Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

MAGA red hats are the new brown shirts. You have MAGA in your signature. Hence, you're a Nazi

Trump supporters...






Which group looks more like Nazis? Grow up Derp and join humanity. You are not a good American and we could certainly do with less of you. We will make America great again with you or without you.
‘ESPN on Tuesday issued a statement disavowing host Jemele Hill’s tweets calling President Donald Trump “a white supremacist,” “a bigot” and “unqualified and unfit to be president.”’

ESPN disavows Jemele Hill's tweets calling Donald Trump a 'white supremacist'

Trump is in fact a bigot – and although ‘qualified’ per the Constitution, Trump is indeed unfit to be president.

So sayeth someone who believes men can become women.

So you indeed have credibility issues (putting it kindly)
Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!


International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Wikipedia

By the way, if you were employed by a pirate to sell corn on the cob, you know what price you would charge for it? You'd charge a dollar for each cob of corn, because you would be selling it for a buck an ear.
Nazi = fascist = Conservative = teabag = Klansman = Republican

For nearly the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, the Ku Klux Klan was heavily aligned with the Democrats. In fact, in its original incarnation, it was at least as much anti-Republican as it was anti-black.
The only action required is to be intolerant. A dictionary would help you out in the future.

And why should anyone be tolerant of their intolerance?


You know, as a philosophy major, and someone that takes intellectual thought seriously, it bothers me when lay people and the political elites, take philosophers out of context, in order to support their political agenda.

Personally, I do not believe this is what he had in mind; especially when the ruling government, is in power and it has the right to suppress the very people that are protesting.

Popper had a thing about questioning dogma. Your posts, and the folks that tend to be posting in contrary to you, are all very dogmatic. Nothing could be further from Popper's philosophy. He felt nothing could be known for sure. You seem to think you know things and that there are absolutes, that your side is right, just as those who argue with you think they absolutely are correct. Could it be your both are? Or you both are wrong? Only in discussion do we find tolerance.

You are being every bit as intolerant and critical as those you believe are intolerant.

I post here, the relevant portion your cartoon is based on, to show you just how much it does not apply to our current situation.

"Most of the memes paraphrase or otherwise do not include the full text of the relevant passage for reasons of space, but since it is relatively short I will also reproduce it here:"
Popper and the Paradox of Tolerance - Skepchick

"Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right to not tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal. [1]"

If you do not recognize that this is the position, the exact position to which radical leftist that are now engaged in political violence now have found themselves? Clearly you aren't paying attention. The first to raise the sword in justification of their cause is usually the ones who turn out to be wrong.

Are you sure, are you absolutely positive you are not ready to meet these bigots with rational argument? Or will it be you who is the deceptive one that raises the odious specter of suppression first? For that is where an open and free society dies. All because you failed in the department of rational argument and free thought.

If you come forward and meet your obligations here, then you should let the Republic work as it is intended.

. . . unless you don't like "pride parades," and you prefer to see Muslims and immigrants in internment camps? Because that is the road your logic will eventually take us down if you throw reasoned debate out the window in favor of emotion and violence. Remember, it was the supposed actions of the Communists that led to the Enabling Acts. So, yeah, your Popper's philosophy was used to great affect by the same Nazi's you seem to hate. Remember that, sauce for the goose if we go down that road. . . .
1. you said a business. get a membership and you can do what you want with your business.

Right, it's something you pay membership fees for that doesn't then charge for the service produced. Why is this hard for you to grasp?

i'm simply applying YOUR standards evenly.

No, you're not because you don't even understand what you're saying. Designers not wanting to dress Melania isn't a violation of Melania's civil rights.

you're the one going BUT WAIT - THIS IS DIFFERENT for no other reason than it's how YOU feel about it.

Well, this gets back to the issue with you; that you think homosexuality is a choice. So we can't have an honest discussion about this because you're not being honest about the topic.

and sexuality is a choice.

Really? So when did you choose to be straight? Was it a choice you made fully informed? Meaning, did you try being gay for a while before making a final choice to be straight? No. You didn't, did you?

you can choose to simply not participate. didn't you even bring that up earlier?

