Trump - not even sworn in and yet covered in scandal.

People need to put away their bigotry and racism and unite for the good of the country. Donald Trump is the president. Period.
Only a fool would ignore what Trump said during the campaign & his past. A racist, bigoted, cheating asshole deserbves no respect.
People need to put away their bigotry and racism and unite for the good of the country. Donald Trump is the president. Period.
But Donald is the racist & bigot.
Says the racist bigot....
Owebo employs the "I know you are but what am I" defense.
Says the racist bigot....
Prove it asshole. Show mew a racist or bigoted post I have made. You supported & voted for Trump who said many racist & bigoted comments during the campaign.

By running around calling me a racist for calling out these racist comments, gives cover to the racists./ That makes you just as bad.
I have an idea, go fuck yourself & take your orange buddy with you.
Did you vote Hillary?
Only a fool would ignore what Trump said during the campaign & his past. A racist, bigoted, cheating asshole deserbves no respect.
But Donald is the racist & bigot.
Says the racist bigot....
Owebo employs the "I know you are but what am I" defense.
Says the racist bigot....
Prove it asshole. Show mew a racist or bigoted post I have made. You supported & voted for Trump who said many racist & bigoted comments during the campaign.

By running around calling me a racist for calling out these racist comments, gives cover to the racists./ That makes you just as bad.
I have an idea, go fuck yourself & take your orange buddy with you.
Did you vote Hillary?
Yes I did.
Says the racist bigot....
Owebo employs the "I know you are but what am I" defense.
Says the racist bigot....
Prove it asshole. Show mew a racist or bigoted post I have made. You supported & voted for Trump who said many racist & bigoted comments during the campaign.

By running around calling me a racist for calling out these racist comments, gives cover to the racists./ That makes you just as bad.
I have an idea, go fuck yourself & take your orange buddy with you.
Did you vote Hillary?
Yes I did.

Racist bigot....
Owebo employs the "I know you are but what am I" defense.
Says the racist bigot....
Prove it asshole. Show mew a racist or bigoted post I have made. You supported & voted for Trump who said many racist & bigoted comments during the campaign.

By running around calling me a racist for calling out these racist comments, gives cover to the racists./ That makes you just as bad.
I have an idea, go fuck yourself & take your orange buddy with you.
Did you vote Hillary?
Yes I did.

Racist bigot....
How is Hillary racist?

Are you claiming that because I didn't vote for the orange guy that I am bigoted against orange people?
^^^^ :) Apparently you think law suits are not legal investigations that can lead to criminal charges? Ask Bill Clinton. Of course Trump's enemies are fishing. They will for his entire administration, no matter how short that may be.

There is no law in any jurisdiction that would require Trump to answer questions during discovery in a civil action when his response might be self-incriminating. He would simply assert his Fifth Amendment rights. Here is a good explanation of a defendant's rights to invoke the Fifth Amendment in criminal and civil proceedings.

“What happens if you invoke the privilege against self-incrimination in a civil case?

“1. You can do it, and you won’t be held in contempt for failing to testify. Though the provision says that no person “shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,” the Supreme Court has made clear that this extends to compelling a person to testify in a civil case, when that compelled testimony could later be used against him in a criminal case. See, e.g., McCarthy v. Arndstein (1924):

“2. But a decision to take the Fifth may be used against a party in a civil case (if the party is the witness who refuses to testify, or is closely enough connected to the witness). In a criminal case, the judge and the prosecutor may not tell a jury “that it may draw an inference of guilt from a defendant’s failure to testify about facts relevant to his case.” But that’s not so in a civil case, see, e.g., Baxter v. Palmigiano (1976):

“[T]he Fifth Amendment does not forbid adverse inferences against parties to civil actions when they refuse to testify in response to probative evidence offered against them.”

What happens if you take the Fifth in a civil case? [UPDATE: Note important correction as to item 2.]

You can be certain that Trump has good lawyers and he's not worried about incriminating himself during discovery in a civil action. As I recall the criminal charges against Clinton were because he committed perjury, not because of any facts that were uncovered during his deposition. As long as Trump tells the truth, he has no problems. His attorneys will make sure he is not subjected to a fishing expeditions. It is even possible that he will not be deposed or called to testify depending on his personal involvement in the case. But that is another matter for another time.
Melania comes to the US on a tourist VISA & illegally works as a model. Trump imported models for his Trump Modeling Agency the exact same way.

Not only did Trump make money off this illegal activity, he got to grope all sorts of young women. A trait that helped him win the election.
Melania comes to the US on a tourist VISA & illegally works as a model. Trump imported models for his Trump Modeling Agency the exact same way.

Not only did Trump make money off this illegal activity, he got to grope all sorts of young women. A trait that helped him win the election.

