Trump - not even sworn in and yet covered in scandal.

We know Trump is a racist. He lost two court cases for racism. Then his racist comments against blacks and Hispanics.
Well of course he's a racist. The guy spent 50 years in the Dumbocrat Party. The party that created the KKK, hates African-Americans, and views them as "useful idiots". Show me a member of the left who isn't a racist. I've seen your posts - you're one of the leading racists on this board. Right up there with wrongwinger and JoeB.
Wall Street Wins Again After Trump Chooses Bankers and Billionaires
Hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson was feeling happy Wednesday morning.

After Donald Trump ridiculed Wall Street on the campaign trail, the President-elect tapped former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. executive Steven Mnuchin to be his Treasury secretary and billionaire investor Wilbur Ross to lead the Commerce Department. Trump even met with Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn inside Trump Tower.

It would suit Tilson just fine if voters who backed Trump because he promised to rein in Wall Street are furious now that
he’s surrounding himself with bankers and billionaires.
Well duh. What should he "surround himself" with - homeless people that failed at life? People who have never held jobs? People who have never run massive organizations? People that don't know how to be successful? :eusa_doh:
Dow hitting records because markets are optimistic. Jobs staying in the US and illegals making arrangements to go back to their shitholes.

Great start considering he hasn't really started yet.

These are the things that will make America great again. Real hope and change, if you will.

You're welcome.
Dow hitting records because markets are optimistic. Jobs staying in the US and illegals making arrangements to go back to their shitholes.

Great start considering he hasn't really started yet.

These are the things that will make America great again. Real hope and change, if you will.

You're welcome.

It cracks me up how brain-dead you rightwingnuts are.

The Dow is up 4% since election day.

Under Obama, it went from its low during Bush's Great Recession of 6500 to hitting the pre-election high of 18600. A 186% increase.

Under Obama before election:

186% increase

Under Obama since the election:

4% increase.

Rightards think a 4% increase is a bigger achievement than a 186% increase and pat Trump on the back.
Well duh. What should he "surround himself" with - homeless people that failed at life? People who have never held jobs? People who have never run massive organizations? People that don't know how to be successful? :eusa_doh:
“I can take glee in that -- I think Donald Trump conned them,”
Dow hitting records because markets are optimistic. Jobs staying in the US and illegals making arrangements to go back to their shitholes.

Great start considering he hasn't really started yet.

These are the things that will make America great again. Real hope and change, if you will.

You're welcome.
Isn't it fall-down hilarious that progressive nitwits like Fauny rate posts that are 100% truth as "funny". Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and he has already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years (without spending any money).
Dow hitting records because markets are optimistic. Jobs staying in the US and illegals making arrangements to go back to their shitholes.

Great start considering he hasn't really started yet.

These are the things that will make America great again. Real hope and change, if you will.

You're welcome.
Isn't it fall-down hilarious that progressive nitwits like Fauny rate posts that are 100% truth as "funny". Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and he has already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years (without spending any money).
I'll offer you the same challenge -- name one thing Trump has accomplished better than Obama? Hopefully, you'll do better than your fellow yahoo.

Wall Street Wins Again After Trump Chooses Bankers and Billionaires

Hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson was feeling happy Wednesday morning.
I can take glee in that -- I think Donald Trump conned them,” said Tilson, who runs Kase Capital Management.
I dislike Donald Trump (he doesn't have a conservative bone in his body). you know what I can take glee in? That progressives such as yourself and Whitney Tilson actually believe this election had anything to do with Wall Street.

The Dumbocrat Party is in complete and total disarray right now and has no hopes winning another election until they figure out why they lost this election. And with comments like that - they are clearly light years away. :eusa_dance:
Another prime example of Donald Trump having a positive global effect before even being sworn in yet. Other nations are following suite. England has elected a conservative and voted to restore their sovereignty by leaving the EU. And now even France will likely be electing a conservative (and they credit Trump's victory with giving them hope and having an impact)...

France’s Presidential election could be a faceoff between Right and the Far-Right
Dow hitting records because markets are optimistic. Jobs staying in the US and illegals making arrangements to go back to their shitholes.

Great start considering he hasn't really started yet.

These are the things that will make America great again. Real hope and change, if you will.

You're welcome.
Isn't it fall-down hilarious that progressive nitwits like Fauny rate posts that are 100% truth as "funny". Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and he has already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years (without spending any money).
Handing out tax breaks costs money.
Dow hitting records because markets are optimistic. Jobs staying in the US and illegals making arrangements to go back to their shitholes.

Great start considering he hasn't really started yet.

These are the things that will make America great again. Real hope and change, if you will.

