Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

I would challenge anyone on the planet that claimed to be free of any bigoted views or please, stop all of the bullshit. All you liberal fools are doing is instilling anger into our society.
How in the world can you expect anyone to be convinced to follow your opinions by screaming in their face and calling them Hitler?

Stop acting like Nazis and you won't be called a Nazi. It's really that fucking simple.
That you have to use South Park to link your points proves you are nothing more than a progressive tool.

I dare you to find any show on television that is more insightful and conscious than South Park. You won't be able to. So you gaslight South Park because that way, you don't have to face the facts that your shitty belief system is so terrible, it is easily lampooned by a cartoon. Don't want to reconcile your shitty belief system, so you attack satirists. That's a hallmark of fascism, pal.

Trump keeps a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed? What a fucking liar you are. Yes, they were marginalized, and it took the depression to get them back in the game.

Of course he does. His first ex-wife confirms that. It took the Depression to get them back into the game, how? What are you talking about. You realize you never actually go into detail on anything you say, you just vomit up the broad strokes and hope no one notices. How did they use the Depression to get "back in the game"? Becuase what got Germany "back in the game" was Hitler re-starting all the military manufacturing in the Ruhr. What does "back in the game" mean in your context?

I don't blame any of those people, you fucking liar. Show me where I blamed jews for anything in particular. I blame our leaders for allowing illegal immigration to go unchecked. I blame muslim leaders for allowing extremism to go unchecked. I blame progressives for the current state of our political discourse. As for traditional liberals those guys are OK, but there aren't many of them left..

"Jews will not replace us" - screamed by right-wing red hats in Charlottesville. You are a red hat. Hence, you blame Jews. You blame Muslim leaders for allowing extremism to go unchecked? How so? How do they do that? Because most of the people fighting ISIS are muslims. You say you don't blame any of those people, but that's exactly what you're doing! Christ on a crutch - do you actually read your posts before you post reply? Doesn't seem like you do. It's not the left that caused political discourse to go to shit, it was you assholes who maintained Obama was born in Kenya. It was you assholes who continue to subscribe to debunked and discredited belief systems. It was you assholes who nominated Sarah Palin. It was you assholes who voted for Bush twice. It was you assholes who watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh and fall for Russian propoganda. The sorry state of our politics is the result of people like you voting for those just like you, who are ill-informed, uneducated posturing malcontents. We should have known it for sure when you all pretended not to support Bush after supporting him and everything he did for 8 years. We should have known when you all voted to repeal Obamacare 60+ times over 7+ years with no replacement plan to speak of!

Political discourse was degraded by people like you who don't accept science and facts because they make you feel bad about yourselves for being so stupid and wrong.

Grow the fuck up and get over yourself.

And as for Education, I have a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, so I doubt you can top that.

I don't fucking believe you have that degree, and why the fuck should I take your word for it? Seems to me like you're pretending you have education so that way, your shitty posts seem more credible. Fact is, there's no way you can prove you are educated. So like all Conservative beliefs and policy, we have to take your word for it. Why the fuck should I?
That you have to use South Park to link your points proves you are nothing more than a progressive tool.

I dare you to find any show on television that is more insightful and conscious than South Park. You won't be able to. So you gaslight South Park because that way, you don't have to face the facts that your shitty belief system is so terrible, it is easily lampooned by a cartoon. Don't want to reconcile your shitty belief system, so you attack satirists. That's a hallmark of fascism, pal.

Trump keeps a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed? What a fucking liar you are. Yes, they were marginalized, and it took the depression to get them back in the game.

Of course he does. His first ex-wife confirms that. It took the Depression to get them back into the game, how? What are you talking about. You realize you never actually go into detail on anything you say, you just vomit up the broad strokes and hope no one notices. How did they use the Depression to get "back in the game"? Becuase what got Germany "back in the game" was Hitler re-starting all the military manufacturing in the Ruhr. What does "back in the game" mean in your context?

I don't blame any of those people, you fucking liar. Show me where I blamed jews for anything in particular. I blame our leaders for allowing illegal immigration to go unchecked. I blame muslim leaders for allowing extremism to go unchecked. I blame progressives for the current state of our political discourse. As for traditional liberals those guys are OK, but there aren't many of them left..

