Trump Obstructed Justice, Mueller's Report Proves It, And Asks Congress To Consider Impeachment

Special counsel Robert Mueller found ample evidence to convict President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice. His investigation uncovered multiple attempts by the president to hamper his investigation into potential misconduct by Trump and his associates. This evidence is incredibly damning and would seem to clearly meet the requirements for an obstruction charge. As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment.

Mueller’s Report Proves Trump Obstructed Justice—and Asks Congress to Consider Impeachment

LMAO Hey dummy. How do you obstruct something that didn't happen??

Grasp at straw much?? Why yes you do.
The Report is clear that the Russians attacked our election to help Trump get elected.

The Report is clear that the Trump campaign knew that

The Report is clear that Manafort (Trump Campaign Manager) shared internal RNC polling data with a Russian agent and even discussed the particular states that ended up winning the election for Trump

That's astounding...

And Trumpers keep talking about indictments. Well the fact is that "colluding" in that manner is not illegal. But it is collusion

And Trumpers keep saying "Well Impeach him" knowing full well that GOP Senators would put party over country and protect Trump just as Barr has
Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Reality is that the "experienced politicos" got their ass handed to them by a political novice and they've spent 2.5 years trying lie, entrap and cheat their way back into power. The reality is that now the novice gets to investigate the "experienced politicos" behavior and it's not going to be pretty for democrats and their pet media.

I will agree with you; to a point.

Mueller has handed off 12 investigations to other entities; all redacted.
What does that mean? That means these investigations in some way, shape, form, or fashion involve Trump.
Do you actually believe Trump will 'legally' survive ALL of those investigations?

LOFL ..........

Wow, you need to change your handle to assumptions are us. You have no fucking clue what those investigation entail, or whom they may be related to.


12 ONGOING (redacted) investigations that Mueller handed off to SDNY & to other entities & you believe they involve bubble gum & condoms?

LOFL man; get a grip. every single one of those 12 investigations involve Trump, Trump associates, or Trump finances.
Democrats can impeach Trump today.

But Pelosi wont do it. She's the only thing stopping it. Your own leader.

Are you going to just let Nancy deny you the TRUMP TREASON COLLUSION EMOLUMENTS TREASON justice you deserve?

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Reality is that the "experienced politicos" got their ass handed to them by a political novice and they've spent 2.5 years trying lie, entrap and cheat their way back into power. The reality is that now the novice gets to investigate the "experienced politicos" behavior and it's not going to be pretty for democrats and their pet media.

I will agree with you; to a point.

Mueller has handed off 12 investigations to other entities; all redacted.
What does that mean? That means these investigations in some way, shape, form, or fashion involve Trump.
Do you actually believe Trump will 'legally' survive ALL of those investigations?

LOFL ..........
There is NOTHING that says ANY of the "investigations" involve Trump any more than any of the other prosecutions did. Delude yourself if you must but quit trying to delude others.

Go read the report: the 12 additional (redacted) investigations were handed off to other entities.

Why in Hell do you think they were redacted?

Oh; that's right. You can't think.
Ummm. They were redacted because they are active investigations that haven't resulted in charges yet. Dude, are you stupid or has your disappointment blinded you to reality?

Correct, ongoing investigations with no charges, yet. Not sure what your argument since we both agree on the point.
But go ahead rant, call people names, and make your wittle accusations.
Hey dipshit...if you conspire to rob a bank and your conspirators get cold feet...have you broken the law?

Yes you have

Your analogy is false. Not surprising since it is coming another DESPERATE Progressive.

The bank was not robbed. No one suggested the bank be robbed.

However, as the opposition, you ordered the police department dispatch their entire forensics department to do an illegal search of the bank records, they illegally wiretap the bank manager, the main office and interview each and every employee along with issuing subpoenas to all the bank's customers.

I step up and say, stop this travesty and a total waste of money and resources. YOU, on the other hand, say, keep on, we might find something, someone did at some time.

But now I have a little power and after your investigation found that no one even thought of robbing the bank, I want to know who instigated the investigation, who ordered the illegal wiretaps and all the other illegal efforts.

