Trump needs to come out and FORCEFULLY rebuke this violence targeted at Latinos

He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In a democratic country trump would be forced to step down and held accountable for igniting violence. The asshole all he does is inflamatory and hate directives to his already hateful uneducated racist base.
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In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.

Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.

Some sure as hell do. Some right here on THIS board do. I know you've seen them.

Random voices on the internet because they are completely isolated in society.

Not any significant portion of the base.

Yeah, I'm sure the huge jump in hate crimes against Latinos is just a coincidence, right?

Or fake. YOu aware of the Penn study looking to see how much white racism had increased under Trump?

HInt: They were shocked to find it had declined.

So all the reports, including the DOJ, saying hate crimes are on the rise are "fake"? This one study out of one university says what exactly? Racism by whites has declined?

Nobody said there were more racists being created under Trump...the ones that have always existed are just much more comfortable expressing it openly.

Not all Trump supporters are racist. The racists mostly do support Trump though. That's a tough spot to be in. Probably why the last remaining black guy in the GOP in congress is leaving .
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In a democratic trump would be forced 5o step down and held account for igniting violence. The asshole all he does is inflamatory and hate directives to his already hateful uneducated racist base.

He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
Your best post ever Thank you
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In a democratic trump would be forced 5o step down and held account for igniting violence. The asshole all he does is inflamatory and hate directives to his already hateful uneducated racist base.

You're a mad loon.
I hope you don't own a firearm.
The desperate left wing (with the cooperation of the mainstream media) has it rigged so that the President gets blamed for the acts of maniacs. That's the way the system works but people are smarter than that. Bernie Sanders might have met with avid supporter James Hodgkinson before he opened fire on a republican baseball team and Sanders might even have given him the practice schedule and a list of other conservatives but nobody connected him to the shooting and he dodged questions for a short time until the media buried the story.

A Tweet is not the avenue he should be using.

Communication is communication.

How many times will you move the goal post?
How many citizens follow Trump on Twitter? I support Trump and I don't use Twitter.
This is a major problem America is facing and deserves more than a 120 word blurb in cyberspace.
I do not use it either but I think it is clear that most of the country does.

He reached out to more people quicker and more efficiently than holding a press conference would have done

No, most of the country does not.

Pew: US adult Twitter users tend to be younger, more Democratic; 10% create 80% of tweets – TechCrunch

Pew says only around 22 percent of American adults today use Twitter, and they are representative of the broader population in some ways, but not in others. For starters, Twitter's U.S. adult users tend to be younger.

But every news organization and social media site reports on the tweet.

So everyone that wants to hear the President's words hears them and hears them more quickly .

To me, if Trump came out on camera and addressed the nation about this problem, it is more effective than a random tweet. This is a major issue and problem and a strong voice in leadership would help diffuse the situation.

When we had police being shot and riots in cities a few years back, we did not see strong leadership and it continued. Now, we need a strong voice and leadership that we have lacked since Reagan.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.

Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.
I can't control your perceptions of my words.

You stated that a powerful condemnation of violence targeting latinos, would potentially annoy his base.

My perception of that, was that you were implying that Trump's base supports mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

Otherwise, why would a condemnation of that, "annoy" his base?

This is a simple question. A serious question Please answer it.

His base is mostly a bunch of low class morons who get sexually aroused by uncouth behavior, with a passionate hatred for "political correctness." I suspect that any meaningful condemnation by Donald could be interpreted as exactly the kind of pandering to liberals and illegals that they expect him to reject, and would see him as weak for so doing. Could be.

But really, I think Mac is wrong here. Donald's base is a cult. He could make a speech tonight and say that illegals are the second coming of Christ and that hence forth his country will be known as the United States of Mexican Domination, and they'll cheer him on. There's nothing he can do that won't be met with the undying love of his cult.
Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.

Some sure as hell do. Some right here on THIS board do. I know you've seen them.

Random voices on the internet because they are completely isolated in society.

Not any significant portion of the base.

Yeah, I'm sure the huge jump in hate crimes against Latinos is just a coincidence, right?

Or fake. YOu aware of the Penn study looking to see how much white racism had increased under Trump?

HInt: They were shocked to find it had declined.

So all the reports, including the DOJ, saying hate crimes are on the rise are "fake"? This one study out of one university says what exactly? Racism by whites has declined?

