Trump on Obama - “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”

Christie was pissed because he wasn't getting enough love from the pubs, so he sabotaged them....and now he's giving mention about running for prez in 2016 on the pub ticket.

Of course he wants to run for prez in 2016. That's why he stabbed romney in the back. Christie didn't want to wait for 2020. Repubs know this and they'll never pick him as their candidate.
No, the idiot was Obama for not accepting Trump's offer. By doing nothing Obama tossed charities under the Bus who could have benefited greatly from that Five Million Dollar windfall. It makes rational people question whether Obama does indeed have something to hide.

Would have been better if trump had hammered about that pamphlet obozo's literary agency published that said obozo was born in kenya. That's the smoking gun and i still don't see why repubs don't use that.
What do you want, Trump is an idiot.

No, the idiot was Obama for not accepting Trump's offer. By doing nothing Obama tossed charities under the Bus who could have benefited greatly from that Five Million Dollar windfall. It makes rational people question whether Obama does indeed have something to hide.

Obama doesn't negotiate with terrorists, why would he negotiate with trump? If trump wanted to step up with this money, why didn't he donate it anyway? Are you this blind? If obama caved to trump on this, where would it end?
No, the idiot was Obama for not accepting Trump's offer. By doing nothing Obama tossed charities under the Bus who could have benefited greatly from that Five Million Dollar windfall. It makes rational people question whether Obama does indeed have something to hide.

Would have been better if trump had hammered about that pamphlet obozo's literary agency published that said obozo was born in kenya. That's the smoking gun and i still don't see why repubs don't use that.

Damn that lying doctor in Hawaii, a publisher said differently. Damn that lying birth certificate.
Christie was pissed because he wasn't getting enough love from the pubs, so he sabotaged them....and now he's giving mention about running for prez in 2016 on the pub ticket.

Of course he wants to run for prez in 2016. That's why he stabbed romney in the back. Christie didn't want to wait for 2020. Repubs know this and they'll never pick him as their candidate.

I said the same thing about Romney. Oh and exactly how did christie stab then in the back. What did he say that was not the truth? Specifically.
Oh and exactly how did christie stab then in the back. What did he say that was not the truth? Specifically.

He went on TV right after Sandy hit and said obozo was doing a super job helping out even though obozo had done nothing; was not, in fact, supposed to do anything. The feds are NOT first responders.
Would have been better if trump had hammered about that pamphlet obozo's literary agency published that said obozo was born in kenya. That's the smoking gun and i still don't see why repubs don't use that.

Damn that lying doctor in Hawaii, a publisher said differently. Damn that lying birth certificate.

So explain the publisher brochure?
What do you want, Trump is an idiot.

No, the idiot was Obama for not accepting Trump's offer. By doing nothing Obama tossed charities under the Bus who could have benefited greatly from that Five Million Dollar windfall. It makes rational people question whether Obama does indeed have something to hide.

Obama doesn't negotiate with terrorists, why would he negotiate with trump? If trump wanted to step up with this money, why didn't he donate it anyway? Are you this blind? If obama caved to trump on this, where would it end?

Obama doesn't care about 5 million dollar charitable donations... We get it already. What's so difficult for Obama to simply produce the documents, and enjoy the free press about his concern for charities... Nothing. It would have been a win for Obama... Unless... :eusa_whistle:
Obama doesn't negotiate with terrorists, why would he negotiate with trump? If trump wanted to step up with this money, why didn't he donate it anyway? Are you this blind? If obama caved to trump on this, where would it end?

HAHAHA. So now trump is a terrorist. Don't forget to call him a wacist too. HAHA
If obozo was white he'd have had no chance at the WH. The media has refused to investigate any of the questions about this guy. All because he's black.

Trump to Malzberg: I Was Vilified for Obama ?Birther? Challenge

Monday, 04 Feb 2013 07:50 PM

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump told veteran radio broadcaster Steve Malzberg on Monday that he was vilified by the mainstream media for offering to donate $5 million to charity if President Barack Obama released his college transcripts.

“They all came to his defense: ‘How dare Trump do that?’” Trump said on the premiere of “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV in New York. “It was $5 million that can go to Sandy, but I would’ve been willing to pay much, much more than that.

“It was incredible,” Trump added. “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Trump launched a controversial “birther’’ campaign against President Obama, claiming that Obama was not born in Hawaii.

“I offered him $5 million if he showed, just showed, these college transcripts and also some documentation. Very simple stuff. Passport documentation. And he didn’t do it,” Trump said. “Then, I gave him a certain number — and I said I would raise it very, very substantially from $5 million, and he still didn’t do it.”

The mainstream media “thought it was terrible that I had asked for that,” Trump added. “He could’ve made a lot of money for showing a few documents — literally, a few pages worth of documents and maybe some passport documentation.”

