Trump offers 'large sums' for exclusive access to coronavirus vaccine

Trump offers 'large sums' for exclusive access to coronavirus vaccine

The Trump administration has offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive access to a Covid-19 vaccine, German media have reported.

The German government is trying to fight off what it sees as an aggressive takeover bid by the US, the broadsheet Die Welt reports, citing German government circles.

The US president had offered the Tübingen-based biopharmaceutical company CureVac “large sums of money” to gain exclusive access to their work, wrote Die Welt.

What a stain this man is. He shames his country.
The Guardian....... Anonymous sources say......... And Tommy takes it as gospel........ :rofl:
They are reporting Die Welt. Its in the rabid right wing Daily Mail as well. the orange shit isnt denying it and neither are the German government.

You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Trump has at least 5 biotech companies capable of vaccine production here in the US. I very much doubt this bull shit in the guardian. It goes against everything Trump stands for.

These nine companies are working on coronavirus treatments or vaccines — here’s where things stand

I don't know about that. His first responsibility is to seek the interests of the American people, ahead of those of other nations. If he thinks a foreign company might beat any of ours to producing a viable COVID-19 vaccination, then it'd be entirely in line with his duties, and with his past behavior, to try to make sure that Americans get a first crack and benefiting from it.

Tainted Tommy doesn't have anyone in his government that cares as much about his interests as President Trump cares about ours. Most times, he seems to be OK with that, especially when they betray him in order to pander to foreign savages invading his nation and bringing waves of crime and violence with them.

Yes but not ONLY for the American peoples, we have a need for a vaccine more than you do at this time if you notice what is happening in Italy and Spain, we have to put our OWN first our OWN being fellow Europeans.
Trump offers 'large sums' for exclusive access to coronavirus vaccine

The Trump administration has offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive access to a Covid-19 vaccine, German media have reported.

The German government is trying to fight off what it sees as an aggressive takeover bid by the US, the broadsheet Die Welt reports, citing German government circles.

The US president had offered the Tübingen-based biopharmaceutical company CureVac “large sums of money” to gain exclusive access to their work, wrote Die Welt.

What a stain this man is. He shames his country.
The Guardian....... Anonymous sources say......... And Tommy takes it as gospel........ :rofl:
They are reporting Die Welt. Its in the rabid right wing Daily Mail as well. the orange shit isnt denying it and neither are the German government.

You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.
Trump has at least 5 biotech companies capable of vaccine production here in the US. I very much doubt this bull shit in the guardian. It goes against everything Trump stands for.

These nine companies are working on coronavirus treatments or vaccines — here’s where things stand

I don't know about that. His first responsibility is to seek the interests of the American people, ahead of those of other nations. If he thinks a foreign company might beat any of ours to producing a viable COVID-19 vaccination, then it'd be entirely in line with his duties, and with his past behavior, to try to make sure that Americans get a first crack and benefiting from it.

Tainted Tommy doesn't have anyone in his government that cares as much about his interests as President Trump cares about ours. Most times, he seems to be OK with that, especially when they betray him in order to pander to foreign savages invading his nation and bringing waves of crime and violence with them.

Yes but not ONLY for the American peoples, we have a need for a vaccine more than you do at this time if you notice what is happening in Italy and Spain, we have to put our OWN first our OWN being fellow Europeans.
They seem to have no shame about this. Selfish in the extreme.
Trump offers 'large sums' for exclusive access to coronavirus vaccine

The Trump administration has offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive access to a Covid-19 vaccine, German media have reported.

The German government is trying to fight off what it sees as an aggressive takeover bid by the US, the broadsheet Die Welt reports, citing German government circles.

The US president had offered the Tübingen-based biopharmaceutical company CureVac “large sums of money” to gain exclusive access to their work, wrote Die Welt.

What a stain this man is. He shames his country.
Trump offers 'large sums' for exclusive access to coronavirus vaccine

The Trump administration has offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive access to a Covid-19 vaccine, German media have reported.

The German government is trying to fight off what it sees as an aggressive takeover bid by the US, the broadsheet Die Welt reports, citing German government circles.

The US president had offered the Tübingen-based biopharmaceutical company CureVac “large sums of money” to gain exclusive access to their work, wrote Die Welt.

What a stain this man is. He shames his country.
The Guardian....... Anonymous sources say......... And Tommy takes it as gospel........ :rofl:
They are reporting Die Welt. Its in the rabid right wing Daily Mail as well. the orange shit isnt denying it and neither are the German government.

