Trump - not even sworn in and yet covered in scandal.

The reason our country has a military is to keep the country safe and make it strong. Helping it's citizens to get an education also makes the country strong and competitive. We aren't supposed to help each other because you feel "fuck 'em"?

You can help anyone any time you please. That's the beauty of America. Complete and total freedom to help others without restriction. Sadly, you're too selfish, lazy, and greedy to do it. So you make yourself feel better by demanding that government do it for you. You pretend like your "honorable" by advocating for government to force people at the barrel of a gun to do what you refuse to do.
The reason our country has a military is to keep the country safe and make it strong. Helping it's citizens to get an education also makes the country strong and competitive. We aren't supposed to help each other because you feel "fuck 'em"?
You can help anyone any time you please. That's the beauty of America. Complete and total freedom to help others without restriction. Sadly, you're too selfish, lazy, and greedy to do it. So you make yourself feel better by demanding that government do it for you. You pretend like your "honorable" by advocating for government to force people at the barrel of a gun to do what you refuse to do.
It's a constitutional requirement for the government to provide for the general welfare of the nation.
The responsibility of the government is to help the country.
No it's not. The fact that you don't even know that much is tragic. You're clueless - just as your side of the aisle desires you to be. Why does our government exist rdean? Hell, can you even tell us where you would find the answer to such a simple, basic question?
It's a pretty binary answer. Either it helps the country or it doesn't. What else is left in your tiny vision?
Sure. In the mind of the simple-minded. Since you and your progressive pals clearly do not know the answer, class is in:

Our founders were the most brilliant visionaries the world has ever seen. They wrote a Declaration of Independence so that history would judge them based on what transpired instead of misinformation. In that document, they made it abundantly clear why they severed ties with England and founded their own nation.

“WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

In other words - the founders felt it was necessary for them to articulate what they were doing so they would not just be viewed as rebellious troublemakers. Continuing on...

"——We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.——That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”

Government exists to secure your rights. That's it. That's the only reason they exist. To make sure a muslim don't force you to convert to islam. To make sure China doesn't overthrow your country. To make sure you can own and carry your firearms with you. They do not exist to provide a damn thing to you. They exist to secure your rights.

Excerpt From: States, United. “United States Declaration of Independence.” Public Domain, 2015-07-21. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: United States Declaration of Independence
I know you won't understand, but the truth is education is never wasted. And not all education is computers. You have electricians, machinists and plumbers and carpenters and mechanics and technicians and on and on. Every skill requires education.
Yep. And it is up to every individual to get the training they need for the career they want. In addition, if businesses can't fill those jobs, then it is up to businesses to train their people. It is not the job of the government. It's amazing that you people can be adults and have no clue why your government exists.
Mitt Romney gave each of his five sons a hundred million dollars and none of them served in Iraq even though they were all in their 20's. Other people put their lives in danger and went into the military to earn the GI bill to go to college. Is that fair?
Absolutely it is fair. 100% fair. Why wouldn't it be? What is "unfair" about it in your mind?!?
That only the poor protect the country? And put their lives on the line? That's fair to you? How is that fair?
The problem with this country is there are too many of your kind and not enough of the kind of people who love this country and want it to succeed and for everyone have a chance.
Actually, the problem with this country is that progressives realized a long time ago they need an ignorant electorate to achieve their desire of power and control over others. Progressive minions are a great illustration of just how far they've come in achieving their goals.

I love this country. You just want to drain it for everything it is worth. Remember when John F. Kennedy said "ask not what your country can do for you...ask what you can do for your country"?!? Stop being a selfish prick, asking what America can do for you, and start making some sacrifices for the good of the country. We're $20 trillion in debt because of you selfish progressives demanding that government provide everything for you.
The responsibility of the government is to help the country.
No it's not. The fact that you don't even know that much is tragic. You're clueless - just as your side of the aisle desires you to be. Why does our government exist rdean? Hell, can you even tell us where you would find the answer to such a simple, basic question?
It's a pretty binary answer. Either it helps the country or it doesn't. What else is left in your tiny vision?
Sure. In the mind of the simple-minded. Since you and your progressive pals clearly do not know the answer, class is in:

Our founders were the most brilliant visionaries the world has ever seen. They wrote a Declaration of Independence so that history would judge them based on what transpired instead of misinformation. In that document, they made it abundantly clear why they severed ties with England and founded their own nation.

“WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

In other words - the founders felt it was necessary for them to articulate what they were doing so they would not just be viewed as rebellious troublemakers. Continuing on...

"——We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.——That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”

Government exists to secure your rights. That's it. That's the only reason they exist. To make sure a muslim don't force you to convert to islam. To make sure China doesn't overthrow your country. To make sure you can own and carry your firearms with you. They do not exist to provide a damn thing to you. They exist to secure your rights.

Excerpt From: States, United. “United States Declaration of Independence.” Public Domain, 2015-07-21. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: United States Declaration of Independence
You mean like the right to have a life? Not sure you even know what a "right" is?
That only the poor protect the country? And put their lives on the line? That's fair to you? How is that fair?
First of all - not everyone who serves in the military "puts their life on the line". I have a friend who served as a U.S. Marine and never left the U.S. I have a family member who was a Captain in the U.S. Marines and never left San Diego.

Second - God's Will Be Done. He has created each and every one of us with a distinct purpose. He created Mitt Romney's sons to he Mitt Romney's sons and he created poor people to be poor people. Each with a distinct purpose.

Third - Archie Manning passed on his DNA to Cooper, Peyton, and Eli. All of them had NFL talent (Cooper had to quit in college due to injury). Peyton and Eli went on to NFL Hall of Fame careers. Is that "unfair" in your mind? Should Archie be forced to provide his DNA to every citizen of America?

The only thing I ever wanted to do was play in the NFL. But I don't cry like a little bitch like progressives that I didn't have the athletic ability to make it that far. I don't scream that it was "unfair". I accept that I have a purpose on this Earth that is different from Peyton and Eli Manning. Unlike progressives, I don't hate people who have talents I don't have or are more successful than me in a particular area.
The responsibility of the government is to help the country.
No it's not. The fact that you don't even know that much is tragic. You're clueless - just as your side of the aisle desires you to be. Why does our government exist rdean? Hell, can you even tell us where you would find the answer to such a simple, basic question?
It's a pretty binary answer. Either it helps the country or it doesn't. What else is left in your tiny vision?
Sure. In the mind of the simple-minded. Since you and your progressive pals clearly do not know the answer, class is in:

Our founders were the most brilliant visionaries the world has ever seen. They wrote a Declaration of Independence so that history would judge them based on what transpired instead of misinformation. In that document, they made it abundantly clear why they severed ties with England and founded their own nation.

“WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

In other words - the founders felt it was necessary for them to articulate what they were doing so they would not just be viewed as rebellious troublemakers. Continuing on...

"——We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.——That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”

Government exists to secure your rights. That's it. That's the only reason they exist. To make sure a muslim don't force you to convert to islam. To make sure China doesn't overthrow your country. To make sure you can own and carry your firearms with you. They do not exist to provide a damn thing to you. They exist to secure your rights.

Excerpt From: States, United. “United States Declaration of Independence.” Public Domain, 2015-07-21. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: United States Declaration of Independence
You mean like the right to have a life?
Exactly. The right to life is a great example. Which is why the informed (conservatives) vehemently oppose abortion, while the uninformed (progressives) support the denial of the right to life.
The problem with this country is there are too many of your kind and not enough of the kind of people who love this country and want it to succeed and for everyone have a chance.
Actually, the problem with this country is that progressives realized a long time ago they need an ignorant electorate to achieve their desire of power and control over others. Progressive minions are a great illustration of just how far they've come in achieving their goals.

I love this country. You just want to drain it for everything it is worth. Remember when John F. Kennedy said "ask not what your country can do for you...ask what you can do for your country"?!? Stop being a selfish prick, asking what America can do for you, and start making some sacrifices for the good of the country. We're $20 trillion in debt because of you selfish progressives demanding that government provide everything for you.
You think swearing makes you right and backs up your pitiful argument?

OK, I'll talk in your dialect and possibly you will be mildly enlightened.

Shit heads like Mitt Romney are rich enough so they can make hundreds of millions of dollars and not pay any fucking taxes because they were able to have the laws changed to benefits their best interests. You can do those kinds of things if you have enough money. It's was that kind of sliminess that Trump ran on promising to "drain the swamp". It's why a fucking billionaire can pay zero in taxes for 10 years.

