Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

On the 31st, Trump put in the China travel ban and Biden said it was xenophobic and racist. Immediately before, Biden’s advisers said a travel ban is premature and the President should “stop panicking.”

Up until then and beyond Trump was saying the coronavirus wasn't a problem. Cases soon going down to zero.

But on the 28th, Trump was told that the coronavirus was some serious shit. And he closed down flights from china.

Nobody else knew what Trump knew. Which is why they thought Trump overreacted.
It’s a shame TrumpHoles cant recognize another failed republican govt. Another recession, the biggest trade deficit with China ever and closing on 200k dead. MAGA is really MRGA, make Russia great again.
$1.5 billion to be given to Joe Biden's kid by China.
A billion dollar contract to build houses given to Biden's brother, even though his brother don't build homes.

A trade deficit with China? Is that because the Democrats dismantled our factories and rebuilt them in China. Yes, the Democrats created the trade deficit now you cry like you care?
I wish I could say it slower so you can understand. I stated that the Democrats have built this country for years, decades. They control the government, the bureaucracy.

Maybe you forgot your previous talking points.

The red represents places the republicans are in charge of, the blue the places democrats are in charge of.

This is what Biden said:

Biden is and has always been, a moron. Just as the quotes in the article I posted show, as are those in his campaign are morons. And Biden bungled the H1N1 situation, as one insider has admitted.

On the 31st, Trump put in the China travel ban and Biden said it was xenophobic and racist. Immediately before, Biden’s advisers said a travel ban is premature and the President should “stop panicking.” On February 6th, Biden’s advisers said it’s not very likely it will be a serious pandemic and in a lethal form, it will be negligible.
On February 11 and 13, Ron Klain, Biden’s adviser said it’s not serious. We aren’t facing a health epidemic, we’re facing a fear epidemic. It was an attack on the President for raising concerns.
On the 20th, Biden adviser Zeke Emanuel said this is all an overreaction.
On the 23rd, Pelosi told everyone to gather in Chinatown.
On the 29th, Zeke said the masks do not work (that is the day the first American dies from COV).
On March 12th, the day the President is putting in a ban on Europe, Lisa Monaco, a top adviser to Biden and Biden himself, go out and team up to say the European travel ban is unnecessary. It’s premature.
Biden said nothing about a lockdown, masks, social distancing, the National Defense Production Act until after the President raised these issues.
Get real. Biden is a genius next to Trump. Seriously, everything Trump doesn’t get he calls a hoax. That’s why he calls everything a hoax. He’s clueless.
I wish I could say it slower so you can understand. I stated that the Democrats have built this country for years, decades. They control the government, the bureaucracy.

Maybe you forgot your previous talking points.

The red represents places the republicans are in charge of, the blue the places democrats are in charge of.

View attachment 387464
that is pretty colored drawing, does little baby like the pretty colors?
A trade deficit with China? Is that because the Democrats dismantled our factories and rebuilt them in China. Yes, the Democrats created the trade deficit now you cry like you care?

The trade deficit with China went UP, in "TRUMPS AMERICA"
Get real. Biden is a genius next to Trump. Seriously, everything Trump doesn’t get he calls a hoax. That’s why he calls everything a hoax. He’s clueless.
That is why Trump is worth Billions and all Biden is worth he stole as a politician?

There is nothing left to be said.
This isn't a pandemic. Trump was right not to play this up, and the lockdown needs to end for everyone's sake.
I wish I could say it slower so you can understand. I stated that the Democrats have built this country for years, decades. They control the government, the bureaucracy.
that is pretty colored drawing, does little baby like the pretty colors?

The colors show who is in charge of what.

Republican - Red Democrat - Blue

Who is running America?

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Do you mean like the decades of peace after WWI

Came crashing down so easily 1939 and 1941
I wish I could say it slower so you can understand. I stated that the Democrats have built this country for years, decades. They control the government, the bureaucracy. The Democrats have written the rules and regulations forever. I can go on and on. But even you, should get the point.

And all that the demoRats have built, was so weak, so fake, all garbage, that it comes crashing to an end in simple times of crisis?

From Flint, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and the list goes on. Cities that are destroyed or completely unsafe.

Rioting, human feces piled in the streets, homeless camps, whole neighborhoods destroyed.

Everything the demoRats take over and control, demoRats destroy.

Thank you for allowing me to respond to your stupid comment and reiterate how demoRats have destroyed everything.
Bullshit. I live in Kansas. A state destroyed by republicans. The poorest states in the country are run by republicans. The first great depression was caused by republicans. We nearly had a second one due to republicans. Now we face a third one due to republicans. You talk about a few select right wing propaganda point cities. Flint Michigan was fucked up due to a decision by a republican governor. Republicans fuck up entire states and give them the control of the federal government they fuck up the entire country.

There is nothing left to be said.
This isn't a pandemic. Trump was right not to play this up, and the lockdown needs to end for everyone's sake.
Herman Caine felt the same why. R.I.P.