"Jews will not replace us" - screamed by right-wing red hats in Charlottesville. You are a red hat. Hence, you blame Jews. You blame Muslim leaders for allowing extremism to go unchecked? How so? How do they do that? Because most of the people fighting ISIS are muslims. You say you don't blame any of those people, but that's exactly what you're doing! Christ on a crutch - do you actually read your posts before you post reply? Doesn't seem like you do. It's not the left that caused political discourse to go to shit, it was you assholes who maintained Obama was born in Kenya. It was you assholes who continue to subscribe to debunked and discredited belief systems. It was you assholes who nominated Sarah Palin. It was you assholes who voted for Bush twice. It was you assholes who watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh and fall for Russian propoganda. The sorry state of our politics is the result of people like you voting for those just like you, who are ill-informed, uneducated posturing malcontents. We should have known it for sure when you all pretended not to support Bush after supporting him and everything he did for 8 years. We should have known when you all voted to repeal Obamacare 60+ times over 7+ years with no replacement plan to speak of!

Political discourse was degraded by people like you who don't accept science and facts because they make you feel bad about yourselves for being so stupid and wrong.

Grow the fuck up and get over yourself.

And as for Education, I have a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, so I doubt you can top that.

I don't fucking believe you have that degree, and why the fuck should I take your word for it? Seems to me like you're pretending you have education so that way, your shitty posts seem more credible. Fact is, there's no way you can prove you are educated. So like all Conservative beliefs and policy, we have to take your word for it. Why the fuck should I?

I love South Park, but using it as a bridge to compare us right now to Wiemar is stupid.

Yes, ex-wives are ALWAYS good sources... again, you are a fucking liar.

Depression gave them votes, which got them the deal with the conservatives/monarchists to make Hitler Chancellor. Try reading wikipedia before you post.

I wasn't in Charlottsville and I don't support their views. The only thing I supported was their right to freely march. Again, you are making associations that only exist in your addled mind.

I never said Obama was boin in Kenya. Again you generalize because you have no actual "point" to make except "fuh fuh fuh, you is a Nazi! fuh fuh fuh"

And its comical for someone to reference science and be a gender fluidity idiot.

Who the hell claims to have a ChemE degree that doesn't have one? What's your education dipshit?
It's all a bunch of jiggery pokery, and progressive idiots like you can't be consistent with it. The only hard condition is gender dysphoria.

Look, just because you're not versed on this subject and harbor some obvious sexual repression doesn't automatically make anything you say valid. You try to apply your retrograde, backwards thinking as the standard when it isn't. You are in the minority on this issue, pal. Someone's gender identity and sexual orientation has nothing to do with you. Yet you are striving to make it about you. So what the fuck does that say? It says that you have some sexual confusion issues of your own, and your tiny little mind cannot seem to wrap itself around that. Get the fuck over yourself. No one cares about you. Who someone wants to marry isn't any concern to you. So long as it's consenting adults, what the fuck do you care? Obviously you have some sexual repression that you don't know how to deal with, so you just try to pretend like you're some kind of deep thinker when we know from the content and level of detail in your posts that you're not.

Being forced to care and accept are the same thing.

No, they're not. For instance; I don't care that you feel you have to pray to an imaginary cloud fairy because you're too cowardly, ignorant, or immoral to seek answers to questions that you don't know. It's easier for you to just push those questions off on some higher power because you're not a thoughtful person. But again, that has nothing to do with anyone else and I accept that you are so feeble minded you have to talk to yourself while pretending you are talking to God. I accept that you are primitive in that thinking. I don't care about it, but I accept it.

Like it's so fucking hard to accept something. Jesus...what a whiny little bitch you are.

And when you get government involved I am not being asked.

WTF? What is government "involved with"? See, this is what I'm talking about when I say you just spout off random garbage nonsense to make it all about you and your precious little feelings. What a fucking snowflake. What is it government should ask you about? What the fuck are you talking about. Can you do anything other than make it about you? Whiny. Little. Bitch.

