Trump needs to come out and FORCEFULLY rebuke this violence targeted at Latinos

He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.

When will Democrats come out and rebuke violence against conservatives?
When they are in a position of LEADERSHIP you can ask them that. Until then don't bother me with diversionary bullshit. This thread is about TRUMP and what I hope he does as our leader.
So far I've only seen sorrow and fed gov't are there for them Nothing condemning white terrorism groups racial hate
It hasn't even been 24 hours. Situations of this nature take time to digest. First you have to be fully up to date on all the details and the police are still gathering info so it's a bit early for any serious discussion
How long does it take for him to tweet out to all his followers ? Let them know he won't stand for it Be a gd leader for once in his life
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.

When will Democrats come out and rebuke violence against conservatives?
When they are in a position of LEADERSHIP you can ask them that. Until then don't bother me with diversionary bullshit. This thread is about TRUMP and what I hope he does as our leader.
So far I've only seen sorrow and fed gov't are there for them Nothing condemning white terrorism groups racial hate
It hasn't even been 24 hours. Situations of this nature take time to digest. First you have to be fully up to date on all the details and the police are still gathering info so it's a bit early for any serious discussion
How long does it take for him to tweet out to all his followers ? Let them know he won't stand for it Be a gd leader for once in his life
Apparently he did that already as reported by CNN.
Seems you also lack full details
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump has his statement on twitter.
I suspect the only way you would call it a forceful rebuke is if he signed an EO banning guns.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump has his statement on twitter.
I suspect the only way you would call it a forceful rebuke is if he signed an EO banning guns.

Trump rebuked the individual and his actions... Nothing short of taking everyone's rights would suffice idiot democrats..
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump has his statement on twitter.
I suspect the only way you would call it a forceful rebuke is if he signed an EO banning guns.
Twitter lol

How bout he step up to the mic and talk to everyone and not just the few who use Twitter.

And you can go fuck yourself with the gun grabber bullshit. I never mentioned nor implied ANYTHING about gun restrictions ANYWHERE in this thread.

It's easy to isolate retards who lack the ability to have a rational debate about what needs to be done. You are incapable of following the line of thought laid out before you so you place your boogeymen into the argument in order to feel like you've said something of substance.

You didn't....
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump has his statement on twitter.
I suspect the only way you would call it a forceful rebuke is if he signed an EO banning guns.

Trump rebuked the individual and his actions... Nothing short of taking everyone's rights would suffice idiot democrats..
So he goes off topic with made up accusations and you follow right along like a trained puppy?

He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump has his statement on twitter.
I suspect the only way you would call it a forceful rebuke is if he signed an EO banning guns.
Twitter lol

How bout he step up to the mic and talk to everyone and not just the few who use Twitter.

And you can go fuck yourself with the gun grabber bullshit. I never mentioned nor implied ANYTHING about gun restrictions ANYWHERE in this thread.

It's easy to isolate retards who lack the ability to have a rational debate about what needs to be done. You are incapable of following the line of thought laid out before you so you place your boogeymen into the argument in order to feel like you've said something of substance.

You didn't....

You wouldn't argue if he did it though.
Words are meaningless......actions talk louder than words.....and grabbing guns is the solution everyone wants.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Obama never came out against the bullshit riots--the criminals--etc
so why do you make it different for Trump?
no one ever called out Obama for emboldening blacks to hate whites and cops
First, any comprehensive examination and/or discussion of this issue will inevitably involve a conversation about gun control, and his base doesn't want to go there.

Sure let's once again ignore the root cause and take the easy road of blaming the tools.

Why not have an honest debate about the root cause of the problem?
I'm sure many here can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's leftist social policies that are the foundation for all the hatred and violence.

We've had millions of discussions on "Gun Control", but almost zero on the real problem.

It is far more believable that Antifa or other Leftists shot up Walmart.
Read my thread:


Remember Jussie Smollett? He is one of many, many liberals who have engaged in false flag operations.

