Trump must not run in 2024.

And let me be clear... if Trump could stop being the ego driven maniac - he would have been a top notch President. He really was Pro-American. Something the left has made taboo FFS.
My point is, he wouldn't. On his public appearances he is still being Trump. Still spending too much time talking smack.
We need someone who has the policies of Trump. But isn't Trump. Someone just as willing to go after the leftist madness, But not get in the gutter with them. A candidate that makes the leftist insanity look like what it is - not mirror it.
Trump and Obama were very similar on that front; big egos and could not keep their mouths shut stepping into it with their enemies at every turn.
A lot of what Trump said was right
Trump, policy and practice wise - was a pretty decent President. Then he won and proved himself executively.
That makes him a million times better than Biddum, but gee, we wouldn't want that! Because the Left hates and opposes him!

This country is divided now even more than the 1960s.
All because of the Left, not Trump.

there is a sort of civil war already in progress. And the left is winning it.
Coulda fooled me.

In order to gain back control we need a conservative President who is in control of himself.
Like Bob Dole. No, Romney. How 'bout McCain. Maybe Paul Ryan.

And has the integrity and power to beat the poisonous, corrupt media. Not join them.
Well, Trump didn't join them, he did all that. But it seems you want an impossible combination of road scholar + statesman + media warrior and that does not exist.
But for some weird reason, experience in politics is seen as a negative for some.
It is not a weird reason.
Corruption will always be in any government, in any style of governance... but we the middle class have seen both sides turn on us over the past 40 years. We have watched the two house become a den of thieves and self serving Oligarchs... face it... the American federal government is completely corrupt. There may not be a single house member that is not corrupt.
This makes people highly suspicious of lifer Washingtonians like Hillary and Biden.
It is not a weird reason.
Corruption will always be in any government, in any style of governance... but we the middle class have seen both sides turn on us over the past 40 years. We have watched the two house become a den of thieves and self serving Oligarchs... face it... the American federal government is completely corrupt. There may not be a single house member that is not corrupt.
This makes people highly suspicious of lifer Washingtonians like Hillary and Biden.
the solution is to emulate countries like new zealand, demark and finland. OECD has public integrity standards to address the problem, they just need to be pushed to adopt them.

take a look at real corruption: tammany hall, William Magear Tweed.
XponentialChaos ha ha ha you are so out of touch with reality.

And let me be clear... if Trump could stop being the ego driven maniac - he would have been a top notch President. He really was Pro-American. Something the left has made taboo FFS.
My point is, he wouldn't. On his public appearances he is still being Trump. Still spending too much time talking smack.
We need someone who has the policies of Trump. But isn't Trump. Someone just as willing to go after the leftist madness, But not get in the gutter with them. A candidate that makes the leftist insanity look like what it is - not mirror it.
Many voters like Trump on paper, foreign and domestically.
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
You're on drugs.
There is not a single D or R who is a uniter.
The left media divided this nation the moment he started his bid for Presidency.
I meant it when I said Trump was about 5% as bad as the left media and Democrats portrayed him.
Trump didn't help himself at all. He contributed to their constant shit show by throwing his own shit against the wall.
His damn ego and childish tantrums made him a gloriously easy target.
But his ACTUAL policies and actions. Were simply not that bad. They wasn't. You never heard about it. You have absolutely no idea the good he did because the media you pay attention to wasn't about to tell you!!
But with that. He is a divider. Pure and simple. His ego and inability to stop himself from constantly going into the same gutter as the left media handicapped him. And if he was to return. He will be much worse. His ego will mean revenge. And we don't need that as a country.

Okay... he campaigned on an infrastructure bill. Nothing was passed.
Okay...he campaigned on a border wall. About 45 miles of new wall was built.
Okay...he campaigned on Mexico paying for the border wall. They didn't pay a peso.
Okay...he started a trade war with multiple nations. Our trade deficit remained about where it was when he took office...and we bailed out our already subsidized farmers because of it...twice.
Okay...he campaigned on replacing Obamacare with "something terrific"...nothing was passed. He did get rid of the mandate....which meant that the mechanism to pay for what amounts for universal healthcare was removed...and the result, in part, was $8T in new debt.

Please tell us what the "good things" were. Separating kids from their parents at the border as a deterrent?
I guess the Republicans could nominate a never-trumper in 2024, but that would ensure the reelection of Biden.
Welcome to the dilemma of getting into bed with Trump in the first place. So now your choices are:

A. Trump--who has never gotten more votes than any democrat he's run against
B. Not Trump--and as you said...lose.
The Left judge shops all the time, that is why they usually bring cases to the DC court of appeals because they feel they can almost always win there.