What are you talking about? Choose to participate in what? Huh? Your posts have devolved to a simplistic game of contrarianism that is supported by idiocy and stupidity and denial. In order for your argument to make sense, you have to convince yourself that sexuality is a choice. So you're lying to yourself in order to make a lying point on the board to me. Fuck you.

and your emo-state of mind matters not in the world of laws and justice. you say a person can be bound to feeling attracted to the same sex but can't be attracted to feeling the need for a higher power, or a God in their lives. you can always choose against what feels normal to you - that goes for us all.

Sexuality isn't a choice. You actively choose to believe in magic cloud beings. If you cannot make that distinction, then you are the one with psychological problems here. Secondly, the emo whiners are those like you who lament the poor bigots who are brought to court and humiliated for having their bigoted beliefs. So all the whining you're doing here is exactly why I am calling you a whiny little bitch. You seem to be working from the assumption that humans inherently need a higher power (and let's save the discussion for why you have that need for another thread because that's a whole separate discussion about your inadequacies, moral and intellectual laziness, sloppiness, and sophistry). Is there a biological imperative for you to believe in God? I'm interested to know why you think believing in God is of the same biological imperative as sexuality? God isn't real. You learn about God the same time you learn about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy...yet you don't believe in those three things as an adult, so why believe in the fourth. Also, belief in God is just that -a belief. Sexuality isn't a belief system. And because you think it is, I think you have serious mental deficiencies. Your brain is simply not developed enough to process these things...probably because your family tree looks like a stump.

but you're trying to make 1 side ok and give them a different set of rules.

You are arguing homosexuality is a belief system when you try to equate it with religion. It's not. You don't "believe" in being gay. You either are or you aren't (unless you subscribe to the Kinsey scale, which posits that sexuality is fluid).

if we can disallow people from shopping at a store for your reasons, then we must allow it for other reasons also.

Stop being such a whiny little bitch.
you really need a new catch phrase. this limits your potential by repeating the same thing over and over. be creative. we'd at least appreciate that.

and yes, if i have to bake a gaycake you have to make a dress for a trump. even if donald but you gotta do it.

it's that *divide* you refuse to see *your* side is putting there. and by *your* side i simply mean fucking idiots.
You are an intolerant asshole, that much is apparent.

I sure am an asshole when it comes to tolerating intolerance. Totally. I make no bones about it. Why the fuck should I be tolerant of your intolerance and bigotry? How about you grow the fuck up and get over yourself? Why is that not an option?

As a believer in federalism its up to State legislatures to figure most of this stuff out. That's the system as written by the constitution, not the opinions of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Nonsense. We don't live in an 18th-century world anymore. The ideas of state boundaries are pointless now. When you can sit at your computer in Seattle, order a product from Miami, have it paid by a credit card based in Wilmington, and have it shipped by a Dallas company, the idea of "states' rights" is just bullshit code for you wanting to discriminate against people who make you feel less secure in your own (insert insecurity of your choice here). Do people in Massachusetts get a different kind of breast cancer than people in Texas? Do kids in North Dakota learn a different kind of math than kids in Oregon? No. If we are to compete in the globalized world, we can't sabotage ourselves with this idea that invisible, artificial, and arbitrary boundaries hold some kind of significance.

Grow up. This isn't the 1700's. You don't treat people with leeches, so why do you employ 18th-century thinking to government? Fucking stupid. No wonder you thought of it. You cling to this "states' rights" bullshit, yet you have no answers for the obvious questions that arise from fragmenting our nation and disadvantaging us in the global market.

Why should you care about them, and why should government get involved in the first place?

Because it's Civil Rights. Again, why do you have this antiquated view of government. Do you live your life according to the 1700's in other aspects? Like without electricity and plumbing? Just like the Bible, you pick and choose (arbitrarily) how you want to apply 17th century thinking to 21st century problems. We all know it's bullshit when you do that, yet you do it anyway. Why? If you want to live in the 1700's so bad, build a time machine and go back in time. Or work at Colonial Williamsburg where you can play pretend and get paid for it. You won't be missed.

I am a lapsed Catholic at best, so my Beliefs vis a vis some deity do not apply, What I do believe in is individual liberty.

But you don't believe in individual liberty because you don't believe in Civil Rights. So why the fuck are we even having this debate? Grow the fuck up.

Because this is not a society of forced lemmings who have to be as you want them to be. If there is no actual harm done a person's views are none of your fucking business and none of the governments. and Butthurt is not harm.

