Trump now says he wants to send 15,000 troops

The "immigrants" are foreign invaders. The military certainly can detain them.

And ObamaCare was get the picture
Obama hedged but didn't say he lacked legal right on DACA
"President Obama, when he signed the executive order, actually said he doesn't have the right to do this," Trump said Jan. 9, 2018. "You have to go through Congress. Whether he does or whether he doesn't, let’s assume he doesn’t. He said it."
So President Trump even though he doesn't have the right to use the military to stop those poor diseased illegal immigrants from coming in, he is just doing what the last president did...
He does have that authority, moron.
The "immigrants" are foreign invaders. The military certainly can detain them.

And ObamaCare was get the picture
Obama hedged but didn't say he lacked legal right on DACA
"President Obama, when he signed the executive order, actually said he doesn't have the right to do this," Trump said Jan. 9, 2018. "You have to go through Congress. Whether he does or whether he doesn't, let’s assume he doesn’t. He said it."
So President Trump even though he doesn't have the right to use the military to stop those poor diseased illegal immigrants from coming in, he is just doing what the last president did...
He does have that authority, moron.
I know that, I was referring to DACA, that Obama did with his EO. But thank you for that term of endearment. Only moron on this site with 3 PhDs
Does anyone actually think this isn’t completely retarded?

Hey, just as a reminder, it’ll take months til that caravan gets to the border and by then the size would be a lot smaller.

Trump is a fucking moron.

Trump says U.S. could send up to 15,000 troops to border

Well his supporters are fucking morons also. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.

FOX NEWS actually put out a report that the caravan has smallpox, TB, Leprosy and other contagious diseases, that they then had to retract immediately. These people are DISGUSTING. You can watch the video here.
Fox News: Migrant caravan has people with Smallpox, Leprosy
Fox News Commentator Says Migrants Are Carrying Smallpox, a Disease Eradicated in 1980




fox trying to fine tune the fear RW's have about Mexicans
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.
Last edited:
Does anyone actually think this isn’t completely retarded?

Hey, just as a reminder, it’ll take months til that caravan gets to the border and by then the size would be a lot smaller.

Trump is a fucking moron.

Trump says U.S. could send up to 15,000 troops to border

Soros will just arrange for more to travel to Mexico and join them if the caravan gets too small. The real refugees have already accepted offers from either the UN or Mexico. Only the young radical males and a few women and children are staying the course. They don't want refuge. They want violence. Mexican authorities have been attacked, causing at least one death, and now the radicals are threatening anyone who gets in their way with Molotov cocktails and other weapons. They are dangerous and have stated that they intend to enter our country by any means necessary and are not about to come in legally.

Of course, when they make it to the border, CNN and the other obedient lapdogs will only show images of women and children (whether they are actually in caravan or not) and they won't show the majority, who are aggressive young males. Some of the refugees already stated that some radicals from other countries started joining them. Wonder who paid their way since the didn't walk from the third world Muslim countries.
Does anyone actually think this isn’t completely retarded?

Hey, just as a reminder, it’ll take months til that caravan gets to the border and by then the size would be a lot smaller.

Trump is a fucking moron.

Trump says U.S. could send up to 15,000 troops to border

Soros will just arrange for more to travel to Mexico and join them if the caravan gets too small. The real refugees have already accepted offers from either the UN or Mexico. Only the young radical males and a few women and children are staying the course. They don't want refuge. They want violence. Mexican authorities have been attacked, causing at least one death, and now the radicals are threatening anyone who gets in their way with Molotov cocktails and other weapons. They are dangerous and have stated that they intend to enter our country by any means necessary and are not about to come in legally.

Of course, when they make it to the border, CNN and the other obedient lapdogs will only show images of women and children (whether they are actually in caravan or not) and they won't show the majority, who are aggressive young males. Some of the refugees already stated that some radicals from other countries started joining them. Wonder who paid their way since the didn't walk from the third world Muslim countries.

Soros gave Trump 160 million to build trump tower - thats just a little more than making travel arrangements.

enough with the soros crapola
Does anyone actually think this isn’t completely retarded?

Hey, just as a reminder, it’ll take months til that caravan gets to the border and by then the size would be a lot smaller.

Trump is a fucking moron.

Trump says U.S. could send up to 15,000 troops to border

Well his supporters are fucking morons also. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.

