Trump officially declared a racist

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By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........

Again trump is racist.

Also, we gave the racist dixiecrats to the republic party after you guys asked for them 70 years ago.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........

Again trump is racist.

Also, we gave the racist dixiecrats to the republic party after you guys asked for them 70 years ago.

Trump is as racist as I am. And I am not racist.
The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........
You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display
.. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure.
Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Lumpy ~ ".. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure."
We tried to tell the Democrats years ago to stop their policy of low expectations for minorities, but they didn't listen. It's been lie, promise, vote for us, we're your best friends, lie, lie, promise, promise, vote for us or you'll have to work at slave wages, we'll take care of you, promise, lie, promise, lie, on and on. Expectations? ZERO Living up to the non existent expectations: 100%. The mathematics say it all 100% x 0 expectations = zero results.
And that's the sorry truth. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Democrats would not listen, would not budge, and blame Republicans if anything was not perfect. Democrats, you got what you wanted, and you got us to pay for it. NO MORE! :eusa_snooty:
Show us what Republicans have done for our inner cities

What have Republicans done for blacks other than build prisons?

Lowest black unemployment in history? Winning the Civil War and freeing them? That U of Buffalo education coming into play again I see.
The Great Obama dropped black unemployment by six percent, Trump has not even dropped it by two percent

When Republicans have to go back 150 years to find something they have done for blacks, it shows how far they have fallen

Why have Republicans only elected eight blacks to higher office in the last 100 years?
You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display
.. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure.
Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Lumpy ~ ".. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure."
We tried to tell the Democrats years ago to stop their policy of low expectations for minorities, but they didn't listen. It's been lie, promise, vote for us, we're your best friends, lie, lie, promise, promise, vote for us or you'll have to work at slave wages, we'll take care of you, promise, lie, promise, lie, on and on. Expectations? ZERO Living up to the non existent expectations: 100%. The mathematics say it all 100% x 0 expectations = zero results.
And that's the sorry truth. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Democrats would not listen, would not budge, and blame Republicans if anything was not perfect. Democrats, you got what you wanted, and you got us to pay for it. NO MORE! :eusa_snooty:
Show us what Republicans have done for our inner cities

What have Republicans done for blacks other than build prisons?

Lowest black unemployment in history? Winning the Civil War and freeing them? That U of Buffalo education coming into play again I see.
The Great Obama dropped black unemployment by six percent, Trump has not even dropped it by two percent

When Republicans have to go back 150 years to find something they have done for blacks, it shows how far they have fallen

Why have Republicans only elected eight blacks to higher office in the last 100 years?

But but but Obama. Lowest black unemployment ever. Read my lips. And Obama also gave the rise to Black Lives Matter and further divided this country. That U of Buffalo education really working well. You’re an idiot.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
His comments had absolutely NOTHING to do with their race, but rather, their hatred for the US. They just happened to be non-white. I'm sure that if it were four white Scandinavians, he would have said the same thing.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........

You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display

Fifty years? My time is flying fast.

Second Virginia Democrat Says He Wore Blackface, Throwing Party Into Turmoil

Two guys in black face in last 50 years?

No bug torch marches, go home snow flake.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........

You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display

Fifty years? My time is flying fast.

Second Virginia Democrat Says He Wore Blackface, Throwing Party Into Turmoil

Two guys in black face in last 50 years?

No bug torch marches, go home snow flake.

19 million black babies killed in 40 yrs. eeessh
One way or another, no matter how hard they try, they WILL be racists, right?


I don't think you realize that most people are motherfucking SICK of that shit and will vote for Trump just to stick their cocks in your face.


Racist donny grifter voter love to stick their cocks where?
And in one fell swoop, Donald Trump won re-election, and Pelosi officially ceded control of the Dim party to the idiots of the "squad". Congratulations. A bunch of racist, Anti-American know nothings are now the face of your party. This is a Christmas gift for campaign ads.
Hey y’all! Can you believe Trump is a racist? Why might you ask? Well let me tell you.

He had the nerve to tell some anti-American bitches of color to go fuck themselves.