A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.
False flag - Wikipedia

Smollett tried to blame Trump supporters for a fake crime. He got busted.
911 call in Jussie Smollett case: ‘They put a noose around his neck’
During the 2016 elections Democrats vandalized their own offices and tried to blame it on Republicans. They got busted.

Then of course there are the crimes that they don't even bother to cover up, such as Leftwing Antifa committing violence in the streets, and Bernie Sanders supporters shooting GOP Congressmen.
James T. Hodgkinson: Bernie Sanders supporter, strongly anti-Trump - CNN

These scum have no respect for life. They murder babies by the truckload.

So who is responsible for these two shooting sprees that just happened? I'll bet my money that Leftists are. They are losing the election, and this is their way of changing the discussion. They murder children daily, so this is peanuts to them. They have no morals.

El Paso Walmart witness says that the shooter was dressed in all black and carrying a long rifle.
Mass Shooting Kills 20 at El Paso Walmart: Gunman ‘Started Shooting Everyone, Aisle by Aisle,’ Witness Says

Dressed in all black. Now who does that sound like? Antifa.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump has his statement on twitter.
I suspect the only way you would call it a forceful rebuke is if he signed an EO banning guns.
Twitter lol

How bout he step up to the mic and talk to everyone and not just the few who use Twitter.

And you can go fuck yourself with the gun grabber bullshit. I never mentioned nor implied ANYTHING about gun restrictions ANYWHERE in this thread.

It's easy to isolate retards who lack the ability to have a rational debate about what needs to be done. You are incapable of following the line of thought laid out before you so you place your boogeymen into the argument in order to feel like you've said something of substance.

You didn't....
Words are meaningless......actions talk louder than words.....and grabbing guns is the solution everyone wants.
I laid out the first steps Trump could take and NONE of them had anything to do with taking guns. I laid out actions that could be taken but didn't presume what direction they would lead. There is NOTHING in my op that infringes on your 2nd amendment rights

AGAIN, try to stay on topic.
Democrats need to come out and forcefully understand how Americans feel about the invasion.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump has his statement on twitter.
I suspect the only way you would call it a forceful rebuke is if he signed an EO banning guns.
Twitter lol

How bout he step up to the mic and talk to everyone and not just the few who use Twitter.

And you can go fuck yourself with the gun grabber bullshit. I never mentioned nor implied ANYTHING about gun restrictions ANYWHERE in this thread.

It's easy to isolate retards who lack the ability to have a rational debate about what needs to be done. You are incapable of following the line of thought laid out before you so you place your boogeymen into the argument in order to feel like you've said something of substance.

You didn't....
Words are meaningless......actions talk louder than words.....and grabbing guns is the solution everyone wants.
I laid out the first steps Trump could take and NONE of them had anything to do with taking guns. I laid out actions that could be taken but didn't presume what direction they would lead. There is NOTHING in my op that infringes on your 2nd amendment rights

AGAIN, try to stay on topic.
LOOK, be realistic.
We both know that the Dems won't allow him to do anything other than take our just save it, okay?
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Obama never came out against the bullshit riots--the criminals--etc
so why do you make it different for Trump?
no one ever called out Obama for emboldening blacks to hate whites and cops

Do you have ANY idea how pathetic and WRONG this post is?

I didn't condemn Obama? Lol really? REALLY?
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Trump has his statement on twitter.
I suspect the only way you would call it a forceful rebuke is if he signed an EO banning guns.
Twitter lol

How bout he step up to the mic and talk to everyone and not just the few who use Twitter.

And you can go fuck yourself with the gun grabber bullshit. I never mentioned nor implied ANYTHING about gun restrictions ANYWHERE in this thread.

It's easy to isolate retards who lack the ability to have a rational debate about what needs to be done. You are incapable of following the line of thought laid out before you so you place your boogeymen into the argument in order to feel like you've said something of substance.

