Trump "Meltdown": Rages at Speaker Pelosi to her face over Turkey crisis

This is the worst thing that the God Emperor has done since.....YESTERDAY!

GOOD she is a dishonest bitch...

What is "dishonest" about her? Please provide "credible" proof.
Holding impeachment behind closed doors and leaking tid bits that make Trump look bad...she is spending our tax dollars on a political inquiry....she should be using DNC dollars...
if you want me to go into her son's sweetheart business deals like Joe's son i will oblige....
It is not impeachment yet clownass.
OMG he raged to her face instead of behind her back.

The Horror!
"Schumer says it was more of a “diatribe” than a dialogue and than Trump didn’t have a plan for containing ISIS"

So a few hundred Isis fighters escaped from prison and that means to Schumer that we have not contained Isis?...LMFAO and the retarded anti American media dutifully plays along.....what a joke....Trump's actions in Syria last week would have been done by any of the dems running for president right now and Schumer fucking knows it...and so do the dems in the media....Trump acted like an anti war dem last week and Schumer doesn't like it?...fucking insincere asshole....
You're aware I take it that utterly bipartisanly, over the course of our misadventures in the middle east, we have partnered with Saddam, Osama, ISIS, al Qaida, al Nusra, and of course the public square beheading radical Islamist Saudis who we are also, as the public, are funding and provide troops too.
I dislike the Bush family as much as the Clinton family....
Don has behaved so differently?

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
GOOD she is a dishonest bitch...

What is "dishonest" about her? Please provide "credible" proof.
No proof needed. Trum and his sycophants just toss out statements accusing everyone of everything, and never with any evidence. It's their stock in trade and just defines them as big mouth losers.

Democrats: Trump had 'meltdown' and called Pelosi a 'third-rate politician' - CNNPolitics

There is one interesting point at the end of this article where Steny Hoyer is quoted as saying "Never have I seen a President treat so disrespectfully a co-equal branch of the government of the United States."

What Steny fails to grasp with that statement is that Trump and his base fully believe that the Presidency is fully superior to the rest of the government. Actually, they view him as a legitimate dictatorship, ordained by God. Much like the nazis in Germany viewed Hitler.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!

Go ahead and campaign on sending our soldiers to die in a religious war. I dare you, go for it.

Trump campaigned on getting us out of these endless wars over which form of Islam is correct and Americans are sick of it.

You mean like a thousand U.S. troops who were preventing genocide of our Kurdish ally and preventing a resurgence of ISIS? Really...? BTW, those troops were acting mostly in an advisory capacity to the Kurds who were doing all the fighting - and dying.
Are you more upset at Trump or Muslims constantly murdering each other?
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!

Go ahead and campaign on sending our soldiers to die in a religious war. I dare you, go for it.

Trump campaigned on getting us out of these endless wars over which form of Islam is correct and Americans are sick of it.

Meanwhile, four day ago:

Pentagon sends new wave of troops to Saudi Arabia even as Trump calls for ending wars

Protecting the Persian Gulf to ensure world wide economic stability is entirely different from a religious war over which form of Islam is correct. Nuance, get some.
Trump is clearly feeling the heat from his Kurd betrayal.
More likely Pelosi is feeling the heat from turd betrayal. Ever since Trump and AOC put her in no mans land, she just can't have regular bowel movements,
Someone should rage against the wench. She’s holding up progress, with her fake rhetoric. She got cut off on FOX today, when she alleged that Donnie called her a communist. She couldn’t answer the question today, when asked directly, and they cut the news cast off. The screen went blank. She thought she could get everyone to bash Don, and they weren’t having it. She cares about herself and nobody else. She will get nothing.

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OMG he raged to her face instead of behind her back.

The Horror!
I agree, tantrums should be public.

If that means that politicians would tell the truth to each other and to us instead of spewing meaningless nonsense the vast majority of the time we can call it whatever you'd like.

It can even be in public. In the town square. Read aloud by the Town Crier. Fine by me.
OMG he raged to her face instead of behind her back.

The Horror!
I agree, tantrums should be public.

If that means that politicians would tell the truth to each other and to us instead of spewing meaningless nonsense the vast majority of the time we can call it whatever you'd like.

It can even be in public. In the town square. Read aloud by the Town Crier. Fine by me.
There is no truth in america.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!

Go ahead and campaign on sending our soldiers to die in a religious war. I dare you, go for it.

Trump campaigned on getting us out of these endless wars over which form of Islam is correct and Americans are sick of it.

You mean like a thousand U.S. troops who were preventing genocide of our Kurdish ally and preventing a resurgence of ISIS? Really...? BTW, those troops were acting mostly in an advisory capacity to the Kurds who were doing all the fighting - and dying.
Do you know who besides the Turks the Syrian Kurds consider to be their enemy?....Iraqi you really think staying there is a good idea for America?...are you so filled with hate for Trump that you have become a Bush?....wake up fool....
I'm glad he insulted her. He should do it more, and publicly.

It's interesting that Iran feels the same way about the move as do the Democrats.
He should drag her butt into court and then he needs to expose her son for doing what Hunter did but only worse.....and her husband and who knows who else in her family have gotten filthy rich due to her position....make her sorry she even did this....

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