Trump on Obama - “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”

Why would Donald "ransom" needy children. Oh, that's right. They are only children BEFORE they are born.

Or isn't he the genius the media played him up to be? Could it be he was a foreign student?

You'd think if someone offers the president 5 million to save the children and all he has to do is show is school records, he'd do it.

That is what is bizarre about the story.

anyone with nothing to hide would release his school records for 5 mill. I would do it for much less than that :eusa_angel:

clearly there is something in those records that obama does not want the public to see.

but don't expect anyone in the MSM to dig it out.
It's not a difficult question so who knows why no one will answer it ... How much money did Trump donate to victims of Hurricane Sandy?

What makes you believe he didn't?
Truth is many wealthy people give in secret. And that donation is made under the condition of the giver remaining anonymous.
How much money did George Soros , Teresa Heinz, Bill Gates or the Kennedy family give to victims of Hurricane Sandy?
We can play this stupid game all day long.
Next time, think before you type your way into a trap from which you cannot escape.
None of the people you mentioned are a topic of this thread, Trump is. Furthermore, none of those people waved around $5 million like a carrot for Hurricane Sandy victims for political purposes. Trump did. And why don't I think he did in private? Because he maintains a very public lifestyle where it appears most of his actions are self-serving. Just like this stunt, it appears he was only willing to give Hurricane Sandy victims $5 million if it would serve him politically.

And don't delude yourself ... I'm neither trapped nor need to escape your delusions.

Oh but you are trapped.
You despise Trump, but adore the others. Why. Because Trump is a conservative and the others are liberals.
What you believe is what prevents you from acknowledging your personal bias.
To date ,you've made lots of accusations. Yet, you've linked nothing.
Until you decide to get with the program and provide evidence which corroborate your statements, you'll see others calling bullshit on your posts.
On the first matter, you are a liberal partisan that prefers to shoot from the hip without considering the consequences of your posts.
I am here to ensure you don't get too cozy.
I will harass and harangue every post I deem incomplete.
So have at it. I am not letting you slide. Welcome to the big dance.
What do you want, Trump is an idiot.
Yeah, that's how he got to be a billionaire. How much are you worth?

Sour grapes. Most of these whiny libs not only will never amount to a hill of beans, they expect to be rewarded for making it into the phone book.
The negative comments directed toward people such as DOnald Trump are the result of liberalism's mindset towards achievement which results in wealth.

We'll remember that next time you make a negative comment towards George Soros or Warren Buffett.
Please explain.

[ame=]Bill Maher Blasts Donald Trump for Suit Over Orangutan Joke: Suck It Up - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Seth Meyers Destroys Donald Trump @ White House Correspondents Dinner 5/1/2011 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Top 10 Crazy Donald Trump Moments - YouTube[/ame]​

I asked the OP to explain. BTW Trump is suing Mahre for Slander.
Mahre also reneged on a promise to Trump.
Who gives a fuck what a TV show host has to say.
Wait ... what??? Slander?? You have no idea what you're talking about.
Anybody else would have released the records, if for no other reason than to make him look foolish, but Obama hasn't figured out how to fake those records yet. He tried it twice with his b.c. but the experts easily determined they were fakes. Our president is a fraud.
52/48 is hardly a mandate. yes, obozo won, yes, romney was weak in some areas. yes, the media helped obama. yes, there was voter fraud.
Again ... what voter fraud?

You claimed more votes than voters in St. lucie county, Florida, and I proved you were wrong about that. You pointed to precincts where Romney got no votes and I showed you precincts where Obama got no votes.

So what voter fraud occurred?
Proved WHAT? Where is your evidence?

I proved that there were not more votes cast than registered voters in St. Lucie county, Florida, as someone falsely claimed. See post #83 for the evidence.
Yeah, that's how he got to be a billionaire. How much are you worth?

Sour grapes. Most of these whiny libs not only will never amount to a hill of beans, they expect to be rewarded for making it into the phone book.
The negative comments directed toward people such as DOnald Trump are the result of liberalism's mindset towards achievement which results in wealth.

We'll remember that next time you make a negative comment towards George Soros or Warren Buffett.

Who is "we"?..Speak for ones self. To speak for others shows poor form.
Since you opened the door..
Warren Buffet is a speculator. He is an older guy now that has had his run. He figures he owes something back. Fine. He should take care of that and do it quietly.
George Soros makes a living off liberal political causes. He is a very smart individual.
I oppose him because he sits back throws Shillings to the knaves and watches them fight with each other.
Sour grapes. Most of these whiny libs not only will never amount to a hill of beans, they expect to be rewarded for making it into the phone book.
The negative comments directed toward people such as DOnald Trump are the result of liberalism's mindset towards achievement which results in wealth.