You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
Trump has at least 5 biotech companies capable of vaccine production here in the US. I very much doubt this bull shit in the guardian. It goes against everything Trump stands for.

These nine companies are working on coronavirus treatments or vaccines — here’s where things stand

I don't know about that. His first responsibility is to seek the interests of the American people, ahead of those of other nations. If he thinks a foreign company might beat any of ours to producing a viable COVID-19 vaccination, then it'd be entirely in line with his duties, and with his past behavior, to try to make sure that Americans get a first crack and benefiting from it.

Tainted Tommy doesn't have anyone in his government that cares as much about his interests as President Trump cares about ours. Most times, he seems to be OK with that, especially when they betray him in order to pander to foreign savages invading his nation and bringing waves of crime and violence with them.

Yes but not ONLY for the American peoples, we have a need for a vaccine more than you do at this time if you notice what is happening in Italy and Spain, we have to put our OWN first our OWN being fellow Europeans.
They seem to have no shame about this. Selfish in the extreme.

This Continent if we develop a vaccine, we give it to our OWN first, our OWN come first and we will be giving it to our OWN who are vulnerable free, we will not be charging them moneys, you should NOT put a price on peoples health in these situations. Tommy we are ALL Europeans and we WILL get through this crisis.
Trump offers 'large sums' for exclusive access to coronavirus vaccine

The Trump administration has offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive access to a Covid-19 vaccine, German media have reported.

The German government is trying to fight off what it sees as an aggressive takeover bid by the US, the broadsheet Die Welt reports, citing German government circles.

The US president had offered the Tübingen-based biopharmaceutical company CureVac “large sums of money” to gain exclusive access to their work, wrote Die Welt.

What a stain this man is. He shames his country.
The Guardian....... Anonymous sources say......... And Tommy takes it as gospel........ :rofl:
They are reporting Die Welt. Its in the rabid right wing Daily Mail as well. the orange shit isnt denying it and neither are the German government.

You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.
The Guardian....... Anonymous sources say......... And Tommy takes it as gospel........ :rofl:
They are reporting Die Welt. Its in the rabid right wing Daily Mail as well. the orange shit isnt denying it and neither are the German government.

You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.

I think it is in our DNA to be structured and ordered, we seem to respond in an automatic way to a crisis. We also respect authority and I think because of this we are to have minimal trouble with peoples not obeying orders.

You have not shut schools or concerts? This is madness, you should not have public gatherings more than 5-10 peoples, I know the football is not getting played and other sports events.

I have been reading that you have 2.3 beds per 1000 peoples in your NHS hospitals and only 5,000 ventilators this if you do the Herd Immunity could result in a terrible situation, not enough beds not enough ventilators. You might have to take over private hospitals to get the beds and ventilators. You are not even testing in great numbers and so you have no idea how many peoples are already infected but showing no symptoms and now it is said that Boris and Co are going to tell all peoples aged 70 years in age and over to self-isolate in their houses for up to FOUR MONTHS, to not go out at ALL and to get food and medicines delivered. How is this possible, how can you tell all 70 years in age and over to stay in the house for FOUR MONTHS. These are very vulnerable and some might not have any family, you can not isolate them from the outside world, this will cause depression and perhaps make them sick, it is very heartless and cruel to do this.

We have a respect for our older peoples, to think that Britain thinks it okay to treat their older peoples in such a disrespectful way is shocking.
Trump has at least 5 biotech companies capable of vaccine production here in the US. I very much doubt this bull shit in the guardian. It goes against everything Trump stands for.

These nine companies are working on coronavirus treatments or vaccines — here’s where things stand

I don't know about that. His first responsibility is to seek the interests of the American people, ahead of those of other nations. If he thinks a foreign company might beat any of ours to producing a viable COVID-19 vaccination, then it'd be entirely in line with his duties, and with his past behavior, to try to make sure that Americans get a first crack and benefiting from it.

Tainted Tommy doesn't have anyone in his government that cares as much about his interests as President Trump cares about ours. Most times, he seems to be OK with that, especially when they betray him in order to pander to foreign savages invading his nation and bringing waves of crime and violence with them.

Yes but not ONLY for the American peoples, we have a need for a vaccine more than you do at this time if you notice what is happening in Italy and Spain, we have to put our OWN first our OWN being fellow Europeans.
They seem to have no shame about this. Selfish in the extreme.

