Trump now unelectable

I hate to be the one to break to you all, and I mean everyone. But this country hasn't had a fair election for probably 100 years.
From district gerrymandering to the THOUSANDS of lies and deceit at the local conventions, state conventions and the national conventions. In BOTH parties.

So both sides need to sit down and stfu about fraudulent elections. Or better yes, the next time the primaries come around, join your local political headquarters and just try to be a delegate for one of the low tier candidates the leadership of the party isn't supporting.
Your choice of definitions isn't universally accepted. Cheating has always been a fact of life. Cheating on the scale we saw last November is several orders of magnitude greater and if the Left attempts to repeat it, this country is going to war in the streets.
This is what we used to refer to as "whistling past the graveyard". Admit it, buds... you guys are in fear he'll pull it off and be re-elected. I believe he can, whether he chooses to or not, no one can know. I predict that the DC crowd will literally use a cabal of Leftist Pentagon scum to execute America's first real military coup if he wins. IF they do, I hope the military fractures and the patriots take out all of the Left's minions in uniform. As in, put them against a wall or fly them one way to Gitmo.

And if he loses, AGAIN, you’ll just whine fraud. AGAIN.
Trump's antics and meltdown during his last few months in office have made him unelectable in any future race. If the Republicans are insane enough to try to nominate him they are deserving of a landslide defeat.
He's utterly in control.of the republican party. Barring major illness, if he wants to be nominated they will do it. They have no choice in the matter.

When Cheeto Jesus says jump, the only question they will ask is "how high?".
Your choice of definitions isn't universally accepted. Cheating has always been a fact of life. Cheating on the scale we saw last November is several orders of magnitude greater and if the Left attempts to repeat it, this country is going to war in the streets.

Are you fucking kidding me? The GOP cheated so damn bad in 2012, even their own state chairmen's called out the leadership for it. On national TV in front of the world.
And if he loses, AGAIN, you’ll just whine fraud. AGAIN.

What did the left do when the news broke about how the DNC rigged the nomination in favor of Clinton in 2016? Nothing. They didn't stand up and demand a complete revamp of leadership positions in the DNC. They didn't swarm CNN or MSNBC and for them to report the facts.
Especially after the guy who they rigged it against come out and said "Awe, it's ok. We'll just fight with Hillary," The one that the DNC rigged the nomination for.

This is what I keep trying to tell these die hard republicans. Vote counts don't mean shit. The real fraud is committed at the local level political conventions and especially the state RNC/DNC conventions.

Honest question: Who get's to count the votes? Us? Hell no we don't. There could've been 99 million votes for Donald Duck, and we'd never know it.

P.S. This may sound like a conspiracy. But it's no conspiracy theory. HUGE difference.
What did the left do when the news broke about how the DNC rigged the nomination in favor of Clinton in 2016? Nothing. They didn't stand up and demand a complete revamp of leadership positions in the DNC. They didn't swarm CNN or MSNBC and for them to report the facts.
Especially after the guy who they rigged it against come out and said "Awe, it's ok. We'll just fight with Hillary," The one that the DNC rigged the nomination for.

This is what I keep trying to tell these die hard republicans. Vote counts don't mean shit. The real fraud is committed at the local level political conventions and especially the state RNC/DNC conventions.

Honest question: Who get's to count the votes? Us? Hell no we don't. There could've been 99 million votes for Donald Duck, and we'd never know it.

P.S. This may sound like a conspiracy. But it's no conspiracy theory. HUGE difference.

Sorry, but I trust our election process.
Trump is a degenerate. An anti social psychotic Aderall driven asswipe.
Strange.....when he wasn't in politics and donated to the Clintons, plus other social needs, he was the darling of Democrats, but when he sees the nation headed for Marxism, and steps into the foray to stop it, he's suddenly a degenerate.
Yet woman sniffing Biden is the epitome of example of wholesomeness.
Sorry, but I trust our election process.

To me, that's like saying you trust you ex wife?
Our election process is ran by the same two parties that have been screwing this country for over 170 years.
That process is how & why we get morons who talk good like Trump. Or a guy who can't even make a coherent sentence.
This is why the media has to be so damn bias. To convince all of us morons that those two are the best we can get. And holy hell, 3/4 of the country believes that crap.
The republican leaders have outlawed conservatism. The DNC has apparently outlawed honesty and sanity.
And here we are, arguing about who's not as bad.
And all the while, people that are smart enough to actually make this country great again, are smart enough to stay the hell out of politics. Why? Because they know they don't have a snowballs chance in hell in getting through the corruption.
This is farce about Trump winning in 2016. He pretended to make it through all that corruption. BS.
To me it sounds like you’re pushing a conspiracy theory.

