Trump needs to do his homework

Old Lady must be in there watching his every move and timing him. Or....maybe this is just more bullshit.
It's not bullshit. Our President is acting like an ignorant fuck.
pRove it.
Read the OP. When shit hits the fan, it is his call. Right now he's got his generals and cabinet members padding around making his bulloney sound reasonable. The day will come for an "Osama Moment" or a "Twin Towers Moment" and he had better know what is going on. RIGHT THEN. I worry about these things.
Your BS link proves nothing. You idiots thinks these BS links are some proof of something. They are not. None of this crap that you and others post will hold up in court. PROVE IT!
His activities have been timed; I don't know why or if this is usual, but it is what it is. Do you think the President is going to sue the many newspapers and mags that have carried the story? Or are you going to sue me?
So... you want him to spend more time working on his projects?
I want him to attend his intelligence briefings. Despite what he claims, he does NOT know more than the generals. As his phone call with Taiwan showed.

There was a time we supported capitalistic nations and democratic ones at that. Telling China Taiwan has a place is a good thing. While I want Trump aware of national security issues, I would rather have him trust his advisors and make sure they are up on all the latest.
I see. So you think that trusting Russia, and spurning the EU, Mexico, and Canada is supporting capitalism and democratic nations?

Who trusts Russia? Link

The EU, Mexico and Canada are all socialist states. Next
Old Lady must be in there watching his every move and timing him. Or....maybe this is just more bullshit.
It's not bullshit. Our President is acting like an ignorant fuck.
pRove it.
Read the OP. When shit hits the fan, it is his call. Right now he's got his generals and cabinet members padding around making his bulloney sound reasonable. The day will come for an "Osama Moment" or a "Twin Towers Moment" and he had better know what is going on. RIGHT THEN. I worry about these things.
Your BS link proves nothing. You idiots thinks these BS links are some proof of something. They are not. None of this crap that you and others post will hold up in court. PROVE IT!
His activities have been timed; I don't know why or if this is usual, but it is what it is. Do you think the President is going to sue the many newspapers and mags that have carried the story? Or are you going to sue me?
OK then, you have no proof. I get it.
Old Lady must be in there watching his every move and timing him. Or....maybe this is just more bullshit.
It's not bullshit. Our President is acting like an ignorant fuck.
pRove it.
Read the OP. When shit hits the fan, it is his call. Right now he's got his generals and cabinet members padding around making his bulloney sound reasonable. The day will come for an "Osama Moment" or a "Twin Towers Moment" and he had better know what is going on. RIGHT THEN. I worry about these things.
Or a Benghazi moment? An Egypt moment? A Syria moment?

I dont expect you to grasp it.
I grasp you fine, and when you want to open a thread on those issues by the last President, feel free.
My response goes to your accusation Trump isnt doing his just dont like it being pointed out your boy failed massively at it.

Also I dont take direction from you
How many hours did he golf?
They apparently can't count while he's at the course--in the full article, they say he's played 6 times, but for some reason the hours counter doesn't work at the golf course? LOL

The fact is Trump has done more in his first month or so than Obama did in his first year...well other than that travesty called the stimulus....and the other travesty called Obamacare

Obama spent his first year rescuing us from the financial collapse caused by the previous Republican administration -- and he succeeded.
So... you want him to spend more time working on his projects?
I want him to attend his intelligence briefings. Despite what he claims, he does NOT know more than the generals. As his phone call with Taiwan showed.

There was a time we supported capitalistic nations and democratic ones at that. Telling China Taiwan has a place is a good thing. While I want Trump aware of national security issues, I would rather have him trust his advisors and make sure they are up on all the latest.
He sure is doing that. Maybe, on second thought, considering who he is, you're right.

He has gone back to China one and got a trademark on Valentines day , which he has been trying to get for 10 years. Never hear anything much about China out of his lying lips now do we!

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