Trump officially declared a racist

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Humans don't accept borders.

They have been for as long as mankind has been around. Want to ruin a good country, get rid of the borders. Then you'll have every worthless human being making their way over there.

Don't worry. I never would visit the USA, except it would be my duty to have to do so. A horrifying idea.

That's good, because if we conservatives get our way, you won't be allowed in this country.

You are not conservative. And you are not the USA. You are not even an asshole. You live in a strange nightmare. The only way is to awake. By true words or by the true god. Your decision.


Wow, somebody sprung for the really hard drugs this weekend.

Sorry to have to say so. But I'm very sure the people, who had voted for Trump, have a very low education level. .....

You say stupid shit like that rather often. You have your kindergarten diploma framed on the wall, don't you?
I am from Detroit and let me tell you the number one reason inner cities are like that are because black people sold out their family for food stamps. Now it is a culture of poverty and stupidity with boys not knowing how to be men and women not knowing how to grow up.

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They are like that because the auto companies used up the city and then abandoned it leaving behind those who could not afford to leave.

If auto companies are the reason, then what about all the other failed liberal cities that suffered similar outcomes that had no auto companies around?

IMO, what started it here was forced bussing. When they pulled that one off, all the people with money left the city for the suburbs and country. That left us with a city of poor people, and poor people can't support a thriving city.

Of course, poorer people vote Democrat, so they took over and made things worse.

A few years ago, the Mayor's son kept getting busted for riding his dirt bike on the street. So the city council voted to have a dirt bike park built that cost them 2.5 million dollars. Of course that wouldn't solve the problem, because even if kids went there, they had to ride their dirt bikes to get to the park. Not a lot of poor people have a pickup truck with a bike trailer.

Well they finally scrapped that idea, and the Mayors son went to selling pot. He got busted for concealed carry, pot and a scale. He didn't serve any prison time BTW. I guess the court felt bad for the guy because he could have lost his cushy job at the water department.

Liberal cities don't become shitholes because of auto companies, they become shitholes because Democrats run things.
Are you that stupid?
Auto Companies bailed on Detroit
The Steel Industry bailed on Pittsburgh
Nude Strip joints and whore houses bailed on Cleveland

In the 40s and 50s blacks moved from the Jim Crow south to northern cities that offered lucrative manufacturing jobs. Blacks established strong families and lived a middle class lives

Once those manufacturing jobs vacated the cities, low skilled blacks were left behind. Without jobs to support their families, black males left them to welfare

So why didn't white males do the same?

What Fd up everything for everybody were unions. Overpaying no-skill labor left those people with the belief that they could turn nuts onto bolts the rest of their lives and make a great living. The unions pushed so strong that eventually those jobs up and left the country, or were replaced by automation.

When those jobs were no longer there, you had a generation of people who had no transferable skills, and stuck with a family and house payments. They could't go to school to learn a new trade, and had no choice but to accept lower paying blue collar jobs, hoping to get with a company that could train them for something.
Union workers were not getting wealthy off of those jobs. But they were earring enough to buy a home, raise a family and retire at a reasonable age

Something that enrages Conservatives

Unless you’re a union worker who is conservative.

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By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

A Democrat controlled body declares Trump is racist. HUH.

Trump is now officially a racist by act of Congress
He was ALWAYS officially a racist. Congress just publicly acknowledged and recorded it for posterity.
Why are so many people of the USA so damned poor?

It's not that they are so poor, it's just that Democrats have had the ability to unfairly tax people at the top for years. Politicians from both sides are afraid to tax the bottom 50% because that's where many of the votes are.

Sorry to have to say so. But I'm very sure the people, who had voted for Trump, have a very low education level. And a very low education correlates normally with poor people. So as long as propagandists of hate are able not win in elections your country has much more serious problems.

The Democrats own the cities where most of the poor people are at. Those areas vote for Democrats over 90% of the time. Need a great example? Take Alexandria Cortez. All you have to do is listen to her talk for ten minutes, and realize only the stupid could have voted her in.
Trump's own govt says you're dumb as shit.

