Trump must not run in 2024.

I don’t know if Trump would get crushed. He might win. The Democrats have been pretty bad. But he’s probably the Republican candidate most likely to lose.

What the Trump cult doesn’t understand is that a ton of Americans would crawl over broken glass to vote against him. Those same people won’t do that for DeSantis, Pence, Tom Cotton, or whomever else the Republicans might nominate.

If Trump runs, he will win the nomination and it becomes a referendum on Trump. If Trump doesn’t run, it becomes a referendum on Biden and the Democrats.

And as much as I’d like to see a centrist uniter, it’s not going to happen. The country is simply too divided.

It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
I'm not sure who the best candidate would be. All I know is that things are heating up with China and Russia which may raise the focus on foreign affairs and push climate change, pandemic, immigration, and inflation to the back burner. Xi wants Taiwan in the short term and Putin wants eastern Europe in the short term. We need a strong leader who can inspire the country for a common purpose.
Trump can only do that IF (big IF) he could stay objective and focus more on the country as a whole, than himself. I would love to see that happen, but I'm not sure that he could manage enough objectivity. And he'd still not get off to a great start already having too many hating him so anything he did would be viewed in that light and would divide the country even further
The country is going to be divided regardless of who wins.

A Re-elected Trump introduces a unique situation.

Trump is vindicated and Democrats are severely weakened on day one. Trump has nothing to prove at that point. He can afford an olive branch or two. I believe he'll want to appear magnanimous in victory.

And...Trump was a good president in his actions.

Peace in the Middle-east, peace with North Korea, booming economy, securing the border. Policy wise the guy was great. And we need to reduce the power of Big-Tech. That is one thing I think we can depend on from the 47th president.
Trump's biggest problem is his toxic personality and that ultimately cost him the White House.
NOPE….a Democrat concocted virus and a bullshit reason to circumvent state legislatures and revise voting guidelines in the 11th hour cost him the presidency….A traitorous and complicit media / social media cost him the election, lies of Russia and Ukraine cost him the election.
He wins re-election if any of the aforementioned components are missing.
I stopped reading at "True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it."
Trump's biggest problem is his toxic personality and that ultimately cost him the White House. If the Republicans were smart they would run a candidate who will build on the progress Trump made with minority voters and focus on the parts of his agenda that were popular. Don't hold your breath.
Let's just run Mitt Romney again. If we're going to lose... Let's lose spectacularly.
Vilifying those who express an opinion that gets them "cancelled"...for example if I used my real name I may lose clients and or worse as social media leftists would go ape shit. What is happening to Joe Rogan, Whoopi Goldberg, Roseanne Barr, etc. That is tyranny. Those who are easily offended get people fired, suspended or try to. I have nothing in common with illogical cancel culture warriors. I refuse to share the country with them in a polite manner.
I agree with you that this kind of skat has to stop...but that is not tyranny by any govt or our is by Individuals, expressing their free voice against other individuals.

Removing Liz Cheney from leadership and then the party and Kizenger too is the same shit, only by the Party...

And the Dem party doing a reprimand to kistin cinema (sp?) WAS the same crap imho.... but those things, that shaming crud, is freedom and not actual tyranny...imho
IMO ... Listening to the Mitt Romney wing of the Party will do nothing but assure defeat.

They've been out of touch with the will of the Republican Party for a long time.

Anyone who thinks Mike Pence is a viable candidate can be dismissed out of hand. That's literally idiotic.

Desantis is the only Establishment candidate that has a chance IMO. And that is only if Trump doesn't run.

If he runs and losses the primary... you can figure that's the end of the Republican Party.

That's not a threat... that's just the way it is. The disillusionment among Trump's base will cost us elections for decades.

That's a fact.

At this point, if Trump runs in the primary, Trump wins...or the consequences will be so dire for the Party we'll wish he won.
IMO ... Listening to the Mitt Romney wing of the Party will do nothing but assure defeat.

They've been out of touch with the will of the Republican Party for a long time.

Anyone who thinks Mike Pence is a viable candidate can be dismissed out of hand. That's literally idiotic.

