Trump officially declared a racist

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They have been for as long as mankind has been around. Want to ruin a good country, get rid of the borders. Then you'll have every worthless human being making their way over there.

Don't worry. I never would visit the USA, except it would be my duty to have to do so. A horrifying idea.

That's good, because if we conservatives get our way, you won't be allowed in this country.

You are not conservative. And you are not the USA. You are not even an asshole. You live in a strange nightmare. The only way is to awake. By true words or by the true god. Your decision.

True god? Don't you mean One True GOD?

Is every US-American an idiot?

Every leftist is.
Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

How stupid is this? Practically exists not one gene of a special man from the 15th century in you. All other people in the world could be also your ancestors after 400 years. You could have much more home nations than exist. If you are still not a citizen of the world then something went wrong.

Talk about your own stupidity ms. homeless.or are you a space cadet?

I'm a citizen of the world. ... Hmm ... A yodeling citizen of the world ... So when you hear a yodeling rocket coming over the atlantic: "duck and cover" ...

you're a citizen of the world? you must have permission to enter the United States of America.
Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

Time in country has no bearing on citizenship. There are no degrees to citizenship. A citizen is a citizen.
leftist have this mental derangement it's borderline suicidal. If you want to change America leave and create an America somewhere else to your own liking.

So your own USA is the country without rights for citizens and without change. What a strange idea.

Why do you care you're a "citizen of the world" lol pathetic.
i realize this is a lot for you to take in. so much has been invested in whiteness that its hard to let go. it is often defensive, resentful, full of denial and amnesia. the only way to save ourselves let alone save our nation is to let go of our whiteness and the vision of american history it supports.

i'm not asking you to let go of your humanity, but to find your way back to it!
Most of it goes to public transportation, but it goes to other wasteful areas as well.

You ever been out of the country Ray From Cleveland? To a place where public transportation is seen as an asset? Europe? Japan? China?

Let's look at China. Say what you will about their politics, but they have public transportation figured out. They move millions of people on a daily basis safely and efficiently. Shanghai and Beijing both have vast subway systems that are cheap and easy to use. They also have high speed rail. I rode a train from Shanghai to Xi'an. We traveled about 300 kmh. Fast, safe and extremely comfortable. In May they unveiled a Maglev prototype capable of reaching 600 kmh.

Meanwhile here in the best most advanced country in the world we still have folks carrying on about the evils of leftist pubic transportation. Man you can't make this shit up.

I have no problem with public transportation, just as long as those that are using it pay for it and it's not subsidized by taxpayers. I don't think I should be paying for you to ride around on a bus. If you want to use a bus, go ahead, just leave me out of it and pay for it yourself.

The reason public transportation sucks money out of the public is because nobody wants to take public transportation. It couldn't survive on it's own. Even years ago when many didn't have a choice, they hated it. A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot was considered a milestone for the future. People wanted the freedom to go when and where they wanted to go.

Do you know what it's like up north to stand at a bus stop at 5:00 am, and the temperature is 2 degrees with the wind blowing at 20mph? Let me tell you, it's no fun.
I think you are wrong about that. It is cost effective for taxpayers to pay for busses . They are taking people to work so subsiding it is mostly taxes from them. And no I dont think it should be free but reasonable. I use the bus because I have one car for both me and my wife so she gets the car. I pay to ride the bus but I am sure it will never make a profit. That is not its goal. Its goal is to get people to work

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I don't care if it makes a profit or not, the point is that if you ride a bus, you should pay for the bus and not taxpayers.

Here they are taxing everybody in the county to subsidize probably a fraction of 1%. Okay, so they are going to work. So am I. But taxpayers don't subsidize my car or insurance either.
white folks see themselves as colorless until blacks dump "the garbadge of race" on your heads
Nothing racist about it.

So sick of their whining, lying and just to be blunt.....stupidity. They're annoying and an embarrassment.
What was annoying and embarrassing is when Obama was excoriated for liking Dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit.

Such hideous crimes. Meanwhile Trump is courting help from the Russians to steal another election and the GOP all the sudden loves the Ruskies.

Trump = commie lover and evil dictator lover. Just what the GOP always longed for. Enjoy your pickled herring samitches, comrade.