FOX NEWS actually put out a report that the caravan has smallpox, TB, Leprosy and other contagious diseases, that they then had to retract immediately. These people are DISGUSTING. You can watch the video here.
Fox News: Migrant caravan has people with Smallpox, Leprosy
Fox News Commentator Says Migrants Are Carrying Smallpox, a Disease Eradicated in 1980




fox trying to fine tune the fear RW's have about Mexicans
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..
Does anyone actually think this isn’t completely retarded?

Hey, just as a reminder, it’ll take months til that caravan gets to the border and by then the size would be a lot smaller.

Trump is a fucking moron.

Trump says U.S. could send up to 15,000 troops to border

Soros will just arrange for more to travel to Mexico and join them if the caravan gets too small. The real refugees have already accepted offers from either the UN or Mexico. Only the young radical males and a few women and children are staying the course. They don't want refuge. They want violence. Mexican authorities have been attacked, causing at least one death, and now the radicals are threatening anyone who gets in their way with Molotov cocktails and other weapons. They are dangerous and have stated that they intend to enter our country by any means necessary and are not about to come in legally.

Of course, when they make it to the border, CNN and the other obedient lapdogs will only show images of women and children (whether they are actually in caravan or not) and they won't show the majority, who are aggressive young males. Some of the refugees already stated that some radicals from other countries started joining them. Wonder who paid their way since the didn't walk from the third world Muslim countries.

Soros gave Trump 160 million to build trump tower - thats just a little more than making travel arrangements.

enough with the soros crapola
Old George seems to get around more than God and he's richer also.
Does anyone actually think this isn’t completely retarded?

Hey, just as a reminder, it’ll take months til that caravan gets to the border and by then the size would be a lot smaller.

Trump is a fucking moron.

Trump says U.S. could send up to 15,000 troops to border

Well his supporters are fucking morons also. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.

FOX NEWS actually put out a report that the caravan has smallpox, TB, Leprosy and other contagious diseases, that they then had to retract immediately. These people are DISGUSTING. You can watch the video here.
Fox News: Migrant caravan has people with Smallpox, Leprosy
Fox News Commentator Says Migrants Are Carrying Smallpox, a Disease Eradicated in 1980




fox trying to fine tune the fear RW's have about Mexicans
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

Well his supporters are fucking morons also. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.

FOX NEWS actually put out a report that the caravan has smallpox, TB, Leprosy and other contagious diseases, that they then had to retract immediately. These people are DISGUSTING. You can watch the video here.
Fox News: Migrant caravan has people with Smallpox, Leprosy
Fox News Commentator Says Migrants Are Carrying Smallpox, a Disease Eradicated in 1980




fox trying to fine tune the fear RW's have about Mexicans
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

---------------------------------- i didn't watch the video but it was 'reagan - bush' that started the problems with immigration with their first amnesty Oreo . Both are enemies and the 'bush familia' that i know about are mostly open borders globalist guys Oreo .
Well his supporters are fucking morons also. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.

FOX NEWS actually put out a report that the caravan has smallpox, TB, Leprosy and other contagious diseases, that they then had to retract immediately. These people are DISGUSTING. You can watch the video here.
Fox News: Migrant caravan has people with Smallpox, Leprosy
Fox News Commentator Says Migrants Are Carrying Smallpox, a Disease Eradicated in 1980




fox trying to fine tune the fear RW's have about Mexicans
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

So that means everyone wanted amnesty?
fox trying to fine tune the fear RW's have about Mexicans
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

---------------------------------- i didn't watch the video but it was 'reagan - bush' that started the problems with immigration with their first amnesty Oreo . Both are enemies and the 'bush familia' that i know about are mostly open borders globalist guys Oreo .

Well now you've got Nazi's in the Republican party. Yes, Reagan did give amnesty's to illegals in this country--which started the longest economic expansion period in the 20th century. I would suggest that you watch the video.
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

---------------------------------- i didn't watch the video but it was 'reagan - bush' that started the problems with immigration with their first amnesty Oreo . Both are enemies and the 'bush familia' that i know about are mostly open borders globalist guys Oreo .

Well now you've got Nazi's in the Republican party. Yes, Reagan did give amnesty's to illegals in this country--which started the longest economic expansion period in the 20th century. I would suggest that you watch the video.

That was in the 1990's during Clinton.
fox trying to fine tune the fear RW's have about Mexicans
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

So that means everyone wanted amnesty?

