Trump officially declared a racist

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God are Democrats stupid or what?

Who's more dumb? Those who can't see the racism in those comments, or those who can't?

I think the former are thick as two short planks.

Of course The Orange Buffoon is a racist. He always has been.

The dumb people are those who can't think for themselves and just accept the word "racism" without knowing WTF the word even means.

If it's one thing I constantly thank God for, it's that he didn't make me a liberal. I can't imagine being so fragile to brainwashing by the MSM that I couldn't think for myself.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?

They all sound the same, so Trump clumped all the trash together. If one was white is it still racism? What if 3/4ths were white?
the Four Horsewomen of the apocalypse are like the beatles.

AOC is John Lennon
Omar is McCartney
Tlaib is Ringo Starr
Ayana is Harrison
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........

You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display

BS, Notsosharpton, jackasston, watters, and pretty much the whole CBC and farrhakan are some of the old school racist. Then you have the upstart commie racist, AOC, Olmar, Tlaib and Pressley. Hell Tlaib is whiter than I am, I guess she's a self hater. Special mention goes to Al Greene and shelia jackass lee, pukes form Houston. Every damn one of them hate the country, only because they don't control it.


By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
I do.

He told ONE of them to go back to Somalia and fix it, THEN come back and tell us how she did it.

Pretty straight forward, but admittedly brash.


Omar has been a citizen longer than Melania Trump.

Omar is an elected representative to Congress.

Melania is a porn actress.

There’s plenty for Omar to clean up here.

She will probably still be cleaning up here after dotard goes to Rivers Island.

Melania was a porn actress? I'd love to see that. Do you have the name of the movies she played in, liar?

So here we are talking about the liars calling Trump a racist, and you respond by attacking an innocent woman with lies yourself. Typical commie.

The difference between Madam Terrorist and Mrs. Trump is that she doesn't hate anybody. She actually loves this country. She came here to be an American, not change America. She knows five different languages. She actually dresses like an American, not some sand head that just crawled out of the desert.

I'm sorry Democrat politicians end up with the ugliest women, but don't attack Trump's beautiful wife because of it.
Hey y’all! Can you believe Trump is a racist? Why might you ask? Well let me tell you.

He had the nerve to tell some anti-American bitches of color to go fuck themselves.

And after a fucking clown show in the congress the democrats actually voted for it! So it must be true. The president creating more jobs for every race and defending the US from radical communists is racist. The radical communist party said so. They even had a vote. I mean holy shit, they had a vote! It was epic, national security implications are abound! The congress spent an entire week calling a president racist because he made fun of some anti-Semitic broad wearing a towel on her head. Some other ditz one week away from dancing on a pole and turning tricks. Another towel head that hates Jews and some idiot nobody cares about but somehow joined the “it” club because...well nobody knows why.

But they had a vote.

Trump was very harsh on the woman of color who hates Jews, but because he did that, she's not the racist, Trump is.

They are just doing it to buy votes and for the Benjamin's.
They’re losing votes. Could have spent a day keeping illegals out, but no. Could have spent a day reducing our spending, but no. Could have spent the day celebrating how great the USA is, but no.

Had to have a vote where the most racist anti-American shit heads in the democrat party got some stupid fucking vote.

Or they could have voted to provide funds for Democrat run cities to rent port-a-potties for all the homeless they have on the streets in Cali and DC.
Two main issues are at play in the dynamics of this particular story.

The first is one that endures: progressives and Democrats despise Republicans no matter what. It has nothing to do with any given policy, it's that they have a totalitarian lust that fills them with the urge to destroy any viewpoint with which they disagree.

They all love to pretend that isn't so, and that they're only this combative now because of President Trump, which is garbage. Democrats have been saying that all Republicans are racist since I first became active in politics, and that was a long time ago.

They hate because they hate. It's what they do. Dear Republicans Rushing to Condemn Trump's Tweets: The MSM Still Hates You

Hard to deny GOP racism
It's impossible to deny Trump's racism.

Actually it's pretty easy. Name us one time Trump said anything racist.
You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display
.. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure.
Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Lumpy ~ ".. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure."
We tried to tell the Democrats years ago to stop their policy of low expectations for minorities, but they didn't listen. It's been lie, promise, vote for us, we're your best friends, lie, lie, promise, promise, vote for us or you'll have to work at slave wages, we'll take care of you, promise, lie, promise, lie, on and on. Expectations? ZERO Living up to the non existent expectations: 100%. The mathematics say it all 100% x 0 expectations = zero results.
And that's the sorry truth. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Democrats would not listen, would not budge, and blame Republicans if anything was not perfect. Democrats, you got what you wanted, and you got us to pay for it. NO MORE! :eusa_snooty:
Show us what Republicans have done for our inner cities

What have Republicans done for blacks other than build prisons?