And why are we 20 trillion debt? Remember, we had a small surplus at the end of Clinton's term and the CBO projected we would have a 5 trillion surplus over the next 10 years. But the Bush tax cuts for the rich, passed by the GOP, who held the entire government, like they do now, used reconciliation three fucking times. When you pass such a staggering Tax cut, you are ending the ability to bring in a major source of revenue. Then the two wars put on credit Card. Then Medicare Part D, a gift to seniors who would now vote Republican also costing 3 trillion. In fact, Medicare Part D cost more then the Affordable Care Act.


And I served in the military asswipe. From 1975 to 1979, 3d Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division. And the GI bill helped me to become an engineer which helped me to retire early so I don't have to work myself to death until I'm 70.
So worship your ignorance fucking mental midget and see how far it gets you.

No one in Romney's family served in the military because his dad was an auto company CEO and left him millions. No one in Trump's family served in the military because his dad left him tens of millions and now he's a billionaire. But the average poor and middle class is supposed to "sacrifice" because the country has given them so much? When you say they deserve nothing and no help of any kind? And you call that "fair"? And this is why you are an ignoramus tard who doesn't deserve to live in this country.

I hope that helped shit for brains.
Of course free trade causes jobs, which is what we call it when one person purchases another person's labor, to "move" to where that labor can be purchased for a whole lot less. When I lived in China, I was rich by Chinese standards. I earned $5.00 per day. Are you going to find Americans to make shirts for you for $5.00 per day?
Sure. Most American's aren't smug libtards. They don't view jobs as "beneath" them. There are millions of American's who would make shirts for $5.00 per day. If only progressives were bright enough to lower minimum wage to make us competitive.
^^^ another brain-dead conservative who wants slave labor like they have in China.
I know, can you believe it? Seeing Americans working for 5 bucks a day as a solution? This guy really is a tard.
The responsibility of the government is to help the country.
No it's not. The fact that you don't even know that much is tragic. You're clueless - just as your side of the aisle desires you to be. Why does our government exist rdean? Hell, can you even tell us where you would find the answer to such a simple, basic question?
It's a pretty binary answer. Either it helps the country or it doesn't. What else is left in your tiny vision?
Sure. In the mind of the simple-minded. Since you and your progressive pals clearly do not know the answer, class is in:

Our founders were the most brilliant visionaries the world has ever seen. They wrote a Declaration of Independence so that history would judge them based on what transpired instead of misinformation. In that document, they made it abundantly clear why they severed ties with England and founded their own nation.

“WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

In other words - the founders felt it was necessary for them to articulate what they were doing so they would not just be viewed as rebellious troublemakers. Continuing on...

"——We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.——That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”

Government exists to secure your rights. That's it. That's the only reason they exist. To make sure a muslim don't force you to convert to islam. To make sure China doesn't overthrow your country. To make sure you can own and carry your firearms with you. They do not exist to provide a damn thing to you. They exist to secure your rights.

Excerpt From: States, United. “United States Declaration of Independence.” Public Domain, 2015-07-21. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: United States Declaration of Independence
You mean like the right to have a life?
Exactly. The right to life is a great example. Which is why the informed (conservatives) vehemently oppose abortion, while the uninformed (progressives) support the denial of the right to life.
So suddenly you turn to abortion? You want to save the fetus, but fuck it? After it's born, you have no responsibility? I'm guessing you are against abortion based on religion. What does Jesus say about helping the sick and the poor? Fuck 'em? Let them work for 5 bucks an hour? I only bless the rich?
That only the poor protect the country? And put their lives on the line? That's fair to you? How is that fair?
First of all - not everyone who serves in the military "puts their life on the line". I have a friend who served as a U.S. Marine and never left the U.S. I have a family member who was a Captain in the U.S. Marines and never left San Diego.

Second - God's Will Be Done. He has created each and every one of us with a distinct purpose. He created Mitt Romney's sons to he Mitt Romney's sons and he created poor people to be poor people. Each with a distinct purpose.

Third - Archie Manning passed on his DNA to Cooper, Peyton, and Eli. All of them had NFL talent (Cooper had to quit in college due to injury). Peyton and Eli went on to NFL Hall of Fame careers. Is that "unfair" in your mind? Should Archie be forced to provide his DNA to every citizen of America?

The only thing I ever wanted to do was play in the NFL. But I don't cry like a little bitch like progressives that I didn't have the athletic ability to make it that far. I don't scream that it was "unfair". I accept that I have a purpose on this Earth that is different from Peyton and Eli Manning. Unlike progressives, I don't hate people who have talents I don't have or are more successful than me in a particular area.
Perhaps you need to talk to your "friend" and your "family member" about their service. Tell them what you think of it. When you enlist, you put your life on the line. You are on active duty and could be called to an active area at any time. That's a given. And you go though a lot of training under as close to warlike conditions so you are battle ready and prepared if you are sent into actual battle.

