Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

You are finding fascism where none exists. hell your side has far more fascist tendencies than the current right. You squelch speech you don't like, you prefer strong central government, and you go after political opponents using any means available.

This is denial, folks. We need a strong central government because the nations we compete against in the global stage have strong central governments, so we are at a disadvantage in that space. Also, we live in the information age, meaning the Founding Fathers never envisioned a world of instantaneous communication, fast travel, and commerce happening across state lines as the standard. Why do you want to apply 17th century thinking to 21st century problems? Do you cure cancer with leeches? No. So why would you apply 21st century thinking to your health but not our system of government? Dumb. I think you just want to justify your discrimination and bigotry so you play pretend.

Non-response noted. and even if he owns a copy of Mein Kampf (which I do as well, you need to read original sources to understand things) it doesn't mean he believes in whats inside of it.

LOL! OK. You own a copy of Mein Kampf? Wow.

I support the right of anyone to march peacefully to express their viewpoints, no matter how abhorrent. That's what believing in liberty is all about. You trust the people enough to realize those idiots are just that, and you don't give them excuses to feel persecuted by trying to stop them.

There's the rub, though. Fascists aren't peaceful. Genocide is literally one of the things that make you a fascist. Nazis exist solely to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing. "Blood and Soil" is a 19th century German phrase that means ethnic cleansing. That is what those Conservatives marching in Charlottesville were all chanting. That and "Jews will not replace us". There exists no clearer example of incitement. Nazis should be punched, kicked, and killed. That's what we did 80 years ago, so why should it be any different today?

You won't find a single one. The birther shit is meaningless..

LOL! I seriously doubt your integrity here. Surely you know that.

gain, I told you me education, I am NOT a small business owner or a veteran, I am married to a minority, and my health care costs have gone up while the product I get has gone down in quality.

Again, why the fuck should I believe you? You've given me no reason. I am supposed to take your word for it, why? Because you say so? LOL. Try again. Also, those other examples were things Conservatives claim about themselves (easy to do on an anonymous message board) in order to lend their argument credibility it doesn't have. So you paper over that gap by invoking personal anecdotes and histories - two things you know cannot be verified on this board.

And by your non-answer I assume you have some lame communications degree or some X studies bullshit.

You don't know shit about me, and my personal circumstances have no bearing on the facts. You may want to play make-believe, but I don't play that game unless it's D&D. You all love role playing quite a bit.
So many words, so little content. You are one of those morons that confuse quantity for quality.

It's called being thoughtful in your posts. You aren't a thoughtful person. Message boards like these are exactly the place to post long, thoughtful responses. You gaslight that because either reading those words is too much for you, or reading them upset you so much you couldn't bother to articulate a thoughtful response. I think it's the latter because I don't think your belief system enables you to be thoughtful.

I think I know who's sock this is, the cloud fairy thing gives you away, plus the attention paid to me....JoeB.And that concludes this thread you sock-whore.

WTF? Go fuck yourself you whiny little bitch. Conservatives are such cowards and weaklings. Not to mention they don't know a fucking thing.
You are an intolerant asshole, that much is apparent. As a believer in federalism its up to State legislatures to figure most of this stuff out. That's the system as written by the constitution, not the opinions of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

What the fuck kind of God doesn't forgive people? Seriously...why can't the bigoted bakers just bake the cake, then ask God for forgiveness after? Why is that not an option?
Any belief structure is a construct of man, the issue is the source and inspiration. And stop generalizing, it's sad to watch.

Hold on a second. You say that any belief system (including religion) is a construct of man. OK, so then what is the source and inspiration for religion? Obviously it's inspired by not knowing the answers to questions. So you explain away those questions you cannot answer as "God's will". Do you see the bullshit in that? As society evolves and progresses, science starts answering those previously unanswerable questions that were chalked up to God. So how is religion anything more than easy answers for lazy and ignorant people with no thirst for knowledge?

Sigh, another anti-religious full of themselves half-wit. or JoeB in a sock guise.

If you need a book that was written 500 years ago, commissioned by an English King who didn't even speak English, to teach you morality then you've got a fucking problem. Aesop wrote morality tales 500 years before Jesus was even born. So if you're gonna use someone's writings as your moral guidance, why not use Aesop's? Fuck, the Bible stole those morality tales from Aesop, just like it stole from all the other Great & ancient religions that preceeded it. It's arrogance to say your God is the one true God when that construct was, as you stated, entirely man-made.

