitty actions. How childish. How typically Conservative.

If there is no actual harm done a person's views are none of your fucking business and none of the governments. and Butthurt is not harm.

Discrimination is harm. You're the butthurt whiny little bitches who say your God won't forgive you for baking a cake.

Think about that; your God won't forgive you for baking a cake. Yet you worship him? How fucking stupid is that shit?

The union of States is how this country was founded, and how the constitution was set up. if you want to change that use the amendment process. And I am talking about federalism, i.e. the division of power between levels of government, that has been ignored the past 80 years or so, much to the detriment of the country.

More bullshit that avoids the obvious issues like globalization, fast travel, and information. TO THIS DAY, not one single Conservative has been able to make an articulate case that state borders are somehow detrimental to commerce. In fact, you whiny little bitches argued the exact opposite of that position before, whether you realize it or not. I think you throw those terms around, loosely, to give the impression that you're smart or thoughtful. You're not. Sorry to burst your bubble. In fact, you're the opposite. And a lot of that stems from your flawed belief system where a diety is supposed to forgive you, yet cannot forgive baking a cake.

Fucking idiots.

Civil rights involves the government and its interaction with people, not people interacting with people.

Wrong. Read the 1964 Civil Rights Act. If you provide a public accommodation (i.e. any business) you cannot discriminate.

What you are talking about isn't civil rights, its the opposite. in fact you violate the civil rights of religious people in these cases, but since you are an anti-religious asshole, you are ok with it. hell you probably whip out your dick and jerk off to it.

Religious people are whiny little bitches who want to justify their inherent immorality, ignorance, and hatred through faith. If your God cannot forgive you for baking a cake, then it's not a God worth worshipping at all...particularly after you bleat and preen and whine like little bitches that God/Jesus forgives, and since they forgive, you can do basically whatever the fuck you want.

So childish. No wonder you learn about God the same time you learn about Santa and the Easter Bunny.

The highlighting of the same thing over and over doesn't make it true. I know it hurts to be fisked this bad over so many posts. May I suggest some preparation H?
Again, all that typing for no real point. It isn't up to me or government to interfere with someone's free exercise unless there is a compelling interest, and butt hurt isn't compelling.

It isn't about commerce its about each State being able to figure out its own laws within the bounds of the US constitution and their own State Constitutions.

PA's don't mean "any business". And the Civil Rights Act is very specific to what it calls a PA.

What is childish is you thinking using government to fuck with people you don't like is not fascist.
you really need a new catch phrase. this limits your potential by repeating the same thing over and over. be creative. we'd at least appreciate that.

Whiny Little Bitchsplaining now. Stop being a whiny little bitch and I won't call you a whiny little bitch. It's really that simple. You are being a whiny little bitch about other whiny little bitches who worship a God that apparently won't forgive them for baking a cake. WTF kind of person would worship a God like that? A whiny little bitch, that's who.

and yes, if i have to bake a gaycake you have to make a dress for a trump. even if donald but you gotta do it.

No you don't. Being married to Donald Trump isn't a protected status.

it's that *divide* you refuse to see *your* side is putting there. and by *your* side i simply mean fucking idiots.

You're just trying to justify bigotry because you're a whiny little bitch who has to make yourself feel better at the expense of others. Whiny little bitch move, there.

You're a fucking idiot. I'm putting you on "ignore". Good bye dumbass.
i take it you're talking to derpman.

yep. :)

and i'm now a bigot cause we disagree. point proven. cat turds on the curb after a thunderstorm have more to offer humanity than he does.

There's no need to engage with raving lunatics. They have nothing to offer.
you really need a new catch phrase. this limits your potential by repeating the same thing over and over. be creative. we'd at least appreciate that.

Whiny Little Bitchsplaining now. Stop being a whiny little bitch and I won't call you a whiny little bitch. It's really that simple. You are being a whiny little bitch about other whiny little bitches who worship a God that apparently won't forgive them for baking a cake. WTF kind of person would worship a God like that? A whiny little bitch, that's who.

and yes, if i have to bake a gaycake you have to make a dress for a trump. even if donald but you gotta do it.

No you don't. Being married to Donald Trump isn't a protected status.

it's that *divide* you refuse to see *your* side is putting there. and by *your* side i simply mean fucking idiots.

You're just trying to justify bigotry because you're a whiny little bitch who has to make yourself feel better at the expense of others. Whiny little bitch move, there.

You're a fucking idiot. I'm putting you on "ignore". Good bye dumbass.
i take it you're talking to derpman.

yep. :)

and i'm now a bigot cause we disagree. point proven. cat turds on the curb after a thunderstorm have more to offer humanity than he does.

There's no need to engage with raving lunatics. They have nothing to offer.
kinda like driving by an accident. sometimes you look just to look away.

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