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Trump now aims to screw up the deal with Iran......

Flash, post: 17080420
Full IAEA verification is as worthless as tits on a boar.

IAEA verification had Iraq right but your dumbass President invaded Iraq anyway. Look what that cost.

We can count on them more than Republicans to do the right thing.

Don't you get tired of being a warmonger after Iraq? What's it up take you to learn?
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It was a terrible deal. Kerry and Obama were bamboozled by smarter Iranians. They were playing Chess while Obama and Kerry were playing Checkers. But that being said, Trump is obligated to adhere to the deal. We have to live up to our word. Otherwise, it puts all future deals in jeopardy. Trump is unfortunately boxed in on this one.
What did Iran get?

Their own money?
Should've been put in a fund for terrorist victims.

Someone spelled grate wrong again.
Flash, post: 17080420
Full IAEA verification is as worthless as tits on a boar.

IAEA verification had Iraq right but your dumbass President invaded Iraq anyway. Look what that cost.

We can count on them more than Republicans to do the right thing.

Don't you get tired of being a warmonger after Iraq? What's it up take you to learn?

You are barking up the wrong tree there Moon Bat. I knew it was wrong for us to go into Iraq back when John Kerry and Crooked Hillary were supporting the invasion.

Obama had it wrong with Iran just like he was wrong with everything else. That stupid affirmative action dumbass thinks the Mullahs will play nice since he kissed their Muslim asses and gave them hundreds of billions of dollars and he is wrong. Trump is correct to tell them go fuck themselves.

The Mullahs will no more adhere to Obama's stupid agreement than the North Koreans adhered with Slick Willy's agreement.

If you dumbass Libtard Moon Bats would listen to something else than Comedy Central, Mother Jones and Rachael Maddow you know that the Iranians are assholes that have no intentions of being civilized. They won't even recognize Israel's right to exist and stills refers to the US as The Great Satan. Their national motto is "Death to America" and you stupid shithead Libtards trust them. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much. You are Useful Idiots to the Muslim Extremists.

By the way,recently the IAEA was saying the Iranians were cheating but since it not reported on The Daily Show you wouldn't know that, would you?

IAEA: Iran Risks Nuclear Deal by Not Adhering to Limits - National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

IAEA: Iran Risks Nuclear Deal by Not Adhering to Limits
Flash, post: 17082590
You are barking up the wrong tree there Moon Bat. I knew it was wrong for us to go into Iraq back when John Kerry and Crooked Hillary were supporting the invasion.

Clinton called for Bush to not invade and let the inspectors continue. Since you didn't know that I know you supported Dubya and the neocons just like you do now on Iran.

You obviously did not want the inspectors to continue. You just trashed the IAEA.
I did. By Bush breaking the framework, it allowed N. Korea to pull out of the NNPT and start reprocessing spent fuel into plutonium nukes over the span of 2 years. Without that, it would have taken N. Korea 20 years to make a bomb. And that's the simple physics of the amount of energy it takes for uranium enrichment.

Cute try.

As you know, North Korea and Iraq are cooperating and exchanging information for the construction of nuclear weapons.

I showed you are wrong, and predictable for a Progressive, you ignore it and resort to your assigned talking points.

Once again.
Timeline of the North Korean nuclear program - Wikipedia
Everything I post assures a nuke war????
NOT the orange moron's tweets???? Really???

Here is your post.

Same LAME crap, over and over again......

Iran will eventually have nukes...whether you accept it or crap your pants and stomp your feet, THEY WILL have nukes......Why?...Simple.....Israel, Iran arch enemy, HAS nukes.

Second, the money that Iran got was THEIRS....not ours. PERIOD!

Third, Obama's and the other nations' deal was the very best that we could work out....postponing Iran's nukes by at least another decade.

Fourth.......you morons want a war with N. Korea and Iran....enlist your sorry asses or strap a bomb vest and go at it.
Flash, post: 17082590
By the way,recently the IAEA was saying the Iranians were cheating but since it not reported on The Daily Show you wouldn't know that, would you?

That was two weeks after Trump was elected. Are you saying Trump only watches the Daily Show because I don't.

If this was a violation why did Trump just certify to Congress that Iran had complied through April 18?

You make no sense.
Actually just how stupid are you? Read the agreement, we can inspect any nuclear facility with ZERO notice, and they have to let us in as soon as we knock on the door. The three weeks deals with non-nuclear facilities. such as inspecting a presidential palace, or a top-secret military or intelligence facility that isn't supposed to have nuclear material in it.

Breaking today:

Iranian Dissidents Demand Investigation Into Islamic Regime’s Secret U.S. Lobbying Network
Leading Iranian dissident voices say Tehran infiltrating U.S., VOA Persia service
BY: Adam Kredo
February 20, 2017 5:00 am

A group of nearly 100 prominent Iranian dissidents is demanding that Congress launch investigations into clandestine efforts by the Islamic Republic to influence U.S. policy using a network of lobbyists and propaganda pieces placed in Voice of America's Persian service, according to a letter sent to leading lawmakers and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


Read more: Iranian Dissidents Demand Investigation Into Islamic Regime’s Secret U.S. Lobbying Network
By eliminating the taxes on upper income Americans that now exist in the ACA.