Oh, it's so fucking hard for you to accept. Wah wah. Someone coddle the right-winger who has the vapors at simply knowing that two gay guys love each other and want to get married. Or some person has gender fluidity. Or some person was born the wrong gender. Yeah, it's so fucking hard for you to accept those things. What happened to the tough-guy who could bear anything? You're basically saying that the simple fact that transsexuals exist means you are personally affected by it. The only way you are personally affected by it is if you are transsexual or gay or gender fluid So are you? Whiny. Little. Bitch.

When you ruin people over not baking a fucking cake

Fuck those whiny little bitches. They made the choice to violate someone's Civil Rights. They ruined themselves, and in typical Conservative fashion, blame someone else. Pretty sure Jesus didn't say anything about bakeries in the Bible. The whole reason they are ruined is because their religion dictates to them that simply conducting business with gay people will land them in Hell. Is that what they fucking think? I'm never clear on it because the excuses keep changing.

they are not being asked. When you doxx someone who disagrees with this, they are not being asked. Again, when you bring government in to enforce your dogma, it impacts us all.

Not being asked what!? What are they not being asked? WTF? Dogma is believing that you will go to Hell for baking a cake for a gay wedding. There is no clearer example of dogma than that. You need to check yourself. So you think accepting homosexuality, gender fluidity, and transsexual is dogma? How so? Do you even know what dogma means? Doesn't appear you do.

And your mewling about me being a whiner is comical because your responses are one giant pussy-bitch fest. You must have sand in your vagina.

You are the one whining about accepting someone's sexuality. Grow up and get the fuck over yourself.
It's all a bunch of jiggery pokery, and progressive idiots like you can't be consistent with it. The only hard condition is gender dysphoria.

Look, just because you're not versed on this subject and harbor some obvious sexual repression doesn't automatically make anything you say valid. You try to apply your retrograde, backwards thinking as the standard when it isn't. You are in the minority on this issue, pal. Someone's gender identity and sexual orientation has nothing to do with you. Yet you are striving to make it about you. So what the fuck does that say? It says that you have some sexual confusion issues of your own, and your tiny little mind cannot seem to wrap itself around that. Get the fuck over yourself. No one cares about you. Who someone wants to marry isn't any concern to you. So long as it's consenting adults, what the fuck do you care? Obviously you have some sexual repression that you don't know how to deal with, so you just try to pretend like you're some kind of deep thinker when we know from the content and level of detail in your posts that you're not.

Being forced to care and accept are the same thing.

No, they're not. For instance; I don't care that you feel you have to pray to an imaginary cloud fairy because you're too cowardly, ignorant, or immoral to seek answers to questions that you don't know. It's easier for you to just push those questions off on some higher power because you're not a thoughtful person. But again, that has nothing to do with anyone else and I accept that you are so feeble minded you have to talk to yourself while pretending you are talking to God. I accept that you are primitive in that thinking. I don't care about it, but I accept it.

Like it's so fucking hard to accept something. Jesus...what a whiny little bitch you are.

And when you get government involved I am not being asked.

WTF? What is government "involved with"? See, this is what I'm talking about when I say you just spout off random garbage nonsense to make it all about you and your precious little feelings. What a fucking snowflake. What is it government should ask you about? What the fuck are you talking about. Can you do anything other than make it about you? Whiny. Little. Bitch.

Oh, it's so fucking hard for you to accept. Wah wah. Someone coddle the right-winger who has the vapors at simply knowing that two gay guys love each other and want to get married. Or some person has gender fluidity. Or some person was born the wrong gender. Yeah, it's so fucking hard for you to accept those things. What happened to the tough-guy who could bear anything? You're basically saying that the simple fact that transsexuals exist means you are personally affected by it. The only way you are personally affected by it is if you are transsexual or gay or gender fluid So are you? Whiny. Little. Bitch.

When you ruin people over not baking a fucking cake

Fuck those whiny little bitches. They made the choice to violate someone's Civil Rights. They ruined themselves, and in typical Conservative fashion, blame someone else. Pretty sure Jesus didn't say anything about bakeries in the Bible. The whole reason they are ruined is because their religion dictates to them that simply conducting business with gay people will land them in Hell. Is that what they fucking think? I'm never clear on it because the excuses keep changing.

they are not being asked. When you doxx someone who disagrees with this, they are not being asked. Again, when you bring government in to enforce your dogma, it impacts us all.

