Trump on Biden

The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.
Obama ran against McCain, a good man. Biden ran against the worst President ever. Plus more people voted overall.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.

You mean Biden didn't hold superspreader events during a pandemic for his ego needs. The American voters noticed that.

How bout Biden's disaster at the border?? How bout thousands of illegals flooding into our country. Many with the Chinese virus. How bout that Chinese Virus relief bill that has very little relief in it. How bout our tax dollars paying for Union pension funds in blue states and cities??

How bout you voted for a disaster and all of us will pay for it. That trumps your superspreader nonsense.

Biden didn't cause the crisis at the border. If you have a brain, use it.
Proof? hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
All kinds of proof, you just don't want to see it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

How do you argue the merits of proof with an idiot whose whole argument against the proof is: "Hahahahahahaha!?"
There was a tiny fraction of the proof that Trump collaborated with Russia and that they stole the election from Hillary by a few mere FB ads, yet they spent several years and 45 million dollars trying to prove it!

So how do you get from THAT to maybe 100X the evidence and the same people who now laugh at the suggestion, saying there is nothing there to see and won't even spend a dime looking, much less offer a nickel's worth of evidence why any of it is baseless.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.

You mean Biden didn't hold superspreader events during a pandemic for his ego needs. The American voters noticed that.

How bout Biden's disaster at the border?? How bout thousands of illegals flooding into our country. Many with the Chinese virus. How bout that Chinese Virus relief bill that has very little relief in it. How bout our tax dollars paying for Union pension funds in blue states and cities??

How bout you voted for a disaster and all of us will pay for it. That trumps your superspreader nonsense.

Biden didn't cause the crisis at the border. If you have a brain, use it.
Biden said come to America. He did cause the border crisis. Migrants themselves said they would not have come if Trump was still president. You use your brain. They had Biden T-shirts on.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.

You mean Biden didn't hold superspreader events during a pandemic for his ego needs. The American voters noticed that.

How bout Biden's disaster at the border?? How bout thousands of illegals flooding into our country. Many with the Chinese virus. How bout that Chinese Virus relief bill that has very little relief in it. How bout our tax dollars paying for Union pension funds in blue states and cities??

How bout you voted for a disaster and all of us will pay for it. That trumps your superspreader nonsense.
Thousands are not flooding into our country. Biden is dealing with a flood of unaccompanied children. I know you Trumpettes would prefer to send them away with no one to care for them.

Tax dollars pay for teachers, police, fire fighters. Of course, you people hate these people & do not want to pay them any benefits. Why is funding their pensions any different than other employees getting retirement funding? This is just you being dumber than shit.

The relief effort was to help those who suffered from the virus & help our economy to recover. I guess it ewas OK for you to want to open our economy under the risk of COVID but not help the economy to come back through stimulus.

Isn't it funny how Democrats take over & have to fix the mess left by you Republicans?
150,000 have already come. What is wrong with you people? This lie, like the one about fraud, is not working. Those children have parents . They are not our responsibility.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

Holy cow.. Trump is dumb as a stump. What he says carries no weight.
Trump outsmarted 17 intelligence agencies, the FBI, the DOJ, and former president Obama. He is far from dumb. If our government was not corrupt he would still be president.
You mean Biden didn't hold superspreader events
How bout Biden's disaster at the border?? How bout thousands of illegals flooding into our country. Many with the Chinese virus. How bout that Chinese Virus relief bill that has very little relief in it. How bout our tax dollars paying for Union pension funds in blue states and cities?? How bout you voted for a disaster and all of us will pay for it.

Claudette, why do you bother wasting your breath arguing with itinerant fools who revise history, change all the facts, then best of all, use a totally different standard for "their" guy vs. the one they hold for Trump?

We all get it that the standard they hold for Trump no one could pass. It's designed that way. They have set up a standard Trump can't help but fail at while using a different standard for Biden he can't possibly fail at!

If a person can't even measure both sides of the aisle by the same yardstick, it is simply a waste of time even talking to them since they obviously don't care about facts or accuracy.