The union of States is how this country was founded, and how the constitution was set up. if you want to change that use the amendment process. And I am talking about federalism, i.e. the division of power between levels of government, that has been ignored the past 80 years or so, much to the detriment of the country.

Civil rights involves the government and its interaction with people, not people interacting with people.

What you are talking about isn't civil rights, its the opposite. in fact you violate the civil rights of religious people in these cases, but since you are an anti-religious asshole, you are ok with it. hell you probably whip out your dick and jerk off to it.
You are finding fascism where none exists. hell your side has far more fascist tendencies than the current right. You squelch speech you don't like, you prefer strong central government, and you go after political opponents using any means available.

This is denial, folks. We need a strong central government because the nations we compete against in the global stage have strong central governments, so we are at a disadvantage in that space. Also, we live in the information age, meaning the Founding Fathers never envisioned a world of instantaneous communication, fast travel, and commerce happening across state lines as the standard. Why do you want to apply 17th century thinking to 21st century problems? Do you cure cancer with leeches? No. So why would you apply 21st century thinking to your health but not our system of government? Dumb. I think you just want to justify your discrimination and bigotry so you play pretend.

Non-response noted. and even if he owns a copy of Mein Kampf (which I do as well, you need to read original sources to understand things) it doesn't mean he believes in whats inside of it.

LOL! OK. You own a copy of Mein Kampf? Wow.

I support the right of anyone to march peacefully to express their viewpoints, no matter how abhorrent. That's what believing in liberty is all about. You trust the people enough to realize those idiots are just that, and you don't give them excuses to feel persecuted by trying to stop them.

There's the rub, though. Fascists aren't peaceful. Genocide is literally one of the things that make you a fascist. Nazis exist solely to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing. "Blood and Soil" is a 19th century German phrase that means ethnic cleansing. That is what those Conservatives marching in Charlottesville were all chanting. That and "Jews will not replace us". There exists no clearer example of incitement. Nazis should be punched, kicked, and killed. That's what we did 80 years ago, so why should it be any different today?

You won't find a single one. The birther shit is meaningless..

LOL! I seriously doubt your integrity here. Surely you know that.

gain, I told you me education, I am NOT a small business owner or a veteran, I am married to a minority, and my health care costs have gone up while the product I get has gone down in quality.

Again, why the fuck should I believe you? You've given me no reason. I am supposed to take your word for it, why? Because you say so? LOL. Try again. Also, those other examples were things Conservatives claim about themselves (easy to do on an anonymous message board) in order to lend their argument credibility it doesn't have. So you paper over that gap by invoking personal anecdotes and histories - two things you know cannot be verified on this board.

And by your non-answer I assume you have some lame communications degree or some X studies bullshit.

You don't know shit about me, and my personal circumstances have no bearing on the facts. You may want to play make-believe, but I don't play that game unless it's D&D. You all love role playing quite a bit.

We have a strong central government when it comes to dealing with other nations. And advocating for a stronger one is actually much more fascist than advocating for more local control. And again, if changes are needed in the constitution due to changing times, the amendment process is there.

So what? Unlike you When I talk about Hitler and Nazis I do it from a more informed state, because I have read the source material. It's why all your prattling about conservatives=nazis is utter bullshit.

Put up or shut up on the birther shit, bitch.

Lying doesn't get me any points. You on the other hand aren't even trying to give me background on your education, which means its probably bullshit.
So many words, so little content. You are one of those morons that confuse quantity for quality.

It's called being thoughtful in your posts. You aren't a thoughtful person. Message boards like these are exactly the place to post long, thoughtful responses. You gaslight that because either reading those words is too much for you, or reading them upset you so much you couldn't bother to articulate a thoughtful response. I think it's the latter because I don't think your belief system enables you to be thoughtful.

I think I know who's sock this is, the cloud fairy thing gives you away, plus the attention paid to me....JoeB.And that concludes this thread you sock-whore.

WTF? Go fuck yourself you whiny little bitch. Conservatives are such cowards and weaklings. Not to mention they don't know a fucking thing.

No it's called trying to look smart via volume. Your wall's O'Text are nowhere near thoughtful, often starting with some semblance of a point then meandering off due to your incomplete understanding of the topic at hand, or your willful doublethink via progressive dogma.