To believe your premise, there would have to be no conservative bench in the land. Now what is it Trump touts..........let me see if I can remember..........oh yes, that he put hundreds of judges on the bench. Therefore, to believe he can not find a court sympathetic to his cause and they are constantly screwing him, is a fantasy. If he has the hard evidence, there should be no doubt in any persons mind, that he could easily find a group of judges to hear the case.

Refreshing analysis. Prepare to be castigated...
The country is rife with tribalism. No one will be able unify the American people. As long as the opposition views one another as the enemy, nothing will change..
When you monetize disharmony (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, about 3,000,000 right wing kook sites on the internet at last count) get disharmony. Who knew?
Absolutely fucking not.
As I have REPEATEDLY stated - Trump's policies and actions were pretty good. And worth keeping. But we don't have that do we?
Biden won. And a big part of the reason he is gone was his ego and tantrum shit show he constantly engaged in.
Take the asshole Jim Acosta. He had one job. ONE. And that was to get under the President's skin and hopefully his ego and anger makes him say something they could use against him. IT WORKED FLAWLESSLY.
If Trump would have stayed on track and continued to do his work instead of contantly getting into childish rock throwing contests - I believe he would still be there.
And if the dirtbag, corrupt Republicans would have backed him.

Perhaps you guys should ask yourselves why Acosta was able to 'get under his skin"?


Well, on day one...his inauguration, he lied about the size of the crowd at his inaugural.
He lied about covid "miracle"
Covefe and how that was some coded message.
The lie about the Boy Scouts

All the shitola during the campaign about Ben Carson, Ted Cruz's dad, the "blood coming out of her whatever".

USMB doesn't have enough bandwidth to list them all. Stormy Daniels payments...all of the crazy tweets....

Nobody on theft forced your blob to say one word of any of this. Shouldn't the President be held to account for such ridiculous statements? The coverage of the lies is, by definition, confrontational.
It is a terrible idea. A disastrous idea.
True, his presidency was about 5% as bad as the media and the left portrayed it.
He absolutely did some good things, some not so good.
But more than anything else - his presidency divided the nation like no other President since Lincoln. And like Lincoln, it wasn't his own doing.

Having said that, this country DESPERATELY needs a unifier. A centrist. Someone not on either fringe. Someone who is not ruled by his/her ego. Someone who is not another lifelong bought and paid for politician.
This is not a game. This is not tit for tat. Our last two presidents were elected to avoid voting for someone else. And look at what it has done.
If Trump runs, likely he will get crushed for one. He would beat Biden for sure, or Harris. But the Democrats are not going to run Biden or Harris.
WE NEED A UNIFIER. And Trump is not that person. And neither is Biden. Obviously.
From Trumps point of view hed be a deadbeat surrenderer if he didnt run.
That's not true. The left has turned everything "conservative" into "trumpism". It doesn't matter who runs, every part of their platform will be called "the Trump agenda", even though they may just be conservative ideas.

Low taxes? "Well, you just want to give tax cuts to the rich, just like trump!"

Abortion restrictions? "You just want to control women's bodies, just like trump!"

And on and on. You all have already started doing it. Every politician that is active on TV (visible) is now called a "Trump lackey". It's your weapon to demonize anyone on the right.

Anyone on the right who runs for president or for any high office will be labeled as a Trumper by the left.

Yup. That is the price you pay for having a cult.

I mean, DNC central casting couldn't have done a better job than you guys on the right did.

tell me,, how do you unify with people that have openly stated they want take away our rights and undo the constitution??

and thats just an overview,, if I were to detail it out it gets far worse,,
The same way you deal with people who open pine for Civil War and want to split the nation in half so they don't have to deal with black people or brown people I suppose.
Vilifying those who express an opinion that gets them "cancelled"...for example if I used my real name I may lose clients and or worse as social media leftists would go ape shit. What is happening to Joe Rogan, Whoopi Goldberg, Roseanne Barr, etc. That is tyranny. Those who are easily offended get people fired, suspended or try to. I have nothing in common with illogical cancel culture warriors. I refuse to share the country with them in a polite manner.
You're right, Republicans would never do that.


Liz Cheney and Mike Pence.
It is somewhat of an illusion.
The Democrats allowed their whacked out lunatic fringe to take over the messaging. Wokism and virtue signaling has hypnotized their brains. It's their religion. At some point that madness has to wear off. It's like the hippie movement in the 1960s. It was a very big movement that died from it's own madness. Finally common sense prevailed when people realized... gee.. not everything is for free, I can't sit on the grass and get stoned everyday and sing kumbaya... I need to get a job.
At some point the madness of the trans-fad, the racism against whites... the self hating victimhood and lunacy will wear off.
You do realize that Congress is something like 80% white or whatever

We the People send more white people to Congress than any other race.

There is no war on white people.

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