Trump officially declared a racist

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If a white German male described 9/11 as "some people did something" and then said the Holocaust caused him to experience a "calming feeling," can you imagine the (entirely justified) outrage that would follow? But Rep. Omar said such sick things, and liberals are defending her.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

Time in country has no bearing on citizenship. There are no degrees to citizenship. A citizen is a citizen.
leftist have this mental derangement it's borderline suicidal. If you want to change America leave and create an America somewhere else to your own liking.

So your own USA is the country without rights for citizens and without change. What a strange idea.

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my IQ is fine. You are the asshole here.

A contradiction. If I am really an asshole then your IQ is not fine. And I am really an asshole; specially in context with everything what has to do with Nazi-methods. And Donald Trump uses much to much the propagandistic methods of the Commies and the Nazis. Trump produces a form of world, which is totally irreal and where all problems are solvable by a strong man, who seems to be indeed the problem on his own. Strong men are one of the worst problems of all mankind since centuries. My solidarity is first of all with the fantastic 4 women. I love women. And I love everyone who gives "outcasts" a voice - as this four women are doing, who represent not the male white stupid racists of the USA but another population of the USA - the population of so called "migrants" and the population of the Indians, who came to America and became "red" on this way.....

Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks. In the moment it is for everyone in the world not easy to trust in British companies or to trust in US-companies - and the reason are not this companies. The rason for is the very absurde politics in both countries.

you are a very confused person, I feel sorry for someone so obviously brainwashed with liberal lies.

Someone, who is for freedom, is liberal. So I am not able to say I am not liberal. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. What's wrong with the ideal of freedom, equality and fraternity. What's wrong with tolerance and humanity? Quo vadis USA?

nothing wrong with those things, but those are the things that the democrat party of today is trying to do away with.
Nothing racist about it.

So sick of their whining, lying and just to be blunt.....stupidity. They're annoying and an embarrassment.
What was annoying and embarrassing is when Obama was excoriated for liking Dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit.

Such hideous crimes. Meanwhile Trump is courting help from the Russians to steal another election and the GOP all the sudden loves the Ruskies.

Trump = commie lover and evil dictator lover. Just what the GOP always longed for. Enjoy your pickled herring samitches, comrade.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

there was no racism in what he said. He said "if you dont like this country you can leave" He mentioned no individuals, no races, no religions, the comment applied, and applies, to everyone in the USA, white, black, brown, red, asian, hispanic, muslim, jew, Christian, Hindu, atheist, and every other demographic that can be dreamed up.

the only racist comments in the last few weeks have come from the idiot squad of four morons who hate the very country that allows fools like them to exist and speak.

try again winger, you lost this one big time

His crowd certainly got the message. Why didn't you, dope?

its not racist to want america-haters to leave the country. His comments and the crowd chant had nothing to do with Omar's color or religion, it had to do with her hateful statements about the country that saved her life and allowed her a seat in the congress.

Why don't you get that message, dope?
If a white German male described 9/11 as "some people did something"

This "some people" were Saudi Arabians. Saudi Arabia is the best ally of the USA - and it was in the interest of the Sauds to eliminate the Iraq and it is also in the interest of the Sauds to eliminate the Iran. The Wahabism of the Sauds is by the way a prototype for the "islamic state".

and then said the Holocaust caused him to experience a "calming feeling,"

Sure it is a calming feeling to be a member of a "semite" group of people of the world and to know so called Anti-semites murdered in industrial dimension millions of people, because they did not like them. Send her to Germany and Poland and we will tell her, what was really going on. Then send her to a doctor in the USA, who takes care for her new problem not to be able to sleep any longer.

can you imagine the (entirely justified) outrage that would follow?

The greatest outrager in case of Germany is Mr. Donald Disqualified Trump - on totally idiotic reasons, because he has absolutelly not any plan about what's really going on in the world. Your "ambassador" Richard Grenell supports by the way in Germany and all over Europe Nazi-organisations.

But Rep. Omar said such sick things, and liberals are defending her.

To defend her rights means not to have to share her opinions.

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Trump is a racist compulsive lying pig. Fact.

and you display your stupidity on this message board on a daily basis.

did Trump say "we need black faces to stand up for blacks" "we need muslim faces to stand up for muslims" ? No that was said by a racist black female in the US congress. These modern black racists think that all blacks must think the same, say the same, and do the same. THAT my little friend is racism at its worst.
If a white German male described 9/11 as "some people did something"

This "some people" were Saudi Arabians. Saudi Arabia is the best ally of the USA - and it was in the interest of the Sauds to eliminate the Iraq and it is also in the interest of the Sauds to eliminate the Iran. The Wahabism of the Sauds is by the way a rpototype for every other "islamic state".

and then said the Holocaust caused him to experience a "calming feeling,"

Sure it is a calming feeling to be a member of a "semite" group of people of the world and to know so called Anti-semites murdered in industrial dimension millions of people, because they did not like them.

can you imagine the (entirely justified) outrage that would follow?

