Trump not doing well in the polls

Thanks for the fake news update JakeStarkey! By the way, where is Obama? He needs to turn himself in to the police or at least the Congress so we can find out what he knew and when he knew it in regards to spying on The Donald and his people, lying about Syria, etc.
The end of the liberal dimshit party looms large on the horizon and the little boplenty foot lickers are touting the polls from the same idiots who said their shitbitch was going to be president by a Electoral College landslide. Any old lie to keep the upper lip stiff for the hangman's noose. HAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
Like I said, Trump is doing just fine........ :thup:
When a moron posts without a link you should not take his/her bait.

If you take his/her bait you should provide a link yourself.

Trump is doing no better nor worse.

That is not my definition of fine.
The end of the liberal dimshit party looms large on the horizon and the little boplenty foot lickers are touting the polls from the same idiots who said their shitbitch was going to be president by a Electoral College landslide. Any old lie to keep the upper lip stiff for the hangman's noose. HAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
That's what everyone including the NYT was saying about the GOP just before the election too.

Funny how morons jump to fast conclusions.
. . . so he is going to have to nuke Nevada or something.

No health care reform. Strike one

No wall. Strike two.

War in Syria and soon to be NK. Strike three!!

Looks like Trump is just another politician.
Depends if you love war or not.

I think the Syrian strike was just for show to scare fat boy Kim in N.Korea.

I think a missile strike in N.Korea is possible but unlikely otherwise DJ Trump would have saved his missiles (at $800K each) for N.Korea.

I think the Wall will be built together with other infrastructure projects. Maybe and maybe not.
Trump hit the ground running on day one to fulfill his promises to the American people and hasn't let up.

I couldn't ask for more....... :thup: ... :cool:
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