Desantis is the only Establishment candidate that has a chance IMO. And that is only if Trump doesn't run.

If he runs and losses the primary... you can figure that's the end of the Republican Party.

That's not a threat... that's just the way it is. The disillusionment among Trump's base will cost us elections for decades.

That's a fact.

At this point, if Trump runs in the primary, Trump wins...or the consequences will be so dire for the Party we'll wish he won.

The only reason Mike Pense isn't a viable candidate is because trump turned on Pense. Pense was loyal a.f. and trump stabbed Pense in the back.

You don't ask an honest man to break the law and violate the Constitution. And you don't criticize him when he refuses to do so.
The only reason Mike Pense isn't a viable candidate is because trump turned on Pense. Pense was loyal a.f. and trump stabbed Pense in the back.

You don't ask an honest man to break the law and violate the Constitution. And you don't criticize him when he refuses to do so.
Pence was never a viable candidate. Not in 2016... not in 2020... and absolutely not in 2024.
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
Trump was a divider but don’t pretend Obama and Biden are not. Obama’s rhetoric alone about punishing enemies makes him the most divisive President…. Ever.
Obama was handed a golden opportunity. That he squandered almost immediately with the "beer gate" fiasco.
He showed his true color right off the bat.
Exactly. Right out of the shoot he goes after cops. What happened to Henry Louis Gates has happened to me a couple of times….. cops asked me for my ID as I was going to into my house due to the fact one of the houses had been hit and a robber was on the loose. I told them how much I appreciated them doing their job. Did I mention the cops were Black and I’m white?

Henry Louis Gates and President Obama made things worse for Blacks calling the cops or in need of help from the cops. Then, look what transpired over the last decade.
Toro makes a solid point.
There are millions of people who will "walk on glass" to vote for any candidate running against Trump.
FFS - they elected a senile old man who literally cannot finish a simple sentence without either losing his train of thought or not understanding a question.
Another reason it can't be Trump. They would vote for Mao re-incarnate over Trump.
So is Youngkin.

Trump lost in 2020. He lost the Presidency, the House and the Senate. He lost everything.

He’s the most likely Republican loser in 2024.
Name your number one picks for the Republican nomination in the last four presidential elections...

Nevermind... I'll tell you cuz you and I have been going round and round like this since the W. Bush era...

McCain, Romney, anyone but Trump and Biden.

And I fought you on every one of them. The only one you picked right was a Democrat...during a pandemic where Democrats could harvest ballots by the millions.

You are out of touch will the voters man... and have been for as long as I've known ya.

I like you... you're a fine person.... Except for calling people rubes... But you are trapped in your mirrored bubble and can't see out.
And let me be clear... if Trump could stop being the ego driven maniac - he would have been a top notch President. He really was Pro-American. Something the left has made taboo FFS.
My point is, he wouldn't. On his public appearances he is still being Trump. Still spending too much time talking smack.
We need someone who has the policies of Trump. But isn't Trump. Someone just as willing to go after the leftist madness, But not get in the gutter with them. A candidate that makes the leftist insanity look like what it is - not mirror it.
And another thing to my fellow conservatives - drop the stolen election. It is a no win situation, right or wrong.
That battles needs to be fought after the election. Making it a part of the election message - is a guaranteed failed strategy.
we need to want to be unified, first. too much of the left doesn't want that. too much of the right, probably as well.

tulsi gabbard speaks unity n the left bitches her out.
No, we need someone with a clear head that can lead us thru this mess we've become. Don't forget the important words. 'One nation, under God'. We haven't been ONE nation, for a few election cycles and the separation into 2 sides (Dumb vs Right) became more pronounced than ever before since 2016. It's not that Trump himself made it happen, but because the other side went nuts when Princess Hillary missed the boat.

A warrior will never make peace, but always make war,. Most of us are tired of the crap being shoveled at us and want peace, from a strong leader that can move this country and the people foreward together, as one. All this in fighting is getting us nowhere and we're missing the bigger picture because of it
We haven’t been one solid nation since Reagan and even then it was shaky…

This country is far gone and I am sailing out in five years!

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