We could end up with a 30 trillion deficit and $7.00/gallon gasoline and they still would never admit Joe is wrong or bad for the country.
You mean Biden didn't hold superspreader events
How bout Biden's disaster at the border?? How bout thousands of illegals flooding into our country. Many with the Chinese virus. How bout that Chinese Virus relief bill that has very little relief in it. How bout our tax dollars paying for Union pension funds in blue states and cities?? How bout you voted for a disaster and all of us will pay for it.

Claudette, why do you bother wasting your breath arguing with itinerant fools who revise history, change all the facts, then best of all, use a totally different standard for "their" guy vs. the one they hold for Trump?

We all get it that the standard they hold for Trump no one could pass. It's designed that way. They have set up a standard Trump can't help but fail at while using a different standard for Biden he can't possibly fail at!

If a person can't even measure both sides of the aisle by the same yardstick, it is simply a waste of time even talking to them since they obviously don't care about facts or accuracy.

We could end up with a 30 trillion deficit and $7.00/gallon gasoline and they still would never admit Joe is wrong or bad for the country.

Good Lord, there were no standards where Trump is concerned.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.

Biden didn't have to campaign. Trump did all that for him. Every time Trump had a rally and got crazier, it made more people realize how important it was to vote for Biden. The closer to the election, the crazier trump got, which gave Biden that extra push at the end.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
Proof? hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha

All kinds of proof, you just don't want to see it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Wow. Proof that can't be proven. That's some kind of proof ya got there.

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The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.
Oh? What role did Biden play in your imaginary theft?
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.

Biden didn't have to campaign. Trump did all that for him. Every time Trump had a rally and got crazier, it made more people realize how important it was to vote for Biden. The closer to the election, the crazier trump got, which gave Biden that extra push at the end.
And who knows how many supporters he Hermain Cained with those rallies.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.

You mean Biden didn't hold superspreader events during a pandemic for his ego needs. The American voters noticed that.

How bout Biden's disaster at the border?? How bout thousands of illegals flooding into our country. Many with the Chinese virus. How bout that Chinese Virus relief bill that has very little relief in it. How bout our tax dollars paying for Union pension funds in blue states and cities??

How bout you voted for a disaster and all of us will pay for it. That trumps your superspreader nonsense.
Thousands are not flooding into our country. Biden is dealing with a flood of unaccompanied children. I know you Trumpettes would prefer to send them away with no one to care for them.

Tax dollars pay for teachers, police, fire fighters. Of course, you people hate these people & do not want to pay them any benefits. Why is funding their pensions any different than other employees getting retirement funding? This is just you being dumber than shit.

The relief effort was to help those who suffered from the virus & help our economy to recover. I guess it ewas OK for you to want to open our economy under the risk of COVID but not help the economy to come back through stimulus.

Isn't it funny how Democrats take over & have to fix the mess left by you Republicans?

You damned right. Send them all back to the border and let Mexico deal with them.
As for the mess?? The stuttering fuck has made a huge mess of the border. A border Trump did quite well with.

Keep defending that stuttering fuck as he costs us billions each year. You lie to yourself quite well. Keep it up dumbass.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.
Obama ran against McCain, a good man. Biden ran against the worst President ever. Plus more people voted overall.

No he didn't run at all. He never campaigned cause he knew he didn't need to.

Trump was a great POTUS even though you would never admit it. Before the oh so convenient Chinese virus this country was in great shape.

UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy. All that with Trump at the helm. You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you voted for.
Taxation or increase in Taxation while not dealing with fraud, waste spending and bloat within the government is pointless at this time and all it will do is give the Federal Government more money to waste while never dealing with what need to be deal with and that is get government wasteful spending under control!

As for your comment about the rightful President, Biden won!
You mean the real loser, who now lives in Florida. Who cares what he thinks. If you want to guarantee 4 more years of Joe, run his orange ass again.
It still blows my mind that anyone can take anything that lying, bullshitting, childish, profoundly damaged orange buffoon says seriously.

But they do.
Proof? hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
All kinds of proof, you just don't want to see it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

How do you argue the merits of proof with an idiot whose whole argument against the proof is: "Hahahahahahaha!?"
There was a tiny fraction of the proof that Trump collaborated with Russia and that they stole the election from Hillary by a few mere FB ads, yet they spent several years and 45 million dollars trying to prove it!