We'll remember that next time you make a negative comment towards George Soros or Warren Buffett.

Who is "we"?..Speak for ones self. To speak for others shows poor form.
Since you opened the door..
Warren Buffet is a speculator. He is an older guy now that has had his run. He figures he owes something back. Fine. He should take care of that and do it quietly.
George Soros makes a living off liberal political causes. He is a very smart individual.
I oppose him because he sits back throws Shillings to the knaves and watches them fight with each other.

What the hell are you prattling on about?
Again ... what voter fraud?

You claimed more votes than voters in St. lucie county, Florida, and I proved you were wrong about that. You pointed to precincts where Romney got no votes and I showed you precincts where Obama got no votes.

So what voter fraud occurred?
Proved WHAT? Where is your evidence?

I proved that there were not more votes cast than registered voters in St. Lucie county, Florida, as someone falsely claimed. See post #83 for the evidence.

Proved what?
Florida voting -- what's the hang-up?
USA Today..Not known for conservative reporting.
And here is an example of voter fraud...
That woman who?s challenging Indiana?s voter ID law? Registered to vote in two states. « Hot Air
Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.
- John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill Quotes - BrainyQuote

Name - Description - IQ
John Stuart Mill Universal Genius England 200

Sir Isaac Newton Scientist England 190
Voltaire Writer France 190
Galileo Galilei Physicist & astronomer & philosopher Italy 185
Buonarroti Michelangelo Artist, poet & architect Italy 180
Dr David Livingstone Explorer & doctor Scotland 170
Martin Luther Theorist Germany 170
Johann Strauss Composer Germany 170
Charles Darwin Naturalist England 165
John Locke Philosopher England 165
Johann Sebastian Bach Composer Germany 165
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Austria 165
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomer Poland 160
Albert Einstein Physicist USA 160
Stephen W. Hawking Physicist England 160
Benjamin Franklin Writer, scientist & politician USA 160
Bill Gates CEO, Microsoft USA 160
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor France 145
Barrack Obama President USA 145 (estimated) (
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton US Politician USA 140
Madonna Singer USA 140
Bill (William) Jefferson Clinton President USA 137
Al Gore Politician USA 134
George Walker Bush President USA 125
John F. Kennedy Ex-President USA 117
Ulysses S. Grant President USA 110

Donald Trump - George Will: Donald Trump is a “low IQ… bloviating ignoramus… What [benefit] is Romney seeking?”
Last edited:
Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.
- John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill Quotes - BrainyQuote

Name - Description - IQ
John Stuart Mill Universal Genius England 200

Sir Isaac Newton Scientist England 190
Voltaire Writer France 190
Galileo Galilei Physicist & astronomer & philosopher Italy 185
Buonarroti Michelangelo Artist, poet & architect Italy 180
Dr David Livingstone Explorer & doctor Scotland 170
Martin Luther Theorist Germany 170
Johann Strauss Composer Germany 170
Charles Darwin Naturalist England 165
John Locke Philosopher England 165
Johann Sebastian Bach Composer Germany 165
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Austria 165
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomer Poland 160
Albert Einstein Physicist USA 160
Stephen W. Hawking Physicist England 160
Benjamin Franklin Writer, scientist & politician USA 160
Bill Gates CEO, Microsoft USA 160
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor France 145
Barrack Obama President USA 145 (estimated) (Obama IQ Quiz - Barack Obama's IQ is 145...Can You Beat That?)
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton US Politician USA 140
Madonna Singer USA 140
Bill (William) Jefferson Clinton President USA 137
Al Gore Politician USA 134
George Walker Bush President USA 125
John F. Kennedy Ex-President USA 117
Ulysses S. Grant President USA 110

Donald Trump - George Will: Donald Trump is a “low IQ… bloviating ignoramus… What [benefit] is Romney seeking?”

Famous People IQ

And this is supposed to mean WHAT?..
Just because one is book smart does not indicate intelligence.
How much of an Education do you think it takes to screw in a new light bulb?
BTW, Will may be good at name calling on people with whom he does not get along, but I can tell you this. Donald Trump can buy Will's entire neighborhood and after signing the papers, go make a deal to build another skyscraper.
Takes a real ignoramus to be able to do that...
You people are just foaming at the mouth with utter disdain for anyone who dares not to bow to "The Chosen One".

