Trump officially declared a racist

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Why are so many people of the USA so damned poor?

It's not that they are so poor, it's just that Democrats have had the ability to unfairly tax people at the top for years. Politicians from both sides are afraid to tax the bottom 50% because that's where many of the votes are.

Sorry to have to say so. But I'm very sure the people, who had voted for Trump, have a very low education level. And a very low education correlates normally with poor people. So as long as propagandists of hate are able not win in elections your country has much more serious problems.

The Democrats own the cities where most of the poor people are at. Those areas vote for Democrats over 90% of the time. Need a great example? Take Alexandria Cortez. All you have to do is listen to her talk for ten minutes, and realize only the stupid could have voted her in.

Who pays U.S. income tax, and how much?

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country. But you claim they need to pay more so the folks at the top can have a tax cut. What is your cutoff level Ray from Cleveland? $20,000? $15,000? $10,000?

I know folks at the top are HURTING. They need to keep more of their money and pay less taxes. The super rich certainly do not benefit from anything in this great country but their very own personal hard work and daily toil. Why should they have to pay so much? It's just not fair.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The poverty level for a single individual is $12,490. The poverty level with one dependent is $16,910. To reach the level you claim is poverty at $30,000, that would be somebody with four dependents. And of course, if you are making only $30,000 per year, you shouldn't have one dependent yet alone four.

Are You Eligible for Federal Benefits in 2019?

Everybody shroud pay something into the federal income tax be it 10K a year or 10 million a year. After all, if we are all part America, everybody in America should be supporting the country.

Democrats have no problem raising taxes on items frequently used by low income people like tobacco products or alcohol. They could care less of the impact on poor people when they attack our fuel producers for environmental reasons costing the poor more money. But to ask them to contribute a little something for the federal government, all of a sudden, these people can't afford it.

Where I live, our county has a consumption tax. Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well. Our tax here is eight cents on the dollar. You pay that tax if you make 15k a year, and you pay that same tax if you make 150k a year. It's equal for all.

And that's the way we should collect federal income tax. When these Democrats talk about free healthcare, paid time off, free child care, let them know what free actually costs. Increase the consumption tax on everybody for all this free stuff.

Only then would you see how many people reject all these social goodies if they had to pay something towards these gifts themselves.

Ray, it's not me talking. It's Pew Research. I gave you a link.

And we aren't talking about poverty level. We are talking about the 45% who pay no taxes. Not the same thing. Try to keep up.

You want these poor people who make less than $30,000 to pay more taxes so rich people can pay less taxes. It's probably why poor minorities don't vote GOP. Poor white people are just too damn stupid and rich people know that.

Quit letting Amazon pay zero in corporate income taxes and maybe we could do something about the disgusting state of healthcare in this country. The rest of the first world has it figured out. Israel has universal healthcare AND free college and we give them $3 billion per year. Your GOP in action. Biggest bunch of dotards on the planet.
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Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well.

You ever been out of the country Ray From Cleveland? To a place where public transportation is seen as an asset? Europe? Japan? China?

Let's look at China. Say what you will about their politics, but they have public transportation figured out. They move millions of people on a daily basis safely and efficiently. Shanghai and Beijing both have vast subway systems that are cheap and easy to use. They also have high speed rail. I rode a train from Shanghai to Xi'an. We traveled about 300 kmh. Fast, safe and extremely comfortable. In May they unveiled a Maglev prototype capable of reaching 600 kmh.

Meanwhile here in the best most advanced country in the world we still have folks carrying on about the evils of leftist pubic transportation. Man you can't make this shit up.
Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well.

You ever been out of the country Ray From Cleveland? To a place where public transportation is seen as an asset? Europe? Japan? China?

Let's look at China. Say what you will about their politics, but they have public transportation figured out. They move millions of people on a daily basis safely and efficiently. Shanghai and Beijing both have vast subway systems that are cheap and easy to use. They also have high speed rail. I rode a train from Shanghai to Xi'an. We traveled about 300 kmh. Fast, safe and extremely comfortable. In May they unveiled a Maglev prototype capable of reaching 600 kmh.

Meanwhile here in the best most advanced country in the world we still have folks carrying on about the evils of leftist pubic transportation. Man you can't make this shit up.

By the way: it is also important in context "climate change" to fly with railroads at altitude 0 with hundreds of miles speed instead to use aeroplanes. Magnetic levitation at trains in transparent tunnels without friction could be a very good solution. Superconductors, which work at a normal temperature, are also important in this context. And the good old airship and air taxis are also not outdated. The problem is not only high speed - the problem is low speed too - and the balance between different forms of transportation and speed.

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Another question (I'm tired about Trump and his self made stupid problems): What think the US-American people about the idea to use snow cannons - or another form to make artficial snow - in West-Antarctica? This could avoid 3 meter rise in sea level.

By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

Say what now?
you're drunk sleep it off

Humans don't accept borders.

They have been for as long as mankind has been around. Want to ruin a good country, get rid of the borders. Then you'll have every worthless human being making their way over there.

