Trump on Obama - “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”


I also noticed that your 'tag 'em and bag 'em' mindset failed you HORRIBLY, as the very LAST thing anyone here would label me is a 'libulal'.

You must be drunk ALREADY today... :dunno:

HAHAHA. More namecalling. You're a libulal for sure. Libulals never ever ever discuss the issues.

You just love deleting the parts of the posts you quote that make you look bad, so I figured I'd add a liitle bit of it back into the thread...

ShootSpeeders said:
Trump's point is that infra-structure is collapsing because obozo only cares about giving welfare checks to negros and hispos.

I noticed you deleted your post that I was responding to, I guess it just proved how racist you were being at that time, and leaving it in THIS post would have made you look...... well ....... hypocritical.

I also noticed that your 'tag 'em and bag 'em' mindset failed you HORRIBLY, as the very LAST thing anyone here would label me is a 'libulal'.

You must be drunk ALREADY today...

You see the darker letters there? That's what you deleted in your quoted posts.

Can't say as I blame you, neither one of them make you look very good.

But you're used to that, aintcha?
If obozo was white he'd have had no chance at the WH. The media has refused to investigate any of the questions about this guy. All because he's black.

Trump to Malzberg: I Was Vilified for Obama ?Birther? Challenge

Monday, 04 Feb 2013 07:50 PM

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump told veteran radio broadcaster Steve Malzberg on Monday that he was vilified by the mainstream media for offering to donate $5 million to charity if President Barack Obama released his college transcripts.

“They all came to his defense: ‘How dare Trump do that?’” Trump said on the premiere of “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV in New York. “It was $5 million that can go to Sandy, but I would’ve been willing to pay much, much more than that.

“It was incredible,” Trump added. “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Trump launched a controversial “birther’’ campaign against President Obama, claiming that Obama was not born in Hawaii.

“I offered him $5 million if he showed, just showed, these college transcripts and also some documentation. Very simple stuff. Passport documentation. And he didn’t do it,” Trump said. “Then, I gave him a certain number — and I said I would raise it very, very substantially from $5 million, and he still didn’t do it.”

The mainstream media “thought it was terrible that I had asked for that,” Trump added. “He could’ve made a lot of money for showing a few documents — literally, a few pages worth of documents and maybe some passport documentation.”

If Obama was white, the right wouldn't be continuously questioning his citizenship despite all the evidence that he was born right here in the USA!
what do you call it when some precincts recorded more votes than they had registered voters? what do you call it when some precincts had zero romney votes recorded? what do you call it when military absentee ballots were "lost" ?

Umm... what precincts had more votes than voters? What about precincts with zero Obama voters?

more votes than voters----St. Lucie county, florida, some in NJ
zero romney----several precincts in Pa and NY

there are more, if you really care, look it up
I have looked which is why I know your claims are nonsense...

Registered Voters: 175554
Times Counted: 124606

Pages 3 & 4 Docs/2012 General/GEMS SOVC REPORT.pdf

You'll note that 175,554 is more than 124,606

As far as there being precincts where Romney got zero votes, here is the list of precincts where Obama got zero votes. It happens.

• Ascension Parish, LA 0060
• Assumption Parish, LA 05 05
• Beauregard Parish, LA 0018 A
• Caldwell Parish, LA07 03A
• Catahoula Parish, LA 01 3, 03 3
• East Feliciana Parish, LA 00 07C
• Evangeline Parish, LA 03 3071
• Franklin Parish, LA 00 18
• Grant Parish, La 07 7, 08 1, 08 5
• Jackson Parish, LA 00 24
• La Salle Parish, LA 09 04, 09 05
• Livingston Parish, LA 01 05, 01 06, 01 11, 06 09, 07 03, 08 10, 08 12, 08 13, 08 14, 11 05
• St. Martin Parish, LA 07 02B
• Tangipahoa Parish, LA 00 106B
• Tensas Parish, LA 00 01B
• Terrebonne Parish, LA 00 096, 00 104, 00 108
• Union Parish, LA 00 15A, 00 21
• Jasper County, MS Moss First
• Carbon County, WY Hanna Town Hall 6-1
• Crook County, WY Oshoto Community Building 26-26
• Niobara County, WY Warren - Renard's Garage 1-2
If obozo was white he'd have had no chance at the WH. The media has refused to investigate any of the questions about this guy. All because he's black.

Trump to Malzberg: I Was Vilified for Obama ?Birther? Challenge

Monday, 04 Feb 2013 07:50 PM

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump told veteran radio broadcaster Steve Malzberg on Monday that he was vilified by the mainstream media for offering to donate $5 million to charity if President Barack Obama released his college transcripts.

“They all came to his defense: ‘How dare Trump do that?’” Trump said on the premiere of “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV in New York. “It was $5 million that can go to Sandy, but I would’ve been willing to pay much, much more than that.

“It was incredible,” Trump added. “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Trump launched a controversial “birther’’ campaign against President Obama, claiming that Obama was not born in Hawaii.

“I offered him $5 million if he showed, just showed, these college transcripts and also some documentation. Very simple stuff. Passport documentation. And he didn’t do it,” Trump said. “Then, I gave him a certain number — and I said I would raise it very, very substantially from $5 million, and he still didn’t do it.”

