Trump now has aq 52 percent approval rating on handling of the economy

We’ve had full employment for about 2½ years now. What took you so long to notice?

Then why has it continued to drop to historic lows including black unemployment?

In my opinion, what we have today, and have had for some years, is artificially low. Benefits got so good under failed former President Barack Hussein Obama that millions quit looking for a job and folks are continuing to do so.
Because full employment doesn’t mean there are no more jobs to be found.
We’ve had full employment for about 2½ years now. What took you so long to notice?

Then why has it continued to drop to historic lows including black unemployment?

In my opinion, what we have today, and have had for some years, is artificially low. Benefits got so good under failed former President Barack Hussein Obama that millions quit looking for a job and folks are continuing to do so.
Because full employment doesn’t mean there are no more jobs to be found.

So isn't full employment. Got it!

We actually have more jobs available than we have workers to fill those jobs.
More African Americans are working than at any point in HISTORY, unemployment overall is at 3.8 percent.
All Tramp did was move 400,000 Blacks out of the work force to get his Black UE rate down, exactly what he attacked Obama for doing.

TRUMP: In terms of income inequality, we're going to create a lot of jobs. You know, right now we have a false [unemployment rate] 5.4%, 5.3%, 5.6%, every month it is different. It is such a phony number. Because when people look and look and look and then they give up looking for a job, they're taken off the rolls so the number isn't reflective. ...Essentially for statistical purposes, you are considered employed.
So then I read every time it comes out, I hear, "5.3% unemployment." That is the biggest joke there is in this country.
That number is so false.
We’ve had full employment for about 2½ years now. What took you so long to notice?

Then why has it continued to drop to historic lows including black unemployment?

In my opinion, what we have today, and have had for some years, is artificially low. Benefits got so good under failed former President Barack Hussein Obama that millions quit looking for a job and folks are continuing to do so.
Because full employment doesn’t mean there are no more jobs to be found.

So isn't full employment. Got it!

We actually have more jobs available than we have workers to fill those jobs.
You mean you were lying when you said we’re at full employment? :ack-1:
I can tell the first 2 came directly from the BLS website. How come you don’t know that? You never visit their site?

They are not identified...………………….

Aren't you proud that more African Americans are working now than were working under Obooba?
So what? Even without identification, I immediately recognized the first 2 came directly from the BLS website. I recognized them immediately since I visit that site regularly.

Again I ask... how come you didn’t recognize them? Don’t you ever go to the BLS website?
This also came from the BLS website.

Household Survey Data
The unemployment rate edged down to 3.8 percent in May, and the number of unemployed persons declined to 6.1 million. Over the year, the unemployment rate was down by 0.5 percentage point, and the number of unemployed persons declined by 772,000. (See table A-1.)
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (3.5 percent), Blacks (5.9 percent), and Asians (2.1 percent) decreased in May. The jobless rates for adult women (3.3 percent), teenagers (12.8 percent), Whites (3.5 percent), and Hispanics (4.9 percent) changed little over the month. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

Look at how you flat out refuse to address my question.

Here’s job growth for the last 8 1/2 years...

... if Trump is doing better than Obama, why is that growth rate about the same as it was for Obama’s last 7 years in office?

You are retarded, the bureau of labor does not use meimit illustrations.

Seriously are you from Gilligans Island
All you have to do is click on the graph and it will take you directly to the BLS page it came from! Talk about retarded!!!!!
America is no longer the piggy bank that everyone is robbing. no more, folks, no more! HIP HIP HOORAY! Trump has made America great again!
That's right, America is the piggy bank that Donnie Dirt Bag and his crime family are robbing now!
this time in 2010...obambi had about a 25 percent approval on the economy....but then that time...25% of Americans were dumber than bears and gerbils
Trump now has aq 52 percent approval rating on handling of the economy

Yet still has a crappy pappy hair dew...
this time in 2010...obambi had about a 25 percent approval on the economy....but then that time...25% of Americans were dumber than bears and gerbils
Well, he DID get votes from Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Good Will, just to name a few. And they voted many times.
this time in 2010...obambi had about a 25 percent approval on the economy....but then that time...25% of Americans were dumber than bears and gerbils
Why can’t you rightwing freaks post without lying?

