Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Cuccinelli made the comment and was relating the poem to the current situation. So these excuses are all massive fails. The laws excluded non whites from immigrating here for more than a century.
And they should be now too, or at least those from non-white countries (aka shitholes)

A few exception could be made (ON MERIT) - those bringing large amounts of capital, to open businesses and create jobs (FOR AMERICANS). and those bringing something of value to America, (great musicians, scientists, etc )
Yes, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" that was 60 years ago and apply more so today.
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
Liberty Enlightening the World is the actual name of the statue
She is standing guard over our shores

The poem was not part of her origins
nor has nothing to do with her significance

the Statue of Liberty has become a symbol of the possibilities of immigration immigration, but Americans at the dedication ceremony weren’t much concerned with welcoming the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and neither were her creators.

The idea for the statue came out of an 1865 dinner party near the palace of Versailles. The guests, mostly intellectuals and artists, weren’t fond of the current French government, a repressive regime headed by Emperor Napoleon III. They wanted to find some way to celebrate the liberal values important to them, values like individual rights and freedom of expression.

Those principles weren’t doing that well in France, but they did seem to be flourishing in the United States, which had just abolished slavery. And so, the dinner guests dreamed up a grand gesture that would help connect France to the American story of expanding freedoms, a statue of liberty lifting a torch and crushing a broken chain beneath her feet. It would be a gift from French citizens to the US, representing Franco-American friendship, the expansion of liberties in both countries, and the hope for world peace. But one thing it wouldn’t represent was immigration, says Peter Skerry, a political scientist at Boston College.“The notion of the United States as a refuge or a goal for migrants wasn’t part of what the French liberals had in mind at all.”


The Mother of Exiles
Cuccinelli made the comment and was relating the poem to the current situation. So these excuses are all massive fails. The laws excluded non whites from immigrating here for more than a century.
And they should be now too, or at least those from non-white countries (aka shitholes)

A few exception could be made (ON MERIT) - those bringing large amounts of capital, to open businesses and create jobs (FOR AMERICANS). and those bringing something of value to America, (great musicians, scientists, etc )
Yes, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" that was 60 years ago and apply more so today.

The thing is that many of the people like those who populate this forum descend from people who came here with nothing and without the government would never have made it.
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
Liberty Enlightening the World is the actual name of the statue
She is standing guard over our shores

The poem was not part of her origins
nor has nothing to do with her significance

the Statue of Liberty has become a symbol of the possibilities of immigration immigration, but Americans at the dedication ceremony weren’t much concerned with welcoming the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and neither were her creators.

The idea for the statue came out of an 1865 dinner party near the palace of Versailles. The guests, mostly intellectuals and artists, weren’t fond of the current French government, a repressive regime headed by Emperor Napoleon III. They wanted to find some way to celebrate the liberal values important to them, values like individual rights and freedom of expression.

Those principles weren’t doing that well in France, but they did seem to be flourishing in the United States, which had just abolished slavery. And so, the dinner guests dreamed up a grand gesture that would help connect France to the American story of expanding freedoms, a statue of liberty lifting a torch and crushing a broken chain beneath her feet. It would be a gift from French citizens to the US, representing Franco-American friendship, the expansion of liberties in both countries, and the hope for world peace. But one thing it wouldn’t represent was immigration, says Peter Skerry, a political scientist at Boston College.“The notion of the United States as a refuge or a goal for migrants wasn’t part of what the French liberals had in mind at all.”


The Mother of Exiles


You descend from people who disturbed the peace and dethroned the laws of 500 nations.
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
Liberty Enlightening the World is the actual name of the statue
She is standing guard over our shores

The poem was not part of her origins
nor has nothing to do with her significance

the Statue of Liberty has become a symbol of the possibilities of immigration immigration, but Americans at the dedication ceremony weren’t much concerned with welcoming the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and neither were her creators.

The idea for the statue came out of an 1865 dinner party near the palace of Versailles. The guests, mostly intellectuals and artists, weren’t fond of the current French government, a repressive regime headed by Emperor Napoleon III. They wanted to find some way to celebrate the liberal values important to them, values like individual rights and freedom of expression.

Those principles weren’t doing that well in France, but they did seem to be flourishing in the United States, which had just abolished slavery. And so, the dinner guests dreamed up a grand gesture that would help connect France to the American story of expanding freedoms, a statue of liberty lifting a torch and crushing a broken chain beneath her feet. It would be a gift from French citizens to the US, representing Franco-American friendship, the expansion of liberties in both countries, and the hope for world peace. But one thing it wouldn’t represent was immigration, says Peter Skerry, a political scientist at Boston College.“The notion of the United States as a refuge or a goal for migrants wasn’t part of what the French liberals had in mind at all.”


The Mother of Exiles


You descend from people who disturbed the peace and dethroned the laws of 500 nations.