Republicans apparently love stars who admittedly feel they are entitled to grope beautiful women. They love being lied to as well.
^^^^ :) Apparently you think law suits are not legal investigations that can lead to criminal charges? Ask Bill Clinton. Of course Trump's enemies are fishing. They will for his entire administration, no matter how short that may be.

There is no law in any jurisdiction that would require Trump to answer questions during discovery in a civil action when his response might be self-incriminating. He would simply assert his Fifth Amendment rights. Here is a good explanation of a defendant's rights to invoke the Fifth Amendment in criminal and civil proceedings.

“What happens if you invoke the privilege against self-incrimination in a civil case?

“1. You can do it, and you won’t be held in contempt for failing to testify. Though the provision says that no person “shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,” the Supreme Court has made clear that this extends to compelling a person to testify in a civil case, when that compelled testimony could later be used against him in a criminal case. See, e.g., McCarthy v. Arndstein (1924):

“2. But a decision to take the Fifth may be used against a party in a civil case (if the party is the witness who refuses to testify, or is closely enough connected to the witness). In a criminal case, the judge and the prosecutor may not tell a jury “that it may draw an inference of guilt from a defendant’s failure to testify about facts relevant to his case.” But that’s not so in a civil case, see, e.g., Baxter v. Palmigiano (1976):

“[T]he Fifth Amendment does not forbid adverse inferences against parties to civil actions when they refuse to testify in response to probative evidence offered against them.”

What happens if you take the Fifth in a civil case? [UPDATE: Note important correction as to item 2.]

You can be certain that Trump has good lawyers and he's not worried about incriminating himself during discovery in a civil action. As I recall the criminal charges against Clinton were because he committed perjury, not because of any facts that were uncovered during his deposition. As long as Trump tells the truth, he has no problems. His attorneys will make sure he is not subjected to a fishing expeditions. It is even possible that he will not be deposed or called to testify depending on his personal involvement in the case. But that is another matter for another time.

Don't put too much explanation behind your post, Jake has a three sentence response limit before he loses his train of thought.
^^^^ :) Apparently you think law suits are not legal investigations that can lead to criminal charges? Ask Bill Clinton. Of course Trump's enemies are fishing. They will for his entire administration, no matter how short that may be.

There is no law in any jurisdiction that would require Trump to answer questions during discovery in a civil action when his response might be self-incriminating. He would simply assert his Fifth Amendment rights. Here is a good explanation of a defendant's rights to invoke the Fifth Amendment in criminal and civil proceedings.

“What happens if you invoke the privilege against self-incrimination in a civil case?

“1. You can do it, and you won’t be held in contempt for failing to testify. Though the provision says that no person “shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,” the Supreme Court has made clear that this extends to compelling a person to testify in a civil case, when that compelled testimony could later be used against him in a criminal case. See, e.g., McCarthy v. Arndstein (1924):

“2. But a decision to take the Fifth may be used against a party in a civil case (if the party is the witness who refuses to testify, or is closely enough connected to the witness). In a criminal case, the judge and the prosecutor may not tell a jury “that it may draw an inference of guilt from a defendant’s failure to testify about facts relevant to his case.” But that’s not so in a civil case, see, e.g., Baxter v. Palmigiano (1976):

“[T]he Fifth Amendment does not forbid adverse inferences against parties to civil actions when they refuse to testify in response to probative evidence offered against them.”

What happens if you take the Fifth in a civil case? [UPDATE: Note important correction as to item 2.]

You can be certain that Trump has good lawyers and he's not worried about incriminating himself during discovery in a civil action. As I recall the criminal charges against Clinton were because he committed perjury, not because of any facts that were uncovered during his deposition. As long as Trump tells the truth, he has no problems. His attorneys will make sure he is not subjected to a fishing expeditions. It is even possible that he will not be deposed or called to testify depending on his personal involvement in the case. But that is another matter for another time.

Don't put too much explanation behind your post, Jake has a three sentence response limit before he loses his train of thought.
And the alt right struggle along. :lol: Trump is his own worst enemy, guys, in this and other scandals.
Says the racist bigot....
Prove it asshole. Show mew a racist or bigoted post I have made. You supported & voted for Trump who said many racist & bigoted comments during the campaign.

By running around calling me a racist for calling out these racist comments, gives cover to the racists./ That makes you just as bad.
I have an idea, go fuck yourself & take your orange buddy with you.
Did you vote Hillary?
Yes I did.

Racist bigot....
How is Hillary racist?

Are you claiming that because I didn't vote for the orange guy that I am bigoted against orange people?
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Should we do what you did the past 8 years and cry that every scandal is a "vast left-wing conspiracy theory" from "liberal news" posting "fake stories"? :dunno:
Fine if you can give us some examples. So , give us some examples.
It's kind of funny how rdean spent the last 8 years denying every news story about scandals in the White House and yet Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and already he is pouncing on every story with unshakable faith in them.
Come on. Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid $25,000,000.00 to make it go away. Trump Foundation is uncertified and illegal, that's why it's received a cease and desist order from the NY Attorney General. The 75 lawsuits are real. There are court documents.