CBS ............. 43%
Gallup .......... 37%
ABC ............. 50%
CNN ............. 44%
NBC ............. 48%
Pew .............. 41%
Quinnipiac .... 40%
Bloomberg ... 45%
Average ..... 42.5%

Obama Administration
Trump now has aq 52 percent approval rating on handling of the economy

Yet still has a crappy pappy hair dew...
I remember when unemployment was around 4 percent during the bush years and queen Pelosi was complaining
Trump now has aq 52 percent approval rating on handling of the economy

Yet still has a crappy pappy hair dew...
I remember when unemployment was around 4 percent during the bush years and queen Pelosi was complaining
Yet Boosh had normie hair.
Trump now has aq 52 percent approval rating on handling of the economy

Yet still has a crappy pappy hair dew...
I remember when unemployment was around 4 percent during the bush years and queen Pelosi was complaining
Yet Boosh had normie hair.
I still have no idea what possessed bush to speak of gyne patients having naughty affairs with thier doctors
how old is pelosi? 125? should she be living in the villages instead of complaining about 3.7 unemployment
DJIA was 18,332 on election day. It closed at 25,316 yesterday. 'Nuff said.
Hey pinhead, Obama was president on election day.
No shit, Sherlock. And it was up 257 points the next day. And it's up 7,000 points now. Here, chew on this for a while, Pinhead.
Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Nears OBAMA's lifetime high. Obama had the market setting lifetime highs before Donnie Dirt Bag was elected and all lazy POS Tramp can do is take credit for the hard work of others.
If Obama's economic policies were so great, why is the economy soaring a year and a half AFTER Trump REVERSED those policies?
Job growth has continued at the same exact rate as it did for the seven years before trump. If trump is so great, shouldn’t that rate have inclined more than it did under Obama?


Sounds like you're saying that Trump is as good for the economy as Obama was. If they what you're saying?
Hey pinhead, Obama was president on election day.
No shit, Sherlock. And it was up 257 points the next day. And it's up 7,000 points now. Here, chew on this for a while, Pinhead.
Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Nears OBAMA's lifetime high. Obama had the market setting lifetime highs before Donnie Dirt Bag was elected and all lazy POS Tramp can do is take credit for the hard work of others.
If Obama's economic policies were so great, why is the economy soaring a year and a half AFTER Trump REVERSED those policies?
Job growth has continued at the same exact rate as it did for the seven years before trump. If trump is so great, shouldn’t that rate have inclined more than it did under Obama?


Sounds like you're saying that Trump is as good for the economy as Obama was. If they what you're saying?
Not quite. The difference between them is that Obama inherited a crap economy and turned it around; whereas Trump inherited a good economy and kept it going.
No shit, Sherlock. And it was up 257 points the next day. And it's up 7,000 points now. Here, chew on this for a while, Pinhead.
Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Nears OBAMA's lifetime high. Obama had the market setting lifetime highs before Donnie Dirt Bag was elected and all lazy POS Tramp can do is take credit for the hard work of others.
If Obama's economic policies were so great, why is the economy soaring a year and a half AFTER Trump REVERSED those policies?
Job growth has continued at the same exact rate as it did for the seven years before trump. If trump is so great, shouldn’t that rate have inclined more than it did under Obama?


Sounds like you're saying that Trump is as good for the economy as Obama was. If they what you're saying?
Not quite. The difference between them is that Obama inherited a crap economy and turned it around; whereas Trump inherited a good economy and kept it going.

How long past the date you were certain he was going to crash the economy has he not only NOT crashed it but has kept it going well?

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