The worm has turned! You wanted an investigation, well the Special Prosecutor is going to give you one...or a dozen!
Democrats can impeach Trump today.

But Pelosi wont do it. She's the only thing stopping it. Your own leader.

Are you going to just let Nancy deny you the TRUMP TREASON COLLUSION EMOLUMENTS TREASON justice you deserve?


The Report is clear that the Russians attacked our election to help Trump get elected.

The Report is clear that the Trump campaign knew that

The Report is clear that Manafort (Trump Campaign Manager) shared internal RNC polling data with a Russian agent and even discussed the particular states that ended up winning the election for Trump

That's astounding...

And Trumpers keep talking about indictments. Well the fact is that "colluding" in that manner is not illegal. But it is collusion

And Trumpers keep saying "Well Impeach him" knowing full well that GOP Senators would put party over country and protect Trump just as Barr has


To quote you: "And Trumpers keep saying "Well Impeach him" knowing full well that GOP Senators would put party over country and protect Trump just as Barr has."

Do you mean like what was done with former President Bill Clinton? The President who committed felony perjury?
The DOJ has a rule forbidding the indictment of a sitting President.

Mueller presented his evidence in prosecutorial way, meaning was there enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Mueller did not even try. He left it up to Congress.

Concerning Trump's indictment, when he does says "No collusion and no obstruction," that was determined two years ago.

The report does not find that Trump or his campaign aides had committed any crimes in their contacts with Russians, but it lays bare how Trump was elected with the help of a foreign power.

Trump never does his dirty work. He orders others to do it for him. Picture Trump meeting with four Russian operatives in Trump Tower. No, he sent his son, son-in-law, and campaign manager.

Although, he may not be personally involved, Trump is responsible for what his campaign did. For example, no doubt he knew that key members of his campaign (and family) were meeting four Russian operatives in his home.

Efforts by Trump to obstruct justice failed because others refused to "carry out orders."

Mueller wrote that no person — not even the President of the United States — is above the law, and that the US Constitution doesn’t “categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice.”

“The conclusion that Congress may apply obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”
The Mueller Report.

Mueller intended for Congress to decide on the issues of conspiracy and obstruction because his hands were tied by the heretofore mentioned DOJ rule.

Immediately after learning that a special counsel had been appointed to lead the Russia investigation, the report said, Trump became distraught and slumped in his chair.

“Oh, my God. This is terrible,” he said. “This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.”

Only Trump Republicans are talking about impeachment. They want Trump to be impeached so that his conviction in the Republican controlled Senate will be rejected. Democrats want to run against a crippled President in 2020, not a martyr.

The other issue is, the House decides whether of not to impeach the President, not the A.G.

Grand jury testimony and the underlying evidence in the Mueller Report can easily be reviewed by members of Congress with simple request to the appropriate court from the attorney general. Barr not only refuses to do this, but it is expected the DOJ will fight the Congressional subpoena in the courts. The court fight would take months, possibly a year or two.

Barr is supposed to be working for the American people and guarding our Constitution. He is not Trump's lawyer.

Why is it Barr is unwilling to provide the full Mueller Report to the American people's representatives in Congress?

By virtue of his bias and based on his performance so far, which includes lying to the people about the report, the answer is obvious. Barr is attempting to protect Trump.

It is anyone's guess why this proud man decided to degrade himself so badly. He is being so obvious. It is hope that Trump is paying him a lot of money. Barr is earning it. He is sacrificing his self-esteem.
The DOJ has a rule forbidding the indictment of a sitting President.

Mueller presented his evidence in prosecutorial way, meaning was there enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Mueller did not even try. He left it up to Congress.

Concerning Trump's indictment, when he does says "No collusion and no obstruction," that was determined two years ago.

The report does not find that Trump or his campaign aides had committed any crimes in their contacts with Russians, but it lays bare how Trump was elected with the help of a foreign power.

Trump never does his dirty work. He orders others to do it for him. Picture Trump meeting with four Russian operatives in Trump Tower. No, he sent his son, son-in-law, and campaign manager.

Although, he may not be personally involved, Trump is responsible for what his campaign did. For example, no doubt he knew that key members of his campaign (and family) were meeting four Russian operatives in his home.