Don't worry. I never would visit the USA, except it would be my duty to have to do so. A horrifying idea.

That's good, because if we conservatives get our way, you won't be allowed in this country.

You are not conservative. And you are not the USA. You are not even an asshole. You live in a strange nightmare. The only way is to awake. By true words or by the true god. Your decision.

True god? Don't you mean One True GOD?
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

How stupid is this? Practically exists not one gene of a special man from the 15th century in you. All other people in the world could be also your ancestors after 400 years. You could have much more home nations than exist. If you are still not a citizen of the world then something went wrong.

Talk about your own stupidity ms. homeless.or are you a space cadet?
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

Time in country has no bearing on citizenship. There are no degrees to citizenship. A citizen is a citizen.
leftist have this mental derangement it's borderline suicidal. If you want to change America leave and create an America somewhere else to your own liking.
Funny, Ilhan Omar makes truly racist comments about American Jews, but the Democrats call Trump a racist for calling her out on her comments.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

Say what now?
you're drunk sleep it off

Union workers were not getting wealthy off of those jobs. But they were earring enough to buy a home, raise a family and retire at a reasonable age

Something that enrages Conservatives

Why would conservatives be outraged at that? We conservatives promote people bettering themselves. If anybody was outraged, it was Democrats. Democrats don't like when people can take care of themselves and have no need for government.

It was Democrats and unions that convinced people not to better themselves, because unions would always be there for them. So people did these menial jobs with that expectation. They ignored the Republicans who stated that gravy train is not going to last forever. Those jobs would leave because the US has greatly outpaced most other countries in labor costs.

But they decided to listen to Democrats instead, because the Democrats told them what they wanted to hear.
Because conservatives have sold their souls to the devil and promised industry they would provide a low wage workforce to enhance profits and required them to pay lower and lower taxes on those profits

Yes, conservatives are for lower taxes, but conservatives don't dictate wages, the market does.

The top 20% of wage earners in this country pay over 80% of all federal income taxes. The bottom 45% pay zero in federal income taxes. So the bottom votes for people who promise to take more from those already supporting most of this country. It doesn't gain them anything, but makes them feel better about it.
Conservatives have pushed legislation to erode worker protections and bargaining rights

Corporate Whores

Such as when? From my experience, government has never been more intrusive in business and worker protection than they are today. Bargaining rights are a private matter, not a government matter. It's always been that way.
Right to Work means Right to Low Pay
Humans don't accept borders.

They have been for as long as mankind has been around. Want to ruin a good country, get rid of the borders. Then you'll have every worthless human being making their way over there.

Don't worry. I never would visit the USA, except it would be my duty to have to do so. A horrifying idea.

That's good, because if we conservatives get our way, you won't be allowed in this country.

You are not conservative. And you are not the USA. You are not even an asshole. You live in a strange nightmare. The only way is to awake. By true words or by the true god. Your decision.

True god? Don't you mean One True GOD?

Is every US-American an idiot?
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Generally speaking... we gravitate to our own kind, we marry our own kind, we live with our own kind, and so on....

“Our own kind” is humanity.

Your own kind is what exactly?


Humans don't accept borders.
Your response tells me you own nothing Are you homeless? Do you allow people to get in your face?

To get what?
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

How stupid is this? Practically exists not one gene of a special man from the 15th century in you. All other people in the world could be also your ancestors after 400 years. You could have much more home nations than exist. If you are still not a citizen of the world then something went wrong.

Talk about your own stupidity ms. homeless.or are you a space cadet?

I'm a citizen of the world. ... Hmm ... A yodeling citizen of the world ... So when you hear a yodeling rocket coming over the atlantic: "duck and cover" ...

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Right to Work means Right to Low Pay

Oh my goodness. You have really imbibed the kool-aid, haven't you? Right to work means not having to pay union dues. Right to work means not seeing your union dues used for political activities that you don't support. Right to work means not having to contribute to a union pension fund and then see the union mismanage or embezzle the fund. Right to work means preserving your constitutional right of association--you don't have to formally associate with (join) a group if you don't want to do so. Right to work means not being bullied by union thugs if you disagree with union activities. Right to work means not artificially breaking up one job into three jobs and then charging people twice as much for the same service that could be done in one job (some in this forum have personal experience with this union nonsense).
Right to Work means Right to Low Pay

Oh my goodness. You have really imbibed the kool-aid, haven't you? Right to work means not having to pay union dues. Right to work means not seeing your union dues used for political activities that you don't support. Right to work means not having to contribute to a union pension fund and then see the union mismanage or embezzle the fund. Right to work means preserving your constitutional right of association--you don't have to formally associate with (join) a group if you don't want to do so. Right to work means not being bullied by union thugs if you disagree with union activities. Right to work means not artificially breaking up one job into three jobs and then not charging people twice as much for the same service that could be done in one job (some in this forum have personal experience with this union nonsense).
Sure does

It means you get to claim the benefits of union representation without having to contribute

Sure way to kill unions....just like Conservatives want
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