We got Trump in 2016 because he won. Simple as that.

It's a conspiracy. That's a fact. But it's not a conspiracy theory.

You have faith in the process. Fine. Just know that "faith" is believing in something you can't prove. In this case, it has been proven from both sides. It was personally proven to me in 2012, when the RNC rigged the primaries against Ron Paul. And also in 2008.
You think all that media coverage Trump got in 2016 was by chance? If the media don't like you, they don't air you.
Just ask Tulsi Gabbard and Rand Paul.

You know when Rand Paul got out of the election? When he figured it out. Or someone told him how it's rigged and you can't beat it. The ones that stay in the longest, knowing they're not going to win, are the ones that are owned by the party.

2008, McCain is losing his ass. No republican likes him. He's got a liberal voting record. Suddenly, he disappears for a couple of weeks. Only to return to the camera's with a shitpot full of money. Within 2 weeks, he's getting Trump like media attention and becomes the front runner.
Same thing with Joe Biden. I don't know one democrat who said a fucking word about Biden before the last two debates.

The people that run our "election process," probably don't even vote. They're not republican or democrats. Why? Because they're smart, rich, evil people who make a million times what the president is going to make. So you think they're going to allow someone to get elected that going to try to tell them what to do?

Money is the all mighty. Not the republicans. Not the democrats. Not the party leaders.

P.S. Presidents are elected. They're selected, by people with enough money to do so. Did Trump balance the budget? No. He didn't even try. Did he get the awesome healthcare bill he campaigned on, passed through congress? No, he didn't even try. Did he end the wars? Fuck, he didn't even veto FISA 702 , when it came across his desk. Even after complaining about Obama using it against him on the campaign trail.
Why? Because he just played a president on TV. He's not allowed to make important decisions. Oh sure, he can ban bump stocks. He can fund planned parenthood. And a whole slew of other progressive BS. But he can't fix anything important. That's not his job.
BTW, if you don't think this conspiracy is true, I want you to do 2 things for me.
1. Explain why democrat voters were allowed to praise Trump for the progressive BS Trump did.
2. Become a delegate for someone you know isn't going to win, in the next primary.

Let me know when you get kicked under the bus by your own party leaders.
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It's a conspiracy. That's a fact. But it's not a conspiracy theory.

You have faith in the process. Fine. Just know that "faith" is believing in something you can't prove. In this case, it has been proven from both sides. It was personally proven to me in 2012, when the RNC rigged the primaries against Ron Paul. And also in 2008.
You think all that media coverage Trump got in 2016 was by chance? If the media don't like you, they don't air you.
Just ask Tulsi Gabbard and Rand Paul.

You know when Rand Paul got out of the election? When he figured it out. Or someone told him how it's rigged and you can't beat it. The ones that stay in the longest, knowing they're not going to win, are the ones that are owned by the party.

2008, McCain is losing his ass. No republican likes him. He's got a liberal voting record. Suddenly, he disappears for a couple of weeks. Only to return to the camera's with a shitpot full of money. Within 2 weeks, he's getting Trump like media attention and becomes the front runner.
Same thing with Joe Biden. I don't know one democrat who said a fucking word about Biden before the last two debates.

The people that run our "election process," probably don't even vote. They're not republican or democrats. Why? Because they're smart, rich, evil people who make a million times what the president is going to make. So you think they're going to allow someone to get elected that going to try to tell them what to do?

Money is the all mighty. Not the republicans. Not the democrats. Not the party leaders.

P.S. Presidents are elected. They're selected, by people with enough money to do so. Did Trump balance the budget? No. He didn't even try. Did he get the awesome healthcare bill he campaigned on, passed through congress? No, he didn't even try. Did he end the wars? Fuck, he didn't even veto FISA 702 , when it came across his desk. Even after complaining about Obama using it against him on the campaign trail.
Why? Because he just played a president on TV. He's not allowed to make important decisions. Oh sure, he can ban bump stocks. He can fund planned parenthood. And a whole slew of other progressive BS. But he can't fix anything important. That's not his job.
BTW, if you don't think this conspiracy is true, I want you to do 2 things for me.
1. Explain why democrat voters were allowed to praise Trump for the progressive BS Trump did.
2. Become a delegate for someone you know isn't going to win, in the next primary.

Let me know when you get kicked under the bus by your own party leaders.