Here is the deal.
You libs don ot give shit about the country. Obama is not serving as president. He is building a dynasty. Both you libs and Dear Leader are leading the nation. You are solidifying a base to ensure political power in perpetuity.
DO you know how I know this?
After nearly 80 years of liberal welfare state policies and trillions of dollars, there are still people living in poverty. After 50 years of Great Society, the number of people as a percentage of the population that are collecting public assistance has GROWN.
These are just two examples of liberal progressive socialist policy that has given so few a hand UP, while most have benefitted by the hand OUTS.
The hand outs are the key. The more people dependent on government for their every need, the more democrat voters are created and locked in. Quite a plan.
You people are full of shit.
Examples....One of your champions of the environment Al Gore. Lives in a home that consumes the same energy as 20 regular homes. He then sells his unwatched TV channel for half a billion to whom? A rich OIL Emirate.
JUst yesterday I saw a Cadillac Escalade with an Obama bumper sticker. I thought you people were all down with the environmental cause. You should all be driving Nissan Leafs Chevy Volts and Toyota Priuses. You people are supposed to give up your homes for smart growth new urbanist sardine can housing....
LIke I said, you people sure can talk the talk...
Last edited:
Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.
- John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill Quotes - BrainyQuote

Name - Description - IQ
John Stuart Mill Universal Genius England 200

Sir Isaac Newton Scientist England 190
Voltaire Writer France 190
Galileo Galilei Physicist & astronomer & philosopher Italy 185
Buonarroti Michelangelo Artist, poet & architect Italy 180
Dr David Livingstone Explorer & doctor Scotland 170
Martin Luther Theorist Germany 170
Johann Strauss Composer Germany 170
Charles Darwin Naturalist England 165
John Locke Philosopher England 165
Johann Sebastian Bach Composer Germany 165
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Austria 165
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomer Poland 160
Albert Einstein Physicist USA 160
Stephen W. Hawking Physicist England 160
Benjamin Franklin Writer, scientist & politician USA 160
Bill Gates CEO, Microsoft USA 160
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor France 145
Barrack Obama President USA 145 (estimated) (Obama IQ Quiz - Barack Obama's IQ is 145...Can You Beat That?)
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton US Politician USA 140
Madonna Singer USA 140
Bill (William) Jefferson Clinton President USA 137
Al Gore Politician USA 134
George Walker Bush President USA 125
John F. Kennedy Ex-President USA 117
Ulysses S. Grant President USA 110

Donald Trump - George Will: Donald Trump is a “low IQ… bloviating ignoramus… What [benefit] is Romney seeking?”

Famous People IQ

And this is supposed to mean WHAT?..
Just because one is book smart does not indicate intelligence.
How much of an Education do you think it takes to screw in a new light bulb?

Since IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, it actually does mean they're intelligent.

Name - Description - IQ
John Stuart Mill Universal Genius England 200 [/b]
Sir Isaac Newton Scientist England 190
Voltaire Writer France 190
Galileo Galilei Physicist & astronomer & philosopher Italy 185
Buonarroti Michelangelo Artist, poet & architect Italy 180
Dr David Livingstone Explorer & doctor Scotland 170
Martin Luther Theorist Germany 170
Johann Strauss Composer Germany 170
Charles Darwin Naturalist England 165
John Locke Philosopher England 165
Johann Sebastian Bach Composer Germany 165
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Austria 165
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomer Poland 160
Albert Einstein Physicist USA 160
Stephen W. Hawking Physicist England 160
Benjamin Franklin Writer, scientist & politician USA 160
Bill Gates CEO, Microsoft USA 160
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor France 145
Barrack Obama President USA 145 (estimated) (Obama IQ Quiz - Barack Obama's IQ is 145...Can You Beat That?)
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton US Politician USA 140
Madonna Singer USA 140
Bill (William) Jefferson Clinton President USA 137
Al Gore Politician USA 134
George Walker Bush President USA 125
John F. Kennedy Ex-President USA 117
Ulysses S. Grant President USA 110

Donald Trump - George Will: Donald Trump is a “low IQ… bloviating ignoramus… What [benefit] is Romney seeking?”

Famous People IQ

And this is supposed to mean WHAT?..
Just because one is book smart does not indicate intelligence.
How much of an Education do you think it takes to screw in a new light bulb?

