Trump needs to come out and FORCEFULLY rebuke this violence targeted at Latinos

Is everyone such a pussy that they need POTUS to come out and make a speech?

The law rebukes the violence.

Why is their no call for POTUS to rebuke violence as Mexicans commit violent crimes at rates only challenged by blacks (no one out does the blacks)?
Just as Trump won’t rebuke violence targeted at Hispanics, Trump won’t rebuke the rightwing racism and hate exhibited in this post.
Trump will never see this post you deranged lunatic.
For me it is not about guns, when you hold rally's in red areas around the country & stir up the crowd with hate filled diatribes against other Americans, those who do not support your point of view. this is what you will get, men who will take that anger to the next level
Do you not see a distinction between "sending someone home" and "mass murder"?

Seriously? You just wrote that, as though you think that you just made the point that they are at least very similar?

Are you bat shit, howl at the moon, insane?
The hate is the same Think they can actually say "murder all brown skins?? It's the hate in your heart that brings these murderers out ,,,, and there are vast numbers out there that hate browns and blacks and if you disagree you're the bat shit crazy one

It is not hate to want to "send someone home".

That is a lie your side tells, to marginalize your enemies so that you do not have to actually defend your policies based on their actual merits, or lack there of.

There are real and justified reasons for our immigration laws, and enforcing them is completely Just and Fair.

YOu are being very vile smearing people who want to deport illegals, as though they are the same as mass murderers.
The number of hate groups operating across America rose to a record high – 1,020 – in 2018 as President Trump continued to fan the flames of white resentment over immigration and the country’s changing demographics.

It was the fourth straight year of hate group growth – a 30 percent increase roughly coinciding with Trump’s campaign and presidency – following three consecutive years of decline near the end of the Obama administration.


At the same time, racist and antisemitic violence continued to plague the country, following the same escalating pattern as hate groups. FBI statistics show that hate crimes increased by 30 percent in the three-year period ending in 2017.(The FBI has not released figures for 2018.) The increase followed a three-year period in which hate crime incidents fell by about 12 percent.

The SPLC’s annual hate group count and analysis is contained in the Spring edition of the Intelligence Report, released today.

The SPLC today also launched an updated, interactive hate map showing the locations of hate groups nationwide.

“The numbers tell a striking story – that this president is not simply a polarizing figure but a radicalizing one,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project. “Rather than trying to tamp down hate, as presidents of both parties have done, President Trump elevates it – with both his rhetoric and his policies. In doing so, he’s given people across America the go-ahead to act on their worst instincts.”

Trump was not alone in spreading fear about the country’s growing diversity. Fox News served as both his megaphone and a source for his incendiary claims during 2018. Aided by a chorus of supporters in right-wing media outlets and the advisers in his administration with hate group sympathies, Trump enacted a raft of policies straight out of the radical-right playbook.

But there were growing signs that many among the radical right have begun to sour on Trump, as he failed to deliver on his signature promise – to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Richard Spencer, the white nationalist leader who prompted Nazi salutes from his audience when he shouted “Hail Trump” after Trump’s 2016 election, put it this way after the 2018 mid-terms: “The Trump moment is over, and it’s time for us to move on.”

A white supremacist world simultaneously emboldened and disappointed by Trump has already proven deadly.

SPLC? Seriously?

Stop spreading left-wing propaganda, hater!
Which group do you belong to kidd?? Just curious

:11_2_1043: You need a hug today.
Trump has already denounced mostly white KLANTIFA.
For me it is not about guns, when you hold rally's in red areas around the country & stir up the crowd with hate filled diatribes against other Americans, those who do not support your point of view. this is what you will get, men who will take that anger to the next level
Telling the truth about you traitor filth is not hate. So far the vast majority of violence is done by liberals.
Is everyone such a pussy that they need POTUS to come out and make a speech?

The law rebukes the violence.