Next time, spend a minute thinking. It helps.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.

Show me where he is wrong???
People need to put away their bigotry and racism and unite for the good of the country. Donald Trump is the president. Period.
Only a fool would ignore what Trump said during the campaign & his past. A racist, bigoted, cheating asshole deserbves no respect.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.

Show me where he is wrong???
People need to put away their bigotry and racism and unite for the good of the country. Donald Trump is the president. Period.
But Donald is the racist & bigot.
Who is that?

We know Trump is a racist. He lost two court cases for racism. Then his racist comments against blacks and Hispanics.
Come on. Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid $25,000,000.00 to make it go away. Trump Foundation is uncertified and illegal, that's why it's received a cease and desist order from the NY Attorney General.
You sound like a complete and total nitwit....but then...we've come to expect that from you. Do you have any idea how many business transactions end up in court with one side settling? Do you realize that Microsoft has been fined a multitude of times in court? That doesn't make a "scandal" you nitwit. It just means that each side had different expectations for their agreement. Now I understand why you denied all of the Obama Administration scandals - you're too stupid to know what the word means. You should really look it up.
The 75 lawsuits are real. There are court documents.
Just because someone brings a lawsuit against you doesn't mean that they have a real case. Do you have any idea how many times idiot progressives file false police reports to false accuse a conservative of a "crime" that was never committed? I have an entire thread dedicated to it. You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??????? Next time, spend a minute thinking. It helps.
You are the one who looks really stupid right now... :lmao:
Come on. Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid $25,000,000.00 to make it go away. Trump Foundation is uncertified and illegal, that's why it's received a cease and desist order from the NY Attorney General. The 75 lawsuits are real. There are court documents.
So was Benghazi you nitwit - but you denied that. So was Fast & Furious you nitwit - but you denied that. So was the IRS/Lois Lerner scandal you nitwit - but you denied that. So was billions of dollars to Iran for hostages you nitwit - but you denied that.

You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
Come on. Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid $25,000,000.00 to make it go away. Trump Foundation is uncertified and illegal, that's why it's received a cease and desist order from the NY Attorney General.
You sound like a complete and total nitwit....but then...we've come to expect that from you. Do you have any idea how many business transactions end up in court with one side settling? Do you realize that Microsoft has been fined a multitude of times in court? That doesn't make a "scandal" you nitwit. It just means that each side had different expectations for their agreement. Now I understand why you denied all of the Obama Administration scandals - you're too stupid to know what the word means. You should really look it up.
The 75 lawsuits are real. There are court documents.
Just because someone brings a lawsuit against you doesn't mean that they have a real case. Do you have any idea how many times idiot progressives file false police reports to false accuse a conservative of a "crime" that was never committed? I have an entire thread dedicated to it. You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??????? Next time, spend a minute thinking. It helps.
You are the one who looks really stupid right now... :lmao:
It wasn't just a settlement, it was tacit admission he fucked people over. It included a penalty to the state for violating education laws.
Come on. Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid $25,000,000.00 to make it go away. Trump Foundation is uncertified and illegal, that's why it's received a cease and desist order from the NY Attorney General. The 75 lawsuits are real. There are court documents.
So was Benghazi you nitwit - but you denied that. So was Fast & Furious you nitwit - but you denied that. So was the IRS/Lois Lerner scandal you nitwit - but you denied that. So was billions of dollars to Iran for hostages you nitwit - but you denied that.

You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
Is it me or are all posters with "Patriot" in their names all duped, uninformed morons?
Come on. Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid $25,000,000.00 to make it go away. Trump Foundation is uncertified and illegal, that's why it's received a cease and desist order from the NY Attorney General. The 75 lawsuits are real. There are court documents.
So was Benghazi you nitwit - but you denied that. So was Fast & Furious you nitwit - but you denied that. So was the IRS/Lois Lerner scandal you nitwit - but you denied that. So was billions of dollars to Iran for hostages you nitwit - but you denied that.

You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
Is it me or are all posters with "Patriot" in their names all duped, uninformed morons?
That one recently changed his avatar and name to P@triot after making too many embarrassing posts. Regrettably, his new start doesn't help mask what a loser he is.
Wall Street Wins Again After Trump Chooses Bankers and Billionaires
Hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson was feeling happy Wednesday morning.

After Donald Trump ridiculed Wall Street on the campaign trail, the President-elect tapped former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. executive Steven Mnuchin to be his Treasury secretary and billionaire investor Wilbur Ross to lead the Commerce Department. Trump even met with Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn inside Trump Tower.

It would suit Tilson just fine if voters who backed Trump because he promised to rein in Wall Street are furious now that he’s surrounding himself with bankers and billionaires.

“I can take glee in that -- I think Donald Trump conned them,” said Tilson, who runs Kase Capital Management.


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