In other words...Total fucking badasses set to conquer?
Cuccinelli made the comment and was relating the poem to the current situation. So these excuses are all massive fails. The laws excluded non whites from immigrating here for more than a century.
why do you give a shit about the color of the immigrants coming in today ???and for that matter why do you care about the color of immigrants 100 yrs ago ?
Cuccinelli made the comment and was relating the poem to the current situation. So these excuses are all massive fails. The laws excluded non whites from immigrating here for more than a century.

In hindsight, weren’t those laws justified?
Weird that the old timers knew exactly what dark folks would do to this nation and here we sit still pretending they were wrong....haha...fucking weird.
Cuccinelli made the comment and was relating the poem to the current situation. So these excuses are all massive fails. The laws excluded non whites from immigrating here for more than a century.
And they should be now too, or at least those from non-white countries (aka shitholes)

A few exception could be made (ON MERIT) - those bringing large amounts of capital, to open businesses and create jobs (FOR AMERICANS). and those bringing something of value to America, (great musicians, scientists, etc )
Yes, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" that was 60 years ago and apply more so today.

The thing is that many of the people like those who populate this forum descend from people who came here with nothing and without the government would never have made it.
and that goes double for you !!
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
Liberty Enlightening the World is the actual name of the statue
She is standing guard over our shores

The poem was not part of her origins
nor has nothing to do with her significance

the Statue of Liberty has become a symbol of the possibilities of immigration immigration, but Americans at the dedication ceremony weren’t much concerned with welcoming the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and neither were her creators.

The idea for the statue came out of an 1865 dinner party near the palace of Versailles. The guests, mostly intellectuals and artists, weren’t fond of the current French government, a repressive regime headed by Emperor Napoleon III. They wanted to find some way to celebrate the liberal values important to them, values like individual rights and freedom of expression.

Those principles weren’t doing that well in France, but they did seem to be flourishing in the United States, which had just abolished slavery. And so, the dinner guests dreamed up a grand gesture that would help connect France to the American story of expanding freedoms, a statue of liberty lifting a torch and crushing a broken chain beneath her feet. It would be a gift from French citizens to the US, representing Franco-American friendship, the expansion of liberties in both countries, and the hope for world peace. But one thing it wouldn’t represent was immigration, says Peter Skerry, a political scientist at Boston College.“The notion of the United States as a refuge or a goal for migrants wasn’t part of what the French liberals had in mind at all.”


The Mother of Exiles


You descend from people who disturbed the peace and dethroned the laws of 500 nations.
peace ???in Africa???? laws ???in Africa ???? Africa was a violent cannibalistic shithole stuck in the stone age when whites 1st landed there !! and thats a fact !! you see IM2 the most precious possession of people like you is your victimhood !! you clutch it and embrace it with true love !! you love your victimhood so much that if you could go back in time to change history and prevent your ancestors from becoming slaves you would not do it ! because you need the history of slavery !!! you cling to it !! and last but not least deep down inside you are glad you were born in this country instead of the shithole your ancestors were born in !you just bitch and complain because you want more free stuff !
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
Liberty Enlightening the World is the actual name of the statue
She is standing guard over our shores

The poem was not part of her origins
nor has nothing to do with her significance

the Statue of Liberty has become a symbol of the possibilities of immigration immigration, but Americans at the dedication ceremony weren’t much concerned with welcoming the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and neither were her creators.

The idea for the statue came out of an 1865 dinner party near the palace of Versailles. The guests, mostly intellectuals and artists, weren’t fond of the current French government, a repressive regime headed by Emperor Napoleon III. They wanted to find some way to celebrate the liberal values important to them, values like individual rights and freedom of expression.

Those principles weren’t doing that well in France, but they did seem to be flourishing in the United States, which had just abolished slavery. And so, the dinner guests dreamed up a grand gesture that would help connect France to the American story of expanding freedoms, a statue of liberty lifting a torch and crushing a broken chain beneath her feet. It would be a gift from French citizens to the US, representing Franco-American friendship, the expansion of liberties in both countries, and the hope for world peace. But one thing it wouldn’t represent was immigration, says Peter Skerry, a political scientist at Boston College.“The notion of the United States as a refuge or a goal for migrants wasn’t part of what the French liberals had in mind at all.”


The Mother of Exiles


You descend from people who disturbed the peace and dethroned the laws of 500 nations.
peace ???in Africa???? laws ???in Africa ???? Africa was a violent cannibalistic shithole stuck in the stone age when whites 1st landed there !! and thats a fact !! you see IM2 the most precious possession of people like you is your victimhood !! you clutch it and embrace it with true love !! you love your victimhood so much that if you could go back in time to change history and prevent your ancestors from becoming slaves you would not do it ! because you need the history of slavery !!! you cling to it !! and last but not least deep down inside you are glad you were born in this country instead of the shithole your ancestors were born in !you just bitch and complain because you want more free stuff !
He’s talking about Native Indians
no reply ??are you off crying to the mo
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
Liberty Enlightening the World is the actual name of the statue
She is standing guard over our shores

The poem was not part of her origins
nor has nothing to do with her significance

the Statue of Liberty has become a symbol of the possibilities of immigration immigration, but Americans at the dedication ceremony weren’t much concerned with welcoming the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and neither were her creators.

