Trump, NATO head Stoltenberg have testy exchange at summit


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
There is a video if you want to hear him call out Germany.

Some of you might recall I've said the same of the UK and Russia. There are big billionaire investors in London, many of them high flying investment firms. Now the England deals with poisonings in their country, what can they say or do?

Trump calls out NATO, in particular Germany, for big investment of oil with Russia, he even named the fact the former Chancellor of Germany is behind the pipeline deal!

Speak the truth President Trump, Canada the EU and China, all exploiting America. All dealing closely with Putin but saying otherwise and wagging heir finger at America for doing alot less with Russia. It's absurd of course.

Trump, NATO head Stoltenberg have testy exchange at summit

President Donald Trump on Wednesday had a testy exchange with the head of NATO when he asked about energy agreements between Russia and several European countries.

Trump repeatedly pressed Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's secretary general, on why the U.S. continued to pay money to the military alliance while countries continue to purchase energy from Moscow.
I didn't hear the supposed "exchange" as it was just what Trump said. Report only notes that Stoltenberg said “We are stronger together.” Pretty damn weak "exchange" if that's all there was...

I suppose its in their best interest to keep answers short and sweet, they know damned well they're taking advantage of the US's generosity on many, many levels.
I didn't hear the supposed "exchange" as it was just what Trump said. Report only notes that Stoltenberg said “We are stronger together.” Pretty damn weak "exchange" if that's all there was...

I suppose its in their best interest to keep answers short and sweet, they know damned well they're taking advantage of the US's generosity on many, many levels.

Yes. From one side of the mouth they tell America "you're too close to Russia" from the other side they themselves are close, the socialist patsies in U.S media do the same, CNN, MSNBC etc, attack Trump for his willingness to be closer to Russia but they don't DARE question Germanys massive billion dollar pipeline deals with Russia, or Englands big billionaire Russian investors.

The EU and China in particular use WTO and UN (and other international agencies) to harm America, while arguing it is just to "ensure International standards". They have perverted the UN. The one real and unquestionable alliance, NATO, is once again underfunded by the Canadian and European leaders one after another, failiing to properly fund their own defense, relying on America.

They also use nations like Canada places like Cuba to a much lesser extent as a conduit to influence the U.S I've been researching as much as I can, and I did find it particularly interesting that the state of Vermont, which produce your socialist Bernie just happens to be the state that does the most business with Canada, one of two states in double digits % of their total economy.

Coincidence that this close relationship would produce a socialist?
There is a video if you want to hear him call out Germany.

Some of you might recall I've said the same of the UK and Russia. There are big billionaire investors in London, many of them high flying investment firms. Now the England deals with poisonings in their country, what can they say or do?

Trump calls out NATO, in particular Germany, for big investment of oil with Russia, he even named the fact the former Chancellor of Germany is behind the pipeline deal!

Speak the truth President Trump, Canada the EU and China, all exploiting America. All dealing closely with Putin but saying otherwise and wagging heir finger at America for doing alot less with Russia. It's absurd of course.

Trump, NATO head Stoltenberg have testy exchange at summit

President Donald Trump on Wednesday had a testy exchange with the head of NATO when he asked about energy agreements between Russia and several European countries.

Trump repeatedly pressed Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's secretary general, on why the U.S. continued to pay money to the military alliance while countries continue to purchase energy from Moscow.
How dare he point out German hypocrisy.
CNN is having a hard time spinning Germany's close ties to Russia.

I'm surprised they'd even report it. Usually they just don't put up things that show blatant hypocrisy. Still, maybe there is hope for them yet if they haven't just lied about what was said yet.

... Who the fuck am I kidding?!? It's CNN they've been in a black hole for a decade at least LOL
Let’s see. NATO is a defense organization of countries. They’re allied. You attack one you’ve attacked them all so expect all to retaliate.

To join the Organization each country agreed to pay X amount annually to fund its operation. They’ve obligated themselves.

However, some aren’t living up to their obligation while continuing to be member countries. We arent’ paying but we’re happy to benefit at the expense of the rest of you is perfectly fine with them.

So our president is calling them out, telling them we’re tired of footing the bill while others refuse to and it’s time for change.

Anyone got a problem with that, tough shit.
People in the German army are complaining that their equipment is out of date and not properly cared for. Some are saying that not all of their planes that are working have things like threat detection radar. There was even a couple of stories that the military was using sticks instead of rifles during training exercises.
Trump has caused some countries in the NATO alliance to begin using their contribution but Germany is very far behind and shows little to no signs of caring to increase their support.
Exactly why I voted for Trump. It's about time someone stood up and called this shit out and looked out for America's interests.
Let’s see. NATO is a defense organization of countries. They’re allied. You attack one you’ve attacked them all so expect all to retaliate.

To join the Organization each country agreed to pay X amount annually to fund its operation. They’ve obligated themselves.

However, some aren’t living up to their obligation while continuing to be member countries. We arent’ paying but we’re happy to benefit at the expense of the rest of you is perfectly fine with them.

So our president is calling them out, telling them we’re tired of footing the bill while others refuse to and it’s time for change.

Anyone got a problem with that, tough shit.

again, just because we piss away lots of money on the Military-Industrial Complex doesn't mean the rest of the world is obligated to.

We spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined, and 8 of those are allies.


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