Trump must defund the radical universities


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
All they teach is extreme white and Jewish hate and these loser drug addict “fake professors “ have destroyed our youth

Does T need Congress to defund most of them ??
Nope. But he does need to defund your brain. Shit for Brains diplomas are no longer acceptable as a form of education from Trump University.
Nope. But he does need to defund your brain. Shit for Brains diplomas are no longer acceptable as a form of education from Trump University.
you hate whites and law/order--YOU are the Shit for Brains
Individuals who spend years in universities and come out with degrees in subjects that won't lend to them getting into viable occupational fields, have only themselves to blame....and possibly their parents, if the parents funded the student who took various potentially worthless classes.
Another Trump attack on the Constitutional “Freedom of Speech”!
In Trump World, if you don’t 100% agree with Trump, you are a traitor or un-American.
This is Autocracy in action, now that is un-American as it can get.
LOL! The last I checked, the only side that was attacking the Freedom of Speech, was the left. Speech they don't want to hear is...hate speech and those saying it must be canceled. Call anything you don't like to hear as aggression or micro-aggression. You are puppets of Marxist indoctrinators in the schools. You are simply Marxists. The pathetic thing is that you can't even admit it.
Another Trump attack on the Constitutional “Freedom of Speech”!
In Trump World, if you don’t 100% agree with Trump, you are a traitor or un-American.
This is Autocracy in action, now that is un-American as it can get.
LOL! The last I checked, the only side that was attacking the Freedom of Speech, was the left. Speech they don't want to hear is...hate speech and those saying it must be canceled. Call anything you don't like to hear as aggression or micro-aggression. You are puppets of Marxist indoctrinators in the schools. You are simply Marxists. The pathetic thing is that you can't even admit it.
Could you please present examples of when a president from the left shutting down free speech? Thanks in advance.
Also, do Marxist have decades of perfecting and expanding capitalism for their employers?
Another Trump attack on the Constitutional “Freedom of Speech”!
In Trump World, if you don’t 100% agree with Trump, you are a traitor or un-American.
This is Autocracy in action, now that is un-American as it can get.
LOL! The last I checked, the only side that was attacking the Freedom of Speech, was the left. Speech they don't want to hear is...hate speech and those saying it must be canceled. Call anything you don't like to hear as aggression or micro-aggression. You are puppets of Marxist indoctrinators in the schools. You are simply Marxists. The pathetic thing is that you can't even admit it.
Could you please present examples of when a president from the left shutting down free speech? Thanks in advance.
Also, do Marxist have decades of perfecting and expanding capitalism for their employers?
To president on either side has curtailed free speech and I never said any president has. But, I'm not talking about presidents, I'm talking about the so-called progressive liberals, calling for curtailing free speech and creating a "cancel-culture," getting people suspended or fired for expressing their opinion and the frightened companies that go along with the mob's demands, to not lose business. And, the leftist politicians are fomenting it.
As to your second question, Marxist nations stifle innovation and thus resort to "stealing" western technology and adapting it for themselves, but there is little incentive for innovation. Scandinavian nations have some social programs, however, are Free-Market Capitalist in nature and the companies aren't taxed as much as the middle-class there.

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