Not being asked what!? What are they not being asked? WTF? Dogma is believing that you will go to Hell for baking a cake for a gay wedding. There is no clearer example of dogma than that. You need to check yourself. So you think accepting homosexuality, gender fluidity, and transsexual is dogma? How so? Do you even know what dogma means? Doesn't appear you do.

And your mewling about me being a whiner is comical because your responses are one giant pussy-bitch fest. You must have sand in your vagina.

You are the one whining about accepting someone's sexuality. Grow up and get the fuck over yourself.

So many words, so little content. You are one of those morons that confuse quantity for quality.

I think I know who's sock this is, the cloud fairy thing gives you away, plus the attention paid to me....JoeB.

And that concludes this thread you sock-whore.
l of the cases in question are based on State laws, not federal. I am not a bigot, I am a fan of small government, and only using it when needed. Ruining someone over a cake is not small government.

Fuck you. You say you want small government but here you are arguing that government should be involved in protecting people's bigotry. Why? Conservatives love to say they want small government except when; a hurricane hits, when it comes to restricting what a woman can do with her body, when it comes to what people want to do in their bedrooms, when it comes to who people want to marry, when it comes to the poor white people addicted to opiods and heroin. Fuck you. Fuck your belief system. Those people chose to ruin themselves, then they blame the federal government and gay people for their self-inflicted harm. Just another example of Conservatives refusing to accept responsibility for everything in favor of being perpetual victims of their own bigotry and dogma.

Why can't the bakers bake the cake and then ask God for forgiveness? Why is that not an option? I thought God was forgiving. I thought Jesus died for your sins. I thought that was the whole fucking point of your religion?????

The injury is to the owner of the business when they are denied their 1st amendment rights to free exercise.

The business owner inflicted the harm upon themselves. Why don't they ask God for forgiveness? They ask God for forgiveness about everything else, why not baking a cake?

Aww, did I hurt your feeewwings you dippy little snowflake?

You would never be able to hurt my feelings, but here you are whining about the feelings of bigots whose businesses are ruined because their God obviously doesn't forgive. And if their God doesn't forgive, why the fuck do they worship it?!? Seems pretty fucking stupid, don't you agree?
l of the cases in question are based on State laws, not federal. I am not a bigot, I am a fan of small government, and only using it when needed. Ruining someone over a cake is not small government.

Fuck you. You say you want small government but here you are arguing that government should be involved in protecting people's bigotry. Why? Conservatives love to say they want small government except when; a hurricane hits, when it comes to restricting what a woman can do with her body, when it comes to what people want to do in their bedrooms, when it comes to who people want to marry, when it comes to the poor white people addicted to opiods and heroin. Fuck you. Fuck your belief system. Those people chose to ruin themselves, then they blame the federal government and gay people for their self-inflicted harm. Just another example of Conservatives refusing to accept responsibility for everything in favor of being perpetual victims of their own bigotry and dogma.

Why can't the bakers bake the cake and then ask God for forgiveness? Why is that not an option? I thought God was forgiving. I thought Jesus died for your sins. I thought that was the whole fucking point of your religion?????

The injury is to the owner of the business when they are denied their 1st amendment rights to free exercise.

The business owner inflicted the harm upon themselves. Why don't they ask God for forgiveness? They ask God for forgiveness about everything else, why not baking a cake?

Aww, did I hurt your feeewwings you dippy little snowflake?

You would never be able to hurt my feelings, but here you are whining about the feelings of bigots whose businesses are ruined because their God obviously doesn't forgive. And if their God doesn't forgive, why the fuck do they worship it?!? Seems pretty fucking stupid, don't you agree?

You are an intolerant asshole, that much is apparent. As a believer in federalism its up to State legislatures to figure most of this stuff out. That's the system as written by the constitution, not the opinions of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Why should you care about them, and why should government get involved in the first place?

I am a lapsed Catholic at best, so my Beliefs vis a vis some deity do not apply, What I do believe in is individual liberty.

Ah, the "stop hitting yourself" response. wonderful.

Your ranting is the only stupid thing I am seeing, JoeBlow.
They are all constructs made to allow people to be something they cannot. Typical progressive mindfucking.