Why is their no call for POTUS to rebuke violence as Mexicans commit violent crimes at rates only challenged by blacks (no one out does the blacks)?
Just as Trump won’t rebuke violence targeted at Hispanics, Trump won’t rebuke the rightwing racism and hate exhibited in this post.

In Context: Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks

Trump: "...we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America. ...

...And you have -- you had a group on one side that was bad, ...

...I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.... had some very bad people in that group,...

... the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally....

.... rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them....."
Is everyone such a pussy that they need POTUS to come out and make a speech?

The law rebukes the violence.

Why is their no call for POTUS to rebuke violence as Mexicans commit violent crimes at rates only challenged by blacks (no one out does the blacks)?
Just as Trump won’t rebuke violence targeted at Hispanics, Trump won’t rebuke the rightwing racism and hate exhibited in this post.

In Context: Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks

Trump: "...we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America. ...

...And you have -- you had a group on one side that was bad, ...

...I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.... had some very bad people in that group,...

... the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally....

.... rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them....."
No matter how many times Trump denounces this stuff, deranged hate-filled liars like what we have here will ignore it and continue to lie and spread fear and hatred.
How many citizens follow Trump on Twitter? I support Trump and I don't use Twitter.
This is a major problem America is facing and deserves more than a 120 word blurb in cyberspace.
I do not use it either but I think it is clear that most of the country does.

He reached out to more people quicker and more efficiently than holding a press conference would have done

No, most of the country does not.

Pew: US adult Twitter users tend to be younger, more Democratic; 10% create 80% of tweets – TechCrunch

Pew says only around 22 percent of American adults today use Twitter, and they are representative of the broader population in some ways, but not in others. For starters, Twitter's U.S. adult users tend to be younger.

But every news organization and social media site reports on the tweet.

So everyone that wants to hear the President's words hears them and hears them more quickly .

To me, if Trump came out on camera and addressed the nation about this problem, it is more effective than a random tweet. This is a major issue and problem and a strong voice in leadership would help diffuse the situation.

When we had police being shot and riots in cities a few years back, we did not see strong leadership and it continued. Now, we need a strong voice and leadership that we have lacked since Reagan.

I see no reason not to, but when someone says a tweet is an illegitimate conduit for the President, in 2019 it is not true.
I never said that. What I said was it is ineffective. A tweet may or may not be reported on and it most certainly will often be twisted to mean something it doesn't.

He needs to speak DIRECTLY to the people on national television. A speech that will be broadcast on every channel and not subject to interpretation.
Do you not see a distinction between "sending someone home" and "mass murder"?

Seriously? You just wrote that, as though you think that you just made the point that they are at least very similar?

Are you bat shit, howl at the moon, insane?
The hate is the same Think they can actually say "murder all brown skins?? It's the hate in your heart that brings these murderers out ,,,, and there are vast numbers out there that hate browns and blacks and if you disagree you're the bat shit crazy one

It is not hate to want to "send someone home".

That is a lie your side tells, to marginalize your enemies so that you do not have to actually defend your policies based on their actual merits, or lack there of.

There are real and justified reasons for our immigration laws, and enforcing them is completely Just and Fair.

YOu are being very vile smearing people who want to deport illegals, as though they are the same as mass murderers.
The number of hate groups operating across America rose to a record high – 1,020 – in 2018 as President Trump continued to fan the flames of white resentment over immigration and the country’s changing demographics.

It was the fourth straight year of hate group growth – a 30 percent increase roughly coinciding with Trump’s campaign and presidency – following three consecutive years of decline near the end of the Obama administration......y.

30% increase in number of groups? Sounds serious.

So, how much of an increase in ACTUAL MEMBERSHIP in those hate groups?

(To factor out just the same basement dwellers, jointing more "groups" or signing up for more newsletters?)
I don't believe numbers went up ,,just more became visible

Congratulations. YOu are the first lib to admit that an increase in "number of groups" does not really translate to an actual increase in number of white supremacists.

It was a trick question. I've looked and I can find no claims of increased numbers. Indeed, i can't find any numbers at all, on how many people are in these fringe movements.