Lowest black unemployment in history? Winning the Civil War and freeing them? That U of Buffalo education coming into play again I see.
The Great Obama dropped black unemployment by six percent, Trump has not even dropped it by two percent

When Republicans have to go back 150 years to find something they have done for blacks, it shows how far they have fallen

Why have Republicans only elected eight blacks to higher office in the last 100 years?
When Republicans have to go back 150 years to find something they have done for blacks, it shows how far they have fallen​
I watched Republican President Eisenhower on TV when I was a child. I also saw his work of desegregating the first school to a young black girl on TV in 1954, and I knew what was going on. I heard how he was proud of being a general and knowing so many brave black men fighting under his watch who gave life and limb for freedom from Hitler's terrorism which he intended to spread worldwide with him as the leader of the world, if he had to kill every person outside Germany to do so. Fortunately, Eisenhower's leadership took away all options for the murderous Nazis. Eisenhower was so proud of the contributions of valiant blacks, that he made sure their children got a better deal in life than they'd ever gotten before. Sixty years ago, Democrats were threatening to riot if that little girl went to her classes, so Eisenhower sent in strong and sharpshooting men to protect her as long as it took. And it took a hell of a long time for Democrats to come around, too.

Not a one of us has changed in all these years. We think black citizens and all America's citizens regardless of race or creed or clan should have equal opportunities. You're trying to project that somehow, we became racists because you conceded we were absolutely , straight on and 100% correct about racial equality.

Nobody did it better that Republicans, and we're still there--equal opportunities. And we usually will be, but we don't take hate from proud kindred of people who wantonly murdered 2997 Americans on 9/11.

Shame on you for projecting.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist
Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics
The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.
The vote was 240 to 187.
The majority in the house is the democrat party...the party of Black Slavery, jim crow, Poll Taxes, the klan.......and they are calling Trump a racist? LOL.........
You have to go back over 50 years to find racism in the Democratic Party
I only have to go to this past weekend to see Trump racism on display
.. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure.
Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Lumpy ~ ".. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure."
We tried to tell the Democrats years ago to stop their policy of low expectations for minorities, but they didn't listen. It's been lie, promise, vote for us, we're your best friends, lie, lie, promise, promise, vote for us or you'll have to work at slave wages, we'll take care of you, promise, lie, promise, lie, on and on. Expectations? ZERO Living up to the non existent expectations: 100%. The mathematics say it all 100% x 0 expectations = zero results.
And that's the sorry truth. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Democrats would not listen, would not budge, and blame Republicans if anything was not perfect. Democrats, you got what you wanted, and you got us to pay for it. NO MORE! :eusa_snooty:
Show us what Republicans have done for our inner cities

What have Republicans done for blacks other than build prisons?

Wait a minute. You are asking what Republicans have done for Democrat run inner-cities? Isn't that supposed to be a Democrat problem? Shouldn't you be asking what have Democrats done for inner-cities besides build projects to stick these people into?
After watching today's crap partisan vote... I'm trending with the following thoughts.

Fact: white anglo-saxon protestants are not reproducing fast enough and this is probably one of the last twilight's last gleaming for that old majority.
Fact: transition to multiculturalism and tolerance is hard
Good guess: Trump will probably win again in 2020 using 80 year old strategies. There seems to be a fascination with real life monsters that push the worst buttons and love to watch the sparks fly. There's no Dem candidate out there that can match Trumps cruelty and it looks like the judiciary (with Bill Barr) is there to protect his back.
Observation: Seems that in the end cash is king... above morality and decency
Observation:Nixon was a feeble mouse compared to what Trump is doing. A lot of Americans seem to enjoy the reality show, which it is actually. Watching DC burn while Trump plays his tweet fiddle is probably the most entertaining thing in decades for Trump's base... and Putin of course.

Only God knows what will follow this long and putrid transition... can't make a cake without an oven lol.

Trump forced the commiecrats to take ownership of the most radical commie/socialist in congress. The American people will take note and it won't serve the commies well.

Nite all. Sang this song at Karaoke this evening, and it was fun to sing an oldie, so with a song in your heart, good evening.
After watching today's crap partisan vote... I'm trending with the following thoughts.

Fact: white anglo-saxon protestants are not reproducing fast enough and this is probably one of the last twilight's last gleaming for that old majority.
Fact: transition to multiculturalism and tolerance is hard
Good guess: Trump will probably win again in 2020 using 80 year old strategies. There seems to be a fascination with real life monsters that push the worst buttons and love to watch the sparks fly. There's no Dem candidate out there that can match Trumps cruelty and it looks like the judiciary (with Bill Barr) is there to protect his back.
Observation: Seems that in the end cash is king... above morality and decency
Observation:Nixon was a feeble mouse compared to what Trump is doing. A lot of Americans seem to enjoy the reality show, which it is actually. Watching DC burn while Trump plays his tweet fiddle is probably the most entertaining thing in decades for Trump's base... and Putin of course.