Really?!?!? And religion isn't a construct of man!?!?!? "Be something they cannot", like a good person? Christians are not good people, as is evidenced by your attempts to justify bigotry against someone because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Like it's so fucking hard to accept that. Why is it so hard for you to accept that, yet you blindly accept that there is a magical being who sits on a cloud and listens to your prayers? Seriously, how fucking ego-maniacal is that belief system? That the Creator of all listens to you specifically when you talk to yourself!?!?! Stupid.

Celibacy is typically used in the context of no marriage AND no sex for certain clergy, Catholic Priests, and Orthodox Bishops. Your attempt to change your statement has failed.

LOL! I do not know of any branch of Christianity that supports sex outside of marriage. So now you are making excuses and exceptions about celibacy. Who are those people celibate? I don't understand.

Again, Accept = Care, and we are not being asked. When you get government involved its always about force. When you ruin people over a cake, it's about force. when you doxx or force a person to quit their job over a political view its about force.

How is government forcing you to accept gay people?! Get over yourself. If you lose your business or your job because of your bigotry, that's on you. So change. Why do we have to make accomodations for you? What did you do to earn that? Nothing as far as I can see. Get over yourself, you whiny little bitch.
They are all constructs made to allow people to be something they cannot. Typical progressive mindfucking.

Really?!?!? And religion isn't a construct of man!?!?!? "Be something they cannot", like a good person? Christians are not good people, as is evidenced by your attempts to justify bigotry against someone because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Like it's so fucking hard to accept that. Why is it so hard for you to accept that, yet you blindly accept that there is a magical being who sits on a cloud and listens to your prayers? Seriously, how fucking ego-maniacal is that belief system? That the Creator of all listens to you specifically when you talk to yourself!?!?! Stupid.

Celibacy is typically used in the context of no marriage AND no sex for certain clergy, Catholic Priests, and Orthodox Bishops. Your attempt to change your statement has failed.

LOL! I do not know of any branch of Christianity that supports sex outside of marriage. So now you are making excuses and exceptions about celibacy. Who are those people celibate? I don't understand.

Again, Accept = Care, and we are not being asked. When you get government involved its always about force. When you ruin people over a cake, it's about force. when you doxx or force a person to quit their job over a political view its about force.

How is government forcing you to accept gay people?! Get over yourself. If you lose your business or your job because of your bigotry, that's on you. So change. Why do we have to make accomodations for you? What did you do to earn that? Nothing as far as I can see. Get over yourself, you whiny little bitch.

Any belief structure is a construct of man, the issue is the source and inspiration. And stop generalizing, it's sad to watch.

Sigh, another anti-religious full of themselves half-wit. or JoeB in a sock guise.

Your original statement was about taking advice on sex from celibate clergy. My response is most clergy can marry, except the cases above. What are you rambling about?

Again with the "stop hitting yourself" bully mind-set.

And demanding people to change is more Nazi than anything else, you fucking Nazi.
I love South Park, but using it as a bridge to compare us right now to Wiemar is stupid.

How so? Do you not think the South Park guys are astute observers of society? Do you not think they are credible satirists? Did you even watch last week's episode? Maybe you should before you run your fat mouth on the boards about it. If your mind isn't sharp enough to see the obvious similarities between the rise of fascism post-WWI Germany and the rise of fascism post-Bush Economic Collapse, then at this point it's an active choice you are making. The nativists of Weimar Germany were upset about the way the economic recovery left them behind, much like the nativists of 21st-Century America are upset about the way the economic recovery left them behind as well. These people who want to kick the DACA folks out think that the DACA folks "took their jobs", when the fact is that the DACA folks, for example, are educated and the jobs they have couldn't be staffed by the nativists anyway because the nativists forswore college education because they were lied to by Conservatives who promised them the American Dream.

Yes, ex-wives are ALWAYS good sources... again, you are a fucking liar.

Think about what you're fucking saying.

Depression gave them votes, which got them the deal with the conservatives/monarchists to make Hitler Chancellor. Try reading wikipedia before you post.