Everyone knows that Reagan started the longest economic expansion period in the 20th century by giving amnesty to illegals. They come out of their hiding places, get jobs, pay taxes and stimulate the economy by buying American products.
It's really not Rocket Science.

Economics 101
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

---------------------------------- i didn't watch the video but it was 'reagan - bush' that started the problems with immigration with their first amnesty Oreo . Both are enemies and the 'bush familia' that i know about are mostly open borders globalist guys Oreo .

Well now you've got Nazi's in the Republican party. Yes, Reagan did give amnesty's to illegals in this country--which helped start the longest economic expansion period in the 20th century. I would suggest that you watch the video.

-------------------------------------------- my DAD told me [about] 62 years ago and i've said it a hundred times on this board . But only whores and criminals will do ANYTHING for money no matter the bad consequences to the USA Oreo !!
Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

---------------------------------- i didn't watch the video but it was 'reagan - bush' that started the problems with immigration with their first amnesty Oreo . Both are enemies and the 'bush familia' that i know about are mostly open borders globalist guys Oreo .

Well now you've got Nazi's in the Republican party. Yes, Reagan did give amnesty's to illegals in this country--which helped start the longest economic expansion period in the 20th century. I would suggest that you watch the video.

-------------------------------------------- my DAD told me [about] 62 years ago and i've said it a hundred times on this board . But only whores and criminals will do ANYTHING for money no matter the bad consequences to the USA Oreo !!

You're on a political board here not a FOX NEWS facebook page. If you can't keep up with the topic take your crayons and coloring books and move elsewhere. I really don't give a rats ass what your Dad told you.
yeah , money is the last thing i consider when i think of whats good for the USA and its Americans as my DAD instructed me . Did you have a wise instructor or were they just 'MONEY GRUBBERS' Oreo ??
Well his supporters are fucking morons also. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.

FOX NEWS actually put out a report that the caravan has smallpox, TB, Leprosy and other contagious diseases, that they then had to retract immediately. These people are DISGUSTING. You can watch the video here.
Fox News: Migrant caravan has people with Smallpox, Leprosy
Fox News Commentator Says Migrants Are Carrying Smallpox, a Disease Eradicated in 1980




fox trying to fine tune the fear RW's have about Mexicans
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

The fact that some turd knew Reagan or worked for Reagan doesn't mean that everything he says about Reagan is gospel. That's what leftwing douchebags want you to believe, but it just doesn't wash.
------------------------------------- its not fear of 'mexicans' . For me i just don't want any imported people . They cause Crowding with their mere presence and eventually they may vote . See how the USA has grown by checking the Census from 1970 to 2010 . Nothing to do with fear Siete .

Trump campaigns on fear. I just watched a video of Trump stating "these" caravan people are reallly BAAAAAAAAD people. They're people that are looking for help, they're not carrying weapons, they're carrying kids.

Trump through his rhetoric is responsible for the death of 11 elderly Jews. The nutcase that shot these people was incited by the "INVASION" rhetoric--and stated that Jews are responsible for the "invasion" because they notably care for poor people.

Now FOX News is out there saying these people have small pox--(which was eradicated world wide in 1980) with leprosy, and TB. And it's not going to be long before another nutcase takes that to heart and mowes down a bunch of innocent civilians with an AK.

As a President you have to choose your words very carefully, and all Trump does is incite hate & violence.

These people showed up in Charlottesville because of Trump. You now have a new wing to the Republican party, called the ALT RIGHT because of Trump.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises


When you campaign on hate, violence & division, you are going to attract hateful, violent people that want division.

If you want to save the Republican party of Lincoln & Reagan, you're going to have to vote blue all the way down the ballot this midterm to crush these extremists that have INVADED the Republican party.

Reagan did NOT create the Republican party..

No but Reagan is the "icon" of the Republican party--winning a 2nd term in a 49 state landslide--mean's there are a hell of a lot of Democrats that loved him too.


And Reagan would have hated Donald Trump. Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

---------------------------------- i didn't watch the video but it was 'reagan - bush' that started the problems with immigration with their first amnesty Oreo . Both are enemies and the 'bush familia' that i know about are mostly open borders globalist guys Oreo .

Well now you've got Nazi's in the Republican party. Yes, Reagan did give amnesty's to illegals in this country--which started the longest economic expansion period in the 20th century. I would suggest that you watch the video.

You're giving Reagan credit for the economic expansion?

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