And after a fucking clown show in the congress the democrats actually voted for it! So it must be true. The president creating more jobs for every race and defending the US from radical communists is racist. The radical communist party said so. They even had a vote. I mean holy shit, they had a vote! It was epic, national security implications are abound! The congress spent an entire week calling a president racist because he made fun of some anti-Semitic broad wearing a towel on her head. Some other ditz one week away from dancing on a pole and turning tricks. Another towel head that hates Jews and some idiot nobody cares about but somehow joined the “it” club because...well nobody knows why.

But they had a vote.

Trump was very harsh on the woman of color who hates Jews, but because he did that, she's not the racist, Trump is.

They are just doing it to buy votes and for the Benjamin's.
They’re losing votes. Could have spent a day keeping illegals out, but no. Could have spent a day reducing our spending, but no. Could have spent the day celebrating how great the USA is, but no.

Had to have a vote where the most racist anti-American shit heads in the democrat party got some stupid fucking vote.

Just labeling a comb-over racist a racist.

Great Day

Speaking of how they spent the day, did senator mcturtle think it would be racist to tell his wife to leave?

Did he pass any of the legislation that you named?

Or did he choke on some racist trump supporter dick.
After watching today's crap partisan vote... I'm trending with the following thoughts.

Fact: white anglo-saxon protestants are not reproducing fast enough and this is probably one of the last twilight's last gleaming for that old majority.
Fact: transition to multiculturalism and tolerance is hard
Good guess: Trump will probably win again in 2020 using 80 year old strategies. There seems to be a fascination with real life monsters that push the worst buttons and love to watch the sparks fly. There's no Dem candidate out there that can match Trumps cruelty and it looks like the judiciary (with Bill Barr) is there to protect his back.
Observation: Seems that in the end cash is king... above morality and decency
Observation:Nixon was a feeble mouse compared to what Trump is doing. A lot of Americans seem to enjoy the reality show, which it is actually. Watching DC burn while Trump plays his tweet fiddle is probably the most entertaining thing in decades for Trump's base... and Putin of course.

Only God knows what will follow this long and putrid transition... can't make a cake without an oven lol.
our country is at war, my friends, our planet is in peril. it seems that the country we built after WW2 is slowly slipping away.

we need to stop arguing over the trivial, and get to work and save western civilization from these minorities who want to replace us!
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........

You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display

Fifty years? My time is flying fast.

Second Virginia Democrat Says He Wore Blackface, Throwing Party Into Turmoil

Two guys in black face in last 50 years?

No bug torch marches, go home snow flake.

Oh, trust me, that's just a start. I was only giving one example. You know.......20 years ago, you would have been serving me coffee now.
You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display
.. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure.
Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Lumpy ~ ".. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure."
We tried to tell the Democrats years ago to stop their policy of low expectations for minorities, but they didn't listen. It's been lie, promise, vote for us, we're your best friends, lie, lie, promise, promise, vote for us or you'll have to work at slave wages, we'll take care of you, promise, lie, promise, lie, on and on. Expectations? ZERO Living up to the non existent expectations: 100%. The mathematics say it all 100% x 0 expectations = zero results.
And that's the sorry truth. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Democrats would not listen, would not budge, and blame Republicans if anything was not perfect. Democrats, you got what you wanted, and you got us to pay for it. NO MORE! :eusa_snooty:
Show us what Republicans have done for our inner cities

What have Republicans done for blacks other than build prisons?

Lowest black unemployment in history? Winning the Civil War and freeing them? That U of Buffalo education coming into play again I see.
The Great Obama dropped black unemployment by six percent, Trump has not even dropped it by two percent

When Republicans have to go back 150 years to find something they have done for blacks, it shows how far they have fallen

Why have Republicans only elected eight blacks to higher office in the last 100 years?

We can't elect who isn't running. And when we do run a black like Herman Cain, you anti-racist leftists call him an Uncle Tom and sick the media on them to make sure they never get a chance.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........

Again trump is racist.

Also, we gave the racist dixiecrats to the republic party after you guys asked for them 70 years ago.
No he isn't. But you are an idiot.
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