Trump officially declared a racist

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Right to Work means Right to Low Pay

Oh my goodness. You have really imbibed the kool-aid, haven't you? Right to work means not having to pay union dues. Right to work means not seeing your union dues used for political activities that you don't support. Right to work means not having to contribute to a union pension fund and then see the union mismanage or embezzle the fund. Right to work means preserving your constitutional right of association--you don't have to formally associate with (join) a group if you don't want to do so. Right to work means not being bullied by union thugs if you disagree with union activities. Right to work means not artificially breaking up one job into three jobs and then not charging people twice as much for the same service that could be done in one job (some in this forum have personal experience with this union nonsense).
Sure does

It means you get to claim the benefits of union representation without having to contribute

Sure way to kill unions....just like Conservatives want

I remember applying for jobs that had unions in the 70's and 80's. Companies were not allowed to hire you if you didn't want to join the union. So if you wanted the job, you were forced into the union against your will, but Democrats supported that because they never did like choice. Choice means freedom.

If you do not want to be in a union, the company is not obligated to pay you union wages or benefits. They can pay you whatever they desire.
Why would conservatives be outraged at that? We conservatives promote people bettering themselves. If anybody was outraged, it was Democrats. Democrats don't like when people can take care of themselves and have no need for government.

It was Democrats and unions that convinced people not to better themselves, because unions would always be there for them. So people did these menial jobs with that expectation. They ignored the Republicans who stated that gravy train is not going to last forever. Those jobs would leave because the US has greatly outpaced most other countries in labor costs.

But they decided to listen to Democrats instead, because the Democrats told them what they wanted to hear.
Because conservatives have sold their souls to the devil and promised industry they would provide a low wage workforce to enhance profits and required them to pay lower and lower taxes on those profits

Yes, conservatives are for lower taxes, but conservatives don't dictate wages, the market does.

The top 20% of wage earners in this country pay over 80% of all federal income taxes. The bottom 45% pay zero in federal income taxes. So the bottom votes for people who promise to take more from those already supporting most of this country. It doesn't gain them anything, but makes them feel better about it.
Conservatives have pushed legislation to erode worker protections and bargaining rights

Corporate Whores

Such as when? From my experience, government has never been more intrusive in business and worker protection than they are today. Bargaining rights are a private matter, not a government matter. It's always been that way.
Right to Work means Right to Low Pay

Right to work means I have the right as an American to join a union or not. Nobody should be forced to do things they don't want to do in a free country. Democrats love force.
Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well.

You ever been out of the country Ray From Cleveland? To a place where public transportation is seen as an asset? Europe? Japan? China?

Let's look at China. Say what you will about their politics, but they have public transportation figured out. They move millions of people on a daily basis safely and efficiently. Shanghai and Beijing both have vast subway systems that are cheap and easy to use. They also have high speed rail. I rode a train from Shanghai to Xi'an. We traveled about 300 kmh. Fast, safe and extremely comfortable. In May they unveiled a Maglev prototype capable of reaching 600 kmh.

Meanwhile here in the best most advanced country in the world we still have folks carrying on about the evils of leftist pubic transportation. Man you can't make this shit up.

I have no problem with public transportation, just as long as those that are using it pay for it and it's not subsidized by taxpayers. I don't think I should be paying for you to ride around on a bus. If you want to use a bus, go ahead, just leave me out of it and pay for it yourself.

The reason public transportation sucks money out of the public is because nobody wants to take public transportation. It couldn't survive on it's own. Even years ago when many didn't have a choice, they hated it. A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot was considered a milestone for the future. People wanted the freedom to go when and where they wanted to go.

Do you know what it's like up north to stand at a bus stop at 5:00 am, and the temperature is 2 degrees with the wind blowing at 20mph? Let me tell you, it's no fun.
And we aren't talking about poverty level. We are talking about the 45% who pay no taxes. Not the same thing. Try to keep up.

You want these poor people who make less than $30,000 to pay more taxes so rich people can pay less taxes. It's probably why poor minorities don't vote GOP. Poor white people are just too damn stupid and rich people know that.

Why don't you try to keep up? Here is your quote:

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country.

And you are correct, blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things. Utterly disgusting way to get votes, but that's what they do. it also helps Democrats to keep the country divided in so many ways.

If every American paid 10% of their income to income tax, the wealthy would still be paying more because they make more. The real benefit however is that it would change the attitudes of those who get things "Free" today because it would no longer be free. They would be paying for all these social goodies instead of the wealthy.

Thomas Sowell.jpeg
And we aren't talking about poverty level. We are talking about the 45% who pay no taxes. Not the same thing. Try to keep up.

You want these poor people who make less than $30,000 to pay more taxes so rich people can pay less taxes. It's probably why poor minorities don't vote GOP. Poor white people are just too damn stupid and rich people know that.

Why don't you try to keep up? Here is your quote:

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country.

And you are correct, blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things. Utterly disgusting way to get votes, but that's what they do. it also helps Democrats to keep the country divided in so many ways.

If every American paid 10% of their income to income tax, the wealthy would still be paying more because they make more. The real benefit however is that it would change the attitudes of those who get things "Free" today because it would no longer be free. They would be paying for all these social goodies instead of the wealthy.

View attachment 270331
"blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things."

^^^ racist
And we aren't talking about poverty level. We are talking about the 45% who pay no taxes. Not the same thing. Try to keep up.

You want these poor people who make less than $30,000 to pay more taxes so rich people can pay less taxes. It's probably why poor minorities don't vote GOP. Poor white people are just too damn stupid and rich people know that.

Why don't you try to keep up? Here is your quote:

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country.

And you are correct, blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things. Utterly disgusting way to get votes, but that's what they do. it also helps Democrats to keep the country divided in so many ways.