Only God knows what will follow this long and putrid transition... can't make a cake without an oven lol.

Trump forced the commiecrats to take ownership of the most radical commie/socialist in congress. The American people will take note and it won't serve the commies well.
I have great anticipation that America will defeat its enemies in unique ways with President Trump. He'll have them investing in the stock market is my guess. He's unconventional, but convincing!
This is the song they used for a catsup ad....just call it Karyoke night... And a good evening, all! :sleep:
.. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure.
Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Lumpy ~ ".. or go to any ghetto in America and see what the Democratic Party actually stands for, pathetic racist and multi-generational failure."
We tried to tell the Democrats years ago to stop their policy of low expectations for minorities, but they didn't listen. It's been lie, promise, vote for us, we're your best friends, lie, lie, promise, promise, vote for us or you'll have to work at slave wages, we'll take care of you, promise, lie, promise, lie, on and on. Expectations? ZERO Living up to the non existent expectations: 100%. The mathematics say it all 100% x 0 expectations = zero results.
And that's the sorry truth. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Democrats would not listen, would not budge, and blame Republicans if anything was not perfect. Democrats, you got what you wanted, and you got us to pay for it. NO MORE! :eusa_snooty:
Show us what Republicans have done for our inner cities

What have Republicans done for blacks other than build prisons?

Lowest black unemployment in history? Winning the Civil War and freeing them? That U of Buffalo education coming into play again I see.
The Great Obama dropped black unemployment by six percent, Trump has not even dropped it by two percent

When Republicans have to go back 150 years to find something they have done for blacks, it shows how far they have fallen

Why have Republicans only elected eight blacks to higher office in the last 100 years?
When Republicans have to go back 150 years to find something they have done for blacks, it shows how far they have fallen​
I watched Republican President Eisenhower on TV when I was a child. I also saw his work of desegregating the first school to a young black girl on TV in 1954, and I knew what was going on. I heard how he was proud of being a general and knowing so many brave black men fighting under his watch who gave life and limb for freedom from Hitler's terrorism which he intended to spread worldwide with him as the leader of the world, if he had to kill every person outside Germany to do so. Fortunately, Eisenhower's leadership took away all options for the murderous Nazis. Eisenhower was so proud of the contributions of valiant blacks, that he made sure their children got a better deal in life than they'd ever gotten before. Sixty years ago, Democrats were threatening to riot if that little girl went to her classes, so Eisenhower sent in strong and sharpshooting men to protect her as long as it took. And it took a hell of a long time for Democrats to come around, too.

Not a one of us has changed in all these years. We think black citizens and all America's citizens regardless of race or creed or clan should have equal opportunities. You're trying to project that somehow, we became racists because you conceded we were absolutely , straight on and 100% correct about racial equality.

Nobody did it better that Republicans, and we're still there--equal opportunities. And we usually will be, but we don't take hate from proud kindred of people who wantonly murdered 2997 Americans on 9/11.

Shame on you for projecting.

I find it ironic that somebody from the party that fought against school vouchers for blacks and welcome immigrants from third world countries that take jobs from black Americans ask us what Republicans have done for inner-cities.
The Fake News reel for this week is accusing Trump of being racist. Next week it’ll be the Trump Russia Hoax. Get ready for it since they’re desperate.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
Because their obvious loyalty is to the land of their blood and culture. They hate this country. They hate the people of this country. They need to be in the country they respect.
But he did not tell one, he said "women"...which is more than one.
But, it was in response to one.

Are we going to sit here and parse out all his words?

He told SOMEBODY to go back to their other country (whomever) and fix it, THEN come tell us how we should live our lives.

Stupid and brash, but not racist.


It was in response to 4 of them, the "squad" as they are stupidly called.
They call themselves the squad. Yes it is stupid.
Where does the lie start that this president is a racist or a bigot or he doesn't like gays or lesbians? Where does this come from? I know Trump. People say I'm a racist. I'm anything but a racist. People who call me a racist are the racists. If you're gay or lesbian or you're confused about your gender, I don't know anybody who cares. We want you to be happy; we want you to be able to make your own choices in life. But where does this lie that this tidal wave of bigotry and hate comes from the right?

I've never met a racist. I knew the [Ku Klux] Klan existed and I knew people who were against freedom, and I know there's Nazis and goofballs all over the world, but when you prioritize your quality of life and you always judge based on content of character, racists won't come near you; bigots won't enter your life.

Pelosi, what kind of mind-altering chemicals are you on to think such a nasty, false, hateful thing about our great president, who I happen to believe is the greatest president, and he really is making America America again. So I'm confused, like everybody who lives truth, logic and common sense, why the hate. And not only that, but every reference to their hate, it's unsubstantiated — it's all a lie
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