Trump Obstructed Justice, Mueller's Report Proves It, And Asks Congress To Consider Impeachment

You really can't have obstruction if you didn't have collusion. In other words, Trump didn't do anything illegal. At most he's guilty of trying to cover-up bad and embarrassing behavior.
Steny Hoyer already said 'no impeachment'; let the voters decide in 2020. :114:

I doubt the House will impeach. The Republican controlled Senate will not convict.

Dems want to run against a crippled candidate in 2020, not a martyr.

Yes, and in fact probably the best gift the Dim controlled House could give to Trump is to try and impeached him.
Nothing shores up a candidates popularity more, than when the opposition goes after your candidate.
from my reading of the report it looks like Trump attempted to obstruct BUT there were several subordinates that Trump directed to do certain things to that end, which according to my reading nearly everyone of them refused to follow through with Trump's instructions.

I see this as attempting to obstruct; Trump clearly had the intent. The fact that most everyone Trump directed refused his orders proves that Trump was saved by his subordinate's refusals.

It also implies that Trump is an idiot but that goes without saying.

It shows that Trump IS smart enough to surround himself with smart people. That's all.

Agree. The great thing about him is that he is NOT a swamp monster....knew nothing about how Washington operates, and was set upon by a pack of seditious hyenas before he had any chance to figure out what was going on. Had people to tell him.

Fuck these socialist dumbasses.

That is what can happen when a complete political novice is thrust into the highest elected office on planet Earth.

In essence, Trump & those that elected him brought this upon Trump, the political 'know nothing.'
So you're on record as saying you wanted the same old corruption, the same old filling-my-pockets-at-taxpayer-expense, the same old screw-American-citizens-as-long-as-I-get-more-power bullshit.

No; that is not what I stated.
You don't want amateurs in government.

The pros are exactly as I described.
Man, I see that you're at the point of saying any ol' shit....

There is obviously a lot more truth in what you quoted from me than you are comfortable with; not my problem ........

Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Trump was never going to win the nomination. That was your reality.

Hillary was going to win the election. That was your reality.

Trump colluded with Russia. That was your reality.

Trump was going to crash the economy. That was your reality.

Trump was going to be impeached. That was your reality.

Trump was going to be arrested. That was your reality.

Your reality bears little resemblance to the real reality.

YOU have a LOT of 'reality' listed there but that MUST BE all of your reality, because YOUR reality aint my reality.

I voted for Gary Johnson.

You are fucking welcome ................................
Wow. You really ARE disconnected from reality.
Special counsel Robert Mueller found ample evidence to convict President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice. His investigation uncovered multiple attempts by the president to hamper his investigation into potential misconduct by Trump and his associates. This evidence is incredibly damning and would seem to clearly meet the requirements for an obstruction charge. As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment.

Mueller’s Report Proves Trump Obstructed Justice—and Asks Congress to Consider Impeachment

But he could have charged the president with collusion?


There was no crime, but Trump impeded the investigation into no crime, and should be removed from office.


Those who lied on the FISA warrant application had better buy a cup and a fucking helmet.
Special counsel Robert Mueller found ample evidence to convict President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice. His investigation uncovered multiple attempts by the president to hamper his investigation into potential misconduct by Trump and his associates. This evidence is incredibly damning and would seem to clearly meet the requirements for an obstruction charge. As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment.

Mueller’s Report Proves Trump Obstructed Justice—and Asks Congress to Consider Impeachment

Why should anyone believe the same people who have promoted hysterics claiming TRUMP colluded with Russia? Seriously your sides was claiming TRUMP was a Russian agent.
Trump and Putin didn’t collude to steal the 2016 election from HIllary, but let’s impeach him for insisting he was innocent during the investigation into the thing he didn’t do!

Fucking shit for brains Dimms. :21:
It shows that Trump IS smart enough to surround himself with smart people. That's all.

Agree. The great thing about him is that he is NOT a swamp monster....knew nothing about how Washington operates, and was set upon by a pack of seditious hyenas before he had any chance to figure out what was going on. Had people to tell him.

Fuck these socialist dumbasses.

That is what can happen when a complete political novice is thrust into the highest elected office on planet Earth.

In essence, Trump & those that elected him brought this upon Trump, the political 'know nothing.'

Man, I see that you're at the point of saying any ol' shit....

There is obviously a lot more truth in what you quoted from me than you are comfortable with; not my problem ........

Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Oh we're way past that point......
He has less cred than a crack whore.
Did anybody on the left actually read the Mueller report instead of relying on left wing blog sites? Mueller concluded that there was an attempt by the Russians to interfere with the election by filling the social media with propaganda designed to disrupt the social and political fabric. But wait a minute, isn't that what CNN and the former head of the CIA has been doing all along? Is it possible that the mainstream media and former Intelligence officers have become agents of foreign enemies while falsely accusing the President of the same thing?
Special counsel Robert Mueller found ample evidence to convict President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice. His investigation uncovered multiple attempts by the president to hamper his investigation into potential misconduct by Trump and his associates. This evidence is incredibly damning and would seem to clearly meet the requirements for an obstruction charge. As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment.

Mueller’s Report Proves Trump Obstructed Justice—and Asks Congress to Consider Impeachment

You do know there's a constitutional standard for impeachment, right? Both the AG and the AAG looked at Muellers theories and decided they were full of shit, are you saying both Rosenstein and Barr are corrupt?

So the Mueller report proves Trump obstructed Justice yet Mueller did not charge him with obstruction of justice that would seem to be a pretty major contradiction.

Agree. The great thing about him is that he is NOT a swamp monster....knew nothing about how Washington operates, and was set upon by a pack of seditious hyenas before he had any chance to figure out what was going on. Had people to tell him.