Federal guidance identifying 'go back to where you came from' as discrimination goes viral after Trump comments

"Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, 'Go back to where you came from,' whether made by supervisors or by co-workers," it adds.
You left out THIS part from your link:

“ethnic slurs and other verbal or physical conduct because of nationality are illegal if they are severe or pervasive and create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment, interfere with work performance, or negatively affect job opportunities.

So, even if Trump's statement where he actually tells them to COME BACK is "racist" the shit you quoted potentially creates a HOSTILE WORKING ENVIRONMENT at a place of employment. The EEOC could deem ANY statement or word a word that potential would create a hostile working environment. The facts surrounding the words are most important, and ONLY for determining whether the statement and surrounding facts created a hostile working environment or interfered with performance or opportunity ON THE JOB. And, the target of such a statement would need to be clear. An ambiguous tweet makes it harder.

The author of that article is mixing legal standards for EMPLOYMENT LAW with general standards held by the public.

But, tell me: Is telling someone to go back to where they came from a racist statement when it is followed by "AND COME BACK"?


The point is, dope.......The guidelines say exactly what I said. It's wrong. It's racist. Any employer or employee would face severe repercussions for acting in such a manner. To act so publicly would mean immediate termination for sure.

Now defend that behavior from the president again, loser.
Why are so many people of the USA so damned poor?

It's not that they are so poor, it's just that Democrats have had the ability to unfairly tax people at the top for years. Politicians from both sides are afraid to tax the bottom 50% because that's where many of the votes are.

Sorry to have to say so. But I'm very sure the people, who had voted for Trump, have a very low education level. And a very low education correlates normally with poor people. So as long as propagandists of hate are able not win in elections your country has much more serious problems.

The Democrats own the cities where most of the poor people are at. Those areas vote for Democrats over 90% of the time. Need a great example? Take Alexandria Cortez. All you have to do is listen to her talk for ten minutes, and realize only the stupid could have voted her in.

Who pays U.S. income tax, and how much?

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country. But you claim they need to pay more so the folks at the top can have a tax cut. What is your cutoff level Ray from Cleveland? $20,000? $15,000? $10,000?

I know folks at the top are HURTING. They need to keep more of their money and pay less taxes. The super rich certainly do not benefit from anything in this great country but their very own personal hard work and daily toil. Why should they have to pay so much? It's just not fair.
It is a racist remark. Ask the EEOC. They prosecute that as workplace harrasment and specifically list it as an example of discrimination.
Do you mean telling someone you work with to go back to the country they came from is not tolerated?
That's exactly what I mean.

really?-----even in the context of a discussion in which the person being told
to "go back" is shit mouthing the USA?
Even then, although expressing a differing opinion is not "shit mouthing" anything.

telling an eight year old that the president of the USA-----the president of the country to which that disgusting whore swore allegiance is a MOTHER-FUKER \is shit mouth------not "expressing a differing opinion" Her reference to JOOOOS AND "DA FRANKLINS,BABY" is shit licked right off the mosque floor----SHIT MOUTH------not a "expressing a differing opinion" she is DISGUSTING ----no wonder you defend the bitch

Timely example of how this notion is in fact no way racist.

Thanks, dope.....:thup:
The only people who are afraid are the cowards and snowflakes who never leave their own neighborhood.

Says the man that had to cut out even the reference to "what" he is ridiculing people for being afraid of .
I am ridiculing people for being so deathly afraid of immigrants. I am not a man. I am a woman. I don't live in fear and I don't have patience for cowards.

Fear is the rational response to danger.

Ignoring real danger(s), is not bravery, but foolishness. Or callousness, if your lack of concern is because you think only other people will be hurt.
I know what danger is and what it isn't. We are not in danger from immigrants. We are not in danger from people who look different from us. That is where we disagree. I live with immigrants on the border. I know better.

Plenty of different types of danger coming in with illegals.

MS-13, is not joke, for one limited example.

Fear is the rational response to real danger.

MS-13 has been around for thirty years, dope.

Your new found fear is based entirely in your own malignant ignorance.

Good job, dope....:thup:
But Republicans tolerate it in a President
The last racist we had in office was named Obama

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Show us something that President Obama did or said that was racist.

