Trump Must Release Tax Returns, Supreme Court rules

I went for years getting audited every year. I always owed them some little bit, always less than $500.00. It was just a hassle because I had to take time going to the audit and pay the accountant. Then I instructed the accountant to make a mistake. An easily discovered mistake that resulted in my overpaying the IRS by between $450 and $500. The audits stopped. I never had another.
Mine were just stupid stock sales I missed. Penalty went way up.

They will find any mistake. This is just more fishing by those who hate Trump
Citizen Traitor wanted to block access to his tax records. The Traitor's hand packed SCOTUS ruled against him.
So? It will be another nothing burger for your trophy case along
with the rest of your nothing burgers.
HOLY SHIT: The Supreme Court just said that trump has to hand over his tax returns to Congress!!!
I'm sure The new speaker will do his job and do it correctly. Trump tends to hire the best fiscal advisers both when he was President and many years in the business community before that. His CPAs tend to be sure his paper work is correct, accurate, and completed on a timely schedule. He's always been truthful when it comes to business. He just doesn't cheat because it isn't worth it, as all those in business know.
Mine were just stupid stock sales I missed. Penalty went way up.

They will find any mistake. This is just more fishing by those who hate Trump
I am positive the IRS found my glaring mistakes. They just stopped there. No more audits to look for errors.
So, I'll give you the relevant part of the code that allows ways and means to obtain that information, you tell me if the supreme court is right or wrong, and if the ways and means committee is about to break the law:

First, from the LA Times:

The statute permits the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to request any tax return, provided — and this is important — he ensures the privacy of the return. The entire committee, for example, can access a return only when meeting in private (“executive”) session. An unauthorized public release is a felony

Tax code section 6103, subparagraph f says:

(f)Disclosure to Committees of Congress
(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.
What is closed executive session?
In the Congress of the United States, a closed session (formally a session with closed doors) is a parliamentary procedure for the Senate or the House of Representatives to discuss matters requiring secrecy.

The discussions which take place in a closed session are subject to confidentiality rules and are similar to an executive session, which itself can be open or closed. An executive session is for business which includes the President of the United States.

So, if my understanding here is correct, they can only be furnished those returns in closed executive session, and the information is not supposed to identify a particular taxpayer, and, they cannot share anything outside of that committee unless the other committee is also in closed executive session.

So, the end result is, this information, which is, once again, an attempt by the opposing party, to tamper with elections, cannot be disclosed unless they are in closed executive session, and even then, they are bound by confidentiality rules, so they couldn't publicly disclose that information.

However, watch what's about to happen. Select, out of context information will be "leaked", in violation of tax law.
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I am positive the IRS found my glaring mistakes. They just stopped there. No more audits to look for errors.
Tell me how can Congress charge Trump with anything if the IRS has not? This is just another "get Trump" waste of time. It will only make him more popular.
Tell me how can Congress charge Trump with anything if the IRS has not? This is just another "get Trump" waste of time. It will only make him more popular.
There is no crime even alleged. Leticia James is looking for a crime.

I have never heard of this, nor imagined that it could happen in this country.
There is no crime even alleged. Leticia James is looking for a crime.

I have never heard of this, nor imagined that it could happen in this country.
Me either and I was quite forward thinking in my youth. The extent of the corruption and the on going corruption of minds and souls like it is somehow a good thing is mind boggling.
Nope! Did plenty in the 2022 mid-terms by not electing Trump's appointed sycophants. He's in the dumper big time! Bigly!!!
Neo-Nazis and Trumpism will combine as fringe political group that embarrasses the world.
If they have any damn sense at all they will trumpet them out for all the world to see what a piece of shit, ain't got a pot to piss in, welcher, Trump really is. I mean my cat, that is sitting here beside me, has a greater net worth than Trump. His tax returns will document that. Besides, that cat has a pretty nice cat bed and plenty of food. Trump is in debt up to his eyeballs and probably shows zero income. He is an idiot, want to be, con artist. Cause let's be honest, a real confidence man puts money in the bank. Trump declares bankruptcy.

The only hope for the Republican party is to kick that sorry sack of shit to the curb. If they fail to do that, they will join the Know Nothings on the scrap heap of history. While this messageboard demonstrates that the old ass boomers continue to admire the fat orange man, the millennials are far too savvy to fall for his shit. And they hold all the cards now.
And just remember, you knuckleheads have Biden, a president that makes Trump look like a choir boy. Get ready, because what's good for the goose is well you all know the deal. What goes around comes around right ? America will be in litigation forever trying to gain back control for the people of this country. Democrat's lust for destruction of this country is going to come at a high price. Look at what we all are paying now, and it's only the beginning. The loss of our moral's is the worst, and it only gets worse from here. We have become a pariah in the world, otherwise one who seeks the destruction of our own souls instead of peace and harmony within.
Look at what we all are paying now, and it's only the beginning. The loss of our moral's is the worst, and it only gets worse from here. We have become a pariah in the world, otherwise one who seeks the destruction of our own souls instead of peace and harmony within.

Trump was one of our most moral Presidents in history, we need more like him.

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