Since IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, it actually does mean they're intelligent.


many high IQ people have no common sense. many high IQ college profs cannot tie their own shoes or toast a piece of bread.

High IQ is not an indicator of success, Bill Maher, Rosie O'Donnell, and David Letterman prove that. lots of financial success with zero brains.
And this is supposed to mean WHAT?..
Just because one is book smart does not indicate intelligence.
How much of an Education do you think it takes to screw in a new light bulb?

Since IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, it actually does mean they're intelligent.


many high IQ people have no common sense. many high IQ college profs cannot tie their own shoes or toast a piece of bread.

High IQ is not an indicator of success, Bill Maher, Rosie O'Donnell, and David Letterman prove that. lots of financial success with zero brains.

"Many" high IQ professors can't tie their shoes or toast bread?

Love to see you back that up with some facts.
Name - Description - IQ
John Stuart Mill Universal Genius England 200 [/b]
Sir Isaac Newton Scientist England 190
Voltaire Writer France 190
Galileo Galilei Physicist & astronomer & philosopher Italy 185
Buonarroti Michelangelo Artist, poet & architect Italy 180
Dr David Livingstone Explorer & doctor Scotland 170
Martin Luther Theorist Germany 170
Johann Strauss Composer Germany 170
Charles Darwin Naturalist England 165
John Locke Philosopher England 165
Johann Sebastian Bach Composer Germany 165
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Austria 165
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomer Poland 160
Albert Einstein Physicist USA 160
Stephen W. Hawking Physicist England 160
Benjamin Franklin Writer, scientist & politician USA 160
Bill Gates CEO, Microsoft USA 160
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor France 145
Barrack Obama President USA 145 (estimated) (Obama IQ Quiz - Barack Obama's IQ is 145...Can You Beat That?)
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton US Politician USA 140
Madonna Singer USA 140
Bill (William) Jefferson Clinton President USA 137
Al Gore Politician USA 134
George Walker Bush President USA 125
John F. Kennedy Ex-President USA 117
Ulysses S. Grant President USA 110

Donald Trump - George Will: Donald Trump is a “low IQ… bloviating ignoramus… What [benefit] is Romney seeking?”

Famous People IQ

And this is supposed to mean WHAT?..
Just because one is book smart does not indicate intelligence.
How much of an Education do you think it takes to screw in a new light bulb?

Since IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, it actually does mean they're intelligent.

IQ ratings are subjective scores based on a variety of different tests. One could take a test one day with one results then take a different test another day and the result would be different.
The bottom line is this: What matters is what one has accomplished and what one can do.
My niece was a member of the "1600 club". Straight A's ....She cannot think her way out of a wet paper bag if you spotted her the open end.
So we are back to my point. What one can DO.
Just because someone can ruin into a crowd waving a piece of paper that says they are intelligent means little.
Sort of comparing a scholar who is groveling for government grants for his research on the sexual habits of little brown bats or a guy who built a mega company using his street smarts and ability to negotiate.
Now, who is more accomplished? The guy who has been in politics all his life and has not created a single job, made others around him wealthy or the guy that has built an empire of real estate holdings, created tens of thousands of jobs and for example in the face of idiotic government bureaucracy took millions dollars of HIS OWN money, pushed a city government out of the way and built a 2 acre PUBLIC skating rink in Central Park....My money is on Donald Trump.....You will seethe with anger over those facts. Seethe away.
I don't care. The facts are in the results.
Oh...That skating rink? Wollman Rink in Manhattan's Central Park..
New York Magazine - Google Books
Since IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, it actually does mean they're intelligent.


many high IQ people have no common sense. many high IQ college profs cannot tie their own shoes or toast a piece of bread.

High IQ is not an indicator of success, Bill Maher, Rosie O'Donnell, and David Letterman prove that. lots of financial success with zero brains.

"Many" high IQ professors can't tie their shoes or toast bread?

Love to see you back that up with some facts.
If these people are so intelligent, whjy can't many of them figure out a way to make a living without hiding behind the walls of some University allegedly publishing research with which the general population has no use yet has to pay for in the form of taxpayer subsidies and government grants.
Not too smart....
What makes you believe he didn't?
Truth is many wealthy people give in secret. And that donation is made under the condition of the giver remaining anonymous.
How much money did George Soros , Teresa Heinz, Bill Gates or the Kennedy family give to victims of Hurricane Sandy?
We can play this stupid game all day long.
Next time, think before you type your way into a trap from which you cannot escape.
None of the people you mentioned are a topic of this thread, Trump is. Furthermore, none of those people waved around $5 million like a carrot for Hurricane Sandy victims for political purposes. Trump did. And why don't I think he did in private? Because he maintains a very public lifestyle where it appears most of his actions are self-serving. Just like this stunt, it appears he was only willing to give Hurricane Sandy victims $5 million if it would serve him politically.