Fuck these socialist dumbasses.

That is what can happen when a complete political novice is thrust into the highest elected office on planet Earth.

In essence, Trump & those that elected him brought this upon Trump, the political 'know nothing.'

Man, I see that you're at the point of saying any ol' shit....

There is obviously a lot more truth in what you quoted from me than you are comfortable with; not my problem ........

Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Reality is that the "experienced politicos" got their ass handed to them by a political novice and they've spent 2.5 years trying lie, entrap and cheat their way back into power. The reality is that now the novice gets to investigate the "experienced politicos" behavior and it's not going to be pretty for democrats and their pet media.
That is what can happen when a complete political novice is thrust into the highest elected office on planet Earth.

In essence, Trump & those that elected him brought this upon Trump, the political 'know nothing.'

Man, I see that you're at the point of saying any ol' shit....

There is obviously a lot more truth in what you quoted from me than you are comfortable with; not my problem ........

Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Reality is that the "experienced politicos" got their ass handed to them by a political novice and they've spent 2.5 years trying lie, entrap and cheat their way back into power. The reality is that now the novice gets to investigate the "experienced politicos" behavior and it's not going to be pretty for democrats and their pet media.

I will agree with you; to a point.

Mueller has handed off 12 investigations to other entities; all redacted.
What does that mean? That means these investigations in some way, shape, form, or fashion involve Trump.
Do you actually believe Trump will 'legally' survive ALL of those investigations?

LOFL ..........
Man, I see that you're at the point of saying any ol' shit....

There is obviously a lot more truth in what you quoted from me than you are comfortable with; not my problem ........

Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Reality is that the "experienced politicos" got their ass handed to them by a political novice and they've spent 2.5 years trying lie, entrap and cheat their way back into power. The reality is that now the novice gets to investigate the "experienced politicos" behavior and it's not going to be pretty for democrats and their pet media.

I will agree with you; to a point.

Mueller has handed off 12 investigations to other entities; all redacted.
What does that mean? That means these investigations in some way, shape, form, or fashion involve Trump.
Do you actually believe Trump will 'legally' survive ALL of those investigations?

LOFL ..........
So when you go home you get to brag how you brought America down. Got it.
There is obviously a lot more truth in what you quoted from me than you are comfortable with; not my problem ........

Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Reality is that the "experienced politicos" got their ass handed to them by a political novice and they've spent 2.5 years trying lie, entrap and cheat their way back into power. The reality is that now the novice gets to investigate the "experienced politicos" behavior and it's not going to be pretty for democrats and their pet media.

I will agree with you; to a point.

Mueller has handed off 12 investigations to other entities; all redacted.
What does that mean? That means these investigations in some way, shape, form, or fashion involve Trump.
Do you actually believe Trump will 'legally' survive ALL of those investigations?

LOFL ..........
So when you go home you get to brag how you brought America down. Got it.

No; you can blame that on a con man from New York City. Some ass hole named Trump. You're welcome.
Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Reality is that the "experienced politicos" got their ass handed to them by a political novice and they've spent 2.5 years trying lie, entrap and cheat their way back into power. The reality is that now the novice gets to investigate the "experienced politicos" behavior and it's not going to be pretty for democrats and their pet media.

I will agree with you; to a point.

Mueller has handed off 12 investigations to other entities; all redacted.
What does that mean? That means these investigations in some way, shape, form, or fashion involve Trump.
Do you actually believe Trump will 'legally' survive ALL of those investigations?

LOFL ..........
So when you go home you get to brag how you brought America down. Got it.

No; you can blame that on a con man from New York City. Some ass hole named Trump. You're welcome.
A nation is not great because of the top person. It's the guy at the bottom who goes around calling other people "bitch." Got it.
So the Mueller report proves Trump obstructed Justice yet Mueller did not charge him with obstruction of justice that would seem to be a pretty major contradiction.
Your continued lying is useless. If Mueller 'had the goods' on Trump he would have indicted him. He did not.

The 1st part if the report made it clear no collusion, no obstruction. The 2nd part was like Cohen's 2nd perjurous testimony before Congress - zero evidence of crime or collusion followed by butt-hurt whining, bitching, insults, and wasted useless BS.
Man, I see that you're at the point of saying any ol' shit....

There is obviously a lot more truth in what you quoted from me than you are comfortable with; not my problem ........

Stop, C-Kid, stop; before you make a complete ignoramus of yourself.

Anyone interested in politics at the POTUS level, which I am one of those, would have to ask themselves at least the following.
(1) Why did Trump surround himself & his campaign with people that had previous histories connected to Russians & Russian assets?
(2) Once the SC investigation was under way, why did Trump make multiple requests to subordinates to 'obstruct' the process of the investigation?

Both of these are failures of a political novice, Trump. Now, you may not like that but the facts are facts & both of the above DID happen.

Laugh all you like but an experienced politico would most likely NOT have made such mistakes.

Still don't like it? It's called reality. Still not my problem.
Reality is that the "experienced politicos" got their ass handed to them by a political novice and they've spent 2.5 years trying lie, entrap and cheat their way back into power. The reality is that now the novice gets to investigate the "experienced politicos" behavior and it's not going to be pretty for democrats and their pet media.

I will agree with you; to a point.

Mueller has handed off 12 investigations to other entities; all redacted.
What does that mean? That means these investigations in some way, shape, form, or fashion involve Trump.
Do you actually believe Trump will 'legally' survive ALL of those investigations?

LOFL ..........
There is NOTHING that says ANY of the "investigations" involve Trump any more than any of the other prosecutions did. Delude yourself if you must but quit trying to delude others.

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