I think what we are seeing is the fundamental difference between Americans and Europeans, we do have many things in common but we also have very different philosophy about many things.
The Guardian....... Anonymous sources say......... And Tommy takes it as gospel........ :rofl:
They are reporting Die Welt. Its in the rabid right wing Daily Mail as well. the orange shit isnt denying it and neither are the German government.

You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.

Boris ignoring the WHO advice also, the WHO advice is the type of things we have been doing for weeks already:


Boris instead of doing what we all are doing decides to be the ONLY nation on this Continent to decide the INSANITY of adopting a Herd Immunity approach when there is NOT a vaccine yet. This is almost CRIMINAL to play games with peoples lives like he is doing.
They are reporting Die Welt. Its in the rabid right wing Daily Mail as well. the orange shit isnt denying it and neither are the German government.

You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.

Boris ignoring the WHO advice also, the WHO advice is the type of things we have been doing for weeks already:

View attachment 312794

Boris instead of doing what we all are doing decides to be the ONLY nation on this Continent to decide the INSANITY of adopting a Herd Immunity approach when there is NOT a vaccine yet. This is almost CRIMINAL to play games with peoples lives like he is doing.
Welfare of the people is not his first priority.

Meanwhile our German friends are still outraged.
Trump ‘attempt to monopolise vaccine for US’ rebuked by German drug firm chief

Dietmar Hopp would be considered a commie in the amoral US.
You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.

Boris ignoring the WHO advice also, the WHO advice is the type of things we have been doing for weeks already:

View attachment 312794

Boris instead of doing what we all are doing decides to be the ONLY nation on this Continent to decide the INSANITY of adopting a Herd Immunity approach when there is NOT a vaccine yet. This is almost CRIMINAL to play games with peoples lives like he is doing.
Welfare of the people is not his first priority.

Meanwhile our German friends are still outraged.
Trump ‘attempt to monopolise vaccine for US’ rebuked by German drug firm chief

Dietmar Hopp would be considered a commie in the amoral US.

We are beginning with the Chartered Flights to get approx 47,000 of our peoples out of the UK and France and Spain and to bring them home. The first of these flights will occur very near, I can not say exact when they are to arrive as that would violate Government Protocol. What will happen is this, when the flights arrive, The Ministry of Interior and The Ministry of Health will be there meet the flights, all peoples getting off the flights will then be immediately tested for COVID-19 they will be ordered to self-isolate for 24 hours initial this until all test results have been completed. Those who test negative will then be informed of this but will then be told to follow the same orders that we have in place in general. Any who test positive will be taken to one of our quarantine facilities.

On our estimates IF the UK does NOT take serious measures we think that in approx 3 weeks they could have the same situation as Italy and Spain, the only reason Italy and Spain has such a terrible situation is that they did NOT put serious measures in place fast enough, they waited for more than 2 weeks and this is why COVID-19 exploded in those nations. The UK is making the mistake they are going to regret. Now unlike the UK, Spain now is in total lockdown.

There is nothing wrong with Dietmar Hopp he is a very successful businessman and has given success to Hoffenheim, I think many are just jealous of him. He also could be responsible for the eventual vaccine for COVID-19, he is the major investor in CureVac, they think they will have the vaccine tested and ready to be given to the public in approx August 2020.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.

Boris ignoring the WHO advice also, the WHO advice is the type of things we have been doing for weeks already:

View attachment 312794

Boris instead of doing what we all are doing decides to be the ONLY nation on this Continent to decide the INSANITY of adopting a Herd Immunity approach when there is NOT a vaccine yet. This is almost CRIMINAL to play games with peoples lives like he is doing.
Welfare of the people is not his first priority.

Meanwhile our German friends are still outraged.
Trump ‘attempt to monopolise vaccine for US’ rebuked by German drug firm chief

Dietmar Hopp would be considered a commie in the amoral US.

We are beginning with the Chartered Flights to get approx 47,000 of our peoples out of the UK and France and Spain and to bring them home. The first of these flights will occur very near, I can not say exact when they are to arrive as that would violate Government Protocol. What will happen is this, when the flights arrive, The Ministry of Interior and The Ministry of Health will be there meet the flights, all peoples getting off the flights will then be immediately tested for COVID-19 they will be ordered to self-isolate for 24 hours initial this until all test results have been completed. Those who test negative will then be informed of this but will then be told to follow the same orders that we have in place in general. Any who test positive will be taken to one of our quarantine facilities.