And don't delude yourself ... I'm neither trapped nor need to escape your delusions.

Oh but you are trapped.
You despise Trump, but adore the others. Why. Because Trump is a conservative and the others are liberals.
What you believe is what prevents you from acknowledging your personal bias.
To date ,you've made lots of accusations. Yet, you've linked nothing.
Until you decide to get with the program and provide evidence which corroborate your statements, you'll see others calling bullshit on your posts.
On the first matter, you are a liberal partisan that prefers to shoot from the hip without considering the consequences of your posts.
I am here to ensure you don't get too cozy.
I will harass and harangue every post I deem incomplete.
So have at it. I am not letting you slide. Welcome to the big dance.
You are quite delusional and this rant of your proves it. Case in point .... I do not hate Donald Trump. In fact, I enjoy watching his TV show, which I find quite entertaining; and I respect his business acumen. As far as the others you hallucinate I love, in reality, I don't love any of them, though I do respect Bill Gates in the same regard I respect Trump. You further delude yourself into believing that you're even in a position to threaten my "coziness." You haven't even come close.

And what accusations have I made without providing links?
Why would Donald "ransom" needy children. Oh, that's right. They are only children BEFORE they are born.

Or isn't he the genius the media played him up to be? Could it be he was a foreign student?

You'd think if someone offers the president 5 million to save the children and all he has to do is show is school records, he'd do it.

That is what is bizarre about the story.

anyone with nothing to hide would release his school records for 5 mill. I would do it for much less than that :eusa_angel:

clearly there is something in those records that obama does not want the public to see.

but don't expect anyone in the MSM to dig it out.

Trump looked like an absolute ass in that. "Oh!!! I'm breaking a big story! Huge! Gonna make all the news cycles!!"

News? What news. "I'm bribing you" is not news.
many high IQ people have no common sense. many high IQ college profs cannot tie their own shoes or toast a piece of bread.

High IQ is not an indicator of success, Bill Maher, Rosie O'Donnell, and David Letterman prove that. lots of financial success with zero brains.

"Many" high IQ professors can't tie their shoes or toast bread?

Love to see you back that up with some facts.
If these people are so intelligent, whjy can't many of them figure out a way to make a living without hiding behind the walls of some University allegedly publishing research with which the general population has no use yet has to pay for in the form of taxpayer subsidies and government grants.
Not too smart....

What isn't smart is trivializing this research that they do.

They're also making a living doing what they enjoy doing. Something that most people would love to be able to do.

I guess folks who aren't very smart don't understand that.
None of the people you mentioned are a topic of this thread, Trump is. Furthermore, none of those people waved around $5 million like a carrot for Hurricane Sandy victims for political purposes. Trump did. And why don't I think he did in private? Because he maintains a very public lifestyle where it appears most of his actions are self-serving. Just like this stunt, it appears he was only willing to give Hurricane Sandy victims $5 million if it would serve him politically.

And don't delude yourself ... I'm neither trapped nor need to escape your delusions.

Oh but you are trapped.
You despise Trump, but adore the others. Why. Because Trump is a conservative and the others are liberals.
What you believe is what prevents you from acknowledging your personal bias.
To date ,you've made lots of accusations. Yet, you've linked nothing.
Until you decide to get with the program and provide evidence which corroborate your statements, you'll see others calling bullshit on your posts.
On the first matter, you are a liberal partisan that prefers to shoot from the hip without considering the consequences of your posts.
I am here to ensure you don't get too cozy.
I will harass and harangue every post I deem incomplete.
So have at it. I am not letting you slide. Welcome to the big dance.
You are quite delusional and this rant of your proves it. Case in point .... I do not hate Donald Trump. In fact, I enjoy watching his TV show, which I find quite entertaining; and I respect his business acumen. As far as the others you hallucinate I love, in reality, I don't love any of them, though I do respect Bill Gates in the same regard I respect Trump. You further delude yourself into believing that you're even in a position to threaten my "coziness." You haven't even come close.

And what accusations have I made without providing links?

Keep it up..

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