I put you at a 50% chance of being a JoeB sock.
You are an intolerant asshole, that much is apparent. As a believer in federalism its up to State legislatures to figure most of this stuff out. That's the system as written by the constitution, not the opinions of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

What the fuck kind of God doesn't forgive people? Seriously...why can't the bigoted bakers just bake the cake, then ask God for forgiveness after? Why is that not an option?

Why can't the lesbians just spend 15 minutes finding another willing baker?
Any belief structure is a construct of man, the issue is the source and inspiration. And stop generalizing, it's sad to watch.

Hold on a second. You say that any belief system (including religion) is a construct of man. OK, so then what is the source and inspiration for religion? Obviously it's inspired by not knowing the answers to questions. So you explain away those questions you cannot answer as "God's will". Do you see the bullshit in that? As society evolves and progresses, science starts answering those previously unanswerable questions that were chalked up to God. So how is religion anything more than easy answers for lazy and ignorant people with no thirst for knowledge?

Sigh, another anti-religious full of themselves half-wit. or JoeB in a sock guise.

If you need a book that was written 500 years ago, commissioned by an English King who didn't even speak English, to teach you morality then you've got a fucking problem. Aesop wrote morality tales 500 years before Jesus was even born. So if you're gonna use someone's writings as your moral guidance, why not use Aesop's? Fuck, the Bible stole those morality tales from Aesop, just like it stole from all the other Great & ancient religions that preceeded it. It's arrogance to say your God is the one true God when that construct was, as you stated, entirely man-made.

Your original statement was about taking advice on sex from celibate clergy. My response is most clergy can marry, except the cases above. What are you rambling about?

Most, but not all. And when it comes to the supreme morality for a billion Catholics, it's a guy who volunteers to be celibate. That's fucking stupid.

And demanding people to change is more Nazi than anything else, you fucking Nazi.

Whiny little bitch. You're not a victim. You're a bigot.

Religion is naturally inspired by a deity of some sort, be it a force of nature, a single deity or a pantheon. Or it can be inspired by some addled guy (Scientology).
It's more arrogance to say with 100% certainty there is no god or deity force when there is no way to prove it. I'd rather deal with people of faith than asshole atheists because at least the people of faith believe in something bigger than themselves. All the hard core atheists I have dealt with in real life and on this board have been massive narrcisistic pricks.

A football coach can still be awesome and never have played football. And guidance on sex is only one of the things given.

Again, It's not me I fight for, its others who I may even disagree with.
Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!

Anyone who self-identifies on the right at this point is a Nazi. Plain and simple. There is no other way around it. No other explanation that makes any sense. Anyone -and I mean anyone- who subscribes to what is now the platform of the Republican Party and Conservative Movement is a fascist and thus, a Nazi.

If you don't like that, tough shit. Stop adhering to broken, bankrupt, and boring ideology, and you won't be called a Nazi anymore. It's really that fucking simple. And I mean how goddamned hard is it to admit you're wrong. LOL. Like it's so fucking hard.

You all are a bunch of whiny little bitches.

You are 100% wrong, and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

And you are deluded idiot.
I never said Obama was boin in Kenya.

Sure ya did. You just did it passively because you have no courage and are a shit-sipping human stain:

The whole birth certificate thing WAS (note the past tense) legitimate legal issue, until sufficent proof was provided.

So by saying this, what you're saying was the inherent position you had was that Obama was born in Kenya, and he had to "sufficiently" prove to you he wasn't. That's the same fucking thing as alleging he wasn't born in America. For instance, I might not say you're a wife beater, but until you provide sufficient evidence you don't beat your wife, the question of your spousal abuse is a legitimate issue.

It wasn't until the birth certificate was released before you finally accepted it. But that means your position prior to him releasing his BC was that he wasn't born in America.

So I see right through your transparent, Conservative BULLSHIT. You think you're clever? You aren't. You're just a piece of shit. Goose-step your way off a cliff. You won't be missed. By anyone.

Prove I have ever believed in any birther shit.

The sufficient proof was provided early on. I was discussing the legal aspect of the argument. A president has to be born in the US, there were some ambiguities early on, and those were corrected.

