Trump must not run in 2024.

Only a lie to a brainwashed cult member who is blind and deaf.

I can send a very competent deprogrammer your way, but would need an address.

Your cooperation is much appreciated since forceful interventions can get a bit messy.
This is the worst reason I've ever read for Trump not to run. Do you not understand that Democrats will never accept any Republican? They will always lie and paint anyone not on their side as a racist, bigot and xenophobe. You even admit that dividing the nation wasn't Trump's own doing. You have to run the most qualified candidate. If that person is Trump then that's who you run. Would you like Republicans should run their candidate by Dems first for approval? Seriously, wake up. Democrats have zero interest in unifying with you.

See, that is our problem, right here, what this poster said. He/she believes it should be about who is the best.


It is about who/whom we can get elected, and by doing so, stop who/whom we do NOT want elected.

Know the old story in politics? If not, let me tell you................what would you rather have, 3/4s of a loaf and win, or a whole loaf, and lose? It is like a baseball game tied in the bottom of the 9th. Bases loaded, only need 1 run to win, and the guy at the plate is swinging for the fences trying to hit a homerun, instead of choking up to make contact.
No offense intended here; I actually thank you two for putting typical / predictable conservative pussification on full display here for all to see. I’ll explain.
All Trump did was be the guy, the ‘conservative’ that finally stood up to the left, he went to bat for you daily, he spent his days punching the Left square in the mouth, he was nothing but retaliatory….Cowards with no ballsack mistakenly called his efforts “DIVISIVE”.
Taking such a soft nutless position is how the Left has owned you for decades, you are scared to rival the diligence and toughness we see from the Left, you don’t have the balls to fight the good fight….This ladies and gentlemen is why I hate traditional conservatives as much as I hate the filthy Left.
I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. They didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades and until they find their testicles and fight back they will continue to lose their country and concede it to the Left....Sad but true.
Absolutely fucking not.
As I have REPEATEDLY stated - Trump's policies and actions were pretty good. And worth keeping. But we don't have that do we?
Biden won. And a big part of the reason he is gone was his ego and tantrum shit show he constantly engaged in.
Take the asshole Jim Acosta. He had one job. ONE. And that was to get under the President's skin and hopefully his ego and anger makes him say something they could use against him. IT WORKED FLAWLESSLY.
If Trump would have stayed on track and continued to do his work instead of contantly getting into childish rock throwing contests - I believe he would still be there.
And if the dirtbag, corrupt Republicans would have backed him.
We don't have a compass by design.
The individuals and corporations that bought our old media want it that way.
They are poison. And a constant shit stirring machine.
This cartoon surmises the corporate American Media perfectly...

View attachment 597358
We are where we are because cowardly conservatives sat on their hands and let it happen. Conservatives are terrible activists, they can’t be bothered by taking action to make a difference whereas the Left can’t wait for the next opportunity to assemble, march and protest.
The Left judge shops all the time, that is why they usually bring cases to the DC court of appeals because they feel they can almost always win there.

To believe your premise, there would have to be no conservative bench in the land. Now what is it Trump touts..........let me see if I can remember..........oh yes, that he put hundreds of judges on the bench. Therefore, to believe he can not find a court sympathetic to his cause and they are constantly screwing him, is a fantasy. If he has the hard evidence, there should be no doubt in any persons mind, that he could easily find a group of judges to hear the case.
You assume the judges are not little pussfied cowards. They are. THE SC let the election be stolen.
I do not mind if we have opposing views. That’s great. I do mind if you’re easily offended by my views and cry racism or if you say America is systemically racist or if you say that gender is a social construct. I mean that’s not freedom it’s tyranny in my view. I do not want to be around those who support tyranny.

And we are on the same page. Unfortunately, tribalism is the rule vs the exception.
I do not mind if we have opposing views. That’s great. I do mind if you’re easily offended by my views and cry racism or if you say America is systemically racist or if you say that gender is a social construct. I mean that’s not freedom it’s tyranny in my view. I do not want to be around those who support tyranny.
What's your definition of tyranny?
And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing. Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe.

You admit that the division wasn't really of Trump's doing. It was 95% driven by the left. Then you say we need a unifier? Unify with what? A left which has cemented itself way out on the far fringe? How do you unify with that? There is no unifying with that. Trump is not some fringe. Trump stands for what America has always been. The GOP is not some fringe group. A centrist stands for nothing. There will be no unifier, no unification when the only way the left can agree to anything is if they get everything 95% their way.