Media brainwashing is so amazing.
Yep.... not exactly what you'd call a 'critical thinker', is it? :21:
And we aren't talking about poverty level. We are talking about the 45% who pay no taxes. Not the same thing. Try to keep up.

You want these poor people who make less than $30,000 to pay more taxes so rich people can pay less taxes. It's probably why poor minorities don't vote GOP. Poor white people are just too damn stupid and rich people know that.

Why don't you try to keep up? Here is your quote:

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country.

And you are correct, blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things. Utterly disgusting way to get votes, but that's what they do. it also helps Democrats to keep the country divided in so many ways.

If every American paid 10% of their income to income tax, the wealthy would still be paying more because they make more. The real benefit however is that it would change the attitudes of those who get things "Free" today because it would no longer be free. They would be paying for all these social goodies instead of the wealthy.

View attachment 270331
"blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things."

^^^ racist

What's racist about it?
Because it's not true and it's lumping blacks in a certain light formed only by your own prejudices. It may be true that some do. But the statement as you posted it is not true as there are certainly blacks who get nothing from Democrats yet still vote Democrat. I'm white. Democrats don't give me anything personally. But I still vote Democrat because I believe they do a better job at running the country than Republicans. I believe they provide a more level playing field to all people regardless of race, color, religion, creed, or sexual preferences. Many blacks likely vote Democrat for those and similar reasons. You're a racist. And to racists, blacks vote Democrat because they get things.

Sorry, but it's the truth. Even Johnson realized that when he said he'd have blacks voting Democrat for the next two centuries as he crafted social programs.

My comment might be considered racist if I said "only" blacks. But I didn't say that. I said that the Democrats buy the black vote through programs. It doesn't mean that others didn't fall into the same socialist trap as blacks.

Should I be concerned about Medicare? I'm not on Medicare yet. But my father is. Should I be concerned about school debt? I'm long out of school, but my nephew and niece are still working to pay off their college loans and they are in their early 30's. Should I be concerned about SS disability? I'm not on disability, but one of my tenants is.

You don't have to be on social programs to support them. You may be supportive of them on behalf of your family, friends or neighbors.
whiteness grows more shameless, more cruel, more uncaring by the day. how many of you have tried to put yourself in black people's position. its impossible to be white and empathetic with others.

Trump created a RACEQUAKE by attacking the Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse
Nothing racist about it.

So sick of their whining, lying and just to be blunt.....stupidity. They're annoying and an embarrassment.
What was annoying and embarrassing is when Obama was excoriated for liking Dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit.

Such hideous crimes. Meanwhile Trump is courting help from the Russians to steal another election and the GOP all the sudden loves the Ruskies.

Trump = commie lover and evil dictator lover. Just what the GOP always longed for. Enjoy your pickled herring samitches, comrade.

Media brainwashing is so amazing.
Yep.... not exactly what you'd call a 'critical thinker', is it? :21:

I really find it amazing. The entire thread we asked for specific racist words that Trump used, and they can't come up with any; at least not any real ones. We had a two and a half year investigation into Trump and Russia meddling in the election. Mueller and his band of Trump haters couldn't find anything, not even a hint of Trump having anything to do with what Russia might have done.

In spite of that, they keep repeating the same things over and over: Trump and Putin rigged the election, and Trump is a racist. We have zero proof of what we claim, but we were told to believe it no matter what.

whiteness grows more shameless, more cruel, more uncaring by the day...
Not really. White Folk have simply grown tired of listening to your White Guilt Trip $hit after 50 years. many of you have tried to put yourself in black people's position...
Whatever for? What's in it for us?

...its impossible to be white and empathetic with others...
Only in your race-baiting false-flag universe.

...Trump created a RACEQUAKE by attacking the Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse
Phukk 'em... and phukk anybody who is offended by it.
Nothing racist about it.

So sick of their whining, lying and just to be blunt.....stupidity. They're annoying and an embarrassment.
What was annoying and embarrassing is when Obama was excoriated for liking Dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit.

Such hideous crimes. Meanwhile Trump is courting help from the Russians to steal another election and the GOP all the sudden loves the Ruskies.

Trump = commie lover and evil dictator lover. Just what the GOP always longed for. Enjoy your pickled herring samitches, comrade.