Clearly you never served. So who even knows what the fuck you are talking about.
Already people from UTEC are protesting where Trump is going to speak and asking why their 700 jobs are being moved to Mexico.
They know why their jobs are being moved to Mexico. Because progressives push jobs overseas with idiotic communist economic policy. That's why the American people overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump, snowflake...

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Republicans more responsible with their free trade insanity.
Free Trade isn't insanity. It depends on how it's managed. For instance, when NAFTA was signed, it included "NAFTA-Transitional Adjustment Assistance" which would offer education and retraining for people who lost their unskilled jobs.

NAFTA-Transitional Adjustment Assistance, Employment & Training Administration (ETA) - U.S. Department of Labor

The problem here is that Republicans wouldn't fund it. Just anther "fuck you" to the American people and something the media, once again, refused to report on. They do that a lot. The reason they don't report the terrible things Republicans do is that Republicans cry they are being picked on and it works.
Right. I think we've all noticed the media's unspoken hands-off policy for Republicans. I'm guessing that grinds your gears since you are obviously a Democrat. You were given away by your proposed solution to NAFTA problems should they arise. It's one of the only two solutions Democrats ever have for any problem: more education (the other, of course, is more taxpayer money spent).

Dems are cute with that child-like faith they all have in the Magic Education Nymph (MEN). MEN can fix anything. Their nanny state creating a large, growing, dysfunctional, dangerous underclass? No problem! Free college for everyone until we're all successful, college-educated, urbanites. Still not buying the "diversity is our strength" line? You just need to be educated until you agree with us. And if you voted the wrong way this last election, you are obviously uneducated.

It's not fair to put American workers in head-to-head free trade competition with Mexicans and Chinese for the simple reason it doesn't cost as much to be a Mexican or a Chinese as it does to be an American. Therefore, Mexicans and Chinese can sell their labor for less than what an American can. The Dems' MEN just makes the American's labor even more expensive.

After NAFTA passed, MEN was everywhere telling Americans who'd just been thrown into financial turmoil that they should "learn computers". Computers were the future and while the Mexicans stood on the assembly lines screwing shit together, everyone on this side of the border would be rich--happily designing the websites through which we'd sell the Mexican shit to each other.

So all these Americans trusted the smart people who run things and did the right thing and got their computer degrees. There they were working, raising a family, paying on a mortgage, and saving for college when one day, at the age of 52, he gets a visit from his boss. Guess what, drone? We just received a new shipment of labor from India. It's only 22 years old, and is much more affordable than you. We get to hold its green card in case it starts thinking it should be paid for overtime, and part of the benefits we offer it is the chance to live in the United States, which doesn't cost us a thing! Btw, you'll need to train your replacement if you want your month's severance pay, then I'd go get educated in something so you can get another job at your age before you lose your house and your children's futures are crippled.

Free trade IS insanity, and greed and treachery, and education isn't remotely a salve.
So you are saying that America can't compete and Americans can't learn?

And everyone must learn computers? Or education is bad?

Don't prepare for the future? Lock all the borders? Build walls everywhere?

I have no idea what your message is. It's like you are terrified of everything.

I remember when Obama took office, this is what Republicans handed him:

Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

And today?

America has 5.8 million job openings, matches all-time high

Has America Run Out of Workers to Fill Its Open Jobs?

I know you won't understand, but the truth is education is never wasted. And not all education is computers. You have electricians, machinists and plumbers and carpenters and mechanics and technicians and on and on. Every skill requires education.
You are obviously not a serious poster, whether intentionally or otherwise. Little of your response is even connected to what I wrote, and where there is some connection, your interpretation is absurd. I said nothing about America "competing". You and George W tussle over those kinds of claims.

I did say that an America worker cannot compete head-to-head with a Mexican worker because the American worker can't sell his labor anywhere near as cheaply as his Mexican counterpart can. That means a clothing manufacturer who can produce a shirt in the United States for $15 can produce it in Mexico for $2. Under a free trade regime where shirts move at will across the border, what will happen to the American shirt-maker? He goes under. All the "Buy American" campaigns in the world aren't going to convince retailers to pay $15 for a shirt they can buy for $2.

