Trump must not run in 2024.

we need to want to be unified, first. too much of the left doesn't want that. too much of the right, probably as well.

tulsi gabbard speaks unity n the left bitches her out.
I didn't follow her enough to be an expert on her, but yes...she was clearly a better candidate, and not a crazy ass leftist.
I think she would have worked both sides.
The only wild card here is Hillary. If she decides to run yet again - and the Dem machine get's behind her?? Then all bets are off.
She is why Trump won. If the Dems put up someone that awful again - then just about anyone can win.
I agree with you that this kind of skat has to stop...but that is not tyranny by any govt or our is by Individuals, expressing their free voice against other individuals.

Removing Liz Cheney from leadership and then the party and Kizenger too is the same shit, only by the Party...

And the Dem party doing a reprimand to kistin cinema (sp?) WAS the same crap imho.... but those things, that shaming crud, is freedom and not actual tyranny...imho
It’s Govt related like GoFundMe always picking the sides of leftists. It causes major division and it’s stupid.
And let me be clear... if Trump could stop being the ego driven maniac - he would have been a top notch President. He really was Pro-American. Something the left has made taboo FFS.
My point is, he wouldn't. On his public appearances he is still being Trump. Still spending too much time talking smack.
We need someone who has the policies of Trump. But isn't Trump. Someone just as willing to go after the leftist madness, But not get in the gutter with them. A candidate that makes the leftist insanity look like what it is - not mirror it.
The problem with that is...I don't trust anyone who has come up through the political system. Trump is the first guy in my lifetime who went to Washington and did exactly what he said he would do on the campaign trail.

Yea...I agree... the man has some issues...but they are personal issues... not policy issues.

What you are asking me to do is back someone who I expect will burn me but makes you feel better about the way he talks vs someone we both agree has policies that are in the best interests of the country and has proven he is willing to follow thru with them.

That's a nearly impossible sell...
January 25th 2022...

A new survey of Republicans from Harvard-Harris, moreover, suggests that any political obituaries of Trump at this point are highly premature. In a hypothetical eight-candidate 2024 presidential-nomination competition, Trump has a commanding lead, winning 57 percent support. DeSantis finished a distant second with 12 percent, followed by Mike Pence at 11 percent, and five other possible candidates — Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Mike Pompeo, and Marco Rubio — in the low single digits). Last month a Reuters-Ipsos poll showed nearly identical numbers, with Trump at 54 percent, DeSantis at 11 percent, Pence at 8 percent...

The problem with that is...I don't trust anyone who has come up through the political system. Trump is the first guy in my lifetime who went to Washington and did exactly what he said he would do on the campaign trail.

Yea...I agree... the man has some issues...but they are personal issues... not policy issues.

What you are asking me to do is back someone who I expect will burn me but makes you feel better about the way he talks vs someone we both agree has policies that are in the best interests of the country and has proven he is willing to follow thru with them.

That's a nearly impossible sell...
Not what I am saying at all.
I think all sane people agree we need a conservative to win. The leftist madness must stop.
Trump runs - we lose. It is that simple. Run with "stolen election" as a talking point?? We lose. Also that simple.
Toro is right. There are millions of people who would walk over broken glass if necessary to vote for anyone but Trump.
Running Trump would be the equivalent of the Democrats running Hillary again.
Do you not remember the debates with Biden?? If I had a brick in my hand I probably would have launched it at the TV. All Trump had to do was quietly let Biden burn himself. Let everyone see how senile he really was. But no.. his Goddamn ego wouldn't let him. He just couldn't keep his damn mouth shut and made himself look like a 5th grade bully. It was ridiculous.
We can't do that again.
Not what I am saying at all.
I think all sane people agree we need a conservative to win. The leftist madness must stop.
Trump runs - we lose. It is that simple. Run with "stolen election" as a talking point?? We lose. Also that simple.
Toro is right. There are millions of people who would walk over broken glass if necessary to vote for anyone but Trump.
Running Trump would be the equivalent of the Democrats running Hillary again.
Do you not remember the debates with Biden?? If I had a brick in my hand I probably would have launched it at the TV. All Trump had to do was quietly let Biden burn himself. Let everyone see how senile he really was. But no.. his Goddamn ego wouldn't let him. He just couldn't keep his damn mouth shut and made himself look like a 5th grade bully. It was ridiculous.
We can't do that again.
What you are missing is this... those of us who were 'anyone but Romney'... we knew he was going to lose... but we held our noses and supported him anyway... voted for him anyway.

Then... when we got our guy...the Toro 's ... they supported Hillary and Biden.

IMO Trump is the only one who can win if he runs... because if the party turns his back on him...don't expect us to hold our noses ever again... that's over.