On our estimates IF the UK does NOT take serious measures we think that in approx 3 weeks they could have the same situation as Italy and Spain, the only reason Italy and Spain has such a terrible situation is that they did NOT put serious measures in place fast enough, they waited for more than 2 weeks and this is why COVID-19 exploded in those nations. The UK is making the mistake they are going to regret. Now unlike the UK, Spain now is in total lockdown.

There is nothing wrong with Dietmar Hopp he is a very successful businessman and has given success to Hoffenheim, I think many are just jealous of him. He also could be responsible for the eventual vaccine for COVID-19, he is the major investor in CureVac, they think they will have the vaccine tested and ready to be given to the public in approx August 2020.
There is a great deal of confusion. Dont go to the pub but the kids can go to school. All criminal trials have been suspended and non critical operations canceled. The government advice is contradictory and confusing, primarily because they do not see it as a health issue but a political issue.
Oh, the irony........A team of researchers in Australia say they’ve found a cure for coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month. Scientists from the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research, tested drugs normally used to treat HIV and malaria to fight off the infection.

Coronavirus cure: Australian researchers claim to have found CURE for deadly virus

Maybe the German company should have taken Trump's money and ran.

Fuck that. Fuck trials.

We are all ready to go NOW. We have had last week 6 volunteers with COVID-19, we gave them Chloroquine (Resochin) which is a very old Anti-Malaria vaccine that also has Anti-Viral effects and that was developed by Bayer in the 1930s and is still OWNED by Bayer and all 6 of these volunteers are now 100% free of COVID-19. It is VERY cheap to produce also. And Bayer is a very old German company.

The other two drugs that experiments show have some effect with COVID-19 are one is Remdesivir which is an experimental drug that has been used for Ebola and another is Lopinavir/ritonavir which is a drug that is used to treat HIV, these other drugs also are more expensive than Chloroquine to produce and they also would need trials and all that takes to long.

Let's go with Chloroquine NOW! Let's Go Bayer!
They are reporting Die Welt. Its in the rabid right wing Daily Mail as well. the orange shit isnt denying it and neither are the German government.

You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.

Boris ignoring the WHO advice also, the WHO advice is the type of things we have been doing for weeks already:

View attachment 312794

Boris instead of doing what we all are doing decides to be the ONLY nation on this Continent to decide the INSANITY of adopting a Herd Immunity approach when there is NOT a vaccine yet. This is almost CRIMINAL to play games with peoples lives like he is doing.

As of now the time 8.07PM our COVID-19 situation is:

Total Cases 2.013, New Cases 367, Total Deaths, 6, New Deaths 2, Total Recovered 9 (6 include the ones I mention in my post # 57 that we gave Chloroquine (Resochin) to) Active Cases 1.998, Serious/Critical 12.

The Total Deaths 6 I add that 4 of those dead are Turkish and 6 of the Serious/Critical 12 they also are Turkish.

So the reason why we have New Cases, this NOT because more get infected ie. spreading the COVID-19, the reason is because we are doing mass testing, it is with this mass testing that we are finding WHO has COVID-19 and when we get them we isolate and contain them this to prevent spreading. This is why it is CRUCIAL that nations to be doing mass testing as without you do NOT know who has it and if you do NOT know who has it you can not isolate and contain it.
The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.

Boris ignoring the WHO advice also, the WHO advice is the type of things we have been doing for weeks already:

View attachment 312794

Boris instead of doing what we all are doing decides to be the ONLY nation on this Continent to decide the INSANITY of adopting a Herd Immunity approach when there is NOT a vaccine yet. This is almost CRIMINAL to play games with peoples lives like he is doing.
Welfare of the people is not his first priority.

Meanwhile our German friends are still outraged.
Trump ‘attempt to monopolise vaccine for US’ rebuked by German drug firm chief

Dietmar Hopp would be considered a commie in the amoral US.

We are beginning with the Chartered Flights to get approx 47,000 of our peoples out of the UK and France and Spain and to bring them home. The first of these flights will occur very near, I can not say exact when they are to arrive as that would violate Government Protocol. What will happen is this, when the flights arrive, The Ministry of Interior and The Ministry of Health will be there meet the flights, all peoples getting off the flights will then be immediately tested for COVID-19 they will be ordered to self-isolate for 24 hours initial this until all test results have been completed. Those who test negative will then be informed of this but will then be told to follow the same orders that we have in place in general. Any who test positive will be taken to one of our quarantine facilities.