Efforts by Trump to obstruct justice failed because others refused to "carry out orders."

Mueller wrote that no person — not even the President of the United States — is above the law, and that the US Constitution doesn’t “categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice.”

“The conclusion that Congress may apply obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”
The Mueller Report.

Mueller intended for Congress to decide on the issues of conspiracy and obstruction because his hands were tied by the heretofore mentioned DOJ rule.

Immediately after learning that a special counsel had been appointed to lead the Russia investigation, the report said, Trump became distraught and slumped in his chair.

“Oh, my God. This is terrible,” he said. “This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.”

Only Trump Republicans are talking about impeachment. They want Trump to be impeached so that his conviction in the Republican controlled Senate will be rejected. Democrats want to run against a crippled President in 2020, not a martyr.

The other issue is, the House decides whether of not to impeach the President, not the A.G.

Grand jury testimony and the underlying evidence in the Mueller Report can easily be reviewed by members of Congress with simple request to the appropriate court from the attorney general. Barr not only refuses to do this, but it is expected the DOJ will fight the Congressional subpoena in the courts. The court fight would take months, possibly a year or two.

Barr is supposed to be working for the American people and guarding our Constitution. He is not Trump's lawyer.

Why is it Barr is unwilling to provide the full Mueller Report to the American people's representatives in Congress?

By virtue of his bias and based on his performance so far, which includes lying to the people about the report, the answer is obvious. Barr is attempting to protect Trump.

It is anyone's guess why this proud man decided to degrade himself so badly. He is being so obvious. It is hope that Trump is paying him a lot of money. Barr is earning it. He is sacrificing his self-esteem.

Recalling the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, during which Trump's son, Trump's son-in-law, and Trump's campaign manager met with four Russian operatives at Trump's home, Trump Tower, to get dirt on Clinton, Mueller made this astonishing assessment.

"This meeting posed “difficult statutory and constitutional questions,” Mueller said in the report, but his office “ultimately concluded that, even if the principal legal questions were resolved favorably to the government, a prosecution would encounter difficulties proving that Campaign officials or individuals connected to the Campaign willfully violated the law.” (Emphasis on “willfully.”)"

Anyone involved in an election campaign is expected to know campaign laws. Junior, Kushner, and Manafort clearly broke them. For a Presidential election campaign to seek a benefit from a hostile foreign power is a serious violation of federal law.

Why did Mueller let them off the hook?

One can only conclude that Mueller decided they were only subordinates doing Trump's bidding. The fault and the responsibility lies with Trump, not with his underlings.
One of the funniest threads on USMB.

Isn't there a board for comedy?

My Progressive good friends are reaching sheer panic mode? The investigation they demanded has concluded and in spite of their constant lobbying and pressure, has found what President Trump, and Conservatives have said all along, NO COLLUSION.

Now, since the direction of the investigation has turned from President Trump, and COLLUSION and to who, what and how the bogus investigation was started, their new goal is to destroy and besmirch both Meuller and Barr.
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Special counsel Robert Mueller found ample evidence to convict President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice. His investigation uncovered multiple attempts by the president to hamper his investigation into potential misconduct by Trump and his associates. This evidence is incredibly damning and would seem to clearly meet the requirements for an obstruction charge. As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment.

Mueller’s Report Proves Trump Obstructed Justice—and Asks Cong
ress to Consider Impeachment
Repeated and chronic butt hurt
certainly induces a lot of seriously unhealthy pathology.
Special counsel Robert Mueller found ample evidence to convict President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice. His investigation uncovered multiple attempts by the president to hamper his investigation into potential misconduct by Trump and his associates. This evidence is incredibly damning and would seem to clearly meet the requirements for an obstruction charge. As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment.

Mueller’s Report Proves Trump Obstructed Justice—and Asks Congress to Consider Impeachment

Trump did not obstruct justice nor was he in bed with the dirty Ruskies. The Muller Report is hogwash plain and simple that even a Democrat can understand.
Nonsense. Just nonsense. You people are incredible. You swore up and down that Bill Clinton never obstructed justice, but you have a very different standard now that Trump is in office.
The DOJ has a rule forbidding the indictment of a sitting President.