We've learned our lesson. The only way to be heard from now on is to withhold our vote.

If Trump runs and the party turns on him... I'll be sitting this one out... and I won't be the only one.

So you should work that into your calculations and remember that a Republican should have beaten Obama...but Mitt didn't.
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It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
Well said.
Unity got us the Patriot Act. Among other repugnancies toward the cause of Individual liberty throughout modern history.

Division is freedom's only chance of survival.

If you wanna get into bed with the very entities who hate you for your freedom, if you wanna get on all fours and continue to be molestered by an elephant on one end and a mule on the other while they high five each other, then, by all means feel free.

But, I , for one, intend to fight for the cause of Individual liberty.

Have a nice day...
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And let me be clear... if Trump could stop being the ego driven maniac - he would have been a top notch President. He really was Pro-American. Something the left has made taboo FFS.
My point is, he wouldn't. On his public appearances he is still being Trump. Still spending too much time talking smack.
We need someone who has the policies of Trump. But isn't Trump. Someone just as willing to go after the leftist madness, But not get in the gutter with them. A candidate that makes the leftist insanity look like what it is - not mirror it.

Many people who voted against Trump voted against him as a person and as a leader, not because of policy.

I agreed with 80% of Trump’s policies. I agree with 20% of Biden’s. But I’d vote for Biden again if Trump is the nominee in 2024. DeSantis? I might vote for him. I voted for him in 2018.
Also, Trump’s share amongst whites went down in 2020. He went down by 3% amongst the white working class and college educated white women. He went down by 8% amongst college educated white men. That’s why he lost.

He did go up by 8% amongst Hispanics and 4% amongst black men.
What you are missing is this... those of us who were 'anyone but Romney'... we knew he was going to lose... but we held our noses and supported him anyway... voted for him anyway.

Then... when we got our guy...the Toro 's ... they supported Hillary and Biden.

IMO Trump is the only one who can win if he runs... because if the party turns his back on him...don't expect us to hold our noses ever again... that's over.

We've learned our lesson. The only way to be heard from now on is to withhold our vote.

If Trump runs and the party turns on him... I'll be sitting this one out... and I won't be the only one.

So you should work that into your calculations and remember that a Republican should have beaten Obama...but Mitt didn't.

Your “guy” is an unstable autocratic narcissistic demagogue who doesn’t give a shit about you or anyone else other than himself. And he’s willing to burn down the republic because his ego can’t accept he lost. That’s a big reason why he is unacceptable to so many Americans.

If I lived in Britain, I would have voted and maybe worked for Boris Johnson. In Canada, I would have voted for the Conservatives.

Trump is simply unacceptable as a human being. Worst President since Andrew Johnson.
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
It wasn’t Trump that divided the nation. It was Hillary and the liberal Main Stream Media.
And I don’t understand this “he’s never been a politician so I want him running the country.”

I don’t want someone who has never been a surgeon to operate on me. Nor do I want someone who has never been a mechanic working on my car. I certainly wouldn’t want some random person with no experience running my company. But for some weird reason, experience in politics is seen as a negative for some. Having worked in politics, the least experienced people are the people who are most susceptible to manipulation by the professionals.
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
Why not let the voters decide? Why do the left want to suppress votes and override the will of the voters, you know, the democratic process?
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.

Trump didn't divide the nation............the DementiacRats did that...........and continue to do it.
All of you people make me laugh. Politicians don't elect themselves. So if people want Trump to run and get the nomination he will. We put Biden in office. The disaster that is occurring is because of our votes. Elections have consequences.
The left media divided this nation the moment he started his bid for Presidency.
I meant it when I said Trump was about 5% as bad as the left media and Democrats portrayed him.
Trump didn't help himself at all. He contributed to their constant shit show by throwing his own shit against the wall.
His damn ego and childish tantrums made him a gloriously easy target.
But his ACTUAL policies and actions. Were simply not that bad. They wasn't. You never heard about it. You have absolutely no idea the good he did because the media you pay attention to wasn't about to tell you!!
But with that. He is a divider. Pure and simple. His ego and inability to stop himself from constantly going into the same gutter as the left media handicapped him. And if he was to return. He will be much worse. His ego will mean revenge. And we don't need that as a country.
Interesting. I think right-wing media is dividing this nation by making Biden seem far worse than he is.

Despite his faults, Biden has done a pretty decent job of staying out of the gutter in my opinion. I think he has been far better at this than both of his predecessors. Both Trump and Obama seemed to enjoy going into the gutter to rile up the opposition.

The pessimist in me thinks that it doesn’t matter who the Democrats run - Republicans will over-exaggerate the bad to keep viewers clicking at Gatewaypubut, Daily Caller, etc.

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