Trump "Meltdown": Rages at Speaker Pelosi to her face over Turkey crisis

I just saw a fuming Chuck Schumer screaming at the cameras saying Trump was mean to Nancy Pelosi causing her to storm out.....and while he's doing this Nancy Pelosi couldn't contain her glee. It was sick and pathetic. Why would Pelosi be so happy about a serious matter such as this? Because it's once again...complete fucking BULLSHIT!!!

I could see Pelosi trying hard to suppress her laughter...but she just couldn't control herself. It was like watching a spoiled brat who was caught doing something wrong but having their mother defend her, regardless how horrid she acted.

It's like when a little brat teases her sister and then when her sister smacks her back.....Mommy grabs her sister and beats her right in front of her. It was just like that. Sick.....Demented.....Pathetically obvious.

I'm waiting for the YouTube video of this sick display to come out. Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'
Apparently Pelosi is the only asshole to leave. Everyone else stayed and continued negotiating and talking after Nancy left in a huff.

Republicans who attended the meeting said that Pelosi always acts like SHE'S in charge (the president) and wanted to control the meeting.

I guess after everyone else left....the Dummycraps/Communists felt they could use this to their advantage.

So they started in and once again made up some shit.
Her teeth keep shifting out of place....Having that stupid smile plastered on her face was the only thing that kept them from falling out.

You actually witnessed this, her teeth shiting out of place and a stupid smile too.

Provide proof that you saw this, or be known as you have also been known, as a lying piece of human excrement.
Apparently Pelosi is the only asshole to leave. Everyone else stayed and continued negotiating and talking after Nancy left in a huff.

Republicans who attended the meeting said that Pelosi always acts like SHE'S in charge (the president) and wanted to control the meeting.

I guess after everyone else left....the Dummycraps/Communists felt they could use this to their advantage.

So they started in and once again made up some shit.

You guess? You never guess, all you do is lie and attack the character of those who do not agree with your fantasies.
Her teeth keep shifting out of place....Having that stupid smile plastered on her face was the only thing that kept them from falling out.

You actually witnessed this, her teeth shiting out of place and a stupid smile too.

Provide proof that you saw this, or be known as you have also been known, as a lying piece of human excrement.
Hint: We're all laughing at you stark, raving, hysterical moonbats.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!

This according to Pelosi and Schumer, the same two people who have been pissing all over the rule of law for 3 years now. I am not convinced it happened the way they claim, as they have a vested interest in trying to slime him for political gain.

It smacks of a new false narrative, of which they have done several times now, and all the previous claims turned out to be false, what make you think this one is any different?

Don't be so gullible!
OMG he raged to her face instead of behind her back.

The Horror!
I agree, tantrums should be public.

If that means that politicians would tell the truth to each other and to us instead of spewing meaningless nonsense the vast majority of the time we can call it whatever you'd like.

It can even be in public. In the town square. Read aloud by the Town Crier. Fine by me.
There is no truth in america.

That may be a bit broad-brushy, as it implies none, zero anywhere in America, although in DC we're watching Kabuki 24/7/365
Her teeth keep shifting out of place....Having that stupid smile plastered on her face was the only thing that kept them from falling out.

You actually witnessed this, her teeth shiting out of place and a stupid smile too.

Provide proof that you saw this, or be known as you have also been known, as a lying piece of human excrement.
Hint: We're all laughing at you stark, raving, hysterical moonbats.

And now you claim for all? No doubt you are not only a jerk, but a narcissistic one too.
Is this the new dog and pony show? I thought it would be an attack on the Trump kids for being too rich or something.
Her teeth keep shifting out of place....Having that stupid smile plastered on her face was the only thing that kept them from falling out.

You actually witnessed this, her teeth shiting out of place and a stupid smile too.

Provide proof that you saw this, or be known as you have also been known, as a lying piece of human excrement.

No, it's true.

Her teeth were shifting so badly they almost bit her own forehead.

She needs some super glue.
It has been widely reported that approximately 10,000 Kurds have died while fighting and defeating ISIS - so why does Trump try to take the credit? Trump rewards the Kurds with genocide.

How many American men and women should have their arms and legs blown off protecting the Kurds pick a number.
Trump is clearly feeling the heat from his Kurd betrayal.
my my lookie at the warmongering liberal folks
We should be celebrating that a prez wants to get us out of the ME.
No president so far has gotten the policy right...except one, Donald J Trump.

You mean like a thousand U.S. troops who were preventing genocide of our Kurdish ally and preventing a resurgence of ISIS? Really...? BTW, those troops were acting mostly in an advisory capacity to the Kurds who were doing all the fighting - and dying.
The Kurds are a mix over the place. We need to bring our boys home. We can send a drone over there if needed. You know to save our troops?
It has been widely reported that approximately 10,000 Kurds have died while fighting and defeating ISIS - so why does Trump try to take the credit? Trump rewards the Kurds with genocide.

How many American men and women should have their arms and legs blown off protecting the Kurds pick a number.

How many "men and women" have had "their arms and legs blown off protecting the Kurds" - that weren't ISIS related?
Her teeth keep shifting out of place....Having that stupid smile plastered on her face was the only thing that kept them from falling out.

You actually witnessed this, her teeth shiting out of place and a stupid smile too.

Provide proof that you saw this, or be known as you have also been known, as a lying piece of human excrement.
Hint: We're all laughing at you stark, raving, hysterical moonbats.

And now you claim for all? No doubt you are not only a jerk, but a narcissistic one too.
Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!! Wry calling someone a narcissist. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: This is rich
Anyways, this stunt by pelosi is no more than optics for the LSM
Apparently Pelosi is the only asshole to leave. Everyone else stayed and continued negotiating and talking after Nancy left in a huff.

Republicans who attended the meeting said that Pelosi always acts like SHE'S in charge (the president) and wanted to control the meeting.

I guess after everyone else left....the Dummycraps/Communists felt they could use this to their advantage.

So they started in and once again made up some shit.

You guess? You never guess, all you do is lie and attack the character of those who do not agree with your fantasies.

Yeah. Like "lying piece of excrement"

Wait... that was you!

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