If every American paid 10% of their income to income tax, the wealthy would still be paying more because they make more. The real benefit however is that it would change the attitudes of those who get things "Free" today because it would no longer be free. They would be paying for all these social goodies instead of the wealthy.

View attachment 270331
"blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things."

^^^ racist

What's racist about it?
And we aren't talking about poverty level. We are talking about the 45% who pay no taxes. Not the same thing. Try to keep up.

You want these poor people who make less than $30,000 to pay more taxes so rich people can pay less taxes. It's probably why poor minorities don't vote GOP. Poor white people are just too damn stupid and rich people know that.

Why don't you try to keep up? Here is your quote:

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country.

And you are correct, blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things. Utterly disgusting way to get votes, but that's what they do. it also helps Democrats to keep the country divided in so many ways.

If every American paid 10% of their income to income tax, the wealthy would still be paying more because they make more. The real benefit however is that it would change the attitudes of those who get things "Free" today because it would no longer be free. They would be paying for all these social goodies instead of the wealthy.

View attachment 270331
"blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things."

^^^ racist

What's racist about it?
Because it's not true and it's lumping blacks in a certain light formed only by your own prejudices. It may be true that some do. But the statement as you posted it is not true as there are certainly blacks who get nothing from Democrats yet still vote Democrat. I'm white. Democrats don't give me anything personally. But I still vote Democrat because I believe they do a better job at running the country than Republicans. I believe they provide a more level playing field to all people regardless of race, color, religion, creed, or sexual preferences. Many blacks likely vote Democrat for those and similar reasons. You're a racist. And to racists, blacks vote Democrat because they get things.
Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well.

You ever been out of the country Ray From Cleveland? To a place where public transportation is seen as an asset? Europe? Japan? China?

Let's look at China. Say what you will about their politics, but they have public transportation figured out. They move millions of people on a daily basis safely and efficiently. Shanghai and Beijing both have vast subway systems that are cheap and easy to use. They also have high speed rail. I rode a train from Shanghai to Xi'an. We traveled about 300 kmh. Fast, safe and extremely comfortable. In May they unveiled a Maglev prototype capable of reaching 600 kmh.

Meanwhile here in the best most advanced country in the world we still have folks carrying on about the evils of leftist pubic transportation. Man you can't make this shit up.

I have no problem with public transportation, just as long as those that are using it pay for it and it's not subsidized by taxpayers. I don't think I should be paying for you to ride around on a bus. If you want to use a bus, go ahead, just leave me out of it and pay for it yourself.

The reason public transportation sucks money out of the public is because nobody wants to take public transportation. It couldn't survive on it's own. Even years ago when many didn't have a choice, they hated it. A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot was considered a milestone for the future. People wanted the freedom to go when and where they wanted to go.

Do you know what it's like up north to stand at a bus stop at 5:00 am, and the temperature is 2 degrees with the wind blowing at 20mph? Let me tell you, it's no fun.
I think you are wrong about that. It is cost effective for taxpayers to pay for busses . They are taking people to work so subsiding it is mostly taxes from them. And no I dont think it should be free but reasonable. I use the bus because I have one car for both me and my wife so she gets the car. I pay to ride the bus but I am sure it will never make a profit. That is not its goal. Its goal is to get people to work

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when i think of trump's racism i am reminded of the parable of the conflict between the chicken or the pig over who contributes to breakfast. all the chicken has to do is lay an egg. but the pig has to give up his behind to make bacon. he has to die.

blacks are sick and tired of being the pigs and sacrificing their hides to feed america.
I do think it will be interesting, as facial recognition software becomes more widely available, how willing people will be to shout their racism from the rafters as they do now. Cameras are everywhere. You can't be anonymous anymore.

Like the little MAGA boy in DC who got himself in trouble with the Black Muslims and the Native American. Didn't take long for his personal info to be outed all over the internet.

Personally, I don't believe the majority is willing to be MAGA'd back to the glory days of proud and overt racism and I expect continuing, escalating tantrums from the radicalized racists.
"blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things."

Whites vote GOP because they are afraid of people who aren't white.

Are you afraid?
Of you? No.

Of people who aren't white? No. That's why I don't vote GOP. I live in a minority white town. I'm fine. My few white neighbors are fine too. I know. I asked them.

I want my minority neighbors to be fine also.

So you are special, but everyone who doesn't share your political views is afraid? Are racist democrats afraid?
early in his career King believed whites to be decent people. he trusted whites to put away their bigotry in the face of black suffering. in the last years of his life, he grew more skeptical of the ability of whites to change. he concluded that most whites, including Trump, are unconscious racists.
when i think of trump's racism i am reminded of the parable of the conflict between the chicken or the pig over who contributes to breakfast. all the chicken has to do is lay an egg. but the pig has to give up his behind to make bacon. he has to die.

blacks are sick and tired of being the pigs and sacrificing their hides to feed america.

when i think of trump's racism i am reminded of the parable of the conflict between the chicken or the pig over who contributes to breakfast. all the chicken has to do is lay an egg. but the pig has to give up his behind to make bacon. he has to die.

blacks are sick and tired of being the pigs and sacrificing their hides to feed america.


there is no such thing as white people
whiteness is made up by people like you, white history disguised as american history is a fantasy, as much a fantasy as white superiority! those are all myths. they're intellectual rubbish, cultural garbadge.

the quicker you accept that, the better off you'll be, and so will the rest of us!
my friends, i know reading this may frighten you or even enrage you but these are the facts. whiteness has privilege and power, no matter how poor you are. though whiteness is not real it is still true, that's the paradox. whiteness is slick and endlessly inventive. it is most effective when it makes itself invisible: neutral, human, american
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