The idea for the statue came out of an 1865 dinner party near the palace of Versailles. The guests, mostly intellectuals and artists, weren’t fond of the current French government, a repressive regime headed by Emperor Napoleon III. They wanted to find some way to celebrate the liberal values important to them, values like individual rights and freedom of expression.

Those principles weren’t doing that well in France, but they did seem to be flourishing in the United States, which had just abolished slavery. And so, the dinner guests dreamed up a grand gesture that would help connect France to the American story of expanding freedoms, a statue of liberty lifting a torch and crushing a broken chain beneath her feet. It would be a gift from French citizens to the US, representing Franco-American friendship, the expansion of liberties in both countries, and the hope for world peace. But one thing it wouldn’t represent was immigration, says Peter Skerry, a political scientist at Boston College.“The notion of the United States as a refuge or a goal for migrants wasn’t part of what the French liberals had in mind at all.”


The Mother of Exiles


You descend from people who disturbed the peace and dethroned the laws of 500 nations.
peace ???in Africa???? laws ???in Africa ???? Africa was a violent cannibalistic shithole stuck in the stone age when whites 1st landed there !! and thats a fact !! you see IM2 the most precious possession of people like you is your victimhood !! you clutch it and embrace it with true love !! you love your victimhood so much that if you could go back in time to change history and prevent your ancestors from becoming slaves you would not do it ! because you need the history of slavery !!! you cling to it !! and last but not least deep down inside you are glad you were born in this country instead of the shithole your ancestors were born in !you just bitch and complain because you want more free stuff !
He’s talking about Native Indians
it doesnt matter ... hes talking about immigrants and the color of their skin!! his ancestors attacked and slaughtered weaker tribes and enslaved them !! the point is he claims whites are evil !! all whites !! he does it over and over !!my mother is white,my sister is white ,my grandmother is white !! they are not evil !! they dont owe anyone anything because of the color of their skin !and yes i am well aware of what he is talking about and yes indians were done wrong i read the earlier posts and replies ... but his main goal is to paint this country and whites as evil .
Last edited:
Yes, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" that was 60 years ago and apply more so today.
And it applies even more so to foreigners wanting to come here. Absolutely.

And we should be asking them what can THEY do for us.
Cuccinelli made the comment and was relating the poem to the current situation. So these excuses are all massive fails. The laws excluded non whites from immigrating here for more than a century.
And they should be now too, or at least those from non-white countries (aka shitholes)

A few exception could be made (ON MERIT) - those bringing large amounts of capital, to open businesses and create jobs (FOR AMERICANS). and those bringing something of value to America, (great musicians, scientists, etc )
Yes, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" that was 60 years ago and apply more so today.

The thing is that many of the people like those who populate this forum descend from people who came here with nothing and without the government would never have made it.
FYI...In those early years, there was no welfare system in the country for people to use as they are coming and using now. Maybe soup lines but not until 1935, a national welfare system was established and was not widely used and known. Those coming through Ellis Island had to be self-sufficient are they were not admitted into the country.
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
Certainly no one in their right minds was thinking jungle and sand bunnies in those days, especially the Zionist who wrote the inscription.
This says it all. Now people can keep lying to themselves about how Trumps immigration policy is not racist, but lying to yourself is only a coping mechanism you are using to absolve yourselves from the fact you voted for and support a racist president and administration.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans
August 14, 2019

A top Trump administration official says the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, welcoming "huddled masses" of immigrants to American shores, was referring to "people coming from Europe" and that the nation is looking to receive migrants "who can stand on their own two feet."


The comments on Tuesday from Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, came a day after the Trump administration announced it would seek to deny green cards to migrants who seek Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance. The move, and Cuccinelli's defense, prompted an outcry from Democrats and immigration advocates who said the policy would favor wealthier immigrants and disadvantage those from poorer countries in Latin America and Africa.

"This administration finally admitted what we've known all along: They think the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people," tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

Before the excuses come, understand that only whites were allowed to be citizens in some cases until the 1950's.
What’s the problem?
The problems on the border are not Trump's immigration policies, he is just trying to enforce the immigration laws we already have that none before him has done and none want to do in the future. They rather change the laws instead of enforcing them. Detention camps, separating of families, deaths on the border and deportations was happening long before Trumps was in office.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 made blacks full U.S. citizens (and this repealed the Dred Scott decision). In 1868, the 14th amendment granted full U.S. citizenship to African-Americans. The 15th amendment, ratified in 1870, extended the right to vote to black males.
The Naturalization Act of 1798 increased the period necessary for immigrants to become naturalized citizens in the United States from 5 to 14 years. In 1855, birthright citizenship was extended to children with citizen fathers and noncitizen mothers.
Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

brain strain:

ask yourself where the SL came from .........
Trump official: Statue of Liberty's poem is about Europeans

brain strain:

ask yourself where the SL came from .........
Ask yourself why she called it "The New Colossus."

So many people take that poem out of context it is getting ridiculous.


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