So how do you get from THAT to maybe 100X the evidence and the same people who now laugh at the suggestion, saying there is nothing there to see and won't even spend a dime looking, much less offer a nickel's worth of evidence why any of it is baseless.
So, there was some evience of collusion but there is no evidence that cheating cost your dear orange one the election.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.
Obama ran against McCain, a good man. Biden ran against the worst President ever. Plus more people voted overall.

No he didn't run at all. He never campaigned cause he knew he didn't need to.

Trump was a great POTUS even though you would never admit it. Before the oh so convenient Chinese virus this country was in great shape.

UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy. All that with Trump at the helm. You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you voted for.
Biden was not so stuopid as to hold super spreader events.

Maybe you should check the GDP performance the last three quarters of 2019?

I love how you give a pass to COVID when Trump totally blew the response....unless you think is was really under trump's complete control.

I suppose you think Bush did a great job economically if we only ignored the Bush recerssion.
Proof? hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
All kinds of proof, you just don't want to see it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

How do you argue the merits of proof with an idiot whose whole argument against the proof is: "Hahahahahahaha!?"
There was a tiny fraction of the proof that Trump collaborated with Russia and that they stole the election from Hillary by a few mere FB ads, yet they spent several years and 45 million dollars trying to prove it!

So how do you get from THAT to maybe 100X the evidence and the same people who now laugh at the suggestion, saying there is nothing there to see and won't even spend a dime looking, much less offer a nickel's worth of evidence why any of it is baseless.
So, there was some evience of collusion but there is no evidence that cheating cost your dear orange one the election.

Lots of evidence which you don't want to see. If Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud.
The real president has some things to say.

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.
Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.
Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!
Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong.
This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working.
This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.
Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law. Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed!

View attachment 474825
You assfucks know that Trump is 4 years younger than Trump. By the time 2024 rolls around, he will be the same age Biden was when he WON and you said he was too old.

I don't think Biden is to old. He's just to stupid to be POTUS.
So, Trump is so pathetic that he was beaten by a stupid person?

He wasn't beaten. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. More than enough proof of it.

You are so pathetic you can't see the truth. Just what you want to believe. LOL
There is zero evidence of this being a fraudulent election....not one single fraud case brought but one case, where a Trumpet, voted for his dead mother and voted in person.

You are regurgitating a lie, a Big Lie....created to fool you....

You should have no trouble presenting evidence that even one fraud case occurred....but you can't.....and you need massive massive massive fraud in 4 of the 6 battle ground states to overcome Biden's electoral college win, and the win for Biden in each of those states.

Trump lost, big time in the battle ground states.

Oh there is all kinds of evidence. You just don't want to see it. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers who were there. Dominion machines that have algorithms that no voting machine needs. Texas who investigated Dominion and from what found, didn't use them. MIT that did the same thing.

Oh there is tons of evidence that no one wanted to even look at.

Trump didn't lose anything. This was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and we are now stuck with a stuttering fuck who is in the act of bankrupting the country.
Wow, you really drank that orange-ade.

So investigations in Red States couldn't prove anything yet here you are. Your buddy lost. Why are you shocked?

Nope. I have common sense which you have none of. No way did Biden get more votes than Obama. Hell he never campaigned and now we know why.

The only shock I feel is that, that stuttering fuck is ruining the country. You should be even more shocked since you voted for his stupid ass.
Obama ran against McCain, a good man. Biden ran against the worst President ever. Plus more people voted overall.

No he didn't run at all. He never campaigned cause he knew he didn't need to.

Trump was a great POTUS even though you would never admit it. Before the oh so convenient Chinese virus this country was in great shape.

UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy. All that with Trump at the helm. You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you voted for.
Biden was not so stuopid as to hold super spreader events.

Maybe you should check the GDP performance the last three quarters of 2019?

I love how you give a pass to COVID when Trump totally blew the response....unless you think is was really under trump's complete control.

I suppose you think Bush did a great job economically if we only ignored the Bush recerssion.

He's holding one now on the border. Thousand of illegals are streaming across our border. Many with the Chinese virus.

He handcuffed ICE and the Border Patrol and stopped construction on the fully funded wall.

He's having illegals, many with the Chinese virus, lodged in hotels at our expense instead of shipping their stupid asses back to the border.

You can't get more super spreader than that.

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