How? How did it "give them the votes"? What did they do to earn the votes? They blamed the economic malaise on Jews, immigrants, socialists, minorities, etc. exactly what you fucking assholes are doing today. You're just in denial about it because for you, accepting that you are a Nazi would shatter your carefully constructed house of cards. But here's the thing, it only takes pulling at one of those cards for the whole thing to come crashing down.

I wasn't in Charlottsville and I don't support their views. The only thing I supported was their right to freely march. Again, you are making associations that only exist in your addled mind.

Bullshit. Fascism is incitement of violence. Fascists can't march peacefully because fascism is incitement. So you pretend you don't support them yet here you are, supporting them.

I never said Obama was boin in Kenya. Again you generalize because you have no actual "point" to make except "fuh fuh fuh, you is a Nazi! fuh fuh fuh"

LOL! I bet that if we went back through thew thousands of posts f yours, we'd dig up a few where you question Obama's citizenship. Don't fucking lie to me because I'm not gonna believe you. You've given me no reason to believe you. I am not the kind of person that gives the benefit of the doubt. So...stop. Just stop with the posturing. No one buys it. I doubt even you buy it yourself and you're the one pushing that shit.

And its comical for someone to reference science and be a gender fluidity idiot.

Gender fluidity has been the subject of tons of psychological and psychiatric research. Just because you cannot wrap your simple mind around it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. So once again, you've made a subject about you. Fucking egomaniac. Get over yourself. You're not special. You're not deserving. You're a slug.

Who the hell claims to have a ChemE degree that doesn't have one? What's your education dipshit?

Someone who is desperate for their posts to be taken seriously so they feel the need to inflate or invent their credentials so their shitty ideas will be taken seriously. Trouble is, you're not a serious person. So I can't take you seriously. I think you and others like you pretend to have these credentials because you know your shitty ideas and beliefs have no credibility. So you manufacture credibility by pretending you're educated, a small business owner, married to a minority, a veteran, your Obamacare premiums skyrocketed, etc. I've heard it all before, and I'm not impressed. If you feel the need to qualify yourself on a message board, then all that says to me is that you're full of shit. Like suddenly I'll believe your posts because you say you have a degree. LOL. Whatever.
I love South Park, but using it as a bridge to compare us right now to Wiemar is stupid.

How so? Do you not think the South Park guys are astute observers of society? Do you not think they are credible satirists? Did you even watch last week's episode? Maybe you should before you run your fat mouth on the boards about it. If your mind isn't sharp enough to see the obvious similarities between the rise of fascism post-WWI Germany and the rise of fascism post-Bush Economic Collapse, then at this point it's an active choice you are making. The nativists of Weimar Germany were upset about the way the economic recovery left them behind, much like the nativists of 21st-Century America are upset about the way the economic recovery left them behind as well. These people who want to kick the DACA folks out think that the DACA folks "took their jobs", when the fact is that the DACA folks, for example, are educated and the jobs they have couldn't be staffed by the nativists anyway because the nativists forswore college education because they were lied to by Conservatives who promised them the American Dream.

Yes, ex-wives are ALWAYS good sources... again, you are a fucking liar.

Think about what you're fucking saying.

Depression gave them votes, which got them the deal with the conservatives/monarchists to make Hitler Chancellor. Try reading wikipedia before you post.

How? How did it "give them the votes"? What did they do to earn the votes? They blamed the economic malaise on Jews, immigrants, socialists, minorities, etc. exactly what you fucking assholes are doing today. You're just in denial about it because for you, accepting that you are a Nazi would shatter your carefully constructed house of cards. But here's the thing, it only takes pulling at one of those cards for the whole thing to come crashing down.

I wasn't in Charlottsville and I don't support their views. The only thing I supported was their right to freely march. Again, you are making associations that only exist in your addled mind.

Bullshit. Fascism is incitement of violence. Fascists can't march peacefully because fascism is incitement. So you pretend you don't support them yet here you are, supporting them.

I never said Obama was boin in Kenya. Again you generalize because you have no actual "point" to make except "fuh fuh fuh, you is a Nazi! fuh fuh fuh"

LOL! I bet that if we went back through thew thousands of posts f yours, we'd dig up a few where you question Obama's citizenship. Don't fucking lie to me because I'm not gonna believe you. You've given me no reason to believe you. I am not the kind of person that gives the benefit of the doubt. So...stop. Just stop with the posturing. No one buys it. I doubt even you buy it yourself and you're the one pushing that shit.