That will shift costs to lower income elderly and those sick with pre-existing conditions.

Show us where that will happen. Have you seen the legislation? If so, please post it and show the world!

Nothing is being done to Medicare and the pre-existing condition will remain.
It was a terrible deal. Kerry and Obama were bamboozled by smarter Iranians. They were playing Chess while Obama and Kerry were playing Checkers. But that being said, Trump is obligated to adhere to the deal. We have to live up to our word. Otherwise, it puts all future deals in jeopardy. Trump is unfortunately boxed in on this one.
What did Iran get?

Their own money?
Should've been put in a fund for terrorist victims.

Yeah, Obama did fail miserably on this deal. He also vetoed a bill that would have allowed 9/11 victims' families to sue Saudi Arabia over their involvement in the attack. I don't know where he was coming from. It's why i believed he wasn't really an American.

I know i was labelled a 'Tinfoil Hat Birther' by many, but i never got the sense Obama cared much about American Citizens. He seemed to rule as an Anti-American foreigner. But hey, that's just my take. It's how i felt about the dude.
Show us where that will happen. Have you seen the legislation? If so, please post it and show the world!

Nothing is being done to Medicare and the pre-existing condition will remain.

Just taking the leader of the Freedom Caucus's line in the sand on recent secret negotiations.

'Option to jettison' applies to the ACA PRE-existing conditions provision. And knowing they want to strip billions of taxes on the rich from the ACA:

"The terms, described by Representative Mark Meadows, Republican of North Carolina and the head of the Freedom Caucus, are something like this: States would have the option to jettison two major parts of the Affordable Care Act’s insurance regulations. They could decide to opt out of provisions that require insurers to cover a standard, minimum package of benefits, known as the essential health benefits. And they could decide to do away with a rule that requires insurance companies to charge the same price to everyone who is the same age, a provision called community rating."

Republican Health Proposal Would Undermine Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions
Dschrute3, post: 17083185
Yeah, Obama did fail miserably on this deal.

The deal is seen by a large majority of Americans and educated citizens of the entire civilized world as a success. There is a reason for that. The majority in the world do not so happily put a tinfoil hat on every morning as you apparently do. Or maybe you sleep in it.

Obama's high approval rating upon leaving office confirms the case that Obama has always had the American people's best interest in mind his entire adult life. He prioritized the working middle class on down unlike what we are seeing from his bumbling know nothing successor.
Dschrute3, post: 17083185
Yeah, Obama did fail miserably on this deal.

The deal is seen by a large majority of Americans and educated citizens of the entire civilized world as a success. There is a reason for that. The majority in the world do not so happily put a tinfoil hat on every morning as you apparently do. Or maybe you sleep in it.

Obama's high approval rating upon leaving office confirms the case that Obama has always had the American people's best interest in mind his entire adult life. He prioritized the working middle class on down unlike what we are seeing from his bumbling know nothing successor.

Great deal for Iran, lame deal for the US. Obama and Kerry were outsmarted and outplayed by the Iranians. But that being said, these deals often lead to war. My feeling is that the US will at some point claim Iran is in 'violation' of the deal. And that will be used as justification for an attack. It'll go the way of the Iraq War blunder. Nothing good will come of this deal. I hate to be so pessimistic, but it is how i feel.
Dschrute3, post: 1708661
Obama and Kerry were outsmarted and outplayed by the Iranians

How? You can say it but you can't' document it.

Five other nations were all outsmarted and you and your minority of Obama haters know better. You couldn't be more absurd clinging to your minority opinion.

And Trump is on board now as he has confirmed that Iran is in compliance.So your brilliant Trump has been outsmarted too.

But that's ok. Humpty Trumpty can do or say anything he wants - it doesn't matter to the rightwing dumbed downers.
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Dschrute3, post: 1708661
Obama and Kerry were outsmarted and outplayed by the Iranians

How? You can say it but you can't' document it.

Five other nations were all outsmarted and you and your minority of Obama haters know better. You couldn't be more absurd clinging to your minority opinion.

And Trump is on board now as he has confirmed that Iran is in compliance.So your brilliant Trump has been outsmarted too.

But that's ok. Humpty Trumpty can do or say anything he wants - it doesn't matter to the rightwing dumbed downers.

Trump has to adhere to the deal. He's boxed in on that. But like i said, these deals usually lead to war. Look for a False Flag of some kind in the future. It will be declared Iran is in 'violation' of the deal, and the war will be on. Stay tuned.
Dschrute3, post: 17087285
Trump has to adhere to the deal. He's boxed in on that. But like i said, these deals usually lead to war. Look for a False Flag of some kind in the future. It will be declared Iran is in 'violation' of the deal, and the war will be on. Stay tuned

So do you want that eventual false flag induced war or don't you?

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