Trump Must Still Cough Up At Least $90M In E. Jean Carroll Verdict — And Soon

How many times have you been sued for mal practice? Are you a cheat?
No, I'm not a cheat. I'm an artist, who produces REAL art. The only "malpractice" in art is those who produce silly trash, calling it abstract, when it expresses nothing, and they sell it to people for millions of dollars, who are dumb enough to be duped by the scam.
Except tRump and family aren't totally in control of their company any more. Remember they have someone that has to approve every transaction they make!

Which is illegal.
Government does not have that authority.
Yeah, so what. Trump bonds around the lien and ignores it.

Trump cannot ignore these judgements. Trump and his lifelong grift of the American people is coming to an end.

Since Atantic City and his bragging about how much money he was making on the bankruptcies, I wondered why this man wasn't in jail. It's utterly shocking that anyone so corrupt and dishonest could be allowed to run for office, much less get elected.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, but the American people woke up, and now, like every other sucker who bought Trump's lies, you're stuck with him. He refuses to go away or leave. And he's continuing to grift off the American people to pay for it all.

The problem is that Trump couldn't fool enough of the people to vote for him a second time, and the third time is not going to be the charm, not by a long shot.
Trump has no meritous reason to appeal.

He has tons of grounds to appeal.
One is that the event happened 30 years ago.
Another is there is no evidence, so it should have been impossible to rule against Trump.
Third is the obvious intent of the suit to abuse the election, which actually is "insurrection".
Government understands that Trump must be taken down one way or another. This could be one effective. way to start.

That is illegal.
Government is required to always remain neutral to the will of the voters.
Trump is popular since he was voted in once, so it is illegal for government to interfere with the voters.
which was their intent all along, to tie up his campaign money by tying up cash he'd normally use of his own .. you tend to drop that notion when being robbed by the opponent, but who knows it might drive him more in other ways, something the left never grasped, cause and affect.

Justice was her intention. Trump has bragged about assaulting women for 30 years. There's 15 hours of his garbage on Howard Stern.

Just send Trump more money. He expects his followers to cough up another 200 million dollars for his defense.

You are an idiot. Buy your wife a new winter coat and the curtains she's been wanting.
Carroll presented a lot of evidence. Trump had all the due process anyone else would have. He took the stand and testified. He decided not to deliver his closing argument.

He won’t appeal. His attorney should be disbarred.

What I have read is there was no evidence presented at all, and being 30 years ago, the judge should never have allowed the case at all.
And he could easily will on appeal.
He has tons of grounds to appeal.
One is that the event happened 30 years ago.
Another is there is no evidence, so it should have been impossible to rule against Trump.
Third is the obvious intent of the suit to abuse the election, which actually is "insurrection".

Lol 😂😂😂 Trump has been grabbing women and assaulting them for 4 decades...and he's proud of it. Are you a man? Do you have a wife, sister, daughters?

Jesus. Are you a MAN?
Trump cannot ignore these judgements. Trump and his lifelong grift of the American people is coming to an end.

Since Atantic City and his bragging about how much money he was making on the bankruptcies, I wondered why this man wasn't in jail. It's utterly shocking that anyone so corrupt and dishonest could be allowed to run for office, much less get elected.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, but the American people woke up, and now, like every other sucker who bought Trump's lies, you're stuck with him. He refuses to go away or leave. And he's continuing to grift off the American people to pay for it all.

The problem is that Trump couldn't fool enough of the people to vote for him a second time, and the third time is not going to be the charm, not by a long shot.

You miss the point.
Sure he is sleazy and materialistic, but that is what the whole world economy is based on.
That is colonial imperialism.
So Trump has the knowledge and skills to make the people in the US exactly how they want the US to be.
He was one of our best presidents, since he started no illegal wars, and did not harm the economy like all other presidents have done.

Biden is totally wrong, to the point of being evil.
He was behind the Maidan coup in 2014, which caused the current war in the Ukraine.
He likely caused the war in Gaza as well, by giving Mossad the green light with $20 billion.
He goofed on covid with mRNA injections that can not possibly work.
He added $7 trillion to the national debt.
He is pushing EVs that are battery based, that make no sense, weigh twice as much, costs twice as much, last half as long, have half the range, with 4 times the refill time, etc.
Lol 😂😂😂 Trump has been grabbing women and assaulting them for 4 decades...and he's proud of it. Are you a man? Do you have a wife, sister, daughters?

Jesus. Are you a MAN?