This is, of course, exceedingly simple economics, but our corrupt, treasonous leaders permitted the textile industry in North Carolina to collapse in precisely this way. The only way the American manufacturer could stay in business is if there were, along with the free flow of goods across the border, the free flow of labor. If the North Carolina manufacturer had unlimited access to all the cheap Mexican labor he wanted, and there were "free trade" in wage competition, i.e., there were no minimum wage, etc., then he could simply send some buses to Mexico and haul back a labor force at 80 cents an hour. That's practically what has been happening the last 30 years. Of course, for the people who already live in North Carolina, that would be a disaster. There would be severe downward pressure on their own wages, plus, the Mexicans would not be able to support themselves on 80 cents per hour, so the native North Carolinians would have to pay more taxes out of their lowered wages to pick up the slack for educating the children of the clothing manufacturer's labor force. And why stop at Mexico? Humans are even cheaper in Bangladesh and there are 150 million hard-working Bangladeshis who just want a better life. The only American winners under this scenario are the bureaucracy and the clothing manufacturers, i.e., the 1%.

That all sounds great to you and those other Jews who have no affection for, nor loyalty to, the people of North Carolina. A borderless world of free trade in everything including human labor appeals to you, Hillary Clinton, Goldman Sachs, the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, the NYT, et al, but, it is an ugly and deeply immoral position. Human beings are not packaged goods. You can't just import a cheap human, use it up, then discard it at the landfill.
That only the poor protect the country? And put their lives on the line? That's fair to you? How is that fair?
First of all - not everyone who serves in the military "puts their life on the line". I have a friend who served as a U.S. Marine and never left the U.S. I have a family member who was a Captain in the U.S. Marines and never left San Diego.

Second - God's Will Be Done. He has created each and every one of us with a distinct purpose. He created Mitt Romney's sons to he Mitt Romney's sons and he created poor people to be poor people. Each with a distinct purpose.

Third - Archie Manning passed on his DNA to Cooper, Peyton, and Eli. All of them had NFL talent (Cooper had to quit in college due to injury). Peyton and Eli went on to NFL Hall of Fame careers. Is that "unfair" in your mind? Should Archie be forced to provide his DNA to every citizen of America?

The only thing I ever wanted to do was play in the NFL. But I don't cry like a little bitch like progressives that I didn't have the athletic ability to make it that far. I don't scream that it was "unfair". I accept that I have a purpose on this Earth that is different from Peyton and Eli Manning. Unlike progressives, I don't hate people who have talents I don't have or are more successful than me in a particular area.
Perhaps you need to talk to your "friend" and your "family member" about their service. Tell them what you think of it. When you enlist, you put your life on the line. You are on active duty and could be called to an active area at any time. That's a given. And you go though a lot of training under as close to warlike conditions so you are battle ready and prepared if you are sent into actual battle.

Clearly you never served. So who even knows what the fuck you are talking about.
Stop the false narrative. No such training exists in the standard branches of the military. You're trying to apply special forces training to standard branches of the military and that's simply not true.

Do you have any idea how many men and women in uniform perform functions that are not combat? There are state-side military cybersecurity personnel. There are state-side drone pilots who sit safely in bunkers in Utah. There are state-side personnel who clean and maintain weapons in the artillery. The lists goes on and on and on.

You're either a nitwit or a liar. Either one doesn't bode well for you.
No it's not. The fact that you don't even know that much is tragic. You're clueless - just as your side of the aisle desires you to be. Why does our government exist rdean? Hell, can you even tell us where you would find the answer to such a simple, basic question?
It's a pretty binary answer. Either it helps the country or it doesn't. What else is left in your tiny vision?
Sure. In the mind of the simple-minded. Since you and your progressive pals clearly do not know the answer, class is in:

Our founders were the most brilliant visionaries the world has ever seen. They wrote a Declaration of Independence so that history would judge them based on what transpired instead of misinformation. In that document, they made it abundantly clear why they severed ties with England and founded their own nation.

“WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

In other words - the founders felt it was necessary for them to articulate what they were doing so they would not just be viewed as rebellious troublemakers. Continuing on...

"——We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.——That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”

Government exists to secure your rights. That's it. That's the only reason they exist. To make sure a muslim don't force you to convert to islam. To make sure China doesn't overthrow your country. To make sure you can own and carry your firearms with you. They do not exist to provide a damn thing to you. They exist to secure your rights.

