Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

What does Trump need to apologize for? Questioning the 'great' O? Oh yeah, anyone who dared question Obama, for anything, was called a bigot and a racist by libbie Democrats and their sycophant MSM. Looks like you sucked and swallowed.
For being intolerant of the fact that Obama said he was born in the US.

How do you know what it looks like to suck and swallow? Too much gay porn?

Yeah I already edited that 'suck and swallow' out of my post, guess you got in before I did that. Seems to me Obama was being intolerant of the question. He refused to release his BC over and over again, why didn't he just release it in the first place? Makes one wonder......
Because it was none of anyones business probably.

What does Trump need to apologize for? Questioning the 'great' O? Oh yeah, anyone who dared question Obama, for anything, was called a bigot and a racist by libbie Democrats and their sycophant MSM. Looks like you sucked and swallowed.
For being intolerant of the fact that Obama said he was born in the US.

How do you know what it looks like to suck and swallow? Too much gay porn?

Yeah I already edited that 'suck and swallow' out of my post, guess you got in before I did that. Seems to me Obama was being intolerant of the question. He refused to release his BC over and over again, why didn't he just release it in the first place? Makes one wonder......
Because it was none of anyones business probably.

So when first asked to produce his BC and he refused for months and months he was being petulant? That reminds me of a grade school kid who says, when asked 'did you do your homework?' "It's none of your business".....It's either that or it just took time to make a good looking fake BC. Which one is it?

What does Trump need to apologize for? Questioning the 'great' O? Oh yeah, anyone who dared question Obama, for anything, was called a bigot and a racist by libbie Democrats and their sycophant MSM. Looks like you sucked and swallowed.
For being intolerant of the fact that Obama said he was born in the US.

How do you know what it looks like to suck and swallow? Too much gay porn?

Yeah I already edited that 'suck and swallow' out of my post, guess you got in before I did that. Seems to me Obama was being intolerant of the question. He refused to release his BC over and over again, why didn't he just release it in the first place? Makes one wonder......
Because it was none of anyones business probably.

So when first asked to produce his BC and he refused for months and months he was being petulant? That reminds me of a grade school kid who says, when asked 'did you do your homework?' "It's none of your business".....It's either that or it just took time to make a good looking fake BC. Which one is it?
Obama is the POTUS. There is no one with the authority to ask for his BC so there was no petulance involved. Which one is it? Neither of the options you outlined. It was the answer provided in the comment you replied to.
Obama is the POTUS. There is no one with the authority to ask for his BC so there was no petulance involved. Which one is it? Neither of the options you outlined. It was the answer provided in the comment you replied to. Obama is not the POTUS. However, why did it take him so long to produce it? I have mine and I could produce it in a couple of minutes. I could direct anyone to the records in the City where I was born and they have an ORIGINAL BC. Obama only offered 'proof' of BC. Then after an extended protracted time where he absolutely refused to produce the actual document finally, that document magically appeared. The whole thing still stinks as does his legacy.
Obama is the POTUS. There is no one with the authority to ask for his BC so there was no petulance involved. Which one is it? Neither of the options you outlined. It was the answer provided in the comment you replied to. Obama is not the POTUS. However, why did it take him so long to produce it? I have mine and I could produce it in a couple of minutes. I could direct anyone to the records in the City where I was born and they have an ORIGINAL BC. Obama only offered 'proof' of BC. Then after an extended protracted time where he absolutely refused to produce the actual document finally, that document magically appeared. The whole thing still stinks as does his legacy.

There is no POTUS now so Obama is the POTUS by default.

It took him so long because it was no ones business. That stink you smell is coming from you being wet.
I would challenge anyone on the planet that claimed to be free of any bigoted views or please, stop all of the bullshit. All you liberal fools are doing is instilling anger into our society.
How in the world can you expect anyone to be convinced to follow your opinions by screaming in their face and calling them Hitler?
How many genuine Nazis are still alive?

Are you fucking serious with this question?

Plenty...we saw them march in Charlottesville.
They were part of a revanchist movement with multiple groups fighting against Weimar

OK, and why were they fighting against the Weimar? Because the terms of surrender negotiated by the German government imposed strict consequences for waging and losing WWI. Nazis sprung from the ill treatment Germans perceived as the bill they had to pay as losers. So the Weimar economy left behind those people, much like how the economic collapse and subsequent recovery left behind the good 'ol boys who thought they were entitled to the American Dream because that's the shit that Conservatives like you had been filling their heads with since Reagan. And through their own fault, became victims of an economy that left them behind. Last week's South Park perfectly illustrated that point. Conservatives blame everyone else other than the robots and themselves for not being a part of the new economy. That's not on immigrants, liberals, progressives, gays, Muslims, or minorities. That's on you. Grow up, stop being whiny little bitches, and take some responsibility for yourselves and your shitty beliefs.

and were complemented by radicals on the left who were just as hostile to weimar as they were. And in the 20's, after the Beer Hall Putsch they were marginalized.