The greatest outrager in case of germayn Donald Trump - on totally idiotic reasons, because he has absootzeoly ot ahny plan abhout what's really going on in the world. Your "mabvassodor" Richard Grenell support by the way in Germany and all over Europe Nazi-organisations.

But Rep. Omar said such sick things, and liberals are defending her.

To defend her rights means not to have to share her opinions.

to your last comment, defending her right of free speech is one thing, but she does not have the right to violate her oath of office and shit on the very country that allows her to exist. Do you think she could get away with anti-Somalia rhetoric in Somalia? She would be dead.
Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

How stupid is this? Practically exists not one gene of a special man from the 15th century in you. All other people in the world could be also your ancestors after 400 years. You could have much more home nations than exist. If you are still not a citizen of the world then something went wrong.

Talk about your own stupidity ms. homeless.or are you a space cadet?

I'm a citizen of the world. ... Hmm ...

No, you are not.
Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
My country of origin is Scotland but my family has been here since Jamestown 1600's

How stupid is this? Practically exists not one gene of a special man from the 15th century in you. All other people in the world could be also your ancestors after 400 years. You could have much more home nations than exist. If you are still not a citizen of the world then something went wrong.

Talk about your own stupidity ms. homeless.or are you a space cadet?

I'm a citizen of the world. ... Hmm ...

No, you are not.

Perhaps you could convince him/her would be happier living in another part of it?
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If a white German male described 9/11 as "some people did something" and then said the Holocaust caused him to experience a "calming feeling," can you imagine the (entirely justified) outrage that would follow? But Rep. Omar said such sick things, and liberals are defending her.
Oh please. No.

Trump loves the Saudis. Especially the murderous Mohammed bin Salman. Well, more like he's afraid of them so he behaves like a lap dog instead of the pretend leader of the free world.

Most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudis. You can't pretend outrage over Omar's COMMENTS and not be horrified at Trump's sycophant ACTIONS towards the Saudis. It's just too easy to see the stupidity.
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its not racist to want america-haters to leave the country. His comments and the crowd chant had nothing to do with Omar's color or religion, it had to do with her hateful statements about the country that saved her life and allowed her a seat in the congress.

Why don't you get that message, dope?

Awww, did Omar hurt your feelings? Poor little snowflake.

I'll swear MAGA people are the MOST sensitive, delicate, precious little flowers I've ever come across in the political spectrum.

You line up behind Trump because he is so big and brave and powerful. He bravely and boldly stands up to this tiny black woman, all to keep you safe and snug in your white bread world. Soon he'll rid the country of all the people who are not white Europeans. Then you can finally leave your basements.
If a white German male described 9/11 as "some people did something" and then said the Holocaust caused him to experience a "calming feeling," can you imagine the (entirely justified) outrage that would follow? But Rep. Omar said such sick things, and liberals are defending her.
Oh please. No.

Trump loves the Saudis. Especially the murderous Mohammed bin Salman. Well, more like he's afraid of them so he behaves like a lap dog instead of the pretend leader of the free world.

Most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudis. You can't pretend outrage over Omar's COMMENTS and not be horrified at Trump's sycophant ACTIONS towards he Saudis. It's just too easy to see the stupidity.

If you knew the story of 911, you'd realize that Bin Laden's hatred of the US started when Bush senior had the government kick Bin Laden out of SA, his very own country. Yes, the terrorists were from SA because that's where Bin Laden was from. If you were going to commit an act of terror against Saudi Arabia, it's likely the people with you would also be Americans.
...Sure does. It means you get to claim the benefits of union representation without having to contribute Sure way to kill unions....just like Conservatives want
The days of Working Folk tolerating union strong-arm tactics against members and mob corruption and pension theft has come to an end.
Nothing racist about it.

So sick of their whining, lying and just to be blunt.....stupidity. They're annoying and an embarrassment.
What was annoying and embarrassing is when Obama was excoriated for liking Dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit.

Such hideous crimes. Meanwhile Trump is courting help from the Russians to steal another election and the GOP all the sudden loves the Ruskies.

Trump = commie lover and evil dictator lover. Just what the GOP always longed for. Enjoy your pickled herring samitches, comrade.

Media brainwashing is so amazing.
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