Trump on Obama - “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”

what do you call it when some precincts recorded more votes than they had registered voters? what do you call it when some precincts had zero romney votes recorded? what do you call it when military absentee ballots were "lost" ?

I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.

52/48 is hardly a mandate. yes, obozo won, yes, romney was weak in some areas. yes, the media helped obama. yes, there was voter fraud.

Funny, but every case of voter fraud I've seen thus far came down on the Republican side of the aisle, and that's ignoring all the legislative shenanigans attempted to get an election taken by hook or by crook.

If this party is ever going to be a contender again, we're going to have to start being honest about what we're doing wrong, and that includes owning the ugliness that happened in 2012.
So why did obozo tell his literary agency he was born in kenya?
First, you must prove that Obama told them that.

Before you even attempt such an unattainable feat, keep in mind, the very same organization which discovered the bio you rely on as evidence of Obama's Kenyan birth,, thinks it's a mistake.

Of course he told them. Are you saying the company just assumed all american blacks are born in kenya?

Breitbart's theory is that obozo was born in america and invented the kenya story to get a college scholarship. That is the crime of fraud.
I asked you for evidence he told them. Instead, you offer that? What is obvious is that the only evidence you have is your fervent imagination.
He did nothing with his own money, which means he did nothing.

He did what presidents of the federal government do which is to help with federal aid. That's what they're in the positition to do and that's what he did. Americans clearly understand that even though you don't as we re-elected him. On the other hand, Trump clearly had $5 million he was prepared to offer to charity. How much did he give to Sandy victims? I'm not saying he didn't give, maybe he did. How much?

You seem to miss the fact that Trump gives his own money, not money coerced from citizens.

Apparently, democrats believe everyone else's money is theirs to give as they see fit.
It's not a difficult question so who knows why no one will answer it ... How much money did Trump donate to victims of Hurricane Sandy?
what do you call it when some precincts recorded more votes than they had registered voters? what do you call it when some precincts had zero romney votes recorded? what do you call it when military absentee ballots were "lost" ?

I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.

52/48 is hardly a mandate. yes, obozo won, yes, romney was weak in some areas. yes, the media helped obama. yes, there was voter fraud.
Again ... what voter fraud?

You claimed more votes than voters in St. lucie county, Florida, and I proved you were wrong about that. You pointed to precincts where Romney got no votes and I showed you precincts where Obama got no votes.

So what voter fraud occurred?
The sad thing is you really think that's true.

what do you call it when some precincts recorded more votes than they had registered voters? what do you call it when some precincts had zero romney votes recorded? what do you call it when military absentee ballots were "lost" ?

I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.

"You lost"....What did you "win"?
So explain the publisher brochure?
Easy to explain ... it was an error by the publishing agency which admits the error. And before you go off on some wild tangent, here's proof that it was an error ... an article in the New York Times, that was published before the pamphlet which has so easily fooled you, about Barack Obama becoming Harvard'd first black Law Review president...

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Do you actually mean to tell me that the author of a work has no say in the promotion of his work?


Obviously, Obama knew of the pamphlet and approved of it. Our president is perfectly happy to be a Kenyan when it suits him.
No, what I mean to tell you is that publisher is thr suthor of the bio's they print in that pamphlet and that they rarely get the details from the subject of the bio's. That's what they claim and I have seen nothing which refutes that.

As far as Obama "being happy to be a Kenyan when it suits him," I'd like to see where Obama ever promoted himself as being a native born Kenyan.
What do you want, Trump is an idiot.
Yeah, that's how he got to be a billionaire. How much are you worth?

Sour grapes. Most of these whiny libs not only will never amount to a hill of beans, they expect to be rewarded for making it into the phone book.
The negative comments directed toward people such as DOnald Trump are the result of liberalism's mindset towards achievement which results in wealth.
I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.

52/48 is hardly a mandate. yes, obozo won, yes, romney was weak in some areas. yes, the media helped obama. yes, there was voter fraud.

Funny, but every case of voter fraud I've seen thus far came down on the Republican side of the aisle, and that's ignoring all the legislative shenanigans attempted to get an election taken by hook or by crook.