Fucking idiot. They weren't marginalized after the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler used his time in jail for that to write Mein Kampf which Trump keeps on the table next to his bed. They got stronger after that because they pretended to be victims, much like how you're pretending to be a victim now. It's easy to see how Conservatism can so closely align with Nazism. You're the same kind of whiny bitches for God's sake!

It took the depression to get them into power

OK, how? How did they use the Depression to get into power? What did they do? They blamed everyone except themselves for the Depression. Much like how you blame immigrants, and muslims, and Jews, and liberals, and progressives for the shitty lives you have today. Shitty lives that are a result of your actions, no one else's. You dumbasses didn't want to go to college, now you're finding that in order to get a job, you need college. So what kind of fucking job do you want? Do you even know? I don't think you do.

Grow up and get over yourself.

That you have to use South Park to link your points proves you are nothing more than a progressive tool.

Trump keeps a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed? What a fucking liar you are. Yes, they were marginalized, and it took the depression to get them back in the game.

I don't blame any of those people, you fucking liar. Show me where I blamed jews for anything in particular. I blame our leaders for allowing illegal immigration to go unchecked. I blame muslim leaders for allowing extremism to go unchecked. I blame progressives for the current state of our political discourse. As for traditional liberals those guys are OK, but there aren't many of them left.

And as for Education, I have a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, so I doubt you can top that.

Your entire response is just a pile of supposition and lies.
Because you can pretend all you want you are a different gender and get surgery

This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say you have no fucking clue what you're saying. You are trying to pretend that gender fluidity is the same thing as transsexualism, but it isn't. We cannot have an honest conversation about this because you are not informed on this subject. Gender fluidity is a dynamic mix of gender that changes over time yet incorporates both genders into one identity. Transsexualism is literally someone who identifies as one gender, but is in fact another. This is basic stuff that any informed person should know. So you're just not as informed as you think you are.

to prolong that concept, but you can never actually change it. Sexual orientation, on the other hand involves feelings and actions, and those are far easier to change than your DNA or biology.

This is all off the top of your head. You simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Honestly I don't care if people ar fluid, I only care when they FORCE me or others to care OR ELSE.

No one is forcing you to care. You're just being asked to "accept" it. Just like how we have to accept that you drag your knuckles when you walk, or breathe through your mouth. Seriously, how fucking hard is it to simply accept someone's sexuality or gender fluidity? Not fucking hard at all. Not accepting it means there's something psychologically wrong with you. That someone else's gender identity or sexual orientation somehow has an impact on your personal life. Whiny. Little. Bitch. That's what you are.

No, you reserve your judgement for people you disapprove of politically or religiously. My my what a fucking hypocrite you are.

I will judge the shit out of religion because being religious is a choice. Being Conservative is a choice. These are choices you make. I am not in the mood to accommodate your choices over something someone doesn't have a choice. Get over yourself, you insecure little whiner.

It's all a bunch of jiggery pokery, and progressive idiots like you can't be consistent with it. The only hard condition is gender dysphoria.

Nice rebuttal, dipshit.

Being forced to care and accept are the same thing. And when you get government involved I am not being asked. When you ruin people over not baking a fucking cake, they are not being asked. When you doxx someone who disagrees with this, they are not being asked. Again, when you bring government in to enforce your dogma, it impacts us all.

And your mewling about me being a whiner is comical because your responses are one giant pussy-bitch fest. You must have sand in your vagina.
The Civil rights act is actually not being used in these cases.

Stop. Just...stop. This is getting embarrassing. Yes, the CRA is most certainly being used in these cases, as it's not only a CRA issue, but also a 14th Amendment issue. Why are you so determined to re-litigate these fights? The only answer that makes any sense is that you're a bigot.

as it does not cover things like contracted sales as PA's. It's the State laws that overreach, and why these people are being ruined by hateful assholes like you over not wanting to bake a cake.

How is a business being injured when it refuses business? The injury is to the customer, not the business.

If you are going to debate something, try to be more informed.

Shut your fat fucking mouth you whiny little bitch. The whole fluidity/transsexual thing is evidence enough that you don't know shit, but you're trying to pretend you do for the sake of your fucking ego on a message board.

Get. Over. Yourself.

All of the cases in question are based on State laws, not federal. I am not a bigot, I am a fan of small government, and only using it when needed. Ruining someone over a cake is not small government.

The injury is to the owner of the business when they are denied their 1st amendment rights to free exercise.

Aww, did I hurt your feeewwings you dippy little snowflake?
Because you can pretend all you want you are a different gender and get surgery to prolong that concept, but you can never actually change it. Sexual orientation, on the other hand involves feelings and actions, and those are far easier to change than your DNA or biology.

Gender fluidity and transsexualism are not the same thing. Why is that so hard for you to grasp?