The mainstream media “thought it was terrible that I had asked for that,” Trump added. “He could’ve made a lot of money for showing a few documents — literally, a few pages worth of documents and maybe some passport documentation.”

If Obama was white, the right wouldn't be continuously questioning his citizenship despite all the evidence that he was born right here in the USA!

They don't have anything else.
Just a question: why should the govt bail out people who build in flood prone areas and do not buy insurance?

Because in America, we elect people to represent our interest in a centralized federal government; and as a people, our interest is helping out those who need the help after facing natural disaster. It's called, "compassion."

So I guess you are telling me to drop my flood insurance since the govt will bail me out if my home floods.

what happened to personal responsibility? I understand compassion for those unable to help themselves, and I support that completely.

But my question was why should WE (the govt) bail out people who build in flood prone areas and do not buy flood insurance?

Does your compassion also apply to those that do not buy car insurance? should the govt buy them a new car if they get in a wreck and are uninsured?
Don't be ridiculous, the federal government does not replace your personal loses. THAT is what insurance is for. What the federal government provides is immediate aid, disaster relief, funds to rebuild public infrastructure, etc...

But it is funny to see the same people who whine about how Democrats must have cheated in order for Obama to win, then search for personal responsibility in others. :doubt:

... and again, what did Trump donate?
Last edited:
If Obama was white, the right wouldn't be continuously questioning his citizenship despite all the evidence that he was born right here in the USA!

So why did obozo tell his literary agency he was born in kenya?
If obozo was white he'd have had no chance at the WH. The media has refused to investigate any of the questions about this guy. All because he's black.

We don't need another thread on how you hate black people. All because they're black.
So explain the publisher brochure?

Easy to explain ... it was an error by the publishing agency which admits the error.

HAHAHA. Oh yeah that explains it. The publisher just naturally assumed that all black americans are born in kenya!!! HAHAHA.

Obozo must have told them he was born in kenya. That's indisputable.

Not according to them, and they are in a position to know, where you're not. According to them, they rarely get their bios from the person they list.

But the far more relevant point, which you avoided responding to, was the NY Times article I linked which was published a year earlier states he was born in Hawaii.

Put the two together (that it was previously reported that he was born in Hawaii and that the brochure was in error) and it makes sense to those who have sense to begin with.
So why did obozo tell his literary agency he was born in kenya?
First, you must prove that Obama told them that.

Before you even attempt such an unattainable feat, keep in mind, the very same organization which discovered the bio you rely on as evidence of Obama's Kenyan birth,, thinks it's a mistake.

Still, I await your evidence ... :smoke:
It's interesting that any employer can ask for and get grades from universities, proof of citizenship and thorough background checks as conditions of employment. When our president is asked for those same things, he and his minions in the press act insulted.

Obama works for us. I know that many democrats will go apoplectic at the notion, but it's true. It is not unreasonable to want to know the background of someone holding the highest office in the nation.

In the end, he is answerable to the people.

Why is he shirking his duty?
Of course it's not unreasonable to want to know every single detail of a president's private life. There is nothing wrong with asking and there is usually the appearance of deception if not revealed. Even more in your favor is that you are in 100% control of your vote and can choose not to give your vote to a candidate who doesn't reveal information you want to know.

In the end though, we all have that option and so it becomes a decision collectively as to how important it is that such private information be made public.
Whine and bitch about one brand of media, yet blindly accepts another brand of media. This really makes you better than those "Brainwashed Libtards".
They just didn't know how badly the election was being fixed..... :)

The sad thing is you really think that's true.

what do you call it when some precincts recorded more votes than they had registered voters? what do you call it when some precincts had zero romney votes recorded? what do you call it when military absentee ballots were "lost" ?

I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.
Obozo must have told them he was born in kenya. That's indisputable.

Not according to them, and they are in a position to know, where you're not. According to them, they rarely get their bios from the person they list.

You saying they had evidence that proved obozo was born in kenya.? Let's see it. Did they contact govt officials and were told he was born in kenya? cool
So why did obozo tell his literary agency he was born in kenya?
First, you must prove that Obama told them that.

Before you even attempt such an unattainable feat, keep in mind, the very same organization which discovered the bio you rely on as evidence of Obama's Kenyan birth,, thinks it's a mistake.

Of course he told them. Are you saying the company just assumed all american blacks are born in kenya?

Breitbart's theory is that obozo was born in america and invented the kenya story to get a college scholarship. That is the crime of fraud.
The sad thing is you really think that's true.

what do you call it when some precincts recorded more votes than they had registered voters? what do you call it when some precincts had zero romney votes recorded? what do you call it when military absentee ballots were "lost" ?

I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.

52/48 is hardly a mandate. yes, obozo won, yes, romney was weak in some areas. yes, the media helped obama. yes, there was voter fraud.
Obozo must have told them he was born in kenya. That's indisputable.

Not according to them, and they are in a position to know, where you're not. According to them, they rarely get their bios from the person they list.

You saying they had evidence that proved obozo was born in kenya.? Let's see it. Did they contact govt officials and were told he was born in kenya? cool

No, I'm saying they claim his bio came from somewhere other than Obama. Since Obama was born in Hawaii, where ever it came from, it does not prove he was born in Kenya.

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