Your original statement was about taking advice on sex from celibate clergy. My response is most clergy can marry, except the cases above. What are you rambling about?

Most, but not all. And when it comes to the supreme morality for a billion Catholics, it's a guy who volunteers to be celibate. That's fucking stupid.

And demanding people to change is more Nazi than anything else, you fucking Nazi.

Whiny little bitch. You're not a victim. You're a bigot.
Again, why the fuck should I believe you? You've given me no reason. I am supposed to take your word for it, why? Because you say so?

yet, it's enough for your side to have people, in your mind, flock to your mindset.

how ... normal for people like you.
yet, it's enough for your side to have people, in your mind, flock to your mindset.

But you're not answering the question. Think about what you're doing; you're trying to tell me to accept things that cannot be verified in this space and those things somehow lend credibility to your argument. So if it's not verifiable, your argument isn't credible.

yhow ... normal for people like you.

If I have to read one more whiny little bitch post like this from a right-winger, it'll be too soon. You people vomit up nonsense, lies, and bullshit on message boards and then whine like little bitches when someone refuses to accept them. You're not the victim here. You're the victimizer.
Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!

Anyone who self-identifies on the right at this point is a Nazi. Plain and simple. There is no other way around it. No other explanation that makes any sense. Anyone -and I mean anyone- who subscribes to what is now the platform of the Republican Party and Conservative Movement is a fascist and thus, a Nazi.

If you don't like that, tough shit. Stop adhering to broken, bankrupt, and boring ideology, and you won't be called a Nazi anymore. It's really that fucking simple. And I mean how goddamned hard is it to admit you're wrong. LOL. Like it's so fucking hard.

You all are a bunch of whiny little bitches.
Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!

Anyone who self-identifies on the right at this point is a Nazi. Plain and simple. There is no other way around it. No other explanation that makes any sense. Anyone -and I mean anyone- who subscribes to what is now the platform of the Republican Party and Conservative Movement is a fascist and thus, a Nazi.

If you don't like that, tough shit. Stop adhering to broken, bankrupt, and boring ideology, and you won't be called a Nazi anymore. It's really that fucking simple. And I mean how goddamned hard is it to admit you're wrong. LOL. Like it's so fucking hard.

You all are a bunch of whiny little bitches.

LOL, and, you wonder why people start to take, you, and your ilk less seriously in recent times?

Yeah, f'in brilliant, it's just Liberals, and Nazis.
I never said Obama was boin in Kenya.

Sure ya did. You just did it passively because you have no courage and are a shit-sipping human stain:

The whole birth certificate thing WAS (note the past tense) legitimate legal issue, until sufficent proof was provided.

So by saying this, what you're saying was the inherent position you had was that Obama was born in Kenya, and he had to "sufficiently" prove to you he wasn't. That's the same fucking thing as alleging he wasn't born in America. For instance, I might not say you're a wife beater, but until you provide sufficient evidence you don't beat your wife, the question of your spousal abuse is a legitimate issue.

It wasn't until the birth certificate was released before you finally accepted it. But that means your position prior to him releasing his BC was that he wasn't born in America.

So I see right through your transparent, Conservative BULLSHIT. You think you're clever? You aren't. You're just a piece of shit. Goose-step your way off a cliff. You won't be missed. By anyone.
LOL, and, you wonder why people start to take, you, and your ilk less seriously in recent times?

You're the fucking idiots who elected a reality television star as the standard bearer of what you believe. And you have the nerve to say I'm not to be taken seriously? LOL! That's rich.

Yeah, f'in brilliant, it's just Liberals, and Nazis.

I'm no liberal. I'm a Progressive. Liberals believe in peace and love and all that shit. I believe in punching Nazis in the face, and that violence sometimes is the answer.

LOL, and, you wonder why people start to take, you, and your ilk less seriously in recent times?

You're the fucking idiots who elected a reality television star as the standard bearer of what you believe. And you have the nerve to say I'm not to be taken seriously? LOL! That's rich.

Yeah, f'in brilliant, it's just Liberals, and Nazis.

I'm no liberal. I'm a Progressive. Liberals believe in peace and love and all that shit. I believe in punching Nazis in the face, and that violence sometimes is the answer.

Is that why I didn't vote?