Only Catholic Priests, and Orthodox Bishops are usually celibate, most other denominations encourage their clergy to marry. Hell in Orthodox Judaism its almost a requirement.

Most denominations support sex outside marriage? Really? Since when?

Honestly I don't care if people ar fluid, I only care when they FORCE me or others to care OR ELSE.

No one is forcing you to care. You're just being asked to accept it. I don't care about religion, but I accept that people are religious. And unlike sexuality, religion is a choice.

No, you reserve your judgement for people you disapprove of politically or religiously. My my what a fucking hypocrite you are.

What a whiny. Little. Bitch.

They are all constructs made to allow people to be something they cannot. Typical progressive mindfucking.

Celibacy is typically used in the context of no marriage AND no sex for certain clergy, Catholic Priests, and Orthodox Bishops. Your attempt to change your statement has failed.

Again, Accept = Care, and we are not being asked. When you get government involved its always about force. When you ruin people over a cake, it's about force. when you doxx or force a person to quit their job over a political view its about force.

Same line over and over, try to be more original you hypocrite poseur.
Only Catholic Priests, and Orthodox Bishops are usually celibate, most other denominations encourage their clergy to marry. Hell in Orthodox Judaism its almost a requirement.
Orthodox Christian priests can be married, and I'm quite sure patriarchs can also, as they were regular priests earlier. Only monks can't.

From wikipedia:

  • I
    n Eastern Orthodox Churches, and Eastern Catholic Churches (which latter are in full communion with Rome), married men may be ordained to any order except as bishops, and one may not marry after ordination as a subdeacon. The Oriental Orthodoxchurches follow the same rules as in the Eastern Orthodox Church for bishops and priests, but the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church,[77] and the Syriac Orthodox Church permit ordained deacons to marry, while the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria does not allow it.[78] For much of the 5th century, the Church of the East allowed even bishops to marry, but in the early 6th century decided to ordain only celibate monks to episcopacy, while still allowing priests to marry after ordination.[79] While some incorrectly believe all Orthodox bishops must be monks, in fact, according to church law, they simply may no longer be living with their wives if they are to be consecrated to the episcopacy. (The canons stipulate that they must also see to their wives' maintenance, for example Canon 12 of the Quinisext Council.) Typically, the wife of such a man will take up the monastic life herself, though this also is not required. There are many Orthodox bishops currently serving who have never been tonsured (formally initiated) to monastic orders. There are also many who are tonsured monastics but have never formally lived the monastic life. Further, a number of bishops are widowers, but because clergy cannot remarry after ordination, such a man must remain celibate after the death of his wife. The Holy See's 1929 decree Cum data fuerit, forbidding priestly ordination and ministry of married men in certain diaspora areas outside the home territories of the Eastern Catholic Churches, was revoked by a decree of June 2014.[80]

Seems rather complicated.
What it requires is for you to just ignore them and stop trying to use government to squash your political opponents.

So if we ignore Nazis, they will go away? How'd that work out for Europe in the 1920's and 30's? Not too well.

What have the white power idiots being doing the past few decades in the US?

They are a broken organization and the only connection to the Nazis from the 30's is in their addled minds, and yours.

But you have to use them as a link-attack on your political opponents, so they get to shine in the sunlight again, and think they are "relevant"
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing

A few a year? Really? Chicago laughs at that.
I would challenge anyone on the planet that claimed to be free of any bigoted views or please, stop all of the bullshit. All you liberal fools are doing is instilling anger into our society.
How in the world can you expect anyone to be convinced to follow your opinions by screaming in their face and calling them Hitler?
but they are only bigoted against the bigots, so they're not bigots, but social warriors bigoting against bigots for non-bigoting bigots everywhere.
The Civil rights act is actually not being used in these cases.

Stop. Just...stop. This is getting embarrassing. Yes, the CRA is most certainly being used in these cases, as it's not only a CRA issue, but also a 14th Amendment issue. Why are you so determined to re-litigate these fights? The only answer that makes any sense is that you're a bigot.

as it does not cover things like contracted sales as PA's. It's the State laws that overreach, and why these people are being ruined by hateful assholes like you over not wanting to bake a cake.

How is a business being injured when it refuses business? The injury is to the customer, not the business.

If you are going to debate something, try to be more informed.

Shut your fat fucking mouth you whiny little bitch. The whole fluidity/transsexual thing is evidence enough that you don't know shit, but you're trying to pretend you do for the sake of your fucking ego on a message board.

Get. Over. Yourself.

All of the cases in question are based on State laws, not federal. I am not a bigot, I am a fan of small government, and only using it when needed. Ruining someone over a cake is not small government.

The injury is to the owner of the business when they are denied their 1st amendment rights to free exercise.

Aww, did I hurt your feeewwings you dippy little snowflake?
i do give "the derp" full credit for being a "green" poster.

he recycles his insults nicely. but if he'd condense them to WLB it would help.

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