You didn't....
Words are meaningless......actions talk louder than words.....and grabbing guns is the solution everyone wants.
I laid out the first steps Trump could take and NONE of them had anything to do with taking guns. I laid out actions that could be taken but didn't presume what direction they would lead. There is NOTHING in my op that infringes on your 2nd amendment rights

AGAIN, try to stay on topic.
LOOK, be realistic.
We both know that the Dems won't allow him to do anything other than take our just save it, okay?
No, not okay.

So you accept failure without even trying simply because someone else would oppose you?

Definitely not a conservative value
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Obama never came out against the bullshit riots--the criminals--etc
so why do you make it different for Trump?
no one ever called out Obama for emboldening blacks to hate whites and cops

Do you have ANY idea how pathetic and WRONG this post is?

I didn't condemn Obama? Lol really? REALLY?
did you ever post a thread on Obama FORCEFULLY condemning blacks???!!!!
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Obama never came out against the bullshit riots--the criminals--etc
so why do you make it different for Trump?
no one ever called out Obama for emboldening blacks to hate whites and cops

Do you have ANY idea how pathetic and WRONG this post is?

I didn't condemn Obama? Lol really? REALLY?
did you ever post a thread on Obama FORCEFULLY condemning blacks???!!!!
Of course not. Just as I didn't single out WHITES in this thread.
This fight is about an ideology not a skin color.
You weren't even here when Obama was in office. I was brutal in my criticism of his choices or lack thereof. All you need do is look for yourself rather than make asinine assumptions based on NOTHING

It is far more believable that Antifa or other Leftists shot up Walmart.
Read my thread:


Remember Jussie Smollett? He is one of many, many liberals who have engaged in false flag operations.

A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.
False flag - Wikipedia

Smollett tried to blame Trump supporters for a fake crime. He got busted.
911 call in Jussie Smollett case: ‘They put a noose around his neck’
During the 2016 elections Democrats vandalized their own offices and tried to blame it on Republicans. They got busted.

Then of course there are the crimes that they don't even bother to cover up, such as Leftwing Antifa committing violence in the streets, and Bernie Sanders supporters shooting GOP Congressmen.
James T. Hodgkinson: Bernie Sanders supporter, strongly anti-Trump - CNN

These scum have no respect for life. They murder babies by the truckload.

So who is responsible for these two shooting sprees that just happened? I'll bet my money that Leftists are. They are losing the election, and this is their way of changing the discussion. They murder children daily, so this is peanuts to them. They have no morals.

El Paso Walmart witness says that the shooter was dressed in all black and carrying a long rifle.
Mass Shooting Kills 20 at El Paso Walmart: Gunman ‘Started Shooting Everyone, Aisle by Aisle,’ Witness Says

Dressed in all black. Now who does that sound like? Antifa.
First, any comprehensive examination and/or discussion of this issue will inevitably involve a conversation about gun control, and his base doesn't want to go there.

Sure let's once again ignore the root cause and take the easy road of blaming the tools.

Why not have an honest debate about the root cause of the problem?
I'm sure many here can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's leftist social policies that are the foundation for all the hatred and violence.

We've had millions of discussions on "Gun Control", but almost zero on the real problem.
At this point in our history, I don't think we're capable of having an honest debate on pretty much anything.

Honest communication, open collaboration and creative innovation are simply skills we no longer possess.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Obama never came out against the bullshit riots--the criminals--etc
so why do you make it different for Trump?
no one ever called out Obama for emboldening blacks to hate whites and cops

Do you have ANY idea how pathetic and WRONG this post is?

I didn't condemn Obama? Lol really? REALLY?
did you ever post a thread on Obama FORCEFULLY condemning blacks???!!!!
Of course not. Just as I didn't single out WHITES in this thread.
This fight is about an ideology not a skin color.
You weren't even here when Obama was in office. I was brutal in my criticism of his choices or lack thereof. All you need do is look for yourself rather than make asinine assumptions based on NOTHING
the deal is---the MSM never called out Obama
so we don't want to hear crap about Trump

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