Mueller presented his evidence in prosecutorial way, meaning was there enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Mueller did not even try. He left it up to Congress.

Concerning Trump's indictment, when he does says "No collusion and no obstruction," that was determined two years ago.

The report does not find that Trump or his campaign aides had committed any crimes in their contacts with Russians, but it lays bare how Trump was elected with the help of a foreign power.

Trump never does his dirty work. He orders others to do it for him. Picture Trump meeting with four Russian operatives in Trump Tower. No, he sent his son, son-in-law, and campaign manager.

Although, he may not be personally involved, Trump is responsible for what his campaign did. For example, no doubt he knew that key members of his campaign (and family) were meeting four Russian operatives in his home.

Efforts by Trump to obstruct justice failed because others refused to "carry out orders."

Mueller wrote that no person — not even the President of the United States — is above the law, and that the US Constitution doesn’t “categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice.”

“The conclusion that Congress may apply obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”
The Mueller Report.

Mueller intended for Congress to decide on the issues of conspiracy and obstruction because his hands were tied by the heretofore mentioned DOJ rule.

Immediately after learning that a special counsel had been appointed to lead the Russia investigation, the report said, Trump became distraught and slumped in his chair.

“Oh, my God. This is terrible,” he said. “This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.”

Only Trump Republicans are talking about impeachment. They want Trump to be impeached so that his conviction in the Republican controlled Senate will be rejected. Democrats want to run against a crippled President in 2020, not a martyr.

The other issue is, the House decides whether of not to impeach the President, not the A.G.

Grand jury testimony and the underlying evidence in the Mueller Report can easily be reviewed by members of Congress with simple request to the appropriate court from the attorney general. Barr not only refuses to do this, but it is expected the DOJ will fight the Congressional subpoena in the courts. The court fight would take months, possibly a year or two.

Barr is supposed to be working for the American people and guarding our Constitution. He is not Trump's lawyer.

Why is it Barr is unwilling to provide the full Mueller Report to the American people's representatives in Congress?

By virtue of his bias and based on his performance so far, which includes lying to the people about the report, the answer is obvious. Barr is attempting to protect Trump.

It is anyone's guess why this proud man decided to degrade himself so badly. He is being so obvious. It is hope that Trump is paying him a lot of money. Barr is earning it. He is sacrificing his self-esteem.

Recalling the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, during which Trump's son, Trump's son-in-law, and Trump's campaign manager met with four Russian operatives at Trump's home, Trump Tower, to get dirt on Clinton, Mueller made this astonishing assessment.

"This meeting posed “difficult statutory and constitutional questions,” Mueller said in the report, but his office “ultimately concluded that, even if the principal legal questions were resolved favorably to the government, a prosecution would encounter difficulties proving that Campaign officials or individuals connected to the Campaign willfully violated the law.” (Emphasis on “willfully.”)"

Anyone involved in an election campaign is expected to know campaign laws. Junior, Kushner, and Manafort clearly broke them. For a Presidential election campaign to seek a benefit from a hostile foreign power is a serious violation of federal law.

Why did Mueller let them off the hook?

One can only conclude that Mueller decided they were only subordinates doing Trump's bidding. The fault and the responsibility lies with Trump, not with his underlings.
Interesting questions.

Mueller seems hung up on intent. In essence he is saying that stupidity is a defense. I have always heard that ignorance of the law is no defense. Maybe that's only for some...
Nonsense. Just nonsense. You people are incredible. You swore up and down that Bill Clinton never obstructed justice, but you have a very different standard now that Trump is in office.
We did? Ummmm...I sure didn't. I said he never should have been put in the position of being asked publicly about a private sexual encounter between consenting adults
Nonsense. Just nonsense. You people are incredible. You swore up and down that Bill Clinton never obstructed justice, but you have a very different standard now that Trump is in office.
We did? Ummmm...I sure didn't. I said he never should have been put in the position of being asked publicly about a private sexual encounter between consenting adults

Uh, he was put in that "position" because he was sued for sexual harassment and therefore testified under oath, and when he testified he told several demonstrable lies, which is known as perjury. And one of the "consenting adults" was young enough to be his daughter.

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