You're welcome.
Isn't it fall-down hilarious that progressive nitwits like Fauny rate posts that are 100% truth as "funny". Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and he has already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years (without spending any money).
Handing out tax breaks costs money.
Bwahahahahaha! That tired, old, progressive false narrative. Letting people simply keep what was already their's to begin with does not cost money.

By the way....Trump hasn't been sworn into office yet. So he's had no influence whatsoever on the current tax rates. You're not making an ounce of sense right now.
Come on. Trump U was a scandal or Trump wouldn't have paid $25,000,000.00 to make it go away. Trump Foundation is uncertified and illegal, that's why it's received a cease and desist order from the NY Attorney General.
You sound like a complete and total nitwit....but then...we've come to expect that from you. Do you have any idea how many business transactions end up in court with one side settling? Do you realize that Microsoft has been fined a multitude of times in court? That doesn't make a "scandal" you nitwit. It just means that each side had different expectations for their agreement. Now I understand why you denied all of the Obama Administration scandals - you're too stupid to know what the word means. You should really look it up.
The 75 lawsuits are real. There are court documents.
Just because someone brings a lawsuit against you doesn't mean that they have a real case. Do you have any idea how many times idiot progressives file false police reports to false accuse a conservative of a "crime" that was never committed? I have an entire thread dedicated to it. You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??????? Next time, spend a minute thinking. It helps.
You are the one who looks really stupid right now... :lmao:
Funny how you pick and choose. His foundation was never certified and never licensed. He used it to pay bribes (AG of Texas and Florida - under investigation). He bought personal stuff using OPM (he famously calls it other people's money), he hasn't given to his charity since 2008 so it truly is Other People's Money. He received a "cease and desist" order to stop collecting from the unsuspecting. He used it as a tax shelter. He used it to pay off lawsuits. That's why so many investigations. He used his charity about every way you can that's illegal and doesn't involve actually giving money to charity.

And all that was found out by a single reporter. As far as I know, the media still isn't looking into it. To busy covering the billionaires from Goldman Sachs he is putting into office to run this country.

I even read a report that Trump has more lawsuits than the five largest Real Estate Companies in New York put together. With a credit rating of 19 out of a hundred, it's no wonder he is covered in lawsuits.
We know Trump is a racist. He lost two court cases for racism. Then his racist comments against blacks and Hispanics.
Well of course he's a racist. The guy spent 50 years in the Dumbocrat Party. The party that created the KKK, hates African-Americans, and views them as "useful idiots". Show me a member of the left who isn't a racist. I've seen your posts - you're one of the leading racists on this board. Right up there with wrongwinger and JoeB.
It was southern conservatives that created the KKK. Not the Democratic Party. So tell us oh wise and learned one, how come the Deep South is nearly all Confederate Republican these days and the so called liberal North is all Democrat? We know the KKK started in the Deep South.

Wall Street Wins Again After Trump Chooses Bankers and Billionaires

Hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson was feeling happy Wednesday morning.
I can take glee in that -- I think Donald Trump conned them,” said Tilson, who runs Kase Capital Management.
I dislike Donald Trump (he doesn't have a conservative bone in his body). you know what I can take glee in? That progressives such as yourself and Whitney Tilson actually believe this election had anything to do with Wall Street.

The Dumbocrat Party is in complete and total disarray right now and has no hopes winning another election until they figure out why they lost this election. And with comments like that - they are clearly light years away. :eusa_dance:
Actually, the Democrats got millions more votes. The uneducated in the Red States were scammed by a scam artist. Things aren't nearly that dire. They are for the country, not so much for the Democrats.
Dow hitting records because markets are optimistic. Jobs staying in the US and illegals making arrangements to go back to their shitholes.

Great start considering he hasn't really started yet.

These are the things that will make America great again. Real hope and change, if you will.

You're welcome.
Isn't it fall-down hilarious that progressive nitwits like Fauny rate posts that are 100% truth as "funny". Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and he has already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years (without spending any money).
Handing out tax breaks costs money.
Trump to Announce Carrier Plant Will Keep Jobs in U.S.

I think it has less to do with tax breaks than blackmail.
Dow hitting records because markets are optimistic. Jobs staying in the US and illegals making arrangements to go back to their shitholes.

Great start considering he hasn't really started yet.

These are the things that will make America great again. Real hope and change, if you will.

You're welcome.
Isn't it fall-down hilarious that progressive nitwits like Fauny rate posts that are 100% truth as "funny". Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn into office yet and he has already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years (without spending any money).
Handing out tax breaks costs money.
Trump to Announce Carrier Plant Will Keep Jobs in U.S.

I think it has less to do with tax breaks than blackmail.

You guys like that.

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