Trump Must Release Tax Returns, Supreme Court rules

Well, it's only 6 years too late, and by court order, but Trump can't hide his finances any longer.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday cleared the way for a House committee to receive former President Donald J. Trump’s tax returns, refusing his request to block their release in the waning weeks of Democratic control of the chamber.

The court’s order, which was unsigned and did not note any dissents, is the most recent instance in which it has sided against Mr. Trump, who appointed three justices to the bench. The decision means that the Treasury Department is likely to soon turn over Mr. Trump’s financial documents to the House, which has been seeking them since 2019.

Mr. Trump’s legal team had urged the justices to extend a lower court’s stay as it pursued an appeal before the Supreme Court, saying the House’s request raised issues that were too important to let the Treasury Department turn over his files before they were resolved.

But Douglas N. Letter, the chief lawyer for the House, urged the Supreme Court not to intervene, pointing to a new Congress in January. Any further delay “would leave the committee and Congress as a whole little or no time to complete their legislative work,” he wrote in a brief earlier this month.

In a terse order, the Supreme Court said it was denying Mr. Trump’s application for a stay. It did not include any legal reasoning for the decision.

In Blow to Trump, Supreme Court Permits House to Obtain His Tax Returns
A win for the good guys.
A win for the good guys.
Klaus Schwab and the rest of your Fascist DemNazis are not "the good guys" However since Satan is your god, and your king AntiChrist is coming, I can see why you would be deluded enough to think you are on the right side of history.

Heil Shitler!
Long live Emperor ShitzHizPantz!
Long live the 666 DemNazi Globalist 4th Reich!
Hillary Clinton was never the executive branch, dumbass.

And under her "leadership" 4 Americans died. How many Americans died because of Trump? Oh yea, zero.
Between 2017 and 2021, there were 45 hostile deaths and 63 total deaths (including non-hostile) during Trump’s presidency. In 2017, there were 14 total deaths; in 2018, there were 15; 23 in 2019 and in 2020, there were 11.

Business Insider also debunked this claim (here).

Fact Check-U.S. forces did not experience 18 months without casualties in Afghanistan during Trump admin, contrary to his claims
well, i was mistaken, then.


Trump isn't giving his tax returns to congress. Never happen.

lol ... well not freely. but if there's a court decision; especially by the supremes ... he really doesn't have a choice.

& why wouldn't he? what's he afraid of? he might not have done anything illegal <:heehee:> ...

but perhaps it will show he's just not as wealthy as he pretends to be.

a con is a con is a con.
i know that facts are like kryptonite to you, twig.

tsk tsk tsk .... donny loves the poorly educated & that's why he loves you long time.
Do you kiss Klaus Schwab with those lying lips at night, and when he calls your name, do you stand up, snap your heals together and give him a Heil Shitler Salute followed by a Hail Satan and chants of Long live The 4th Globalist DemNazi Reich, Comrade?

When Klaus Schwab and his Nazi friends finally complete the Great Reset will you accept the 666 chip imbedded in your hand or forehead just so you can buy a Jelly Doughnut?
that makes no sense…they prosecute people, based on people being hired in the future?

who said anything about prosecuting? the DOJ is going after weisellberg for that. one of the reasons for the new hires is to go after tax cheats in the upper tax brackets; because the manpower just wasn't there to do it effectively. whether donny gets caught up in that - who knows? but i'm willing to bet .... given his track record for confirmed fraud & stealing ... that there's something in there that he has been afraid to reveal - hence my siggy.

anyhoo, at the very least - i think he isn't anywhere as wealthy as he claims & THAT'S why he fought it tooth 'n nail. he's a lousy biz'nez man. who bankrupts a casino? several of them - where they are designed so the house wins?????? did you know that wall street had to put him on an allowence back in the 90's cause he has no financial self control?
Do you kiss Klaus Schwab with those lying lips at night, and when he calls your name, do you stand up, snap your heals together and give him a Heil Shitler Salute followed by a Hail Satan and chants of Long live The 4th Globalist DemNazi Reich, Comrade?

When Klaus Schwab and his Nazi friends finally complete the Great Reset will you accept the 666 chip imbedded in your hand or forehead just so you can buy a Jelly Doughnut?


Citizen Traitor wanted to block access to his tax records. The Traitor's hand packed SCOTUS ruled against him.
Boy, I'm glad we don't have any of those around. They sound scary.

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