View attachment 270126
Explain how this is racist?

Oh, for this you need an explanation on how its racist.

View attachment 270127

Of course, dope.

Racism, by definition, requires a suggestion of racial superiority.
The last racist we had in office was named Obama

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Show us something that President Obama did or said that was racist.

View attachment 270126
Explain how this is racist?

Oh, for this you need an explanation on how its racist.

View attachment 270127

Of course, dope.

Racism, by definition, requires a suggestion of racial superiority.

And when did Trump ever suggest that?

And take that "dope" shit and shove it up your ass.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

there was no racism in what he said. He said "if you dont like this country you can leave" He mentioned no individuals, no races, no religions, the comment applied, and applies, to everyone in the USA, white, black, brown, red, asian, hispanic, muslim, jew, Christian, Hindu, atheist, and every other demographic that can be dreamed up.

the only racist comments in the last few weeks have come from the idiot squad of four morons who hate the very country that allows fools like them to exist and speak.

try again winger, you lost this one big time

His crowd certainly got the message. Why didn't you, dope?

By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

A Democrat controlled body declares Trump is racist. HUH.
A Democrat controlled body declares Trump is racist. HUH.

Your brain should have as well. What hapened?

:dunno:....I guess we all have shortcomings.
Nothing racist about it.

So sick of their whining, lying and just to be blunt.....stupidity. They're annoying and an embarrassment.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

Time in country has no bearing on citizenship. There are no degrees to citizenship. A citizen is a citizen.
Why are so many people of the USA so damned poor?

It's not that they are so poor, it's just that Democrats have had the ability to unfairly tax people at the top for years. Politicians from both sides are afraid to tax the bottom 50% because that's where many of the votes are.

Sorry to have to say so. But I'm very sure the people, who had voted for Trump, have a very low education level. And a very low education correlates normally with poor people. So as long as propagandists of hate are able not win in elections your country has much more serious problems.

The Democrats own the cities where most of the poor people are at. Those areas vote for Democrats over 90% of the time. Need a great example? Take Alexandria Cortez. All you have to do is listen to her talk for ten minutes, and realize only the stupid could have voted her in.

Who pays U.S. income tax, and how much?

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country. But you claim they need to pay more so the folks at the top can have a tax cut. What is your cutoff level Ray from Cleveland? $20,000? $15,000? $10,000?

I know folks at the top are HURTING. They need to keep more of their money and pay less taxes. The super rich certainly do not benefit from anything in this great country but their very own personal hard work and daily toil. Why should they have to pay so much? It's just not fair.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The poverty level for a single individual is $12,490. The poverty level with one dependent is $16,910. To reach the level you claim is poverty at $30,000, that would be somebody with four dependents. And of course, if you are making only $30,000 per year, you shouldn't have one dependent yet alone four.

Are You Eligible for Federal Benefits in 2019?

Everybody shroud pay something into the federal income tax be it 10K a year or 10 million a year. After all, if we are all part America, everybody in America should be supporting the country.

Democrats have no problem raising taxes on items frequently used by low income people like tobacco products or alcohol. They could care less of the impact on poor people when they attack our fuel producers for environmental reasons costing the poor more money. But to ask them to contribute a little something for the federal government, all of a sudden, these people can't afford it.

Where I live, our county has a consumption tax. Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well. Our tax here is eight cents on the dollar. You pay that tax if you make 15k a year, and you pay that same tax if you make 150k a year. It's equal for all.

And that's the way we should collect federal income tax. When these Democrats talk about free healthcare, paid time off, free child care, let them know what free actually costs. Increase the consumption tax on everybody for all this free stuff.

Only then would you see how many people reject all these social goodies if they had to pay something towards these gifts themselves.
Show us something that President Obama did or said that was racist.

View attachment 270126
Explain how this is racist?

Oh, for this you need an explanation on how its racist.

View attachment 270127

Of course, dope.

Racism, by definition, requires a suggestion of racial superiority.

And when did Trump ever suggest that?

And take that "dope" shit and shove it up your ass.

Ask them, dope.

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