The study counting the number of REPORTS might be true. But the crimes being claimed could be fake. Or there could just be more reporting being done.

I suspect that if you look at the DOJ report, there is quantifying language to not draw conclusions from looking at different years for such reasons.

And yes. Lefty researches looked at racist notions held by whites and were surprised to see they declined under Trump.

Behind a pay wall I refuse to pay, but you might be able to see it.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.

Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.
""Send them home ?? Mexican invasion ??""
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.

Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.
I can't control your perceptions of my words.

You stated that a powerful condemnation of violence targeting latinos, would potentially annoy his base.

My perception of that, was that you were implying that Trump's base supports mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

Otherwise, why would a condemnation of that, "annoy" his base?

This is a simple question. A serious question Please answer it.

His base is mostly a bunch of low class morons who get sexually aroused by uncouth behavior, with a passionate hatred for "political correctness." I suspect that any meaningful condemnation by Donald could be interpreted as exactly the kind of pandering to liberals and illegals that they expect him to reject, and would see him as weak for so doing. Could be.

But really, I think Mac is wrong here. Donald's base is a cult. He could make a speech tonight and say that illegals are the second coming of Christ and that hence forth his country will be known as the United States of Mexican Domination, and they'll cheer him on. There's nothing he can do that won't be met with the undying love of his cult.

It is funny to see you call other people "low class morons" and then make a statement that is "low class and moronic".

Just saying. FUnny.
How many citizens follow Trump on Twitter? I support Trump and I don't use Twitter.
This is a major problem America is facing and deserves more than a 120 word blurb in cyberspace.
I do not use it either but I think it is clear that most of the country does.

He reached out to more people quicker and more efficiently than holding a press conference would have done

No, most of the country does not.

Pew: US adult Twitter users tend to be younger, more Democratic; 10% create 80% of tweets – TechCrunch

Pew says only around 22 percent of American adults today use Twitter, and they are representative of the broader population in some ways, but not in others. For starters, Twitter's U.S. adult users tend to be younger.
I WAS on Twitter and Facebook but deleted them both. Just a cesspool of outrage and drama.

In some ways, social media is a poison on the human condition.
If not recognized for what it is and who uses it you can become trapped in your own prison of hate thinking everyone feels like you.

And THAT is one of the things that could be looked into about these madmen

How is it we can go after ISIS on the internet, but websites like A-chan and 4 Chan can flourish?
I don't know anything about those sites so I can't comment with any knowledge. In fact this morning was the first time I had even heard of A Chan

I'd never heard of the sites we've shut down for their association with ISIS either...but we shut them down. Time to start treating these white supremacists like other terrorists.
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.

Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.
I can't control your perceptions of my words.

You stated that a powerful condemnation of violence targeting latinos, would potentially annoy his base.

My perception of that, was that you were implying that Trump's base supports mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

Otherwise, why would a condemnation of that, "annoy" his base?

This is a simple question. A serious question Please answer it.

His base is mostly a bunch of low class morons who get sexually aroused by uncouth behavior, with a passionate hatred for "political correctness." I suspect that any meaningful condemnation by Donald could be interpreted as exactly the kind of pandering to liberals and illegals that they expect him to reject, and would see him as weak for so doing. Could be.

But really, I think Mac is wrong here. Donald's base is a cult. He could make a speech tonight and say that illegals are the second coming of Christ and that hence forth his country will be known as the United States of Mexican Domination, and they'll cheer him on. There's nothing he can do that won't be met with the undying love of his cult.

More ignorance
Congress will save us; that is, when they get back from their summer vacation....:abgg2q.jpg:
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.

Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.
""Send them home ?? Mexican invasion ??""

Do you not see a distinction between "sending someone home" and "mass murder"?

Seriously? You just wrote that, as though you think that you just made the point that they are at least very similar?

Are you bat shit, howl at the moon, insane?

A Tweet is not the avenue he should be using.

Communication is communication.

How many times will you move the goal post?
How many citizens follow Trump on Twitter? I support Trump and I don't use Twitter.
This is a major problem America is facing and deserves more than a 120 word blurb in cyberspace.
I do not use it either but I think it is clear that most of the country does.

He reached out to more people quicker and more efficiently than holding a press conference would have done

No, most of the country does not.