If this party is ever going to be a contender again, we're going to have to start being honest about what we're doing wrong, and that includes owning the ugliness that happened in 2012.

"but every case of voter fraud I've seen"...
Ok, go ahead and produce some examples.
what do you call it when some precincts recorded more votes than they had registered voters? what do you call it when some precincts had zero romney votes recorded? what do you call it when military absentee ballots were "lost" ?

I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.

"You lost"....What did you "win"?
The presidency.
He did what presidents of the federal government do which is to help with federal aid. That's what they're in the positition to do and that's what he did. Americans clearly understand that even though you don't as we re-elected him. On the other hand, Trump clearly had $5 million he was prepared to offer to charity. How much did he give to Sandy victims? I'm not saying he didn't give, maybe he did. How much?

You seem to miss the fact that Trump gives his own money, not money coerced from citizens.

Apparently, democrats believe everyone else's money is theirs to give as they see fit.
It's not a difficult question so who knows why no one will answer it ... How much money did Trump donate to victims of Hurricane Sandy?

What makes you believe he didn't?
Truth is many wealthy people give in secret. And that donation is made under the condition of the giver remaining anonymous.
How much money did George Soros , Teresa Heinz, Bill Gates or the Kennedy family give to victims of Hurricane Sandy?
We can play this stupid game all day long.
Next time, think before you type your way into a trap from which you cannot escape.
I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.

52/48 is hardly a mandate. yes, obozo won, yes, romney was weak in some areas. yes, the media helped obama. yes, there was voter fraud.
Again ... what voter fraud?

You claimed more votes than voters in St. lucie county, Florida, and I proved you were wrong about that. You pointed to precincts where Romney got no votes and I showed you precincts where Obama got no votes.

So what voter fraud occurred?
Proved WHAT? Where is your evidence?
I think Trump needs a psych eval.

Please explain.

[ame=]Bill Maher Blasts Donald Trump for Suit Over Orangutan Joke: Suck It Up - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Seth Meyers Destroys Donald Trump @ White House Correspondents Dinner 5/1/2011 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Top 10 Crazy Donald Trump Moments - YouTube[/ame]​

I asked the OP to explain. BTW Trump is suing Mahre for Slander.
Mahre also reneged on a promise to Trump.
Who gives a fuck what a TV show host has to say.
I call it a bunch of whack job conspiracy theories because you can't accept that you've been rejected by the voters.

Here's the real problem. You had a shitty candidate. I had a lot of people tell me they weren't thrilled with Obama, but they REALLY hated Romney.

That's why you lost. A dozen other reasons, too, but fraud wasn't one of them.

"You lost"....What did you "win"?
The presidency.
Expand on that. Be specific.
You seem to miss the fact that Trump gives his own money, not money coerced from citizens.

Apparently, democrats believe everyone else's money is theirs to give as they see fit.
It's not a difficult question so who knows why no one will answer it ... How much money did Trump donate to victims of Hurricane Sandy?

What makes you believe he didn't?
Truth is many wealthy people give in secret. And that donation is made under the condition of the giver remaining anonymous.
How much money did George Soros , Teresa Heinz, Bill Gates or the Kennedy family give to victims of Hurricane Sandy?
We can play this stupid game all day long.
Next time, think before you type your way into a trap from which you cannot escape.
None of the people you mentioned are a topic of this thread, Trump is. Furthermore, none of those people waved around $5 million like a carrot for Hurricane Sandy victims for political purposes. Trump did. And why don't I think he did in private? Because he maintains a very public lifestyle where it appears most of his actions are self-serving. Just like this stunt, it appears he was only willing to give Hurricane Sandy victims $5 million if it would serve him politically.

And don't delude yourself ... I'm neither trapped nor need to escape your delusions.
Why would Donald "ransom" needy children. Oh, that's right. They are only children BEFORE they are born.

Or isn't he the genius the media played him up to be? Could it be he was a foreign student?

You'd think if someone offers the president 5 million to save the children and all he has to do is show is school records, he'd do it.

That is what is bizarre about the story.

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