I'm a Fascist, not a Nazi.

I actually don't like true Nazis either, but only true Nazis, NOT, everyone you imagine to be a Nazi who's not.
Is that why I didn't vote?
I'm a Fascist, not a Nazi.
I actually don't like true Nazis either, but only true Nazis, NOT, everyone you imagine to be a Nazi who's not.

Nazis are fascists, moron. So not only are you a Nazi and a fascist, you're also a fucking idiot.

Nazi = fascist = Conservative = teabag = Klansman = Republican

Same shit, different polish.

Labels mean everything to you people.

Is that why I didn't vote?
I'm a Fascist, not a Nazi.
I actually don't like true Nazis either, but only true Nazis, NOT, everyone you imagine to be a Nazi who's not.

Nazis are fascists, moron. So not only are you a Nazi and a fascist, you're also a fucking idiot.

Nazi = fascist = Conservative = teabag = Klansman = Republican

Same shit, different polish.

Labels mean everything to you people.


LOL, wow.

There's a World of difference between Hitler, and Mussolini.
Despite both being Fascist.
Mussolini was probably not racist, nor anti-Semitic.
He actually argued against Hitler on such things.

No, so sorry, Conservatives aren't Fascist, Fascists believe in micro-managing companies, as opposed to Conservatives who support typically not just Capitalism, but completely unrestrained Capitalism.
There's a World of difference between Hitler, and Mussolini.

No, there really isn't. You're just being stupid now so you can be OK with yourself for being a fascist piece of shit.

Despite both being Fascist.
Mussolini was probably not racist, nor anti-Semitic.
He actually argued against Hitler on such things.

So you don't know. So you're here, on this board, making claims you admit you don't even know if they're true.

Fucking idiot.

No, so sorry, Conservatives aren't Fascist, Fascists believe in micro-managing companies, as opposed to Conservatives who support typically not just Capitalism, but completely unrestrained Capitalism.

Conservatives are most definitely fascists because part of what makes you a fascist is the corporate ownership of state industry. Specifically, control of industry and commerce at the executive level, which is exactly what Trump does when he profits off of his hotels at the expense of taxpayers.

You don't know anything you're talking about. Are you just some Russian troll account or what?
I'm a Fascist, not a Nazi.

Potato, potahtoe.


Fascism is inherently the best.

- Communists typically only notices the vermin on top.
- Conservatives typically only notice the vermin on the bottom.
- Fascists on the other hand notice that there's vermin on top, and on the bottom.

- Communists typically notice the Capitalist issue, but not the Communist issue.
- Capitalists typically notice the Communist issuem, but not the Capitalist issue.
- Fascists typicaly notice both the Communist issue, and the Capitalist issue.

Furthermore, yes Fascist style governments do hold the best track record's of economic growth, including the Spanish Miracle by Franco who adopted loads of Fascist economics, who achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe.
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There's a World of difference between Hitler, and Mussolini.

No, there really isn't. You're just being stupid now so you can be OK with yourself for being a fascist piece of shit.

Despite both being Fascist.
Mussolini was probably not racist, nor anti-Semitic.
He actually argued against Hitler on such things.

So you don't know. So you're here, on this board, making claims you admit you don't even know if they're true.

Fucking idiot.

No, so sorry, Conservatives aren't Fascist, Fascists believe in micro-managing companies, as opposed to Conservatives who support typically not just Capitalism, but completely unrestrained Capitalism.

Conservatives are most definitely fascists because part of what makes you a fascist is the corporate ownership of state industry. Specifically, control of industry and commerce at the executive level, which is exactly what Trump does when he profits off of his hotels at the expense of taxpayers.

You don't know anything you're talking about. Are you just some Russian troll account or what?

Mussolini argued that Jews were in Italy since Roman times, and some of his biggest supporters were Jews, for example Jew Etorre Ovazza.
Furthermore, Mussolini argued with Hitler, that there were no pure, nor superior races.

No, you got everything backwards.
Fascism sets up Councils, and Cartels by the government to manage businesses.

You don't know what you're talking about.
There's a World of difference between Hitler, and Mussolini.
You don't know anything you're talking about. Are you just some Russian troll account or what?

I'm an American of Polish heritage.

But, It does seem like you're prejudiced against Russians, huh?

Oh yeah, you don't know anything... hmm... Must be a "Russian"


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