The fact that the natural birth is a requirement is not up for argument. Once the document was found the issue was over.

You have proven nothing, all you have proven is I was part of a discussion on it, and I assume you edited out the parts and posts where I said the issue is closed more concretely.

Gotcha moment value 0/10.
Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!


International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Wikipedia

By the way, if you were employed by a pirate to sell corn on the cob, you know what price you would charge for it? You'd charge a dollar for each cob of corn, because you would be selling it for a buck an ear.

I see your bad pun and raise you another one...

You are an intolerant asshole, that much is apparent. As a believer in federalism its up to State legislatures to figure most of this stuff out. That's the system as written by the constitution, not the opinions of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

What the fuck kind of God doesn't forgive people? Seriously...why can't the bigoted bakers just bake the cake, then ask God for forgiveness after? Why is that not an option?

Why can't the lesbians just spend 15 minutes finding another willing baker?
why can't the dressmaker just make the damn dress and take 3 showers that night or something? :)
his circular logic leaves us all dizzy. his clever wit, well that leaves us wanting.
Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!

Anyone who self-identifies on the right at this point is a Nazi. Plain and simple. There is no other way around it. No other explanation that makes any sense. Anyone -and I mean anyone- who subscribes to what is now the platform of the Republican Party and Conservative Movement is a fascist and thus, a Nazi.

If you don't like that, tough shit. Stop adhering to broken, bankrupt, and boring ideology, and you won't be called a Nazi anymore. It's really that fucking simple. And I mean how goddamned hard is it to admit you're wrong. LOL. Like it's so fucking hard.

You all are a bunch of whiny little bitches.

You are 100% wrong, and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

And you are deluded idiot.
everyone on the right is a nazi? i missed that little nugget cause i ignore him and have to go dig when i see an interesting convo. :)

i guess everyone on the left is the anti-fa then.

love how he "divides" people up. if he acts this way in real life, he'll get his ass handed to him one day. karma does amazing things. :)
Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!

Anyone who self-identifies on the right at this point is a Nazi. Plain and simple. There is no other way around it. No other explanation that makes any sense. Anyone -and I mean anyone- who subscribes to what is now the platform of the Republican Party and Conservative Movement is a fascist and thus, a Nazi.

If you don't like that, tough shit. Stop adhering to broken, bankrupt, and boring ideology, and you won't be called a Nazi anymore. It's really that fucking simple. And I mean how goddamned hard is it to admit you're wrong. LOL. Like it's so fucking hard.

You all are a bunch of whiny little bitches.

You are 100% wrong, and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

And you are deluded idiot.
everyone on the right is a nazi? i missed that little nugget cause i ignore him and have to go dig when i see an interesting convo. :)

i guess everyone on the left is the anti-fa then.

love how he "divides" people up. if he acts this way in real life, he'll get his ass handed to him one day. karma does amazing things. :)

it's been a while since I've done a good fisking on someone. This moron makes it easy.
Arr! The scalywag Derp thinks everyone to the right of he be Nazis, and need to walk the plank of ye olde Social Justice!

Anyone who self-identifies on the right at this point is a Nazi. Plain and simple. There is no other way around it. No other explanation that makes any sense. Anyone -and I mean anyone- who subscribes to what is now the platform of the Republican Party and Conservative Movement is a fascist and thus, a Nazi.

If you don't like that, tough shit. Stop adhering to broken, bankrupt, and boring ideology, and you won't be called a Nazi anymore. It's really that fucking simple. And I mean how goddamned hard is it to admit you're wrong. LOL. Like it's so fucking hard.

You all are a bunch of whiny little bitches.

You are 100% wrong, and taking that position shows you have no force of argument, and no ability to argue past the "everyone's a nazi but me" bullshit.

Again, I've studied fascism more than you ever will, and can say that your side is far more like them then my side, and those close to my side.

And you are deluded idiot.
everyone on the right is a nazi? i missed that little nugget cause i ignore him and have to go dig when i see an interesting convo. :)

i guess everyone on the left is the anti-fa then.

love how he "divides" people up. if he acts this way in real life, he'll get his ass handed to him one day. karma does amazing things. :)

it's been a while since I've done a good fisking on someone. This moron makes it easy.
yea, but think about it - it's likely how he "gets off" and i no wanna be a part of that mess. :)

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