Trump Obstructed Justice, Mueller's Report Proves It, And Asks Congress To Consider Impeachment

That's make believe:
The report actually cleared trump of any and all wrong fact when all is said and done the report will probably be cause to launch an investigation into those who demanded the investigation...see how that works?

That was begun some weeks ago and today President Donald J. Trump gave AG Barr the authority to declassify anything in the Mueller Investigation.

This is why Democrats are in such a panic and so desperate to discredit Barr.
The pos might let Russia know who was the mole that gave Obama the info that Putin was screwing with our election
No impeachmemt. Just troll trump until he drops dead of a tantrum. Been saying it for years....
Can't be soon enough ,,,,,, If this declassifying of info leads to the mole inside Russia who sent us the info that Putin was interfering in our election gets him killed because of barr and trumps big mouths ,I'll be all for the execution of them both
At this point, i would just settle for them going home.

The fake billionaire and the fake law enforcement officer....
I'm a little more violent than you I'd like to go to both their funerals

A violent liberal...what a surprise.
President Donald J. Trump gave AG Barr the authority to declassify anything in the Mueller Investigation.
Great! Then he can declassify the report and the underlying evidence. You know, as a special favor to the most transparent president in the history of anywhere.
No impeachmemt. Just troll trump until he drops dead of a tantrum. Been saying it for years....
Can't be soon enough ,,,,,, If this declassifying of info leads to the mole inside Russia who sent us the info that Putin was interfering in our election gets him killed because of barr and trumps big mouths ,I'll be all for the execution of them both
At this point, i would just settle for them going home.

The fake billionaire and the fake law enforcement officer....
I'm a little more violent than you I'd like to go to both their funerals

A violent liberal...what a surprise.
Cuss and fuss with no clue how to get out of mom’s basement
No impeachmemt. Just troll trump until he drops dead of a tantrum. Been saying it for years....

He loves this shit!!!!
Keep it up!
Haha, no he doesn't. He has had two grade a hissy fits in the last week.

Ya got a link besides Pelousy?
Besides public knowledge? Are you kidding? He has been a spectacle this week.

According to who?
No impeachmemt. Just troll trump until he drops dead of a tantrum. Been saying it for years....
Can't be soon enough ,,,,,, If this declassifying of info leads to the mole inside Russia who sent us the info that Putin was interfering in our election gets him killed because of barr and trumps big mouths ,I'll be all for the execution of them both
At this point, i would just settle for them going home.

The fake billionaire and the fake law enforcement officer....
I'm a little more violent than you I'd like to go to both their funerals

A violent liberal...what a surprise.
This pos you republican nitwits gave us deserves violence
Special counsel Robert Mueller found ample evidence to convict President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice. His investigation uncovered multiple attempts by the president to hamper his investigation into potential misconduct by Trump and his associates. This evidence is incredibly damning and would seem to clearly meet the requirements for an obstruction charge. As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment.

Mueller’s Report Proves Trump Obstructed Justice—and Asks Congress to Consider Impeachment

Trump supporters HATE The US Constitution; they would rather suck on Trump's tiny wing wang than to follow the law.
No impeachmemt. Just troll trump until he drops dead of a tantrum. Been saying it for years....
Can't be soon enough ,,,,,, If this declassifying of info leads to the mole inside Russia who sent us the info that Putin was interfering in our election gets him killed because of barr and trumps big mouths ,I'll be all for the execution of them both
At this point, i would just settle for them going home.

The fake billionaire and the fake law enforcement officer....
I'm a little more violent than you I'd like to go to both their funerals

A violent liberal...what a surprise.
This pos you republican nitwits gave us deserves violence

Start shootin mfr.
I'm likely ta get carpal tunnel syndrome before get a 1/4 of the way through my ammo.
But it's all good,I can shoot left handed as well.
Steny Hoyer already said 'no impeachment'; let the voters decide in 2020. :114:
Hoyer is an idiot for saying that about a redacted report. Has he seen the un-redacted?

and Trump prayed to Jesus; I mean Satan ............
Is it at all possible someone could read the Mueller report and NOT think Trump is guilty? You know, like reading the Koran and thinking its possible the King James Bible has merit? After Mueller appears before Nadler, we ought to hear new and more interesting information.
At this point, i would just settle for them going home.

The fake billionaire and the fake law enforcement officer....

I know you wish they would all go home rather than carry on with the investigation now focused on how the hoax started. We know there is no fault on the part President Donald J. Trump or the Republicans as is shown in the Mueller report. So now the investigation will focus on Democrats. This will be very interesting.
Mueller does not want to appear because he does not want to answer why he wrote a rambling college like thesis and left the final work up to Barr. Since Mueller did not complete his assigned task, his boss did.
Works like me that every single day in this country.
Special counsel Robert Mueller found ample evidence to convict President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice. His investigation uncovered multiple attempts by the president to hamper his investigation into potential misconduct by Trump and his associates. This evidence is incredibly damning and would seem to clearly meet the requirements for an obstruction charge. As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment.

Mueller’s Report Proves Trump Obstructed Justice—and Asks Congress to Consider Impeachment
That is all BS as proven, 5 weeks later, by the cowardly House Dem reluctance to go to the mats (where they will get slaughtered in the Senate). Yeah ... life is just that good. :D

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." Ask an adult in your miserable life what that means.
No impeachmemt. Just troll trump until he drops dead of a tantrum. Been saying it for years....
Can't be soon enough ,,,,,, If this declassifying of info leads to the mole inside Russia who sent us the info that Putin was interfering in our election gets him killed because of barr and trumps big mouths ,I'll be all for the execution of them both
At this point, i would just settle for them going home.

The fake billionaire and the fake law enforcement officer....
I'm a little more violent than you I'd like to go to both their funerals

A violent liberal...what a surprise.
This pos you republican nitwits gave us deserves violence
Reported to secret service. Please remain in place and you will be contacted.
No impeachmemt. Just troll trump until he drops dead of a tantrum. Been saying it for years....

He loves this shit!!!!
Keep it up!
Haha, no he doesn't. He has had two grade a hissy fits in the last week.

Ya got a link besides Pelousy?
Besides public knowledge? Are you kidding? He has been a spectacle this week.

According to who?
Ah, you think that's normal behavior. Got it.
Ah, you think that's normal behavior. Got it.

Yes, in fact, his behavior was extremely reserved.

She knew the meeting with President Donald J. Trump was later in the morning. She met with her leaders which are sharply divided. Speaker Pelosi came out of the meeting, assailed President Trump and then expected a cordial meeting.

President Trump walked into the meeting room, one office away from the Oval Office and told them that there would be no meeting. He then walked out. Later he explained what had happened to the press in the Rose garden. What is not normal for you?

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