Who gives a flying f... what Trump has to say?

At least the Press is reporting on the murder of US citizens, that is a start.
Trump is a total douche the same article "Trump pointed to the 34-minute blackout Sunday night during Super Bowl XLVII at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans as another reflection of what is happening to the United States." This thread is a reflection of the pickled thinking that is going through Trump's mind...:doubt:

Trump's point is that infra-structure is collapsing because obozo only cares about giving welfare checks to negros and hispos.

You should see a professional about your 'anger' issues... or better yet go shoot yourself instead of speeders.

Racist assholes like you give REAL conservatives a bad name.
Obama's worshiping sycophantic media, treating him like a sacred object....venerating him, adoring him ... protecting him from all his mistakes, in a cocoon.... it's disgusting. I'm no fan of Trump, but he is right this time.

Thanks God for Fox News.

Everyone should hate him. The way you do.
All of the media, with the exception of Fox, are a bunch of Obama's sycophants.


I can't wait to hear Dick Morris's prediction for 2016. The funniest part is you rightwingers will have forgotten how wrong Fox was 4 years earlier. You will take whatever Rove and Morris have to say as gospel. To hell with the facts and numbers, right?
They didn't take election fraud into account.

What election fraud? Post links to verifiable sites that prove election fraud on such a massive scale, that Obama was able to win by 5 million votes and 126 electoral votes... :eusa_pray:
What do you want, Trump is an idiot.

No, the idiot was Obama for not accepting Trump's offer. By doing nothing Obama tossed charities under the Bus who could have benefited greatly from that Five Million Dollar windfall. It makes rational people question whether Obama does indeed have something to hide.
Actually, Obama did quite a bit for Sandy victims with federal aid. Far more than the $5 million Trump offered in fact.

What did Trump do for victims of Hurricane Sandy?
If obozo was white he'd have had no chance at the WH. The media has refused to investigate any of the questions about this guy. All because he's black.

Trump to Malzberg: I Was Vilified for Obama ?Birther? Challenge

Monday, 04 Feb 2013 07:50 PM

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump told veteran radio broadcaster Steve Malzberg on Monday that he was vilified by the mainstream media for offering to donate $5 million to charity if President Barack Obama released his college transcripts.

“They all came to his defense: ‘How dare Trump do that?’” Trump said on the premiere of “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV in New York. “It was $5 million that can go to Sandy, but I would’ve been willing to pay much, much more than that.

“It was incredible,” Trump added. “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Trump launched a controversial “birther’’ campaign against President Obama, claiming that Obama was not born in Hawaii.

“I offered him $5 million if he showed, just showed, these college transcripts and also some documentation. Very simple stuff. Passport documentation. And he didn’t do it,” Trump said. “Then, I gave him a certain number — and I said I would raise it very, very substantially from $5 million, and he still didn’t do it.”

The mainstream media “thought it was terrible that I had asked for that,” Trump added. “He could’ve made a lot of money for showing a few documents — literally, a few pages worth of documents and maybe some passport documentation.”

Trump being quoted in Newsmax.. A double whammey of extreme wingnut idiocy all in one post.
Would have been better if trump had hammered about that pamphlet obozo's literary agency published that said obozo was born in kenya. That's the smoking gun and i still don't see why repubs don't use that.

Damn that lying doctor in Hawaii, a publisher said differently. Damn that lying birth certificate.

So explain the publisher brochure?
Easy to explain ... it was an error by the publishing agency which admits the error. And before you go off on some wild tangent, here's proof that it was an error ... an article in the New York Times, that was published before the pamphlet which has so easily fooled you, about Barack Obama becoming Harvard'd first black Law Review president...

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.
Yanno................if Donald Trump (whom I call Donald the Chump) was as smart as he claims to be, he wouldn't have gone after Bill Maher when he told a JOKE about Donald the Chump being born from a white mother and an orangutange father.

The funny part? He had his lawyer send a short form birth certificate to Bill Maher to prove that he was from 2 humans having sex.

Donald the Chump didn't accept the short form from Obama, so why should Bill Maher accept the same thing from the Chump?

Face it................................Donald the Chump is fading out, and much like the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil known as Palin, he's trying to keep his celebrity running.

He's a fading fast, going silent, over the hill, has been star.
What do you want, Trump is an idiot.

No, the idiot was Obama for not accepting Trump's offer. By doing nothing Obama tossed charities under the Bus who could have benefited greatly from that Five Million Dollar windfall. It makes rational people question whether Obama does indeed have something to hide.
Actually, Obama did quite a bit for Sandy victims with federal aid. Far more than the $5 million Trump offered in fact.

What did Trump do for victims of Hurricane Sandy?

He did nothing with his own money, which means he did nothing.

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