There is nothing left to be said.
This isn't a pandemic. Trump was right not to play this up, and the lockdown needs to end for everyone's sake.
Herman Caine felt the same why. R.I.P.
I don't know anyone personally that died from COVID 19. No one. Anyone else? In a REAL "PANDEMIC" we wouldn't need to be reminded , we would KNOW it.
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Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.
Nancy got the same briefing since she's speaker of the house come to Chinatown was her call for action
Yes and? That has what to do with Trump’s failed leadership?
Trump hasn't failed in his leadership so nothing.
Trump has not failed in his leadership because he hasn't offered any leadership in the fight against the cornavirus. He has refused to take any responsibility for the failure of his administration to have working test kits in March. He has blamed China, the WHO, the democrats, Obama, and probably others for the epidemic in the US. He leaves the public confused when he praises unorthodox cures while his own people are warning the public about using them. His healthcare advisors and the CDC was telling the public to wear masks and Trump was questions the effectiveness, often refusing to set an example by wearing a mask, and worst of all encouraging open rebellion in states where governors tried to make masks mandatory. Anyone questioning why the high infection rate and death toll in the US, need only look to our non-leader in the White House.
And what does Biden offer in leadership? Lies and double lies
First he opposed the travel ban then he said he totally supported it and denied he ever opposed it.
Yes it's from Fox because the interview was conducted on Fox
Biden is a good man with a good heart Trump is heartless and an asshole
What makes him a good man? Citations is required
Could be using his position to get his son millions of dollars in jobs that his son had no qualification doing
I wish I could say it slower so you can understand. I stated that the Democrats have built this country for years, decades. They control the government, the bureaucracy. The Democrats have written the rules and regulations forever. I can go on and on. But even you, should get the point.
In the last 40 years, republicans have run the country for 24 years of them. Democrats ran it for 16 years.

If you go back 50 years, it's republicans in control for 30 years, to the democrats 20.
Do you mean like the decades of peace after WWI

Came crashing down so easily 1939 and 1941
I wish I could say it slower so you can understand. I stated that the Democrats have built this country for years, decades. They control the government, the bureaucracy. The Democrats have written the rules and regulations forever. I can go on and on. But even you, should get the point.

And all that the demoRats have built, was so weak, so fake, all garbage, that it comes crashing to an end in simple times of crisis?

From Flint, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and the list goes on. Cities that are destroyed or completely unsafe.

Rioting, human feces piled in the streets, homeless camps, whole neighborhoods destroyed.

Everything the demoRats take over and control, demoRats destroy.

Thank you for allowing me to respond to your stupid comment and reiterate how demoRats have destroyed everything.
Not for dems you'd be living in a rathole speaking a foreign language Dems have made America great not you cowardly traitors ,you racists
Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.
Nancy got the same briefing since she's speaker of the house come to Chinatown was her call for action
Yes and? That has what to do with Trump’s failed leadership?
Trump hasn't failed in his leadership so nothing.
Trump has not failed in his leadership because he hasn't offered any leadership in the fight against the cornavirus. He has refused to take any responsibility for the failure of his administration to have working test kits in March. He has blamed China, the WHO, the democrats, Obama, and probably others for the epidemic in the US. He leaves the public confused when he praises unorthodox cures while his own people are warning the public about using them. His healthcare advisors and the CDC was telling the public to wear masks and Trump was questions the effectiveness, often refusing to set an example by wearing a mask, and worst of all encouraging open rebellion in states where governors tried to make masks mandatory. Anyone questioning why the high infection rate and death toll in the US, need only look to our non-leader in the White House.
And what does Biden offer in leadership? Lies and double lies
First he opposed the travel ban then he said he totally supported it and denied he ever opposed it.
Yes it's from Fox because the interview was conducted on Fox
Biden is a good man with a good heart Trump is heartless and an asshole
What makes him a good man? Citations is required
Could be using his position to get his son millions of dollars in jobs that his son had no qualification doing
Like Kushner and Ivanka? and the SB ,Jr?
Not for dems you'd be living in a rathole speaking a foreign language Dems have made America great not you cowardly traitors ,you racists

Those blue spots, are what the democrats control, and they produce the bulk of the nations GDP. The red controls most of the country, and feeds off the work of others.

Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.
Nancy got the same briefing since she's speaker of the house come to Chinatown was her call for action
Yes and? That has what to do with Trump’s failed leadership?
Trump hasn't failed in his leadership so nothing.
Trump has not failed in his leadership because he hasn't offered any leadership in the fight against the cornavirus. He has refused to take any responsibility for the failure of his administration to have working test kits in March. He has blamed China, the WHO, the democrats, Obama, and probably others for the epidemic in the US. He leaves the public confused when he praises unorthodox cures while his own people are warning the public about using them. His healthcare advisors and the CDC was telling the public to wear masks and Trump was questions the effectiveness, often refusing to set an example by wearing a mask, and worst of all encouraging open rebellion in states where governors tried to make masks mandatory. Anyone questioning why the high infection rate and death toll in the US, need only look to our non-leader in the White House.
And what does Biden offer in leadership? Lies and double lies
First he opposed the travel ban then he said he totally supported it and denied he ever opposed it.
Yes it's from Fox because the interview was conducted on Fox
Biden is a good man with a good heart Trump is heartless and an asshole
What makes him a good man? Citations is required
Could be using his position to get his son millions of dollars in jobs that his son had no qualification doing
Like Kushner and Ivanka? and the SB ,Jr?
they already had jobs hunter got a millions of dollars from China Ukraine all because VP Biden
Was trump president when he got his kids jobs?

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