Media brainwashing is so amazing.
Yep.... not exactly what you'd call a 'critical thinker', is it? :21:

I really find it amazing. The entire thread we asked for specific racist words that Trump used, and they can't come up with any; at least not any real ones. We had a two and a half year investigation into Trump and Russia meddling in the election. Mueller and his band of Trump haters couldn't find anything, not even a hint of Trump having anything to do with what Russia might have done.

In spite of that, they keep repeating the same things over and over: Trump and Putin rigged the election, and Trump is a racist. We have zero proof of what we claim, but we were told to believe it no matter what.

It's well-known that I'm no fan of The Creature, but you've got a point there...
you're all just threatened by minorities because most of them are female trans black immigrants
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

Time in country has no bearing on citizenship. There are no degrees to citizenship. A citizen is a citizen.
leftist have this mental derangement it's borderline suicidal. If you want to change America leave and create an America somewhere else to your own liking.

I've said nothing critical of America, dope.
Only critical of your dopey reasoning.
And we aren't talking about poverty level. We are talking about the 45% who pay no taxes. Not the same thing. Try to keep up.

You want these poor people who make less than $30,000 to pay more taxes so rich people can pay less taxes. It's probably why poor minorities don't vote GOP. Poor white people are just too damn stupid and rich people know that.

Why don't you try to keep up? Here is your quote:

The bottom 45% who don't pay federal income tax earn less than $30,000 per year. That's poor in this country.

And you are correct, blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things. Utterly disgusting way to get votes, but that's what they do. it also helps Democrats to keep the country divided in so many ways.

If every American paid 10% of their income to income tax, the wealthy would still be paying more because they make more. The real benefit however is that it would change the attitudes of those who get things "Free" today because it would no longer be free. They would be paying for all these social goodies instead of the wealthy.

View attachment 270331
"blacks vote Democrat because Democrats give them things."

^^^ racist

What's racist about it?
Because it's not true and it's lumping blacks in a certain light formed only by your own prejudices. It may be true that some do. But the statement as you posted it is not true as there are certainly blacks who get nothing from Democrats yet still vote Democrat. I'm white. Democrats don't give me anything personally. But I still vote Democrat because I believe they do a better job at running the country than Republicans. I believe they provide a more level playing field to all people regardless of race, color, religion, creed, or sexual preferences. Many blacks likely vote Democrat for those and similar reasons. You're a racist. And to racists, blacks vote Democrat because they get things.

Sorry, but it's the truth. Even Johnson realized that when he said he'd have blacks voting Democrat for the next two centuries as he crafted social programs.

My comment might be considered racist if I said "only" blacks. But I didn't say that. I said that the Democrats buy the black vote through programs. It doesn't mean that others didn't fall into the same socialist trap as blacks.

Should I be concerned about Medicare? I'm not on Medicare yet. But my father is. Should I be concerned about school debt? I'm long out of school, but my nephew and niece are still working to pay off their college loans and they are in their early 30's. Should I be concerned about SS disability? I'm not on disability, but one of my tenants is.

You don't have to be on social programs to support them. You may be supportive of them on behalf of your family, friends or neighbors.
"My comment might be considered racist if I said "only" blacks."

Your comment was racist because not all blacks behave the way you think they do.
apologizing and moving on does not make the world a better place for minorities.

Trump and Pence must resign, and Pelosi must be our president, my friends!
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

there was no racism in what he said. He said "if you dont like this country you can leave" He mentioned no individuals, no races, no religions, the comment applied, and applies, to everyone in the USA, white, black, brown, red, asian, hispanic, muslim, jew, Christian, Hindu, atheist, and every other demographic that can be dreamed up.

the only racist comments in the last few weeks have come from the idiot squad of four morons who hate the very country that allows fools like them to exist and speak.

try again winger, you lost this one big time

His crowd certainly got the message. Why didn't you, dope?

its not racist to want america-haters to leave the country. His comments and the crowd chant had nothing to do with Omar's color or religion, it had to do with her hateful statements about the country that saved her life and allowed her a seat in the congress.

Why don't you get that message, dope?

It certainly is when those "america-haters"
are all women of color, dope.
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