Yea, I’m still not buying your conspiracy theory. Sorry.
This is what we used to refer to as "whistling past the graveyard". Admit it, buds... you guys are in fear he'll pull it off and be re-elected. I believe he can, whether he chooses to or not, no one can know. I predict that the DC crowd will literally use a cabal of Leftist Pentagon scum to execute America's first real military coup if he wins. IF they do, I hope the military fractures and the patriots take out all of the Left's minions in uniform. As in, put them against a wall or fly them one way to Gitmo.

How does it feel to be owned by a politician?

I get it, the democrat voters and armchair lefties are out of their minds. Especially since the millennial progressives started destroying the decent liberals in the democrat party.

But to have so much faith in a republican leftist like Trump. A north eastern liberal who now talks like a republican. I just can't figure it out.
The day after the election, Trump say's he's not going to "lock her up." And republicans ignore it. Democrats ignore it.
Then he funds Planned Parenthood. And the same thing happens.
Bans bump stocks. And not a word from his supporters. And not a word of praise from the left.
Reauthorizes FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans) Nothing.
Funds some friggin 100 mile (????) long fence in some middle eastern country. And still nothing from his supporters.
In fact, the only thing Trump did was a tax cut and bash democrats. No balanced budget. No abortion bill signed (even with a GOP majority in the House and Senate)
He did nothing important, and he's still got supporters.

I don't get it.
This is what we used to refer to as "whistling past the graveyard". Admit it, buds... you guys are in fear he'll pull it off and be re-elected. I believe he can, whether he chooses to or not, no one can know. I predict that the DC crowd will literally use a cabal of Leftist Pentagon scum to execute America's first real military coup if he wins. IF they do, I hope the military fractures and the patriots take out all of the Left's minions in uniform. As in, put them against a wall or fly them one way to Gitmo.
Sure, the lying, retard will be in prison, joining his corrupt regime and crime family by then.
Trump humpers are delusional.
Yea, I’m still not buying your conspiracy theory. Sorry.

I ain't for sale. It's free. All you have to do is stop being owned by Trump and/or the republican party. Start paying attention to what they do, and not so much what they say.
And most importantly, you gotta pay attention to all those little details.
Otherwise you won't be any better than the blind democrats who think Biden is all that, and a sandwich.

You know how we always laying the facts at the progressives. And it seem like they're just plugging their ears with their fingers, singing "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA." That's how republicans and democrats both sound to me.
Put something factual right in their faces, and they turn a blind eye to it. Why? Because that's what you're supposed to do. You're party and politician demands that of you. So you do it.

With all the progressive crap that Trumps done, that I listed above, and you still don't see Trump as the progressive he is, then I'll shut up. There's no getting through. You'll have to discover it for yourself like I did.
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I ain't for sale. It's free. All you have to do is stop being owned by Trump and/or the republican party. Start paying attention to what they do, and not so much what they say.
And most importantly, you gotta pay attention to all those little details.
Otherwise you won't be any better than the blind democrats who think Biden is all that, and a sandwich.

You know how we always laying the facts at the progressives. And it seem like they're just plugging their ears with their fingers, singing "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA." That's how republicans and democrats both sound to me.
Put something factual right in their faces, and they turn a blind eye to it. Why? Because that's what you're supposed to do. You're party and politician demands that of you. So you do it.

With all the progressive crap that Trumps done, that I listed above, and you still don't see Trump as the progressive he is, then I'll shut up. There's not getting through. You'll have to discover it for yourself like I did.

Neat. Ok then.
Sure, the lying, retard will be in prison, joining his corrupt regime and crime family by then.
Trump humpers are delusional.

They aren't doing anything the left isn't doing.
Did you ever praise Trump for any of the MANY progressive things he did? Or were you just brainwashed into compliance, knowing that no matter what Trump does, that your party would completely agree with if there was a democrat in the white house, that under no circumstances are you to express your support.

You're owned just as much as they are.

Seriously, you're party, the democratic party, had the opportunity to elect an Army major, woman of color, who did two tours in the middle east, was honest, was not bought by corporate lobbyist or special interest. Who cared so much about the democratic party that she was one of the few who exposed their lying and nomination rigging for Hillary. Probably THE best democratic candidate this country has had since JFK.
And what happened? You democrat voters watch your party's leadership, through the media, throw her under the bus for Joe Biden. And old white guy who's only plan was "Can't we all get along."

Proof: You're only supporting statement about Biden is that he's somehow better than Trump.

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