THe SPLC, an untrustworthy group with a vested interests in inflating the numbers, claims like 8.000 tops, if I recall correctly.

Any connection between deportation as a policy and any increase in fringe people that support violence against illegals, is tenuous at best, and no honest person would make much of it.
Is everyone such a pussy that they need POTUS to come out and make a speech?

The law rebukes the violence.

Why is their no call for POTUS to rebuke violence as Mexicans commit violent crimes at rates only challenged by blacks (no one out does the blacks)?
Just as Trump won’t rebuke violence targeted at Hispanics, Trump won’t rebuke the rightwing racism and hate exhibited in this post.

In Context: Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks

Trump: "...we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America. ...

...And you have -- you had a group on one side that was bad, ...

...I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.... had some very bad people in that group,...

... the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally....

.... rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them....."
No matter how many times Trump denounces this stuff, deranged hate-filled liars like what we have here will ignore it and continue to lie and spread fear and hatred.

They are dishonest, vile scum.
For me it is not about guns, when you hold rally's in red areas around the country & stir up the crowd with hate filled diatribes against other Americans, those who do not support your point of view. this is what you will get, men who will take that anger to the next level

Except no one on the right is doing that.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.

When will Democrats come out and rebuke violence against conservatives?
When they are in a position of LEADERSHIP you can ask them that. Until then don't bother me with diversionary bullshit. This thread is about TRUMP and what I hope he does as our leader.
Is everyone such a pussy that they need POTUS to come out and make a speech?

The law rebukes the violence.

Why is their no call for POTUS to rebuke violence as Mexicans commit violent crimes at rates only challenged by blacks (no one out does the blacks)?
Just as Trump won’t rebuke violence targeted at Hispanics, Trump won’t rebuke the rightwing racism and hate exhibited in this post.

In Context: Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks

Trump: "...we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America. ...

...And you have -- you had a group on one side that was bad, ...

...I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.... had some very bad people in that group,...

... the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally....

.... rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them....."
Just glad Texas has a death penalty
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.

When will Democrats come out and rebuke violence against conservatives?
When they are in a position of LEADERSHIP you can ask them that. Until then don't bother me with diversionary bullshit. This thread is about TRUMP and what I hope he does as our leader.
So far I've only seen sorrow and fed gov't are there for them Nothing condemning white terrorism groups racial hate
Fuck Illegal Walmart shoppers.

Fuck Illegals in general.

If they don't want to get shot or deported by ICE or put in a "concentration" camp then the sonofabitches should just stay at home.
For me it is not about guns, when you hold rally's in red areas around the country & stir up the crowd with hate filled diatribes against other Americans, those who do not support your point of view. this is what you will get, men who will take that anger to the next level

Except no one on the right is doing that.
Oh ? These murderers and others are all Dems??
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.

When will Democrats come out and rebuke violence against conservatives?
When they are in a position of LEADERSHIP you can ask them that. Until then don't bother me with diversionary bullshit. This thread is about TRUMP and what I hope he does as our leader.
So far I've only seen sorrow and fed gov't are there for them Nothing condemning white terrorism groups racial hate
It hasn't even been 24 hours. Situations of this nature take time to digest. First you have to be fully up to date on all the details and the police are still gathering info so it's a bit early for any serious discussion
Fuck Illegal Walmart shoppers.

Fuck Illegals in general.

If they don't want to get shot or deported by ICE or put in a "concentration" camp then the sonofabitches should just stay at home.
You should be getting a knock on your door soon if FBI reads your posts
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump came out against this quite heavily. He ordered the DOJ to peruse domestic terrorism charges, It is now a federal death penalty case. And his TV appearances are strongly against this person and his motives, Trump called them out. You would never see this come from a democrat... Holding the person or persons accountable....
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
/——/ That sounds like a liberal solution, pretty speeches and endless Blue Ribbon committees that resolve nothing and squander tax payer $$$. No thanks.

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