Pew: US adult Twitter users tend to be younger, more Democratic; 10% create 80% of tweets – TechCrunch

Pew says only around 22 percent of American adults today use Twitter, and they are representative of the broader population in some ways, but not in others. For starters, Twitter's U.S. adult users tend to be younger.

But every news organization and social media site reports on the tweet.

So everyone that wants to hear the President's words hears them and hears them more quickly .
How is that more quickly than speaking directly to the American people at a press conference?
Communication is communication.

How many times will you move the goal post?
How many citizens follow Trump on Twitter? I support Trump and I don't use Twitter.
This is a major problem America is facing and deserves more than a 120 word blurb in cyberspace.
I do not use it either but I think it is clear that most of the country does.

He reached out to more people quicker and more efficiently than holding a press conference would have done

No, most of the country does not.

Pew: US adult Twitter users tend to be younger, more Democratic; 10% create 80% of tweets – TechCrunch

Pew says only around 22 percent of American adults today use Twitter, and they are representative of the broader population in some ways, but not in others. For starters, Twitter's U.S. adult users tend to be younger.

But every news organization and social media site reports on the tweet.

So everyone that wants to hear the President's words hears them and hears them more quickly .

To me, if Trump came out on camera and addressed the nation about this problem, it is more effective than a random tweet. This is a major issue and problem and a strong voice in leadership would help diffuse the situation.

When we had police being shot and riots in cities a few years back, we did not see strong leadership and it continued. Now, we need a strong voice and leadership that we have lacked since Reagan.

I see no reason not to, but when someone says a tweet is an illegitimate conduit for the President, in 2019 it is not true.
In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.

Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.

Some sure as hell do. Some right here on THIS board do. I know you've seen them.

Random voices on the internet because they are completely isolated in society.

Not any significant portion of the base.

Yeah, I'm sure the huge jump in hate crimes against Latinos is just a coincidence, right?

Or fake. YOu aware of the Penn study looking to see how much white racism had increased under Trump?

HInt: They were shocked to find it had declined.

Is that Penn state?

‘White supremacists see Penn State as recruitment ground’: Faculty members discuss state of racism at university, America
He is the leader of ALL Americans and we are witnessing mass shootings based on ethnicity.
It is apparent to me that we are seeing a new trend of violence based on hate and it would be wise for him to get ahead of it.
This is no different than when we demanded Obama get behind the police and condemn the violence against them when they were the targets.

You can express your hatred for others with your voice and be protected by the first amendment but that protection does not extend to acts of violence.

Trump also needs to address the gun violence that is not ethnically charged.

I don't pretend to believe that he can "fix" any of these problems but if he wants to get ahead of the media and the left he has no choice. Maybe put together a comission to look into the details of all recent mass shootings and try to find the common denominators. Then see what if anything can be done based on those findings.

Bottom line I want to see some kind of action beyond prayers and demands to ban guns.
In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.
Remember that fieldhouse he gave his send them home speech at?? Never stopped his base He has no problem letting his base show their hate
In all seriousness, I just don't think he has it in him. And he'd also have to walk a fine line between a powerful condemnation and annoying his base.

You never know, but I doubt it. Maybe if his staff convinces him and writes his comments.

Trump's base does not support mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

It is hateful of you to claim they do.
I can't control your perceptions of my words.

You stated that a powerful condemnation of violence targeting latinos, would potentially annoy his base.

My perception of that, was that you were implying that Trump's base supports mass murder or violence directed at latinos.

Otherwise, why would a condemnation of that, "annoy" his base?

This is a simple question. A serious question Please answer it.

His base is mostly a bunch of low class morons who get sexually aroused by uncouth behavior, with a passionate hatred for "political correctness." I suspect that any meaningful condemnation by Donald could be interpreted as exactly the kind of pandering to liberals and illegals that they expect him to reject, and would see him as weak for so doing. Could be.

But really, I think Mac is wrong here. Donald's base is a cult. He could make a speech tonight and say that illegals are the second coming of Christ and that hence forth his country will be known as the United States of Mexican Domination, and they'll cheer him on. There's nothing he can do that won't be met with the undying love of his cult.

It is funny to see you call other people "low class morons" and then make a statement that is "low class and moronic".

Just saying. FUnny.

She is a pole dancer.

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