Excerpt From: States, United. “United States Declaration of Independence.” Public Domain, 2015-07-21. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: United States Declaration of Independence
You mean like the right to have a life?
Exactly. The right to life is a great example. Which is why the informed (conservatives) vehemently oppose abortion, while the uninformed (progressives) support the denial of the right to life.
So suddenly you turn to abortion? You want to save the fetus, but fuck it? After it's born, you have no responsibility? I'm guessing you are against abortion based on religion. What does Jesus say about helping the sick and the poor? Fuck 'em? Let them work for 5 bucks an hour? I only bless the rich?
I didn't turn to abortion. You did. You said "the right to life".
Of course free trade causes jobs, which is what we call it when one person purchases another person's labor, to "move" to where that labor can be purchased for a whole lot less. When I lived in China, I was rich by Chinese standards. I earned $5.00 per day. Are you going to find Americans to make shirts for you for $5.00 per day?
Sure. Most American's aren't smug libtards. They don't view jobs as "beneath" them. There are millions of American's who would make shirts for $5.00 per day. If only progressives were bright enough to lower minimum wage to make us competitive.
Sorry dude, you are wrong. I challenge you to put up a Craigslist help wanted ad offering $5 / day. The only responses you would get would be from people helpfully pointing out your typo.
Of course free trade causes jobs, which is what we call it when one person purchases another person's labor, to "move" to where that labor can be purchased for a whole lot less. When I lived in China, I was rich by Chinese standards. I earned $5.00 per day. Are you going to find Americans to make shirts for you for $5.00 per day?
Sure. Most American's aren't smug libtards. They don't view jobs as "beneath" them. There are millions of American's who would make shirts for $5.00 per day. If only progressives were bright enough to lower minimum wage to make us competitive.
Sorry dude, you are wrong. I challenge you to put up a Craigslist help wanted ad offering $5 / day. The only responses you would get would be from people helpfully pointing out your typo.
Of course it would - that's below the legal minimum wage chief. But lower the legal minimum wage to $5 per hour and I guarantee you that millions of Americans would be more than willing.
Some of the Crooked Hillary seem like folks needing a restraining order against them after a breakup. The Donald won, get over it and move on in life! It is a great time to be alive!

we are going to drag them kicking and screaming as we make America great again.

But drag them we will...
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

I hope Trump resigns in shame. I love Mike Pence.
Because of Pence outright naked hatred of gay people?

That is the main reason but there are others. Hatred of gay people is very important in a leader. I always look for that first.

Either you really feel that way or you are so ignorant you didn't know how hard Pence worked to destroy the lives of gay people. Which is it?

It isn't a concern of mine. It never will be. Be gay. Don't be gay. Be homophobic. Don't be homophobic. Never expect me to care. Most people don't give a shit one way or the other. It isn't an important factor to me at all. It isn't even on my radar. I don't give a fuck.

I just prefer a leader that has proven himself as a governor or at least proven himself as a husband. Doesn't that make sense? Trump has never proven himself at a lower level of government. I would have preferred Tim Kaine to Hillary as well.

I really thought the 45th president would be a former governor. A candidate's policy on gayness didn't factor into my decision at all. Just because you are a homophobic psychopath doesn't mean you lack leadership experience. The reason I prefer Pence over Trump is because he was a governor. Trump is a total amateur. That bothers me. I grew up in Alabama. I'm not afraid to associate with homophobic bigots. Lots of people have ridiculous views. It doesn't mean that do not have any skills or talents. Your view on homosexuality is no a qualifier or a non-qualifier. If that makes sense.
Either you really feel that way or you are so ignorant you didn't know how hard Pence worked to destroy the lives of gay people. Which is it?

It isn't a concern of mine. It never will be. Be gay. Don't be gay. Be homophobic. Don't be homophobic. Never expect me to care. Most people don't give a shit one way or the other. It isn't an important factor to me at all. It isn't even on my radar. I don't give a fuck.

I just prefer a leader that has proven himself as a governor or at least proven himself as a husband. Doesn't that make sense? Trump has never proven himself at a lower level of government. I would have preferred Tim Kaine to Hillary as well.

I really thought the 45th president would be a former governor. A candidate's policy on gayness didn't factor into my decision at all. Just because you are a homophobic psychopath doesn't mean you lack leadership experience. The reason I prefer Pence over Trump is because who was a governor. Trump is a total amateur. That bothers me.

I know right?

You know what we oughta do?

We oughta get a Dangerous Faggot to be Press Secretary. That way they can't say we aren't inclusive enough!


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