And its comical for someone to reference science and be a gender fluidity idiot.

Gender fluidity has been the subject of tons of psychological and psychiatric research. Just because you cannot wrap your simple mind around it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. So once again, you've made a subject about you. Fucking egomaniac. Get over yourself. You're not special. You're not deserving. You're a slug.

Who the hell claims to have a ChemE degree that doesn't have one? What's your education dipshit?

Someone who is desperate for their posts to be taken seriously so they feel the need to inflate or invent their credentials so their shitty ideas will be taken seriously. Trouble is, you're not a serious person. So I can't take you seriously. I think you and others like you pretend to have these credentials because you know your shitty ideas and beliefs have no credibility. So you manufacture credibility by pretending you're educated, a small business owner, married to a minority, a veteran, your Obamacare premiums skyrocketed, etc. I've heard it all before, and I'm not impressed. If you feel the need to qualify yourself on a message board, then all that says to me is that you're full of shit. Like suddenly I'll believe your posts because you say you have a degree. LOL. Whatever.

You are finding fascism where none exists. hell your side has far more fascist tendencies than the current right. You squelch speech you don't like, you prefer strong central government, and you go after political opponents using any means available.

Non-response noted. and even if he owns a copy of Mein Kampf (which I do as well, you need to read original sources to understand things) it doesn't mean he believes in whats inside of it.

I support the right of anyone to march peacefully to express their viewpoints, no matter how abhorrent. That's what believing in liberty is all about. You trust the people enough to realize those idiots are just that, and you don't give them excuses to feel persecuted by trying to stop them.

You won't find a single one. The birther shit is meaningless.

Another non-response. you are running out of hot air.

Again, I told you me education, I am NOT a small business owner or a veteran, I am married to a minority, and my health care costs have gone up while the product I get has gone down in quality.

And by your non-answer I assume you have some lame communications degree or some X studies bullshit.
You are an intolerant asshole, that much is apparent.

I sure am an asshole when it comes to tolerating intolerance. Totally. I make no bones about it. Why the fuck should I be tolerant of your intolerance and bigotry? How about you grow the fuck up and get over yourself? Why is that not an option?

As a believer in federalism its up to State legislatures to figure most of this stuff out. That's the system as written by the constitution, not the opinions of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Nonsense. We don't live in an 18th-century world anymore. The ideas of state boundaries are pointless now. When you can sit at your computer in Seattle, order a product from Miami, have it paid by a credit card based in Wilmington, and have it shipped by a Dallas company, the idea of "states' rights" is just bullshit code for you wanting to discriminate against people who make you feel less secure in your own (insert insecurity of your choice here). Do people in Massachusetts get a different kind of breast cancer than people in Texas? Do kids in North Dakota learn a different kind of math than kids in Oregon? No. If we are to compete in the globalized world, we can't sabotage ourselves with this idea that invisible, artificial, and arbitrary boundaries hold some kind of significance.

Grow up. This isn't the 1700's. You don't treat people with leeches, so why do you employ 18th-century thinking to government? Fucking stupid. No wonder you thought of it. You cling to this "states' rights" bullshit, yet you have no answers for the obvious questions that arise from fragmenting our nation and disadvantaging us in the global market.

Why should you care about them, and why should government get involved in the first place?

Because it's Civil Rights. Again, why do you have this antiquated view of government. Do you live your life according to the 1700's in other aspects? Like without electricity and plumbing? Just like the Bible, you pick and choose (arbitrarily) how you want to apply 17th century thinking to 21st century problems. We all know it's bullshit when you do that, yet you do it anyway. Why? If you want to live in the 1700's so bad, build a time machine and go back in time. Or work at Colonial Williamsburg where you can play pretend and get paid for it. You won't be missed.

I am a lapsed Catholic at best, so my Beliefs vis a vis some deity do not apply, What I do believe in is individual liberty.

But you don't believe in individual liberty because you don't believe in Civil Rights. So why the fuck are we even having this debate? Grow the fuck up.

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