Trump now says he wants to send 15,000 troops

Does anyone actually think this isn’t completely retarded?

Hey, just as a reminder, it’ll take months til that caravan gets to the border and by then the size would be a lot smaller.

Trump is a fucking moron.

Trump says U.S. could send up to 15,000 troops to border

He can put 'em to good use strengthening southern border defenses while they're waiting.
-------------------------------------------------------- yep , engineers are going to the Border , build the WALL and other barriers .----------------------------------- or change diapers .
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Nothing to do one thing with the other.
The guns the troops have will protect Americans from the illegal invaders! :thup:

My attention.....

The Pentagon HAS ALREADY SAID....the troops cannot detain or stop the illegals and have no powers to stop, detain or arrest them.

For your educational pleasure, I did provide a link earlier. Please read it.

It's like having a dishwasher....but you have to wash the dishes in the sink before loading it.....what good is it?

But the troops can protect ....and that's why they are being sent there.:04:
Nothing to do one thing with the other.
The guns the troops have will protect Americans from the illegal invaders! :thup:

My attention.....

The Pentagon HAS ALREADY SAID....the troops cannot detain or stop the illegals and have no powers to stop, detain or arrest them.

For your educational pleasure, I did provide a link earlier. Please read it.

It's like having a dishwasher....but you have to wash the dishes in the sink before loading it.....what good is it?

But the troops can protect ....and that's why they are being sent there.:04:

Being the back up so that border control can do it's job.
Putting up barbed wire, slows them down.
Guarding the holding areas.
They aren't getting in like the ones who did over in Europe.
--------------------------------- hope you are CORRECT but don't count on anything Peach .
The US military has apparently taken a shit dive since Trump became president if we 15000 troops to control 3500 emaciated men, women, children and grandparents.
This is going to cost a lot of money for so little gain. A Pyrrhic victory for the migrants.
------------------------------------------- and for me , heck , i don't mind spending YOUR and other libs money WP.
"shoot to kill those bastards"....this is the MAGA way!

Oh Stop it already! (You hate mongering rascal)
ONlY a FEW really think that's the solution.

Congress has failed the American people....but my oh my it sure serves the Elites and Globalists aka the Big Bankers and the Fed reserve.
Maybe a few think that is the solution....I just quoted one of them. I didn't make that up out of whole cloth like some like to do.
No point in sending large numbers of troops since all they can do is advise the Border Patrol.
End Posse Comitatus and then the military can do what it really has to do to keep the trash out.

Send 500,000 Armed American citizens to the border and I GAY-RUN-TEE you'll see The Feds disregard Posse Comitatus like a bathroom closed sign in a salmonella burger bar.
If it was just about immigration that would be one thing.
When you add the massive purchase of hollow point ammo,weapons and the apparent total disregard of our runaway debt it surely gets you to thinking.
Federal law prohibits the military from acting as a domestic police force, which means the troops going to the border cannot detain immigrants, cannot seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping the caravan. Instead, their role largely will mirror that of the existing National Guard troops, including providing helicopter support for border missions, installing concrete barriers and repairing and maintaining vehicles.

Mattis, when asked if troop deployment to border is a stunt: 'We don't do stunts'

Like I always said, The Federal Legislative is the greatest threat to the American People. Always HAS been.

Mattis, Trump and every person in Congress saying otherwise is LYING TO YOU.
They fully intend to allow ALL illegals entry....after a symbolic hold at the border until you go back to your football game or movie. we are under the SAME grip as Europe.
Only reason it has taken longer is the oceans to the East and West.
Lest you forget, they ALREADY allow 30,000 - 45,000 safe passage every MONTH...have been for YEARS.

So, we can be invaded....and the Feds will arrest and prosecute Americans who dare to try to fulfill their CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY of protecting their own nation.

Isn't that cute? have you ever heard of a nation of fools MORE deserving of what they get?
The US and only one other nation give free citizenship to anyone who can dump their womb on US soil.

Wondering when China and Russia will create programs for their citizens to come here by the millions to exploit that idiotic BS? They SHOULD. Probably already DO.
ederal law prohibits the military from acting as a domestic police force, which means the troops going to the border cannot detain immigrants, cannot seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping the caravan.
you are right about that, which is why I am saying that we should shoot every last one of the invading horde of biologically diseased fuckers and the liberal sympathizers who will act like shields for them. Dead bodies on the Mexican side of the border will eventually send the message we dont want them here illegally any more.
All the PTB have to every 8 years....allow a President who talks the talk FOR THE OTHER side.....grab the symbolic reins.
And Americans, good little easily distracted Lemmings they are, will fall for the oldest trick in the book over and over and over and over and over

Leftists should believe this more than anyone....after Hillary's loss even with the "Popular" vote.

Psssst....the President isn't in control. Congress isn't in control. Your Masters are. You see...we're ALL on the "Plantation"

Look to the CEO's of America's biggest banks and those on the Federal reserve and you're at least getting warm
Sounds like you are a poverty stricken welfare puke who has been victimized by liberalism. Maybe when all those illegals are prevented from coming in and those here are deported more JOBS will be available for you, unless you are a pot smoking dope head who is a hole in society.
The "immigrants" are foreign invaders. The military certainly can detain them.

And ObamaCare was get the picture
Obama hedged but didn't say he lacked legal right on DACA
"President Obama, when he signed the executive order, actually said he doesn't have the right to do this," Trump said Jan. 9, 2018. "You have to go through Congress. Whether he does or whether he doesn't, let’s assume he doesn’t. He said it."
So President Trump even though he doesn't have the right to use the military to stop those poor diseased illegal immigrants from coming in, he is just doing what the last president did...
the caravan is weeks away

the election is days away

15,000 troops is more boots on the ground watching a bridge than there is in the mideast ..

Trump's scare tactic is horsecrap just like the rest of his rhetoric.

the end
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a couple hundres thousand loyal Americans show up for backup. Just to make the blockade much stronger. Maybe we could help pitch tents that the illegals can call home until they are deported. Feed them a steady diet of beans and biscuits. Make them want to go home.


But...face it....Americans are p[ussies (skuze the french)
A FEW might go...but they will be EASILY overwhelmed.

It would take 500,000 to 1,000,000 Americans.

Pop Quiz Patriots.....

Who said......(and exactly what does it mean?)
"The tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants ?
"The tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants ?
So whose side are you on?

Liberals book - Evil - Tyrants - Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”


Conservatives book - Good - Patriots - Read the Bible. A free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. | The Bible App |
the caravan is weeks away

the election is days away

15,000 troops is more boots on the ground watching a bridge than there is in the mideast ..

Trump's scare tactic is horsecrap just like the rest of his rhetoric.

the end
Time once again for the picture of the day.

its fne , support yer troops Siete !!

our troops have something better to do other than stand around with their thumbs in their ass waiting for several weeks until the caravan gets to the border - IF IT GETS TO THE BORDER.

poor little RW's are sooooooo fragile ...
its fne , support yer troops Siete !!

our troops have something better to do other than stand around with their thumbs in their ass waiting for several weeks until the caravan gets to the border - IF IT GETS TO THE BORDER.

poor little RW's are sooooooo fragile ...
--------------------------------------------- we are just practicing Preparedness at YOUR and my expense . Besides that , the Troops would be being PAID no matter where they are and no matter what they are doing Siete !!

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