On our estimates IF the UK does NOT take serious measures we think that in approx 3 weeks they could have the same situation as Italy and Spain, the only reason Italy and Spain has such a terrible situation is that they did NOT put serious measures in place fast enough, they waited for more than 2 weeks and this is why COVID-19 exploded in those nations. The UK is making the mistake they are going to regret. Now unlike the UK, Spain now is in total lockdown.

There is nothing wrong with Dietmar Hopp he is a very successful businessman and has given success to Hoffenheim, I think many are just jealous of him. He also could be responsible for the eventual vaccine for COVID-19, he is the major investor in CureVac, they think they will have the vaccine tested and ready to be given to the public in approx August 2020.
There is a great deal of confusion. Dont go to the pub but the kids can go to school. All criminal trials have been suspended and non critical operations canceled. The government advice is contradictory and confusing, primarily because they do not see it as a health issue but a political issue.

The schools in Britain now closing yes?
You and your family take care Tommy during this time, COVID-19 knows no politics and we are all mortal. Unfortunately your Government is very wrong, they are having no measures only wash your hands, don't cough in public etc this is very stupid, we are shocked in my nation about how non-approach to taking measures Boris Johnson and his Government is, we think you are going to have an explosion that your NHS will not be able to cope with beds, ventilators etc shocking and playing a dangerous games with peoples lives.
Herd immunity is the thing over here. It is going to be grim after a decade of closing down the NHS. Apparently 10k nurses have left the UK since brexit.
Its good that Germany is standing up for humanity.

The Herd Immunity is very dangerous when there is no vaccine yet. This is madness from Boris, WTF is he thinking. Not sure about Merkel it takes nearly 5,000 infected and many dead before she even agrees to shut border with us. WE have been on this from day one, we shut our border with Italy we got 206 of our peoples out of Italy on a Chartered Flight, we have mass texted our peoples in the UK telling them we consider UK a danger and for them to return home ASAP, we have shut all cinemas, theatres, and sports stadiums and bars and restaurants, all we have open is food stores and for medicines and banks and have now ordered that no public gathering of more than 5 peoples and that nobody to go out unless for food.

We have been working 24/7 on this, I work in our Ministry of Interior and we consider this our duty to protect the peoples, it was CRUCIAL to close the border with Italy and to ban all flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy and now ban all flights from France, Spain, UK this is why we have not massive amount of infected and dead like our friends across the border in Italy who have 24,747 Total Cases, 1,809 Deaths, 20,603 Active Cases, 1,672 in Critical Condition. Our situation is 1,108 Active Cases, 3 Deaths, 1,007 Active Cases and 12 in Critical Condition.

We are taking this VERY seriously and it is shocking that the UK Government is not.
It sounds a lot more structured than over here. Actions have been taken in spite of the government and there is a lack of any leadership.My wife works in a local hospital that is 100% elective surgery. They are waiting to cancal all ops so that their beds can be used for corona victims .her friend nurses at a private hospital and all patients booked in have been told that they may get cancelled at short notice.My own operation follow up is pending the outbreak. But kids are still going to school and concerts are still taking place.
Our Prime Minister has told us we will lose "loved ones". Happy days.

Boris ignoring the WHO advice also, the WHO advice is the type of things we have been doing for weeks already:

View attachment 312794

Boris instead of doing what we all are doing decides to be the ONLY nation on this Continent to decide the INSANITY of adopting a Herd Immunity approach when there is NOT a vaccine yet. This is almost CRIMINAL to play games with peoples lives like he is doing.

As of now the time 8.07PM our COVID-19 situation is:

Total Cases 2.013, New Cases 367, Total Deaths, 6, New Deaths 2, Total Recovered 9 (6 include the ones I mention in my post # 57 that we gave Chloroquine (Resochin) to) Active Cases 1.998, Serious/Critical 12.

The Total Deaths 6 I add that 4 of those dead are Turkish and 6 of the Serious/Critical 12 they also are Turkish.

So the reason why we have New Cases, this NOT because more get infected ie. spreading the COVID-19, the reason is because we are doing mass testing, it is with this mass testing that we are finding WHO has COVID-19 and when we get them we isolate and contain them this to prevent spreading. This is why it is CRUCIAL that nations to be doing mass testing as without you do NOT know who has it and if you do NOT know who has it you can not isolate and contain it.
We are not mass testing and our pubs and clubs were packed for St Patricks Day this week. My wife works in the NHS and she has been given conflicting advice on two separate occasions this week. My son starts a new job next week and has been told to turn up for a weeks induction to be followed by 3 months of working from home. His employers are making it up themselves because there is no leadership.

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