The reality is that alpha males have been acting like that for millions of years.
That is how the species survives.
Whether women admit it or not, that is what they prefer in men.
That is who has been selected for.
Women are attracted to aggressive men, and it is aggressive men who are the most successful, with business and women.
I am the sensitive type of male, and women hate that.
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she's going to put the money to good use.....

on something Donald hates...

Carroll said, Like a fund for the 18 other women accusing Trump of sexual abuse to use for lawyers....
Remember when Trump invited the women who accused Bill Clinton to his first debate with Hillary?

Payback is a bitch
Justice was her intention. Trump has bragged about assaulting women for 30 years. There's 15 hours of his garbage on Howard Stern.

Just send Trump more money. He expects his followers to cough up another 200 million dollars for his defense.

You are an idiot. Buy your wife a new winter coat and the curtains she's been wanting.
Not true and she copied a script off a tv episode and used the lefts fake narrative of grabbing someone when the word was "could" (regarding groupies) not would and not did. Your news source conveniently blacked out all info regarding her rape fantasies and former statements about a would be notion of getting a kick out of setting someone up for exactly what she did, this was years ago, her fellow workers testimony about her. SHE'S A SICK WOMAN THAT THE LEFT THROUGH LAWYERS MANIPULATED =took advantage of a mentally ill person for political tactic and revenge. I told you, you have no idea just how evil-evil can be.
Was I ever wrong when a few years ago I noted that they were literally killing people by their resistance and reverse & turn back of Trump Policies?
The border policy, the Iran policy, and Unra policy killed over a 120,000 +
Cuomos resistance to Trumps Ship hospital costs over 5000-10,000 NY lives, more than Bin Laden Killed.
Taking the opposition to Trump means the Polititians, MSM, and posters on forums who push the bizzarro opposite everything he did or does makes them liable with blood on their hands for their group TDS and racketeering. And that's besides being out right traitors to the country and it's people.
So you think he can just ignore the court orders?

The court order is pretty obviously illegal.
Jean Carroll offered to model lingerie naked.
She obviously then wanted something to happen.
The fact she waited 30 years, shows that nothing happened.
The ruling against Trump is in violation of all normal legal standards.
Since she openly accused him, he has the right to counter HER defamation.
It is Jean Carroll who was guilty of defamation.
No, I'm not a cheat. I'm an artist, who produces REAL art. The only "malpractice" in art is those who produce silly trash, calling it abstract, when it expresses nothing, and they sell it to people for millions of dollars, who are dumb enough to be duped by the scam.

When my daughter was about 8 or 9, we went to the Art Gallery of Ontario. She stood in front of a Mark Rothko painting and said "Is this supposed to be great art". I'm not a Rothko fan and I answered "So they tell me". And she said "Looks like junk to me".
Remember when Trump invited the women who accused Bill Clinton to his first debate with Hillary?

Payback is a bitch

Bill Clinton likely was guilty.
The police he used as chauffeurs of the women he harassed, are open about how sexually aggressive Bill was.
But there is a huge difference between Bill and Donald in that Bill was state governor, and Donald has no power over anyone.
You believed her story? After all said and done, I did not!

and this is New York Law, that allows Carroll's civil suit.

D.C. may not have the same Law?
Of course I didn't believe her story. ..

I'd have believed her story, & I'd believe the claims of Carroll & her civil suit, had they both been claimed/filed before these men ran for President.

As it is? Neither were claimed before it was a political issue, or politically advantageous. So both should be suspect for any intelligent thinking persons, that don't make politics their litmus for. . . "believing all women." :rolleyes:

They are both, transparent and bogus as hell. A child should be able to see the motivations behind this type of garbage politics.

Trump declared in 2015.

". . . On June 21, 2019, Carroll published an article in New York magazine which stated that Donald Trump had sexually assaulted her in late 1995 or early 1996 in the Bergdorf Goodman department store in New York City. Further details of the incident were published in her book What Do We Need Men For?: A Modest Proposal.[2][16][49]. . . "
"In March 2020, during that year's election campaign for President of the United States, Tara Reade alleged that Democratic nominee Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his office. . . . "
OH BULLSHIT. No judge has control over what people do with their own money, in their own private lives. He can declare joint ownership of anything at any time.
The state of New York has put a moniter in place to watch over all of the tRump Organizations transactions because it is a criminal Organization. It happens to be a retired judge. How do you not know this?
Which is illegal.
Government does not have that authority.
It is already been done. Did you also know that tRump had to agree with the New York attorney General office on who this person is? How do you retards not know this?

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