Trump must not run in 2024.

tell me,, how do you unify with people that have openly stated they want take away our rights and undo the constitution??

and thats just an overview,, if I were to detail it out it gets far worse,,
There’s a very simple answer…but the tough guys with big mouths on the Right won’t admit it. It goes like this…
You tuck your tail and concede to the Lefts demands as they shout “RACIST” in your face….THEN you self manipulate by saying “I’m not willing to stoop to their level”… polish that AR-15 you’ll never have the balls to use, you play tough and pretend you didn’t concede anything. That’s the cycle, that’s the Right for you right there.
What's your definition of tyranny?
Vilifying those who express an opinion that gets them "cancelled"...for example if I used my real name I may lose clients and or worse as social media leftists would go ape shit. What is happening to Joe Rogan, Whoopi Goldberg, Roseanne Barr, etc. That is tyranny. Those who are easily offended get people fired, suspended or try to. I have nothing in common with illogical cancel culture warriors. I refuse to share the country with them in a polite manner.
Trump lost to a feeble Joe Biden in 2020 and he would get killed in 2024 running against a more formidable candidate. He probably will be jailed by then anyway.

His own words would kill him. The Dems wouldn't have to mount a campaign against him all they would have to do is play his deranged recordings and Tweets and he's cooked.

"So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."​

"Trump had bluntly admitted the truth of what he was asking Pence to do: to unilaterally overturn the election."

“A virus starts in China, bleeds its way into various countries all around the world, doesn’t spread widely at all in the United States because of the early actions that myself and my administration took against a lot of other wishes,”
(U.S. Has Far Higher Covid Death Rate Than Other Wealthy Countries)
Here are three potential running mates for Trump in 2024.

Pillow Man.jpg
The biggest problem with Trump winning, is that he'd come back with a very big ax to grind. A President with revenge on his mind, does not make for a great leader......Biden is an example
I don't know...maybe...but I'm not so sure.

After being impeached twice...I believe Trump's main goal will be to be remembered as a great president.

That would be the way to destroy the Democrats for a long, long time.

Revitalise the economy, seal the border, bring back manufacturing, drain the swamp... and maybe heal some of the divides...if he can...

He tried to bring the Democrats in on infrastructure early on... and they snubbed him.

The Republicans in Congress aren't really on his side either... They are the system... and the system protects itself.
I don't know...maybe...but I'm not so sure.

After being impeached twice...I believe Trump's main goal will be to be remembered as a great president.

That would be the way to destroy the Democrats for a long, long time.

Revitalise the economy, seal the border, bring back manufacturing, drain the swamp... and maybe heal some of the divides...if he can...

He tried to bring the Democrats in on infrastructure early on... and they snubbed him.

The Republicans in Congress aren't really on his side either... They are the system... and the system protects itself.

Trump can only do that IF (big IF) he could stay objective and focus more on the country as a whole, than himself. I would love to see that happen, but I'm not sure that he could manage enough objectivity. And he'd still not get off to a great start already having too many hating him so anything he did would be viewed in that light and would divide the country even further
You admit that the division wasn't really of Trump's doing. It was 95% driven by the left. Then you say we need a unifier? Unify with what? A left which has cemented itself way out on the far fringe? How do you unify with that? There is no unifying with that. Trump is not some fringe. Trump stands for what America has always been. The GOP is not some fringe group. A centrist stands for nothing. There will be no unifier, no unification when the only way the left can agree to anything is if they get everything 95% their way.

For all those reasons we need Trump more than ever to battle, beat down and defeat the rogue left which is at the heart of every problem we face today.
I don't believe Trump would do that.
I believe Trumps ego would drive him into revenge mode and set the country back even further.
A lot of what Trump said was right, but that didn't make it right to say it. Trump said a lot of stuff for no more reason that to get under the skin of the media. We were caught between the rocks flying over head.
Trump, policy and practice wise - was a pretty decent President. Never would I have thought that. When he ran - I thought it was a side freak show. Then he won and proved himself executively. But his Goddamn ego and mouth got in his way constantly and provided the fodder the left needed to destroy him. It worked.
This country is divided now even more than the 1960s. We haven't been this divided since the early stages of the civil war. (Not to say that is gong to happen, obviously not) but there is a sort of civil war already in progress. And the left is winning it.
In order to gain back control we need a conservative President who is in control of himself. And has the integrity and power to beat the poisonous, corrupt media. Not join them.
tell me,, how do you unify with people that have openly stated they want take away our rights and undo the constitution??

and thats just an overview,, if I were to detail it out it gets far worse,,
It is somewhat of an illusion.
The Democrats allowed their whacked out lunatic fringe to take over the messaging. Wokism and virtue signaling has hypnotized their brains. It's their religion. At some point that madness has to wear off. It's like the hippie movement in the 1960s. It was a very big movement that died from it's own madness. Finally common sense prevailed when people realized... gee.. not everything is for free, I can't sit on the grass and get stoned everyday and sing kumbaya... I need to get a job.
At some point the madness of the trans-fad, the racism against whites... the self hating victimhood and lunacy will wear off.
It is somewhat of an illusion.
The Democrats allowed their whacked out lunatic fringe to take over the messaging. Wokism and virtue signaling has hypnotized their brains. It's their religion. At some point that madness has to wear off. It's like the hippie movement in the 1960s. It was a very big movement that died from it's own madness. Finally common sense prevailed when people realized... gee.. not everything is for free, I can't sit on the grass and get stoned everyday and sing kumbaya... I need to get a job.
At some point the madness of the trans-fad, the racism against whites... the self hating victimhood and lunacy will wear off.
as trump has proven,, its not just the democrats,,
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
But who. I see no unifier on the way up, if it is even possible to unify the country.
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.

I don’t know if Trump would get crushed. He might win. The Democrats have been pretty bad. But he’s probably the Republican candidate most likely to lose.

What the Trump cult doesn’t understand is that a ton of Americans would crawl over broken glass to vote against him. Those same people won’t do that for DeSantis, Pence, Tom Cotton, or whomever else the Republicans might nominate.

If Trump runs, he will win the nomination and it becomes a referendum on Trump. If Trump doesn’t run, it becomes a referendum on Biden and the Democrats.

And as much as I’d like to see a centrist uniter, it’s not going to happen. The country is simply too divided.
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.

Trump's biggest problem is his toxic personality and that ultimately cost him the White House. If the Republicans were smart they would run a candidate who will build on the progress Trump made with minority voters and focus on the parts of his agenda that were popular. Don't hold your breath.
At some point the madness of the trans-fad, the racism against whites... the self hating victimhood and lunacy will wear off.
Will it though?
This nation has been consistently moving Left for nearly 40 years on concessions made by Conservatives….
What if Reagan wasn’t the bipartisan piece of shit he was…what if he wasn’t bullied by Democrats and didn’t sign the Amnesty Bill in 86’……what if Conservatives didn’t allow the Left to shove faggotry down their throats…what if Conservatives said “fuck that, you’re not taking God from our schools”…what if Conservatives fought harder against the forever expanding welfare system…what if Conservatives marched on the Capitol and demanded our border be closed way back when the floods of illegals began…what if Conservatives fought to keep Robert E. Lee statues standing tall…what if Conservatives marched on the Capitol for Ashli Babbit and demanded justice?
You see, Conservatives don’t stand for shit, they don’t take action against shit…..they “put it in Gods hands” and or they sit on their hands and wait…..wait to get fucked even harder the next’s what they do.

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