For all those reasons we need Trump more than ever to battle, beat down and defeat the rogue left which is at the heart of every problem we face today.
Take the asshole Jim Acosta. He had one job. ONE. And that was to get under the President's skin and hopefully his ego and anger makes him say something they could use against him. IT WORKED FLAWLESSLY.
See, most of us absolutely LOVED it every time Trump would bust Leftist balls…No other ‘conservative’ had the spine to do it and he did. Doing it your way, being passive and looking the other way hasn’t worked and won’t work. It’s past time to get in the trenches and play smash mouth….OR you can keep giving your nation away and letting the Left write the rule book for you.
If Trump would have stayed on track and continued to do his work instead of contantly getting into childish rock throwing contests - I believe he would still be there.
No scamdemic, no George Floyd, no corrupt complicit media / social media….If any one of those components are missing Trump is still there.
The trump haters and the trump lovers will cancel each other out.

That leaves the Independents and the centrists.

The Independents and the centrists don't believe in "The Big Lie."

To these voters, trump is a laughingstock.

No way trump can win.

I think someone has told trump this, so trump is not going to run. But he will travel around the country forcing Republicans to kiss his ring.

Most "independents" and 'centrists' are neither.
Take the asshole Jim Acosta. He had one job. ONE. And that was to get under the President's skin and hopefully his ego and anger makes him say something they could use against him. IT WORKED FLAWLESSLY.
The truly sad aspect to all of this has to do with the way so many gullible Americans don't see through the charade where political operatives are posing as journalists. CNN has intentionally blurred the line that distinguishes the two in order to convince people that the former is really the latter.
The election was stolen. You're a liar.

Well then Mike, there is no talking to you unless you have facts we don't right now. I have a sneaking suspicion there were shenanigans going on also, but that doesn't make me correct just because I FEEL that way. I thought Conservatives were all about facts/reality and not feelings when we made our decisions. If not, excuse the hell out of me!

I am really, really, really big on being a pragmatist, especially in politics. Maybe at some point in the future, you will become a pragmatist too.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.

Neither is anyone else right now. Cuz we ain't ready yet to be unified IMHO, still too much hostility out there. And in here, truth be told. I think it's going to take some time to ratchet down the emotions, and IMHO it's going to take both parties to do that. Maybe a 3rd political party would help, but I got my doubts about that. And frankly, I don't see the Far Left as interested at all in being unified unless everything they want is what they get. Does anyone here believe the Far Left is willing to compromise on anything? They will if they have to, some of them. But some of them want changes that just are not feasible or reasonable. And right now those people have an awful lot of influence and not just in DC either.

I honestly believe that Trump and the GOP would at least try to get more bipartisanship in DC, but I believe the democrats would have none of it due to their intense dislike for Trump. His policies are antithetical to theirs, they want a bigger and more powerful federal gov't and he doesn't. And a large part of the country doesn't either IMHO. Maybe that's the crux of the whole thing really - the lib/progs want a more collectivist gov't and the conservatives don't. How can you work together want we want diametrically opposing outcomes?
That's a good point.

The Republicans literally have over a 1,000 people who are qualified for president. All of them have none of trump's baggage.
All of them have none of trump's baggage

That's not true. The left has turned everything "conservative" into "trumpism". It doesn't matter who runs, every part of their platform will be called "the Trump agenda", even though they may just be conservative ideas.

Low taxes? "Well, you just want to give tax cuts to the rich, just like trump!"

Abortion restrictions? "You just want to control women's bodies, just like trump!"

And on and on. You all have already started doing it. Every politician that is active on TV (visible) is now called a "Trump lackey". It's your weapon to demonize anyone on the right.

Anyone on the right who runs for president or for any high office will be labeled as a Trumper by the left.
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
tell me,, how do you unify with people that have openly stated they want take away our rights and undo the constitution??

and thats just an overview,, if I were to detail it out it gets far worse,,
Neither is anyone else right now. Cuz we ain't ready yet to be unified IMHO, still too much hostility out there. And in here, truth be told. I think it's going to take some time to ratchet down the emotions, and IMHO it's going to take both parties to do that. Maybe a 3rd political party would help, but I got my doubts about that. And frankly, I don't see the Far Left as interested at all in being unified unless everything they want is what they get. Does anyone here believe the Far Left is willing to compromise on anything? They will if they have to, some of them. But some of them want changes that just are not feasible or reasonable. And right now those people have an awful lot of influence and not just in DC either.

I honestly believe that Trump and the GOP would at least try to get more bipartisanship in DC, but I believe the democrats would have none of it due to their intense dislike for Trump. His policies are antithetical to theirs, they want a bigger and more powerful federal gov't and he doesn't. And a large part of the country doesn't either IMHO. Maybe that's the crux of the whole thing really - the lib/progs want a more collectivist gov't and the conservatives don't. How can you work together want we want diametrically opposing outcomes?
But Trump grew the govt in 4 years, more than any other president. He is no conservative imho.

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